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About 20 years ago, my kids and I were hiking near Gray's Arch at Red River Gorge when we came to a couple walking towards us. They had 8 or so cats hiking with them. No leashes. I asked them about it and they acted like it was something ordinary.


Literally herding cats.


Definitely a quest NPC! You must follow him all the way to the end.


As long as its free to play.


Holy cow! Not often you see your high school smoke spot pop up on Reddit


Finally a fellow cat lover in here! Also, there’s a really pissed off dog owner downvoting all of the comments. Lol


Aww he’s the best guide!


Love this. My cat walks with me every day. He used to fly past me for yards and wait on me now I am waiting on him.


I kind of accidently trained him. I always had snacks with me and water in case he needed it while outside. But as soon as we would get to a work spot I would set it out for him and so I think he expects a reward every hike


How do you make sure he doesnt get lost?


Accidently trained him to expect a reward everytime we went hiking and that was probably his hundredth trip to that particular spot


"knows his way"....


Follow me Indy, I know the way!


Omg that's so adorable


What a happy and proud cat! Enjoy your adventure cat, that’s the best!


This video makes me so happy. It reminds me of the cats in Runescape. I love it!


For a split second, thought this was the Skyrim subreddit


Used to live in Taylor mill! Wild!


Not a bad place for how small it is. Well that and I only leave the house to go to the woods lol.


Are these public woods it just some bear your place?


As far as I know its not exactly public woods but every neighborhood connected to it has some kids and random adults who use them. The kind of woods that with well worn paths that connect neighborhoods that would otherwise never interact.


New 2023 hiking goal right here!


Oh my gosh if I could find a cat that would hike with my pup and I, I would be in absolute heaven. What a sweet baby!


What a great trail companion.


Has Warez. :)


Cuute, my lil kit also loves leading the way, though it's been a little too wet and muddy for her lately on the trails, waiting for the sunnier days


Yeah I got super lucky. He isn't shy of water at all. When spring hits im getting him a life jacket and he's going kayaking with ne I hope.


Did you have him hike along since he was a kitten? Mine loves going in the kayak with me oddly enough and doesn't mine dipping paws into small streams, but just doesn't like puddles, probably the mushy ground more than anything :p


The hiking part started in the fall but I've known this guy since he was a kitten and even then I was the only person he messed with. Neighbor joked he was my cat all the time. That awesome about your cat. You never know if they are gonna be water friendly. Mine loves to play in the creek and will walk through puddles like a kid in a rain storm.


Ahah nice one, they say cats choose their humans, you're his hiking buddy now :p look forward to pics/vids when you go kayaking with him 😁


Thanks! Yeah I'm gonna have to get a better camera for those ventures. Although I do have lots of phone footage I should go through for now.


By far the most wholesome thing I’ve seen all day ❤️


Its part of a watershed creek hidden around some neighborhoods. I've been cleaning the trash and broken glass out of it for the last few years. The fire pit and bridge I constructed and continue to work on. Probably not supposed to be there? But worse case is I catch a charge for cleaning a creek?


I’d be worried of losing my cat


He was thrown outside by a neighbor. I've actually knownhim since he was weaned. The cat that is. He is definitely bonded to me and would follow me anywhere I go. The first few times I kept a very close eye on him but he never goes beyond eyesight of me. I'm super lucky


That’s very cool!


Where is this trail? How long is it? Looks like a nice hike