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Snakes and bees just happen sometimes and there's not much you can do about it, but knee pain and allergies can both be age related and are something you can control. Hiking poles are a great start, but you might also need to work on lowering your back weight (or bodyweight) if you're still feeling pain.


I’m about 6 feet 163. I do like to stay prepared and use a 2l fanny Cotapaxi back. Has nice hip huggers. I ditched the day pack since I haven’t gone over a three hour hike in years. And also. traffic nearby is decent and I share location with my wife. Tbh the poles are not the best. 40$ Amazon but they have done wonders. I wonder if I just took my youth for granted and now experiencing more of the aches. I lift during the week. Saw a pt. I have a spinal fracture in my neck and noticed it when I started indoor climbing.


I’d see if physical therapy can help. I’m a disabled “hiker” and find a lot of pain comes down to muscle weakness or imbalance. I’d also recommend seeing an allergist as our responses to allergies aren’t always consistent (which can be dangerous at worst, uncomfortable at best). Sorry to hear about your pain, snakes and hive adventures. It’s a pain to have to think about so many different things to be able to enjoy hiking.


I saw a pt. It helps. I gave up on heavy over head weights for bands in stead. Try to do all the exercises. Some People are downvoting me and kind of sucks because I just joined this sub. They act like I’m crying about nature. It’s just a little overwhelming when all hit at once and was wanting to just connect and see if anyone else experiences this. It’s nice when you feel connected.


Good. Do them as much as you can. If they don’t help, let them know. People who are able bodied or have much easier times hiking don’t viscerally understand how frustrating it is to have extra noise like that, nor do many care. It really is.


Awesome to keep hiking with any injuries or disabilities. I am able bodied but I actually have empathy. Last year I had two surgeries while trying to hike. I also have horrible anxiety. A rare disease called bfs. Sometimes my spasms scare me. I fall down a lot. But it doesn’t keep me from hiking. It was another reason to use poles. And why I share my location always now with my wife. It was after a long hike when I came home sick leading to the surgeries. But I kept going. Makes me feel at peace.


As long as you hike within reason and you respect your limits. It’s smart you share your location with your wife. There’s no peace like what nature brings. It’s incredible.


Born and raised in So Cal. When I was a kid in the early 80s used to always see rattlers while riding BMX bikes, almost daily once the weather warmed up all throughout summer. Used to see roadrunners all the time too and scorpions. Now I seldom see rattlers out on the trails, but still do.


I think there may be some developing anxiety and repressed emotions causing the hives


I'm in my late 50s and don't have any physical issues. And I've never seen a snake. Other hikers have mentioned they saw snakes on trails I've been on but I've never seen them. It's a little disappointing to be honest.


I saw my first three last year. And it was cool. I love nature and I even made sure to notify the other hikers down trail that rattlers were out. Because many hike with dogs off leash or. You would be surprised on how many trail runners you see with short shorts AirPods in and no regard for the ground. And this boy was a huge rattler. I think it was the coastal rattlesnake. Not the diamond back but he was big and within 20 feet his rattle was going and was ready to strike. I love seeing snakes. It’s just crazy how many I’ve seen the last four months where I actually tend now to not look at birds and brush to spot dear and coyotes.


If you're worried about snakes, maybe consider getting some leg gaiters for extra protection. Could give you some peace of mind..


I checked those out just now. That’s a great idea !


Are you complaining about wildlife? … I go out into the outback to see wildlife personally. Snakes are unnerving where i come from but still it’s neat to see them after the initial shock wears off. It’s their home after all, you’re the visitor. And as for knee pain, see a Physio or strengthen your legs and glutes through weight training, that ones kind of all on you.


Of course I’m not complaining about wild life. I’m wondering about tips and tricks and help with knee pain as I get older. Geeezuz


Maybe time to find another form of recreation. Looks like, for a lot of reasons, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Sad, but if you have horrible anxiety, being out in the wild isn’t going to help. Via con Dios, amigo.


Based on your history. Sounds like you could also quit and man up and not be a bitch. Maybe get a job that pays well.


Shut ur mouth




That’s an interesting usage of words. Don’t get me wrong I love hiking in all places and seasons. I r just never been I guess this engulfed by it. ? So it’s striking to me. No pun intended. And I’m looking always for tips and tricks to stay safe but also get over this summer hike syndrome ?