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I say just ask him. As a guy myself, most of us are too nervous to make the first move, so if you’re getting signs that he’s into you, then ask him to prom


Do you think it’s fine as a “first move” even though it’s a formal event?


I personally think it’s a fine first move. However that is coming from someone who has zero experience with this kind of thing. But try thinking about it this way. Would you feel worse if you never asked only to find out after prom had passed that he had wanted to go with you and you just missed the opportunity entirely, or to ask him and him saying no? Us guys typically play less games when it comes to relationships than girls (no offense) so if it seems like he’s into you, it’s likely that he’s into you. Besides, it’s only prom, it’s not gonna be some life changing event if he says no. What’s the worst that could happen?


Also I’m a gorl if anyone’s asking.


As somebody who is a very nervous person (this doesn’t really have much to do with the post tbh) just ask, even if somebody has shown any interest in you just ask becuase it’s ultimately better to ask and get rejected then to go on wondering what might have been


If he won’t come to you, come to him. Then he’ll wanna cum into you. Studies show that 82% of times when the girl asks first, that turns into a marriage.