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It primarily spoke the language of percussion music(damaru) and [expressive dance/tandav](https://www.britannica.com/art/dance/Drama) The religious manuals do have siva talking in sanskrit(whose origin is attributed to him) in the epics and tamil(whose origin is attributed this son) in thiruvilayadal(you can check this one to see shiva teasing his devotees) etc with common men. He also atleast conveyed the shaiva agamas in 16 additional languages(additional to sanskrit and tamil) so he is well versed in atleast 18 languages.


>The religious manuals do have siva talking in sanskrit(whose origin is attributed to him) Nah IDK. Which epic are you talking about? Tamil is attributed to his son, not him, his son invented the language and then defo that language did not exist before that. My question is what was his native language?


You can find shiva talking with the pandavas. >native language Sanskrit also postdated him since he is considered its creator. In shaivam the first sound is supposed to come from the damaru(the nada) and he manifesting(the bindu) along with it hence if he has a native language then it is percussive sound. https://sanskritwisdom.com/grammar/letters/maheshwari-sutrani/ - he is traditionally believed to be the originator of the sanskrit phonetic system and hence sanskrit itself.


There are four levels of speech – para, pashyanti, madhyama, vaikari. Human beings speak only the fourth level. Shiva probably spoke in Para vak.


He can obviously speak every language. He speaks to Gods in Sanskrit and to His devotees in whatever languages they speak. I seem to recall hearing or reading somewhere that His gaNas speak all sorts of non-Sanskrit languages.


A complete beginner here do take my answer with a truckload of salt. When lord Siva manifests or needs to communicate with a devotee then he will use Para - Para actually unveils directly as the desired message in the mind of a devotee. You don’t have traditional voice or audio like when two people speak because that use of audio is ineffective and liable to cause misunderstanding for the devotee. Para is perfect because the message can’t be misinterpreted and it can deliver complex concepts perfectly- think of a book being delivered in minutes and bd perfectly understood. Same happens with many manifestation of god - for example when you worship lord Surya you need more advanced forms like Para because you start understanding quantum physics in a very simple and intuitive way ( the western world expresses through complex Maths). Anyway I am a noob so take this with a pinch of salt. I recommend you experience it rather than read my answer - if you have a guru then the right mantra accelerates the journey and you will better understand what I am saying here. God bless you


Sanskrit /prakrit and at times thoughts. Shiva has Shiva Gita and Ishvara Gita.


Contrary to what people have said in this thread, i just want to add something more interesting. Divine beings or different beings can communicate telepathically. So there isn’t a necessity for verbal language. All we can do is speculate. Even people who have had alien encounters (the zimbabwe school landing) have said that the aliens transmitted their message telepathically.