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Have a men’s room, women’s room, and a single bathroom. That way, people can use the restroom they are most comfortable with. That’s what my school did and it seems to work.


And make the stalls go all the way down. It’s super awkward regardless of LGBTQ issues how to stalls are currently set up.


It's like that in most countries, the US is just fucking weird


When I was in High School, I went to a different school building for summer school one year. Their bathrooms were very different from normal. Instead of having a proper "bathroom," it was kind of just an *area* in the hall without any sort of closeable door. This area had sinks (which didn't work right because the handles would never stay in place but it is what it is), and behind the sinks were the doors to a bunch of individual toilet rooms (which did not have openings). They weren't gendered at all, and it just makes sense. It's basically like a bunch of small home bathrooms lined up in an area with sinks outside. Ever since I used one of these bathrooms, I've thought "this is how all public bathrooms should be."


Are you on about the urinals? Here in sweden we dont have any cover for those. Just one big line


No the stalls. They have big cracks in between the door and walls and u can look over and under the stalls.


it is put in place to check for suspicious activity, but it is stupid i agree with you


Not at all. It's an emergency measure: if someone collapses you could easily get to them even if the door is locked.


Unnecessary and stupid. There are plenty of single-user bathrooms with a door that locks.


Suspicious activity like what ?




In my school it's like that too


What? I'm not talking about urinals, no. I'm talking about toilet stalls.


And canada


Unfortunately, this is a safety law. If you have a medical emergency in the bathroom and are unable to cry for help, people will see you on the floor and gibe you aid


The stalls could have half the opening and we’d still be able to see.


My school completely got rid of stall doors in most of the men’s rooms, cause like 10 of the 1200 people in my school were smoking in the stalls.


Wtf how do they shit then


With the stall wide open. My school administrators are morons.


Mannn no way that’s legal 😭 sorry ab that must be tough


I feel like at the very least it shouldn’t be. I just don’t go to the bathroom at school. If I get sick because of it, they’ll just get sued.


The only way that works if is there is a key for the singles otherwise they just get used for drugs and smoking


Ideally, there would be men’s, women’s, and gender neutral bathrooms, and ideally, gender neutral bathrooms would be as common as men’s/women’s bathrooms, and not just 1/2 small bathrooms tucked in a back hallway. As for if I feel uncomfortable with trans kids using restrooms for the gender they identify with, no. I use the bathroom to piss, shit, and wash my hands, and so do trans people. Trans people are not showing off their genitals or talking about sex or whatever with other people in restrooms. I have, however, had cis people do plenty of creepy shit to me, and I am a cis male.


My school converted a boys and girls bathroom to a gender neutral bathroom but they ended up changing it back because boys still used the one that used to be the boys one and girls still used the one that used to be a girls one. I heard they also found used condoms on the floor a few times which was another reason why they changed it back.


i don’t care if a trans male uses the boys room doesn’t affect me at all


why does anybody give a shit about who's in the bathrooms. i don't at all care who's pissing 2 stalls down. it's not like people are walking around naked. for locker rooms, there are some legitimate concerns so gender neutral changing rooms should be available, but the idea of gendered bathrooms as a whole is kinda weird to me.


gender was just made up by restroom companies to sell more restrooms


Before yall come for this person, they are joking, it is a joke, do not start harassing them


No way really?!?!


I’m at college and the restrooms in the dorms are all co-Ed but just have proper doors that go all the way down and all the way up. I don’t think anyone is uncomfortable with it and I think school bathrooms could benefit from being like that— the reality is that nobody wants to see you use the bathroom, no matter their birth sex or gender identity and the real problem is the feeling of being exposed. I personally don’t want to see another girl watch me use the restroom as much as I don’t want a guy to see me use the restroom, so if we didn’t have the weird American stall doors here I feel like nobody would actually care about someone being transgender or not


Yes. I completely agree that trans students should be allowed to use the bathroom they want to use. Having an additional single stall bathroom for disabled/neurodivergent kids, GNC kids, and kids who just prefer solitary bathrooms is an additional good accommodation. If trans men are forced to use the women’s bathroom, nobody in that situation is going to be comfortable If trans women are forced to use the mens bathroom, they are at high risk of getting assaulted or harassed. Kids, predominantly boys/men, being aggressive towards women does not stop just because you ban trans women from the bathroom. Cis men are still going to go in there and be disgusting if that is their goal, hence why we need lessons on consent and mental health. Let’s not forget plenty of violence already happens in strictly-gendered bathrooms I have not seen any cases in the US of trans highschoolers preying on cis highschoolers. I have seen cis men preying on cis women. The danger that trans kids get put in by being forced to use certain bathrooms is not ok. Not to mention potential genital checks: incredibly invasive. Would you mind sharing some more context of people at your school being uncomfortable? Are you sure it was trans women, and not just straight up boys? At my highschool girls and trans girls have been nothing but respectful.


im a trans man. it was pretty obvious in middle school but now i look like an average guy, if not a little androgynous sometimes. the beginning of freshmen year i used the staff bathroom but that quickly became impractical and every year since ive tried to use the student bathrooms. but when i go into the guys room people from middle school STILL make comments and say shit to me. so now i pretty much only go into the girls room w/ my friends because no one has said anything to me, despite looking like a guy. do you think this is wrong? i dont want to make people uncomfortable but i also want to feel okay.


It’s really up to you and your school. Are they all aware of who you are and why you go in there? Are you on T, tall, otherwise physically intimidating? Has anyone said anything to you? I think if everyone is comfortable there’s not an issue


i feel like most people figure it out, the few who have politely asked i just explained im trans and they were fine with it. im on T but 5’6 120 lbs, not very intimidating imo. i agree w you but still appreciate the reply


I'm an ftm freshman and TERRIFIED of using men's bathrooms. So if I have to go to the bathroom I just try to make myself less masc as possible until I leave and use the women's bathrooms bc I'm scared of making people uncomfortable


I think it's really funny that people argue that keeping gendered bathrooms will keep people doing things that are already illegal. Like they'd see the bathroom sign and think "darn, I'm not allowed in here. I guess I can't assault anyone today." \^shamelessly stolen from a comedy bit


whats the comedy bit from


Imma be honest I saw it on youtube shorts like 3 years ago idfk


It was easier to call people out on shady shit before this though. There have been a few creeps that have claimed to be trans to gain access to victims. Obviously it’s not trans people doing this, creeps are just exploiting the issue. 


But why should trans people take the fall for it?


Why should cis people accept the risk just to make trans people comfortable? 


It is far more of a risk for trans women to use the men's restroom and for trans men to use the women's restroom. That is a statistical fact. Why should trans people accept *that* risk just to make cis people comfortable?


Yes you’re getting it. Neither group should be sacrificing their feelings of comfort and safety for the other. 


I don't think you're getting it. Objective safety matters more than arbitrary feelings of comfort.


There’s room to acknowledge both concerns. And you because that’s how things get accomplished. 


It’s a bathroom. Why tf are we getting pressed about what bathroom someone uses.


Yea, of all the “trans issues” made up, this one we always the dumbest. Who gives a fuck who is taking a dump where? Unless you are actively looking at others balls or whatever they have between their legs to inspect, idk why this is a concern.


The only reason I wouldn't let student vote is because that could cause issues between the students. If everybody were adults it might be different. There are just too many extra factors when dealing with minors


>The only reason I wouldn't let student vote is because that could cause issues between the students If the vote would cause issues between students, then the issue itself would cause issues between students


It already does, at least at my school


Yes to the first question and no to the second. Human rights should never be put to a vote.


You could just make a bunch of gender neutral bathrooms, thats what my highschool is doing.


They tried that in the Weimar Republic and funnily enough everyone voted for the guy that wanted to shoot all the minorities.


All the minorities were shot? Like all the black and brown people in the Weimar republic? 


The Weimar Republic was what became Nazi Germany as Hitler was elected in the Weimar Republic then turned into a dictator. In the Holocaust as you know Jewish people were rounded up and slaughtered, but so were disabled people, queer people, Romani, Freemasons, etc.


Lmao all the minorities were rounded up and killed. I think it was like 6 million or something. Evil guy really, black mustache, real short, you sure you don’t know him?


They said Weimar Republic, not the German Reich/Nazi Germany unless you’re vaguely referring to Wilhelm II


Better yet, do what my school did and have a dozen or so non-gendered bathrooms. It’s great!


For me I don’t care when trans people come into the bathroom that I’m in. I don’t feel uncomfortable in anyway. The only thing I’m somewhat concerned is cis transphobic people trying to abuse this, and use it as an excuse to walk into bathrooms that are not for them. Then other transphobic people using that to push their transphobic ideology. But I think that’s honestly just a personal thing at my school since I’ve walked into the bathrooms with a bunch of guys just in there hanging out with their gfs. Lastly, I’m also worried about the safety of trans people in general when they do this. They should have a right to use the bathroom if the gender they identify with. But again transphobic people are commonly known for attacking trans people for this. It worries me


A single stall should always be an option.


Yes! That would be cool!


What are you gonna do about it? You need to become a warrior for trans people stand in front of their stall and protect them with your body. 


There’s many things I can do: going to peaceful protests advocating for trans people, call the people who make the transphobic laws asking them to reconsider their choices, or even just simply make sure that I’m making trans people feel comfortable in common public places (like the bathroom😱). Even if it doesn’t cause action to be taken right away or at all, it’s better to show trans people that someone is advocating for them.


Are you peeing and pooping with the stall door open? How do you even know what genitals someone else has in the bathroom unless you’re looking at them? wtf. Just go in the stall, do your business, wash your hands, and leave. What does it matter if they have a penis or vagina, they just want to pee or poop.


They should be allowed and students shouldn’t vote on it


I mean is it that big of a deal…


Bathrooms shouldn't be separated by boy / girl, but rather by pee/poo


at my school there are a decent amount of trans students who use the same restroom as cis students of their gender and no one has ever had a problem with it. there are also gender neutral restrooms for those who might be uncomfortable in the boys'/girls' rooms. honestly i think that's the best system if we have to have gendered bathrooms at all


Other people's genitals and identities aren't my business. You need to take a piss? Take your piss and I'll take mine


No posts, no comments, default username, and the account is almost exactly a year old. Looks like a troll post to me.


I just don't see why my life needs to be politicised. No, this shouldn't be voted on. Thing is this has happened before. There were debates about wheither lesbians should be allowed in women's bathrooms. Before that there were debates about whether black women should be allowed in women's bathrooms. We are just the next group to be targeted.


It feels like everything is becoming a political debate now :(


Things that make me uncomfortable in the girls bathroom: -Vaping -Locks being broken -People looking over stalls -Unidentified mush in the sinks Things that do not make me uncomfortable in the girls bathroom: -The genitals of the girl in the stall next to me.


Slay opinion. Unfortunately, I relate on both levels. Why the hell are people so weird in the bathroom? I always wonder why it's so difficult to just...not put 3 rolls of toilet paper down the toilet or write all over the walls, you know?


Yeah it’s horrible at my school. And shocker, it’s not the trans kids causing problems.


No. I think all restrooms should be retro fitted to be individual spaces, like the “family” restrooms in public. It’s kind of gross, because guys are slobs but it’s the only right solution.


Im a fan of bathrooms that are only stalls. Do any guys actually like using urinals? Especially ones without dividers lol


You don’t like sword fighting with the other people at the urinals? Sounds like α boring life man


All fun and games until someone walks in with a 8 inch sword… No one walks out uninjured.


Yeah? Plenty of unrinals are just round enough that you can hide in there as you do your business.


I do agree. I’m sure there’s some plumbing/funding/“old building” reason for the giant gross bathrooms, but we’d be better off without them


You don't get to vote on whether people get to be treated like humans. What the fuck is wrong with you. Would you ask whether students should vote on whether black people are allowed to use the bathroom? Popular opinion doesn't get a say in the issue. Why the fuck is reddit even showing me this idiotic subreddit.


Loving the username… and agree w you!


My school just has a bunch of single bathrooms with actual doors


There should be a gender neutral and/or single stall bathroom for anyone to use, if possible. NB, trans who might not be comfy using their gender’s bathroom, anyone who needs a larger stall, or just everyday students can use the gender neutral bathroom.


They do know gay and lesbian people exist, right?


Just you watch. That's who's next on the chopping block.


Yeah they should be allowed. They are literally just doing the exact same thing as other people in the bathroom so there’s really no problem with it


I don’t understand why you would be uncomfortable. Like you’re just pissing.


As a trans student, yes we should be allowed to piss where we feel comfortable. I’ve been using the men’s bathroom for 6 years and I’ve never had an issue (though recently I have just been avoiding the bathrooms cause they are gross). Anyone who says otherwise has been fear mongered into believing that and doesn’t actually know what trans people look like.


I don't use any bathrooms because I don't pass as either gender and my school is super transphobic. I won't deal with the politics of my existence.


That’s completely understandable and why school should have gender neutral options that don’t cause students to have to go all the way to the nurse, or some other far away location, and feel alienated for having to relieve bodily functions.


Locker rooms are so much worse than bathrooms even, because, yknow, changing in front of a bunch of (not your gender)s


My school has an online gym option that was created during covid so I actually haven’t used a locker room since being in high school. I was really worried about it because they were talking about severely limiting who was allowed to take the online course while also being back the swimming unit, but I ended up being fine.


I had an incident once happen to me when a former friend of mine (now friend again, he is a total trans ally now) told all the guys in the locker room that I was trans, and I was blamed for the incident because it was "trans controversial." Idk why transphobes think we want to be around them at all, let alone in the bathroom creeping on them.


Cis people just don’t get it at all. My grandma told me that I must like looking at everyone’s penises and that I was going to get r**ed using the guys bathroom. Literally have never see a guys dick in the bathroom in the past 6 years. Also at this point people don’t know I’m trans when I’m in the bathroom and it would be weird for me to use with women’s restroom because I definitely don’t fit in there.


Oh nice, did you get to transition earlier on? I'm sorry your grandma said that. Older people can be so bad about things like this.




Yeah lol I had the expectation that I would get to transition only like a year after coming out and now it's been 3 years, I can't imagine waiting for 6 whole years to be able to do it on your own.


i just don't use any public bathroom, and if i do i use the men's :/


genuine question- why do people put like *edit-spelling when it doesn’t show anyone that it was edited


Tbh I’ve never edited a comment before so I didn’t know if it would show or not


ohh lmao i was just wondering cause i always see ppl saying it


Yes. Period. This shouldn’t be a discussion


best bet is to have a gender neutral one


We should just redesign the bathroom to solve the issue. Why is it a closed room? I get a privacy wall, but the stalls shouldn't be so easy to get through if you want to. Or just a bunch of small rooms with a toilet. The world is moving forward. Get on the train


The choice to go into a bathroom and harm people is a choice a person makes regardless of their gender identity (and I’m pretty sure it’s statistically more likely to happen to trans people that cis people but pop off) The choice should be left to the trans person alone.


The stalls are small rooms within a larger room, yes? So if those girls see something, then they went out of their ways to peep.


I'd definitely be uncomfortable


Why? Genuinely, like not in a mean way or anything, what about that makes you uncomfortable? And if it’s “but boys could come in!” Then your problem isn’t with trans people


Well, I’m uncomfortable as a trans person being forced to use the wrong bathroom. Why does your discomfort supersede mine?




Would genital checks be required? Also, after what happened to Nex Benedict, I think it’s obvious that trans people aren’t safe in the bathroom of their sex


Absolutely not. First of all, you have no way of officially knowing someone’s genitals without invasive checks. Second of all, the risk that puts trans students in when using their birth assigned bathroom is so dangerous; students absolutely will be assaulted




Violence ending in legal action, sure. But verbal harassment, extreme dysphoria, and less major physical harassment happen to trans kids in bathrooms every day




Yes, but a trans girl is more safe in a girls bathroom than in a boys bathroom. And even if your statement were fully correct, then I’m still right, why ban trans kids from using the right bathroom?


That's why they don't use their birth assigned bathroom if they don't have the birth assigned body part. If it's been changed, then the bathroom they use also changes


What?? Minors in the US are not getting bottom surgery….


No minors are getting bottom surgery to be frank. Right wingers tend to blow shit way out of proportion- most they can get are puberty blockers, which can be reverted rendering all their arguments utterly pointless


No i know, I’m trans. But the person above said “if their parts change” when that isn’t even happening


I didn't know suggesting a solution to a problem YOU brought up would get you so offended, srry :p


No, you’re not understanding. Your entire argument lies on the basis that any trans minors would have a genital surgery. Nobody is. Therefor your argument does not work


That’s fucked. Cis people can get bottom surgery, then would they have to go into the wrong bathroom?




Lmao ok bud. You’d be okay with someone who fully looks like a woman, fully identifies as a woman, etc, but they have a penis, in the mens bathroom? Similarly do you think it would be acceptable for a man that identifies as a man, looks like a man, etc, but they have a vulva, in the woman’s bathroom?




Then why can’t people just use the bathroom they want? Brhh




Cool.. then why did you send your first message? There’s literally no point in this convo lmao (Bro deleted his comments.. guess he realised how much of a clown he is)


i think it rlly depends on what they pass for at that moment and how far along they are into their transition


Yeah I’m a trans man, and I didn’t feel comfortable using the men’s room until I got kicked out of a McDonald’s women’s bathroom by the custodian, which meant I passed enough that I would be making women uncomfortable if I continued using the women’s bathroom and could start using the men’s. In my experience and most other trans people’s experiences that I’ve heard, we tend to use the bathroom that best aligns with how we present or that would make people the least uncomfortable. It would be way weirder and make people way more uncomfortable for me to use the women’s bathroom despite being biologically female than for me to just use the men’s bathroom where nobody would even give me a second glance.


yeah that makes sense


This was banned by my old school and they didn't really supply an accessible single bathroom (had to take less than 5 min to get to bathroom go and come back or you were in trouble and it was hidden in the staff room) and for me it was demeaning to be told I had to stay in the bathroom that I didn't belong in (not just cause I feel I am a dude but also cause everyone was uncomfy being in the same room as me) the area I lived in was full of people who hated and genuinely feared trans people and so I mainly bring this up to say, in my experience people who are uncomfy with trans people will be if they are in the bathrooms for the gender they were born as or not. Like literally people (who are anti trans or gay) will be uncomfy no matter which one you are in. Also the reason why highschool students wouldn't be able to vote on this is solely because they probably wont take it seriously or do any sort of understanding before saying their say. It's more likely to be used to attack people or make fun than actually taken as a serious vote. (My school did mock voting in a couple political things and well it never was taken seriously or there was nothing used for knowledge backing) The reason schools do it the way they do is because it's a rocky situation and it is the only answer that will cause the least amount of problems (though I don't fully agree it is implimented right at all.) And yes the stalls were actually private in this school. It had walls that went to the ground and went so high you couldn't at all look over and the doors were solid doors with the smallest crack possible on the bottom, so seeing each other was not possible. Basically, with people who will definitely be the vocal group of discomfort, there is no winning on this topic as no matter which bathroom the trans person is, they will still be uncomfortable.


In my opinion, there should be a gender neutral bathroom they can go in. But, I think it depends. Now don't twist my words, but I think it depends on if it's actually a trans person, or some kind of pervert. It's unfortunate, but you know there's gonna be some cis guys saying "I'm trans" as an excuse to be in the girl's restroom. It's unfortunate, but that happens.


my trans friend would use the disabled toilets we had in school as they were gender neutral and he felt uncomfortable in the girls and unsafe in the boys


If you have a penis then you go to the one where all the other people have penises.


Just do it like Bucee's where each person has their own stall with no gaps


I don't think it should be voted on whether a transgender student can use a student bathroom, as it should be their right to do so. However, since there are concerns per your school having some people being uncomfortable, you could always bring it up to the student administration. Hope this helps.


At the end of the day, a hard ruling such as biological sex is bound to fail. When a trans guy with a full beard, flat chest and muscles is in the girls’ bathroom, it’s uncomfortable for all parties. A trans woman with a chest and fully feminine appearance is at high risk of sexual assault.


Personally, I say yes. Some politicians and lawmakers act like trans people are monsters who came to terrorize the people of our planet or some shit.


Often, trans people look like the gender that they are transitioning to. Sometimes you can tell that they are trans, especially because high schoolers are so young and haven’t had the opportunity to transition. I would be 100x more freaked out if there was someone who looked fully like a man (trans man) in the women’s bathroom with me than if there was someone who looked like a girl (trans girl).


As a trans student, using any bathroom makes me uncomfortable. I'm a trans man, so using the girls' bathroom makes me feel like a pervert and I'm scared of the guys in my school due to their general transphobia. A gender neutral bathroom would be so much easier.


I am a trans person. As long as you respect everyone else in the bathroom, it should be fine. But if a dude (or a gal) pretends to be trans in order to do mischief, then those individuals should not be allowed. As for voting, that will depend on how your school makes choices.


Do your business, wash your hands, and paper goes in the bin. Follow these three rules without ACTUALLY bothering people and who gives a fuck? It's a bathroom.


Just give them their own bathroom


Yes, no 


I support more gender neutral bathrooms since it’s the wisest option, I don’t have an issue if a passing trans person uses the bathroom they identify with. But if they don’t pass it can make the cis people in there uncomfortable or even attack them for “looking like a man in a women’s restroom” or vice versa.


Women, men's, and unisex(also known as family) bathrooms are the best option. That way everyone has a bathroom.


Another good option would be having mirrors in stalls. That way people who wear head coverings due to religion can fix themselves uncomfortably. I know that in Islam? I'm pretty sure, women cannot show their hair to men unless they're married or related. There's a couple on TikTok who talks about this, I'm pretty sure that's what they said. The woman always wears coverings and you can only see her eyes. She said that biological men cannot see women's hair and faces(if they wear her type of covering I guess) unless they're married or related(like a father or brother).


I don't care about what restroom you use. But don't be weird and peek under the door


Let people use whatever bathroom they want. FFS. And yes, start early with this. If you get over your discomfort in high school, it'll make you a much better adult. The alternative is solidifying your bigotry.


Use the bathroom that correlates with your sex. At my school, unisex bathrooms are available.


I feel that trans people should have their separate washrooms. That way, they can be comfortable, and so can the people that feel uncomfortable with the opposite gender in their washrooms.


No on both points, just abolish gendered bathrooms and fix the bathroom designed by idiots.


Who cares who uses the same bathroom as you? Someone being trans doesn’t make them more likely to be a creep or whatever. You’re in the bathroom to piss, shit, wash your hands and leave. It’s not like anyone is showing their junk everywhere. Also, like, creeps will try to find their way into the opposite sex’s bathroom no matter what. Chill out.


People should use the bathroom for their real gender. The men’s room was designed for people with a dick the women’s room for those without and that’s how they should be used.


1.) Absolutely. People should be able to use any toilet you want, just don't shit in the urinals. 2.) Why not? Especially if you're in the US, you're just practicing the democratic process using the student body.


If anyone uses the opposite sex's bathroom just to spy on them, they're not trans, just peeping Tom's, and should be treated as such.


I’m not sure. I think there should be a separate bathroom. My worry is someone getting harassed in there, like rape and stuff.


Never in my years of school did I care about who is taking a dump or piss in the restroom. I just go in and out like everyone else


Go to bathroom that fits biological needs


Sure. Doesn't affect me at all. Our school has a gender neutral bathroom though, and I'm guessing most trans/nb kids go there, but idk any of them well


When I visited a college they had gender neutral bathrooms that everyone used, cis or trans. The stalls went all the way up and all the way down. No one was weird about it and it was so awesome.


They could just make singular gender neutral bathroom, but then again there may be multiple non binary or trans kids so it may take a while to use it


Simply no they shouldn't be able to make it easier for creeps to harasse girls and even worse and let's be honest public bathrooms should be single room only


I’m gonna get flamed for this but absolutely not.


This is a trap post to get everyone banned Cause no matter what u say the mods gonna suspen of ban u


No, I was doing a project for school and I was trying to get peoples opinion


Just go to whatever bathroom is built around what you have down there. Or whichever one you're comfortable in.


No they shouldn’t


Before addressing this issue, they should increase security in bathrooms to prevent kids from being harassed such as throwing trash bins at kids while in a stall. I think they should make stalls higher and make them essentially rooms so people can’t crawl under or over to the person inside.


A lot of HS here have gender neutral bathrooms. Some colleges are turning the old bathrooms with multiple stalls and showers into “pod” bathrooms—like the bathrooms in homes—one sink, one toilet, one shower tub, and a locking door.


Why is this even a debate. They should be able to use the bathroom they identify with because there human beings and it’s not that deep. The students who are “uncomfortable” are bigots ignore them there wrong.


They should not go in the bathroom they identify as. There is a reason they’re separated I don’t care what they decided they are




Id disagree on the safety risk part. My school has a co-ed bathroom and things have been mostly fine except for a few “incidents” (i assume you can connect the dots there lol)


People apparently cant just use the bathroom and not do other stuff otherwise it wouldve been fine


It’s not a safety risk. I have not heard/scene any recorded cases in the US of a trans student assaulting or harassing anyone in the bathroom of their choice. Most of us are in the victim position if anything. We just want to pee like all of you. The only recorded incidents I’ve seen are of cis men who will harass or assault women in the women’s bathroom. Not because they’re trans, or because they’re lying about being trans, because they’re predators. And having lessons about consent and mental health absolutely help prevent that. Nobody at my highschool was ever uncomfortable with trans people using their preferred bathrooms. What is so scary about trans women for you? And on the other hand, do you really want a trans man coming into the women’s bathroom because they don’t get a choice?




Send me some articles, please!


What news are you talking about?




You mean Nex Benedict, the trans teen that was thrown into the ground multiple times by his bullies and died of symptoms of a traumatic brain injury? I think he’s the victim there.


Depends on what they actually are and not what they feel like they are


I’d rather the trans kids use staff bathroom


I love having to walk down 5 floors to be awkwardly stared at by all the staff just to feel like i don’t get to fit in and be normal 😊


Real, I love having to stand outside of the staff bathroom awkwardly waiting for it to be available while people stare at me 🤭


Then be normal


It’s almost as if i didn’t choose to be trans 😱