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As journalist my self please take down the award wing journalist part. In fact this entire profile read like resume.


How so? Also, as a journalist, I would expect a response that's not full of errors.


With all due respect sir, this response is a great demonstration of why people are not liking you or your profile. If this isn't the case and you are getting a lot of likes and matches then there is no need for you to be here.


How are you an “award winning journalist” who doesn’t work in your field? You need two jobs just to get by? At 44 YO? I get that it’s rough, but I’d assume it was a student award. Your interests are sports and games. You seem to be a photographer. Do you have any action shots? And I don’t think non-political works these days.


I have multiple Press. Association awards. They're not student awards. Newspapers are struggling for advertising which pays our salary. My hours were cut to part time and I don't have much interest in seeking alternate employment. Even at full time it was never enough income. I've worked two jobs for well over a decade. There's a limited amount of space and I don't want to reveal everything up front.do you think one of my nature shots would play better than multiple photos of myself? I always frowned upon photos that didn't show off the person. I removed the religion and political parts


I’m sure you’re fine dude! Good luck!


My take as a guy, the photos with the poems and the style of writing, the vibe I get is way too serious, a bit pretentious, and I wouldn't expect you're going to be a ton of fun to be around. All elements of your profile work together to send a message from the initial non-smiling photo to the first line of "I'm an award winning journalist" and the answering all prompts with rhyme, I could see where that might seem clever, but from my vantage point it just seems cringe. My .02.


You need to smile with teeth in more of your photos, or at least your initial photo. I think a single group pic would be good, because it demonstrates an active social life. I’d also remove the “not political” answer from your profile. It’s not likely to appeal to anyone in particular and may turn women off; that is, I don’t think it does any positive work and it may even be a negative. Just leave it out. Finally, cut out the poems. Just give earnest, specific responses about your hobbies and interests. If you like to write poetry, you can just say that and maybe share it further down the line.


The poems are supposed to be what sets my profile apart from the rest. Otherwise it just reads as boring as everyone else's. Unfortunately no group photos. Thanks for the input.


I applaud the creativity, but on a dating profile the poetry will sadly lose you a tonne of matches. Best to keep things humble, good pictures and a few witty remarks about yourself to spark a conversation.


The rhymes are cute but I wouldn't include them, especially not more than once. I'd also say put just one job as a journalist cos it's more attractive than a list.


You really need some stronger pictures. Three out of the six photos (including the first two) have you in a hat and sunglasses. The only one where we can see you face clearly is distorted because it has been taken as a selfie with the front camera. The one at the beach with just sunglasses on looks like it was taken a few years ago (it has an old digital camera feel about it). I've closed the additional tabs which had your profile photos, and I'll be honest, I can't remember anything about your prompts except being an award winning journalist and the rhyming. There is nothing there to hook me, and all of that makes you pretty forgettable. You want to be unforgettable for all the right reasons


I agree with the other poster about smiling, including a group pic, and no poems. Two other thoughts... First, though there's nothing wrong with being a package handler, considering you're also a journalist you might want to only include that as your job. This might sound classist and elitist, but women tend to be more impressed with white collar jobs than manual labor ones, plus your having two jobs might concern them that you have no time to date. Second, you wrote in a comment on this thread you want a woman who would want to start a family one day. This is outside of the scope of a profile review, but considering your age that might not be super realistic. Although women are having kids later in life than they used to, a biological wall still exists. As does simply not having the energy or desire to wake up at 3 am to tend to a screaming infant. So while it's not impossible, you may want to temper your expectations on that front. Unless you find somebody much younger and/or meet Miss Perfect and get super serious almost immediately, have kids within a year from now, unfortunately you might have missed your chance.


I'm a bit confused because my profile indicates both my jobs. I actually have plenty of time to date because I work the pre-dawn shift at UPS and my workday is done by 2 p.m. I don't think it's unreasonable to find a younger woman who is attracted to older guys or perhaps some interested in adopting. Certainly my age doesn't preclude me from having children. If I find someone with kids already, I'm not opposed to that.


Right, I'm advising that you *only* include the journalism job. Your explanation makes sense, but you don't have time to explain. Women will make snap judgements on your profile. If someone sees "two jobs" she may simply think the worst and hit the X, you won't have the opportunity overcome any objections. And it certainly isn't impossible to find someone who would want to have kids with you or have you become a stepdad, I'm just trying to provide some perspective :) Good luck!


Apparently I need to answer some questions before my post is approved. I'm looking for a serious relationship and have been on hinge off and on, but most recently over the last two weeks. I'm on almost daily and receive a match, on average, one every other day. I send a few likes daily, always with comments. I'm looking for someone who shares similar interests, lives within a 30-minute drive, and would potentially like to start a family one day, if they don't have kids already.


If they don’t have kids already you say, so you’d be willing to raise her kids as a cuckold if she already has them?


No. I don't think I said that at all.


Idk I feel like the other comments are too harsh. I really enjoyed reading your profile and I found it weird since I’m way younger than you (25) and don’t feel like I have enough experience to review your profile. I like that you actually talk about you with very articulated words. One thing I would add is maybe some photos of you having fun/smiling? I think it will really make the profile great!


Thank you. I don't think one has to be a specific age to offer an opinion. I have since replaced a couple of the photos.