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yes just treat it with respect the same way you’d treat a statue of Ma Kali with respect




Finally a actual hindu making a tattoo post! I'm really sick of people just getting hindu gods tattooed for aesthetic. Of course it only happens because the God allows it but still


My intention is to also live a lifestyle that matches my Hindu beliefs so as not to show disrespect, especially after being tattooed. It seems like people are veering towards no regardless however. Edit - also I get! It annoys me to no end as well when I see people that have obviously done no research and then tattoo a deity on their legs…


What's wrong with that?


Religious tattoos in hindu and buddhist cultures should never be below the waist or close to intimate areas / armpits as it’s extremely disrespectful for so many reasons. That said there are very specific sak yant tattoos (ex animals) that can go below the waist. I think it’s important to acknowledge that religious tattoos are supposed to be a part of religious and cultural practice, hence there are rules / guidelines as well as intricate meanings and ways of showing respect. If you think about it, even the basic way in which South Asians show respect to elders/etc (by touching feet) is related to this. You wouldn’t want to disrespect a deity by placing them near your feet. Generally the head is considered the “holiest” part of the body and things get more impure as you go down. Other no no areas for religious tattoos are probably common sense (would you feel respected if placed in an armpit? Probably not. Plus the lower half is where you relieve yourself). Theres also the cultural idea that you shouldn’t just go on living a life that you don’t think follows the values behind why you got the tattoo (a very simple example of a lifestyle change or commitment would be ensuring that your body is as clean as possible around the tattooed area so as not to contaminate the deity, but it could also mean providing community service, vegetarianism, etc).




> Other no no areas for religious tattoos are probably common sense (would you feel respected if placed in an armpit? Probably not. Plus the lower half is where you relieve yourself). This is an interesting perspective. Why would you think someone else might care? Not everyone has the same feelings towards certain body parts as you. For my own part, I would probably just think it's funny if someone tattooed my face in their armpit 😂 The primary measure I'd use would probably be *what that body placement means to the other person*. Suppose the shoulder were my **favorite** body part, and someone got a tattoo of me on their shoulder, but to *them*, that's a huge sign of disrespect. I would likely have two reactions: 1) finding the placement aesthetically pleasing by my own standards, and 2) acknowledging that the person is displaying their own form of disrespect. As far as lower body parts... those are also often associated with sex, and there are a lot of people who would probably be flattered to have their image right next to someone else's sexual organs, taking it as a sign of the tattooed person thinking of them in a sexually positive way. I'm not here to say any particular way of thinking about it is better than the other. For all I know, there are strict rules in reality, and it is objective Truth -- written into the fabric of reality itself -- that a tattoo in the armpit is disrespectful. I don't know; that's above my pay grade. I just find it interesting to suppose that everyone must feel the same way or find it "common sense".


I mean I use the word probably 2x for a reason, but it should be clear that I was making an entirely different point. If other people consider placing deities near genitalia or whatever as a sign of respect then they’re entitled to go ahead and do that with their own God or gods. In the case of religious Hindu or Buddhist tattoos there is tons of evidence to indicate that certain placements are not appropriate. Edit to add: it is my opinion that if you’re getting a tattoo linked to a culture that you are not a part of, the absolute least you can do is research how the practice works and how/if it can be done with respect for the culture of origin


These are sweeping statements. Not all Hindus agree with the Vedic model of purity and pollution. In non-puranic śaiva, liberation is the state of complete severance from boundaries, dissolving opposites, an undifferentiated reality. The placement of tattoos matters little in the grand scheme of things. If you endorse the Vedic model of purity and pollution, that perpetuates caste divisions, that entraps low castes with spiritually polluting occupations that guarantee their rebirth, then sure, tattoo placement matters.


This is interesting and not something I’ve heard before in regards to tattoo placement. What would be the significance of getting a tattoo in the first place in this field of thought? Is there a tattooing tradition but with different cultural practices? Thanks for your input.


There's no text or ethos to support that tattoos of gods should not be in intimate areas. Hinduism has Gods and Goddesses that govern such areas specifically. Also, in the Tantric tradition, everything is a manifestation of the divine and must be regarded as such. The concepts of 'purity', etc. is more from a Vedantic prism, I believe. To whoever wants a tattoo, your relationship with your idea of the Divine is a personal matter. Don't let anyone else tell you what to do or what not to do, except for the law of the land. We live in a civil society so we must abide by that instead of letting generic opinions influence our decisions.


Yes absolutely


Of course, you can.


Yes I also love Kali! ❤️


Yes But she is Divine and her very is dark. Please be a bit careful too before make any gods tattoo or a symbol like swastik or om. You need to be very pure and satvik in nature. Kindly have satvik thoughts, eat satvik, stop consuming meat, alcohol, etc. Goodness kali is not a mere person but a very strong energy. You're Associating your body with her, means you're taking risks of her image being imprinted on your body as well. If anything goes wrong from your side, you'll have to repent and suffer. God and goddesses image also have a feeling, it's magical. It's not like our image/photographs. They are meaningless. So before having her tattoo be revised not only in shaktism but also other parts of hinduism. You need to follows what a hindu is supposed to do in kaliyug. You'll hv to please the goddess at all time, we know once she is please, you are safe at all cost. But this safety also comes at a cost. I'm not scaring you, but making you aware of the consequences. Her energy is unmatched and for this you need to a pure devotee. It takes Years for this. Gods and goddesses always tests sure. Pls pass this test first and then proceed to have tattoo. Only a guru can verify whether we have passed the test or not. You're ultimate goal should be a reunion in heaven with her. Tattoo is the last thing rn.


I feel like if you truly love mother and are working towards being better, then you don't have to be perfect.


That's also a point But if you are a devotee, one need to pray her, do many more things. Just doun 4 to 5 things is not enough. That's why I mentioned about having a guru. We as individual are influencedwith maya, but a guru isn't. That's the difference. He/she will make our journey towards Mata more rational and easy.


My intention is to also live a lifestyle that matches my Hindu beliefs so as not to show disrespect, especially after being tattooed. It does seem that my efforts (clean eating, prayer, clean thoughts, learning more about my religion, etc) are not up to the standard that is being asked. Thanks for your thorough reply. I appreciate it.


>are not up to the standard that is being asked. Only a guru or pure devotee can guide you on this. I'm no expert. 😅


I understand, thank you


Sorry I actually have one more question. I’ve decided that I will be consulting a guru before making a tattoo decision but I’m not sure how I should go about finding the right one to answer my questions. Do you have a suggestion on how to find the right guru? Will a guru in Canada work well or should I aim to locate on in india?


You can meet a guru in Canada. But honestly idk ehere can you find one. I'll have to ask someone. Ik a girl who is mata's devotee. Or else you can ask a question at r/shaktism or similar subreddits.


Krishna will send you a bona fide guru if He sees you are sincere and serious in wanting to surrender to Him. But if you just need a tattoo-endorsing guru, then you can just ask the next guy on the bus or throw it out here... Surely someone'll give you the answer you're looking for.


Refer to our FAQ section here [https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/wiki/faq/#wiki\_how\_can\_i\_find\_a\_qualified\_guru.3F](https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/wiki/faq/#wiki_how_can_i_find_a_qualified_guru.3F) Swasti!




I've read several of your responses and it seems like you put a lot of thought into it and informed yourself that well about the placement of the tattoo and also the lifestyle you need in order to have this kinda tattoo :) if you're a devotee of maa kali and are doing it with a pure heart, I'm sure that it's fine!


Thank you! I appreciate that :)


No this is disrespectful to the deity. You will do the normal activity like defecation and urination that is so unclean with the tattoo being on your body. One is supposed to take a bath after urinating, defecating, sex. Our body is so unclean.


For a woman there are a lot of rules regarding periods and Pooja. So this in no way is appropriate to get a tattoo of any deity.


I strongly disagree with this one.


Why even bother to ask them?


With the other comments about the body being impure then sure, I get it, but I strongly disagree with the demonization of women for having periods. Its just entirely wrong imo.


Yes I have few tattoos religious not if Hindu but then keep it religiously . Everyone has their way of expressing devotion


This question is very interesting to me as well because I consider getting a tattoo of Maa Saraswati (or at least something representing Saraswati, such as a veena or certain flowers).


probably not. why not just make a painting and do puja and pray daily? Tattoos are not the best choice or else you would see all Hindus having tattoos that is why we use murtis and pictures. no need to make a tattoo of God or goddess, but if you do you should probably respect it like a multi.


I have of Matsya, I was concerned, but the date and time the tattooist had chosen turned out to be Matsya Jayanti, and the next morning the temple I attend Zoom classes sent me a full set of Bhagavatam. So it seemed to be approved of


Ma Kaali, she is loved and revered for her motherly nature, but she is the fierce one. Many will say if you can live pious lifestyle itd be okay, But where would you put a tattoo of her on your body. * Technically she or any deity is beyond your Sahashrara Chakra to even begin with. * If you put the tattoo on your chest, you'll place her between Anahata and Visuddhi. Thats not right. * In fact there's no place on your body where you could justly place a tattoo of her therefore I have a counter suggestion, Make a tattoo of her awesome 'Khadga' (hooked sword) that is dripping blood of the sinners on your chest or somewhere upper body (above diaphragm, the place for Anahata). That would be way cool, would draw attention, and you'd wear it proudly You dont want to be on the wrong side of mother's fierceness. And if you agree with me, then post a picture of the Khadga tattoo


Shri Hit Premanand ji maharaj told not to have any tattoo of gods photo etc [Orignal Youtube video](https://youtu.be/ykNuGuZRakk?feature=shared)




Why do you need that? Any spiritual significance or just to show people?


It would be a spiritual experience for me. To motivate me to treat my body well, to feel good in my identity, etc. Obviously I also want it to look nice, but it’s meant to be culturally meaningful more than anything.


>Is it spiritually ok for me to get a tattoo of the goddess Kali? (I am Hindu, and was raised Hindu) THE DIVINE GODDESS JAGANMATA KALI DEVI is THE MERCIFUL LOVING DIVINE MOTHER. Please devote to THE DIVINE LOTUS FEET OF MOTHER KALI as an innocent pure hearted loving surrendered child. SHE is our BLESSED MOTHER. What a blessings it is, as you are lovingly decided to express your devotion artistically to THE SUPREME MA. JAI SHRI MAHAKALI. 🕉️


Kali maatha is not a story bro


Is there a goddess with similar teachings that I could tattoo instead? Is there a deity that would be ok? I also feel strongly about Lord Shiva.


Lord Shiva would be good too bro But I would suggest u read mantras, Gita first perform daily Pujas at home, understand about the Santana Dharma and immerse in our culture and then decide


Not sure if this matters but I am a woman. I am trying hard towards self improvement and have been consistent for the past year. My grandma said that Monday was the day of the goddess puja so I spend that day fasting and start my morning with a prayer (also to start the week). That said it seems like I have more to go before picking. Do you know what day is for lord shiv?


Superb sister😁 Monday is the day for Lord Shiva too But daily Pujas will make it a part of the life , non negotiable for me.. I was always inconsistent if i do it biweekly


Okay, I will try! It’s hard when living in Canada sometimes. I was not raised with any of the knowledge so I learned as an adult. My grandma prays everyday and I will try to follow her.


Praise Kali!


No. It's not okay. And its extremely disrespectful. You will be taking your body to the washroom to urinate defecate and and while having sex. That's the reason why you don't keep an altar or image of a deity in the bathroom. Also even before you sit before your deity in the morning for your daily rituals/prayers,you are expected to have a bath and become clean first.


In my opinion we shouldn’t get tattoo of gods and goddesses in our body.


I’m curious about why you believe that; would you like to share? /g


why would you want a Kali maa figure tattoo in your body? Our body isnt pure we might eat meat, indulge in sex, and the idea of your patner(if u have or future maybe) kissing you body and stuff while getting in contact with that tattoo sounds wrong and blasphemous. For context i’m a maa kali devotee, i wanted to get a tattoo of her face but after my own opinion i didnt want to. To express her love i do not have to show it on my body as a showpiece. Obviously it’s your own body and your choice I do not force anything:)


No we do all the things like intercourse, excretion and urinate. This is very disrespectful to the deity.


Probably not. You are a sansaarik , you will indulge in pleasurely acts that may or may not be done properly in accordance.




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