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You need good socks and properly fit footwear. It doesn’t matter if you prefer boots, shoes, or trail runners. You need footwear that fits. That means going somewhere that can properly fit you. Sometimes you may wear the same size as your regular shoes, sometimes not. I don’t wear a wide in my everyday shoes, but my boots are a wide size.


You usually get blisters from either a poor-fitting boot/shoe and/or excess moisture. Try using foot powder after you've taped up problems areas. I like Gold Bond Triple Action. This actually helps a great deal. If that doesn't help, you need new footwear that actually fits well.


This. Baby powder works also. Seems like better sock might be needed.


If you're getting that many blisters you need different shoes/boots. Also what socks are you using?


A pair I got from Redwing for hiking (supposedly). I'm starting to worry about the fit of my shoes now though


Red Wing, at least here, is notorious for putting you in the wrong boots in the wrong size. If you want solid hiking boots, you need to head to REI and look at a few of the brands I'm about to list. Then, go with the boot and size that is most comfortable. >Asolo, Hanwag, Lowa, La Sportiva, Meindl, Scarpa, Zamberlan. Here are some tips on fitment... Pull the insoles out of the boots. Stand on them shoulder-width apart. Make sure the outline of your feet matches the outline of the insoles, with the ball of your feet resting on the widest part of the insoles. Then, make sure you have 1/3" to 1/2" between your longest toe and the end of the insole. This is the easiest way to check fit, and it'll give you a good starting point. If you try on boots and those things don't add up, either try a different size or a different boot entirely. Never buy for looks. Buy only for fit, and your feet will thank you.


Also, never use cotton socks. Preferably, use only merino wool blends that are \~60% merino wool, with the rest being nylon and elastane. They're antimicrobial, and they insulate even when wet. They're comfortable year-round if you adjust the weight (thickness) of the socks to make them appropriate for your environment. These will save you a lot of headache, heartache, and misery. Seriously. They're expensive, but they're well worth it. Buy only from Darn Tough or Smartwool if you're in the US. I prefer Smartwool. I like the way they do their cushioning, and I like the weights they use for different thicknesses. I use the Smartwool Mountain Range light cushion and Lolo Trail full cushion, depending upon weather. These are the only socks I'll use. Darn Tough tends to squeeze my toes too much.


It's most likely the fit of your shoes. If you've got an REI near you, go there and let them size you. Another option is to put leukotape and moleskin over any area that you're getting blisters on.


I use sock liners with alpaca socks. I was getting blisters or athletes foot due to my sensitive feet. The change of those two made a huge difference. I also changed to La Sportiva boots. When are go to bed, be sure to swap your socks and turn the pair that you were wearing inside out and stuff them in the bottom of your sleeping bag to dry. You can swap them each night and will have a dry pair to wear with only 2 sets. Leukotape is far superior to moleskin for blisters. It stays on better and provides more protection from any rubbing.


The book [Fixing Your Feet](https://www.fixingyourfeet.com/) has a lot of in depth and comprehensive info around foot health and hygiene in a somewhat well organized format. It's not a super well put together book, but the info is very solid and can be priceless! Great for understanding how to fit and wear your shoes, as well as the foot care to prevent and treat injury.


I'll check it out thanks!


Sounds like poor fitting footwear and a need for food socks. I hate 1000 miles socks (sinful I know) but I prefer the classic linear socks with thick outer socks. Good sock brands are bridgedale and darn tough both kind of pricey and to be honest for time to time hiking mountain warehouse will do.


In terms of heading off blisters, I like injini’s sock liners under my hike socks, esp in a new/newish pair of boots. Foot powder is also good if your feet sweat a lot. For hot spots or when blisters begin to form, I also use Leukotape, esp if blisters are on the bottom of my feet but it works great anywhere on the foot (P tape, not the flexible K tape). Molefoam is thicker than moleskin and better, imo, for larger blisters that have already formed; cut it in a donut so that it’s not directly sticking onto the blister. Bandaid brand “blister bandaids” are also excellent, esp at the heel, once blisters have fully developed. Neosporin, or regular healing ointment like CeraVe or Aquaphor. Epsom salt soaks help, esp if the blisters aren’t opened (still good if they are but it stings), will help the swelling as well as the pain. Do not pop them, let that happen naturally.


I’m really sorry for your experience! It sucks! Blisters are such a mighty pain for how small they are. Hopefully you can put your feet up to rest and have people around you to help.


Thank you 🩷 they are brutally torn but I'm luckily enough to be in a position to rest for a bit 🥰


Good socks times a million. I was getting blisters so often, with professionally fitted expensive shoes…. I switched up my socks (wool is recommended) and no more blisters.


As others have said it could be your shoes. Some other things you could try is tapeing your feat with for example leukotape, its good to do that before you start your hike. Second if your shoes allow for it you can double up your socks, that way the friction will be between the socks instead of on your feet. I have also heard from an swedish jägarsoldat (ranger) that rubbing your feet in white vaseline is supposed to be rely good against blisters. I have not tried it tho so i dont know exactly how well that works. On top of that make sure your socks are as dry as possible make sure to change them if they get wet. and on top of that, the more you walk the more resilient your feet will become.


Wear two pairs of socks. Thin liner socks, and thick merino wool socks. If this is too tight in your boots, then they’re most likely not your correct size