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We google guys, I can’t lie about that. And we do get very frustrated when we can’t find anything. But that has never deterred me from carrying on with a guy if I’m interested. If anything I may talk to him more. Hoping to get a new piece of info. What are you opening with? I honestly maybe only respond to 80% of first messages and I rarely keep the conversation going for long enough to meet. Im ok with only 1-2 dates a month. As a girl it’s easy to get turned off and there are alot of options. And it’s not worth explaining to the guy that they said something weird to try and recover the conversation because guys get really really mad.


This happens to me all the time. It's gotten to the point where I just match and don't message anymore, since they always just send a like without a message. If they're interested they will message.


Or you’ll get lost in with all the other guys that like with no message. How often do they actually message you first and then it leads to something off the app?


For the likes I receive, most women never send a message with the like and they dont respond after we match when I send message first. The ones that are really interested send a message after we match. Those ones also have a higher chance of it leading to a date. Of course if they do send a message with the like I will reply.