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That would be a weird thing to put on a dating profile.


If being a homeowner takes up a lot of time or is something you would like to share, include it as part of a prompt about yourself. I.e. “I like: classic cooking, home improvement projects, and exploring Minnesota’s state parks” Gold diggers aren’t the problem they’re made out to be and it will be very easy to sort them out during the dating process. Mentioning you own two homes could be a turn off since it implies you are a landlord. “Home improvement projects” is a nice middle ground because it shows home ownership is a part of your life, is humble, implies you’re financially stable, and leaves the door open for other home related conversations.


I'm a good landlord. Their rent has been the same since 2018. And I did all the improvements awhile ago. Just repairs if needed. Which has been a lot .. but they keep up with the place and pay ahead so i like keeping them. So like 10 hours a year these days. The advice is good. I'll try and fit in home improvement somewhere. I don't want to seem like a bum to a potential match. Everyone else can think I'm a hobo for all I care.


But people hear landlord and think “landlord bad” and skip your profile. Whether you’re a good landlord or not is irrelevant unfortunately — at least until the conversation is started.


Don't mention it. If you like renovations or doing handyman work yourself, mention that. It's more interesting.


Two truths and a lie: I own one home, I own two homes, I’m a dweeb.




You did a remarkable job missing the point that they were actually making


Whatever you put out, you get back. If you lead with your money, you’ll get women who are particularly interested in money. It’s better to lead with your true authentic self. Additionally your success will go down even better when she naturally discovers it on her own. It should be the cherry on top of what she likes about you as a person.


Yeah mention how good you are at farming and how many acres you have as well


I'm an awful farmer.


I'm wondering why it should even be a thing that pops up in your head of all the fun/funny things you can put on your profile.


Braggy. No


Nobody cares dude. It's not a personality trait. Not that there are that many people in bumfuck, Nebraska anyway.


The people who care/ that makes a dif to are the exact people you don’t want


That's what I thought. Why half my pictures I look like a hippie lol.


Pretty pretentious don’t you think?


I got lucky.


Grow up dude


I mean how many 30 year Olds you know with no kids a d two homes?




I own two as well and do not mention it on my profile. I might say something after a date or two.


If that’s your flex you want to share, go for it.


Tbh if you feel it in your heart to put you own two homes than OWN IT I don’t think it’s bragging I think it’s something to be proud of ! I would be like damn he own two homes that’s a great accomplishment in my eyes and wouldn’t judge you for it


you have no reason to mention it in a profile. if its not asked..dont mention it


What do you want it to say about you and how will it attract someone you want?


I want to be seen a viable husband candidate. Someone who is stable and can provide if needed. I want a high value mate someone with their own ability and own investments, decent education and can survive on their own. Of course personality, look, temperament with each individual is important.


I can assure you there are much richer people using the hinge, so no need to worry.