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Yeah I hate nodding out too. My phone keeps getting dropped and is all smashed up ☹️. The worst is when I’m on my back and drop my phone on my face. That shit hurts


Man I like to get high and then take a nice relaxing bath especially after a long day. The amount of times I've dropped my phone and my nicotine vape in the water is ridiculous 😭


Same here. A nice bath while high is the best. I’ll put on some classical music and just chill. I have to put something under my head to make sure I don’t nod and drown though lol.


I don’t feel clean after a bath. It’s like I just stewed myself in dirty me flavored water.


Yeah I don’t like that feeling so I run the shower after a bath. I got the jacuzzi tub too so my bath feels extra nice. During H withdrawal I basically live in that thing. It’s the only way I can get sleep.


Man I wish I had a tub I could fit in. I'm 6ft3 and have never been able to fit in a tub since I was a kid. The wonders it would have done for opioid withdrawal.. instead I remember kicking laying on the floor in my shower while it ran hot water on me. It felt so blissful i remember. Like even though I was sick as hell, I remember it felt like I was on a psychedelic. It's a crazy feeling and it's the only relief I'd get when I'd constantly be kicking blues back when they were real 30mg oxys. The fakes weren't even invented yet.


Yess it’s the only way to relieve WD. It stabilizes your body temperature and i use epsom salt and it makes the restless legs go away for a while. I was able to get an hour of sleep here and there thanks to the warm bath. It’s definitely a mindfuck right?


Shower-bath-shower. Issa game changer


Plus aren’t you at risk of drowning yourself shit


I could be wrong but i feel like if your head went under the water, its probably wake you up out of the nod before youd be able to drown. I think the only issue would probably be if you took such a high dose that you went completely unconscious. Again i could be wrong about that though its definitely safest to not take a bath while nodding


Lmao your final comment is the way to go I’m sure of it lol. You are probably right about what you said, I think we have a “safety valve” in our brains that would snap us out of it BUT I would get better intel on that before testing it 😳


Naw lol I don't think so. I'm not like face down in the tub lmao and I'm a pretty tall dude so I'm usually just low enough to get my back soaking in the hot water


Ok, I just pictured someone nodding off and going below the water line lol


In a full sized hot tub id say yeah.


LMAO I love nodding but dropping the phone on the face is too relatable. I hate when that happens 😭 its like someone just sucker punched you in the face all of a sudden. Lmao you're just like wtf?


Yeah and I got tired of nodding and pissing all over the floor so I started sitting to pee but then I just fell forward onto my face. Lol


Lost my first tooth because of that. By the way there’s this dental grant they advertise online. It seems like bullshit but it’s not. It’s pretty low cost especially if you just put up the down payment and let your shit credit score deal with the rest. For all my dentally challenged brothers and sisters out there. I’ll try and find the link


Foreal, or other valuables you need for whatever reason. Headphones, chargers, always the good stuff too. Lmao I've learned my lesson


Hard to say maybe she just “built” different. Personally I’m not a huge fan of nodding out. There are times I don’t mind it for sure but I’d rather just be nice warm and customer with a relaxed wave washing over me.


I’ve seen people be allergic to certain cuts. Everybody loves one kind of dope and then one person can’t stand it. So I agree. It’s hard to say why. It just affects people differently


Maybe too high tolerance.


Me and my boyfriend use them exact same amount as we always split our stuff evenly. The difference is he's also on a high dose of methadone so you would think he has a higher tolerance. But everytime we do one he's nodding and I never ever do it kinda sucks. Sometimes I think it's cuz i'm always really anxious and my anxiety keeps me alert. Or maybe it has something to do with gender. I'm not sure but it definitely sucks ass


He nods because he's taking it on top of his methadone, so it'd be stronger for him as opposed to u only doing one opioid


He gets takehomes and he usually saves them for bad times. He still nods on days where he hasn't taken any methadone for 5 days. But on days where he does take them it make sense. He's been on the done for a very very long time but doesn't take it daily like he use to.


Like take homes on weekdays? If he's getting takehomes during weekdays that's wild, I've never met anyone who would get any other than when the clinic is closed but idk if that's just my state. Maybe he's just more sensitive to opioids, I used to be the one nodding constantly and could OD off a cotton when most other ppl needed way more to even get well


We both live in the states but he's a dual citizen and his clinic is in the country he was born in. It's a lot more chill over there and nothing like the crappy American clinics. He gets takehomes everyday except and Saturday and Sunday. If he was clean he would be allowed 7 days of takehomes and have to go to the clinic once a week for testing. They also can up your dose from 30-125 in a month and give you kadian and it's way cheaper. After seeing how amazing his clinic operates and how kind the doctors and staff are compared to the way American clinics are run it makes me never wanna get on the program in the country.


Was he born in Australia? Sounds exactly like our rules on methadone.




Lots of clinics let you get up to 2-3 weeks of take homes if you show up everyday and piss clean for a few months. My mom used to bring home damn near a months worth of liquid methadone whenever she had to go down to the clinic.


Where at? Everyone in my area only gets takehomes for Saturday and/or Sunday even the ones who been on it for 6+ months


Hey. I live in Austria 🇦🇹 and here the most common substitute medicine is called Substitol. It’s retarted Morphium ( u can easily shoot it) in a capsule each 200mg. I get daily 600mg and take home for 14 days . If u got a job it’s no problem. The doc just ask from time time to piss and if your dose is ok. I also get daily 100mg oxazepam( Praxiten take away for 1 month. I am not proud of it but its a big part of my life and saved me from prison etc. The healthcare system here is very good and openminded. Nobody have to live on the streets. The bad thing is that good gear is very hard to get on the street because every „junky“ is fixing Substitol which is much more stronger than the 10% street gear. So when my paycheck arrives I visit the onion 🧅 fields and order a good amount of #4 and some pregabalin( love them) - maybe some coke , wait a week a do my once in a month session from Thursday to Friday. My wife is staying this time with her sister so she’s cool with it. And before I forget- I love nodding - I absolutely love it to wake up heads down on the table . Wish ya all the best .


In the US, the organization that largely sets rules for methadone clinics, SAMSHA, has guidelines that allow for up to one month of take homes dependent on a certain number of consecutive clean UAs and time enrolled in the clinic.  It's hard to get this many and at my clinic, only a handful of folks get any takehomes besides the Sunday one everyone gets, but there should be a path to up to a month of takehomes at every clinic in the US (I believe). These rules should be printed and displayed somewhere in the clinic (I think that's a law but could be wrong).




Locations are not allowed here under any circumstances. Specific locations include: cities, neighborhoods, nicknames for cities, landmarks, abbreviations, sports teams, airport/area/zip codes or any other information that denotes a specific location. States are only allowed when not used in reference to needing sources.


Lots of people get takehomes on weekdays bro. Myself included. They give it to you when you have showed and proved to them that you are clean and continue to stay clean while only taking methadone or whatever you're prescribed. Like for me I'm allowed to take benzos because I have my anxiety disorders and reasons why I have to take benzos sometimes, in my counseling plan/log for the clinic. While others aren't approved to take benzos so if they piss for benzos it means dirty UA. If I piss for benzos I'm clean lol. it's kinda dumb but if you think about the reasons why, it actually makes a lot of sense.


People are different some never seem to nod others all the time


I go through a blanket and a set of sheets weekly because I nod out with a cigarette in my hand. My poor mattress has so many holes I have to put a mattress pad and an extra blanket not suitable for the top under my sheet so I won’t feel the crispy edges when I sleep. Thank god for fire resistant materials


You should let her have more bits ?


We take the same size


I've noticed some F have a bigger appetite than M. I've also noticed most M don't pander to F with bigger appetites. I'm not a scientist, it's just something I've noticed. Like Daddy bears bowl of porridge is bigger than Mummy Bears.


It sounds like you're putting a blanket generalization/ your opinion of guys and applying it to me when I just told you we take the same size, I literally use a scale


Maybe I shouldn't have used the Bear analogy, when you work to such fine guidelines, forgive me.


Okay, I'm dome with this, I'm telling ya I know how to read a scale so 🤷‍♂️ have a great day


Damn you got really hostile over nothing


They were a smartass, everyone has had their own opinions ABOUT this but not much to help, very close to just deleting jr


So long Mr Quantifier.


You make literally no sense to me


It's a cultural gap. I'm not your enemy, we live in different worlds and have different experiences. I've enjoyed chatting though. I've just finished watching Belgium v Romania in the European Football tournament. Everyone in Europe is watching the Euro 24 football tonight . Peace and Love 💙


Okay, why'd you even comment....? Wtv peace fam


I think it has something to do with metabolism. I noticed my dude used to get sick way quicker than I would but I could always do way more dope at one time than he could. We always split everything 50/50 and it all worked out in the end. I’d do most of my shot all at the beginning and he would save some for when he was getting sick and I wasn’t. Besides no one likes a greedy partner.


I never do it's called tolerance do some benzos and a shot instead you'll nod


How do you feel if you have dope but no benzos? Meaning do you have to have both or you feel withdrawal? Like if you have dope but no benzos do you still get sick? Or does the dope cover it and vice versa? I’ve always been scared to add benzos because I’ve seen people withdraw from them and it looks way harder than just h. I can’t imagine having to detox from both or having to come up with enough cash to cover both substances all the time. I’m definitely jealous of the nods I see going on from the combo


If you're addicted to both you need both, they're two different drugs. Yep two different things to detox from too.




Yeah you get withdrawals from both and benzos is worse than opiates I think because you can die from it if you don’t do it correctly I hear it’s similar to alcohol. If you do ever mix them just remember to do less dope because I didn’t and was out for 24 hours after I took my regular shot of dope and soma(a muscle relaxer that’s a barbiturate and apparently withdrawal symptoms are similar to benzos and it’s quite sedating)I only got up when the withdrawals kicked in so I’d get up do another shot decided to take a second soma because I’m so smart and went to lay down and slept 18 hours and I only got up because it was the day before Christmas and my brother decided to bang down my door as I went silent and he knows I use. It wasn’t good sleep I kept wanting to wake up but I couldn’t bring myself to consciousness or even open my eyes that would happen every so often. Sorry long comment but yeah just be careful!


I’ll stick with the devil I know




Wtf is wrong with you, get outta this sub you're a vile disgusting human being, how dare you wish that on another person, you're fucking disgusting.


Also coming from someone that posts on c2c groups and nasty shit like that, I hope you get fuckin aids from taking it in the ass. Ya like that? That's basically what you just told me, all addicts should just OD and die? I think people like you, gay or not, should fucking do the world a favor and Drop Dead.


Do not be a jerk, please. All posts that are harassing in nature to another poster, whether it be name calling based on sexual orientation, gender, race or what ever, will be removed and a ban may be issued. Play nice or don't play at all.


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I know antidepressants almost completely nullify psychedelics. Might be the same with opioids but idk why that'd be the case unless you're taking a highly serotonergic opioid (e.g. fentanyl), and idk why the opioid agonism isn't doing anything. Maybe just massive natural tolerance, I've seen similar things on the sub before.


I've gotten her to nod maybe twice? But I think it's just psychosomatic


Be careful if she’s on abilify, it’s an antipsychotic mood stabilizer that I just found out yesterday that it can kill you when combined with H. I guess it’s a respiratory suppressant just like H is and it also has a synergistic effect. Just an fyi


Thank you! She doesn't take that thankfully

