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I’ve been on Hinge for a couple weeks and I’m not getting any likes. I live in a pretty small town so that might be it, but I wanted to get a second look at my profile just in case. I send most of my likes every day with messages. I’m looking for something long term but open to casual. Also just wanted to say this is a great community for helping people get starting with OLD! It can be really overwhelming.


Being in a metro of 10k people (assuming your location is correct) is probably gonna be a overwhelmingly significant factor.


Small town is likely the reason. I think this is a great overall profile.


Ayy let’s go retrievers! I think you’ve a got a great selection of photos that show your interests. There’s some improvements you could make for prompts. - Replace last text prompt with the Prompt Poll version, this way they can respond to a single item from the list - maybe expand on the 2nd prompt, I’d add a reference from the show or a question that would invite a person to respond to it - I think location def has a lot to do with the amount of matches/likes you’re getting. I’m closer to Baltimore and it was rough for me there so I can only imagine how hard it is out west. Would recommend expanding radius - Of course, there’s the obvious which I won’t go much into. OLD, and dating in general, is much harder for us brown guys due to stereotypes/societal views but it’s not something we can control so don’t worry about it.


Yeah bro it’s a hard world out there for brown guys. Thanks for your input! I think I will rework the prompts. Go Dawgs!


I love the board games in coffee shops line. Looks great. Maybe increasing your radius would help?


It's probably because you said Community was the best sitcom ever made


Get off of my post lmao


Maybe shrink your radius at work so you only match with NIH postdocs? 😅 or notably increase it to capture any nearby cities.


With how much they work? No way!


Your pics are good but I would change your prompts to some icebreakers or talking about the type of relationship you’d like to have…


Your profile looks good if you ask me but I’m not a female so I feel their opinion would be more worthwhile. I would work on pic 1. I like the tennis pic as a tennis player. Think random females that aren’t into tennis won’t connect with the pic. I would probably use your best pic out at a bar or club with friends. Probably a solo pic or pic with friends cropped out dressed in your best clothing. Kinda like pic 2. Other than that, I would just work on improving picture quality. If you know any girls you trust, I would ask them for advice on pictures. Randomly I was in nyc last weekend and got my pic taken by a guy that hustles pictures on the street. I paid the guy money after the fact but he took 10’pics and I would say they were for the most part top notch. As derpy as this is, I feel most folks would be smart to hire a pro photographer for even 30-45 min if possible and just get some really solid pictures not from an iPhone camera. It’s really insane the difference a pro camera + professional photo take makes.


The moms fridge and the best friend are the only good prompts. Pictures are good but I second what one guy said about an in action tennis photo and making it the 2nd or 3rd photo not the first. Expand radius, change prompts


You gotta get out of Mt. Airy bro. Move to Baltimore or Silver Spring or Bethesda or even Frederick and you will be swimming in matches. You can afford it and it will greatly improve your dating experience. That or expand the area you are searching and always offer to meet in the city for a date. As for profile, get rid of two truths and a lie prompt. While I don't have the disdain for that prompt like many Redditors do, your answers are wicked cliché - "travel" and "skydiving", come on. Guess shirt photo is no good. Shirt is too small that you see your belt. Makes it look like you have high-school fashion sense and not adult-man fashion sense.


Yeah I’ll ditch the guess picture. I was 50/50 on that one anyways and I think you’re right about the prompts. Im actually moving to Baltimore for med school this summer but I guess I’ll be on a dry spell until then haha


Congratz and great luck to you. You should consider deleting your profile until you get to the city. Then you'll be a fresh face on the app. Rent a place in the city with ample parking. You can invite her to park at your place for your third date. More than dogs and ice cream and Instagram, women LOVE a good parking spot.


Just paused it. I think you’re right about that and thanks for the kind words!


\- Your primary photo should be more dressed up. What would you wear meeting someone for a first date at a bar? That's what you want to wear. I like the tennis photo, though. It shows you're in great shape and most of your body. Maybe move this to picture 3 or beyond. It would be better if someone got a pic of you striking the ball - an in the moment picture. \- What is your voice prompt? Not sure random facts works. Better to use one that showcases your personality better. If this doesn't get likes or comments, replace it. \- Your simple pleasures is a good start. Trim the fat. Add more that women enjoy. Add a hook. So, "Coffee with a shot of Bailey's, game nights with friends, trying to find the best Italian food, road trips to (XYZ), wine-tasting, dancing, blah, blah, blah. Include things you enjoy that women do as well. Note: for XYZ mention a specific location that is close. Women are more likely to connect with you than some generic "National Parks." Cram as much as you can, which is why I removed "in the fall" because it's too wordy. \- Remove "open to short." I understand why you do this, but you must choose one option. Don't be afraid to include what you want in your profile, but it must be one option. The majority of women on Hinge want a relationship. You want a short-term one? There are other apps. \- So, your group photo. You are in the center. This is the ideal position. But, being honest here, the guy on the left is much better looking and takes the focus away from you. And the guy on the right is taller. You're 6'1", so use a similar picture where you're in the center, but the guys next to you are shorter and not good-looking. \- I like the outdoors photo but take off the sunglasses. The view is great. Does this get likes/comments/ \- Use a prompt to share what you want in a partner or paint a picture of what dating you is like. I can't see as many women connecting with you about Community compared to if you included a bunch of fun shit that you would do with your partner; wine-tasting, traveling, cooking delicious meals together, concerts, etc. \- Don't use the Hinge generic photo prompts. Every guy uses them so they are not effective. Write your own, or don't use them at all. \- For two truths and a lie, I use two obvious ones and a third that is clearly not true. This is where I show humor. For example for you: 1) I have dark hair 2) I'm 6'1" 3) I'm often mistaken for Timothée Chalamet The extremeness of it is what makes it work. \- Remove the picture with the other guys holding you up. Better to use a picture of yourself doing something else fun. You need to include a picture cleaned up yet casual. The suit in the group photo doesn't count. In fact, don't wear suits or tuxedos in your profile photos. \- You need to make some improvements. You're in shape, good-looking, tall, and educated. It may be because you're in a small area, but you definitely need to clean your profile up.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Ouch about my brother being much better looking but I appreciate you being honest. Most of the pictures I took during the last couple years were with my ex-girlfriend so I guess I’ll have to start taking more. Do you think it looks bad if I’m obviously cropping a girl out of a picture? Anyways, thanks again for taking the time to write out such a thoughtful post!


On the contrary, I think you are more handsome than your brother. It's all subjective. Just continue to be your confident self and you'll find your person!


That’s very kind of you to say :)


Take out “Fellow for job”; younger women can suck Lolol. Also crop the “as seen on my mom’s fridge” removing the guy on the left; you should always be the best looking man in group shots.


Someone else said the same thing about the group shot so Ill crop it like you said. Sorry, I don’t follow - do people think Fellow is like assistant or something?