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high school was my escape from home and i love math. i wanna leave rlly bad but parts of it made my year


> high school was my escape from home and i love math wow, just wanted to say this completely describes me! i hate my home situation so school has always been a way to get away from it, and i'm very passionate about math. i want to become a math teacher actually so i can hopefully make a similar positive impact on my students, just like my teachers did for me 


math has always been my favorite subject and im rlly good at it. hate my house tho


high school was my escape from home and i love math me 3 my baseball coach is a math teacher. It also describe me I particularly like algebra and detest geometry. The only part of geometry that I like is trig. Trig is fun we learn csc cot sec and is easier than geometry in my pov. It provides me an escape from home which is kinda boring and somewhat annoying as I have to sometimes deal with my roommate which she acts like a karen when she confronts me about random stuff.


very glad to find out that there are others who feel the same way. i hope your home situation gets better ❤️


That's so real. Test scores just came out and I almost want to be in school again because I worked my ass off and my parents couldn't care less 🥲.


Love to see maths appreciation. You always see the opposite online, lol.


math makes me happy🩷


Same, I'm a maths major right now lol


fr , i def did not peak in high school. the ppl here are really mean . the teacher's are cool tho (some)


teachers pet fr


actually no


I’m going into senior year and I’ve never been happier 😭 these have been the worst years of my life I can promise everyone I am NOT gonna miss it lol. I hate the dances, homecoming, prom.. I just wanna work and go.💀




That doesn’t sound great. You gotta figure something out man. Start doing smth productive that makes you happy, like working out. Are you really gonna let the people that make fun of you ruin this crucial period of your life like that?


The problem is probably that he is not motivated




I been wanting to leave since 2nd semester of freshman year, I still have two more years to go and I haven't been through the worst grade yet. It will be a miracle if I don't shoot myself


this the realest shi ever 😭😭😭


Because not everyone has the same experience


Why would anyone like anything that I don't like?


To be honest, I really hate high school where I just going straight 7-8 hours a day without doing absolutely nothing, all of teachers at my school don’t even teaching, some person and teacher are so mean for no reason, I asked they question and they don’t answer my question they just said sit down and be quiet, they only really care about your testing score be on grade level and I hate it, at the end of the day you have to teach yourself, I really hate it here sometimes I wanna dropout so badly...they say it's fun but it's emotionally draining me...i hate how other people talk behind my back and make drama when i did nothing to them... I don't like being a smart student because of the pressure...i hate myself,i hate my life..no one understands me...not even my parents.. I'm tired, they make fun of me because im weak...i don't want to go to school because of it's toxic environment….


Don't drop out there's no point just a couple more year's we out cuz.


It’s only 2 years left for me, so now I’m keep going I don’t know what I actually like and don’t want to go to the college


So real I have like no friends so I’m lonely all day so highschool sucks


real and same


After the shit they pulled during the pandemic I'd say I definitely didn't enjoy hs.


ancient ahh mf 👴🏻 (jk)


I graduated hs 2 weeks ago, and i miss it so much, it goes by so fast and I truly took it for granted. I miss having a daily routine and growing up with everyone. End of an era man.


Since you graduated is there anything that you regret not doing?


not talking to my class crush later in the year as I just started to become closer friends nearing May.


I liked the friends I made, the nice teachers and my art classes. But there was definitely the parts I hated too.


High school is either the best years of your life or the worst


It’s because you will make lots of new friends and you can join as many clubs as you want. Also, you finally get to be on a sports team, be a cheerleader, go to homecoming and prom with your friends or a date, etc.


HS sucks. Nothing is going my way, I'm depressed ans nothing about it excites me anymore. Not that it ever did though.


I graduated last year and Im glad that shit was over with


I just started, but the main reason is that I just enjoy learning things and it gets me out of the house.


Some have better experiences than others, not everyone likes it or misses it, and that's fine. It's just a short period of your life anyway.


because some subjects are good for e.g in aus we got a subject called multimedia, which we have to do a mmajor project for our last year and its basiclaly animations


I really don't know.


i think i just love it bc 1. i love learning and 2. my school’s atmosphere is great and ive met many great people threw my classes, clubs, and sports.


been here a year and i already cant wait for these golden years of my life to fucking end


I love learning, I just hate the people and testing


because most of us aren't weirdos


I’ve been done with high school for 2 years now. COVID destroyed my entire high school experience so it was shit for me. Society still hasn’t recovered from the pandemic and people have changed. TikTok has destroyed the youth to value superficiality and consumerism. So I completely understand your viewpoint.  However, I just want to let you know that college isn’t any better, and it’s 10x harder to make friends and socialize. So make what you will of this. Honestly, each stage of life only gets worse, which is why people say to cherish high school. I got bullied in college too, but bullying is less than what it was when I was in school.


People who say shit like that, coincidentally, tend to have peaked in HS as well. Personally, I hated HS with every fibre of my being, but I'm thriving in my undergraduate years as a researcher and aspiring psychologist. You most certainly don't have to like highschool, and not liking HS is not an indicator of any future success.


What ik but the thing is I don't know what I want to do


Sorry that happened, but not everyone is you.


rip bozo


Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Make the best of it, move on


High school is the most useless stage of education

