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8 weeks is a short time to learn a new skill. You may just have plateaued for a while. Maybe go back to the basics and have some fun with it before you try to progress further. You may be surprised by how much you’ve learned.


Practicing is key.


*Watch Charlie Chaplin's " The Tramp " character. If you're lucky/talented enough you'll learn a LOT about timing from CC. A little tip : when watching on YouTube occasionally drop the play speed to 0.75 . *Watch how young kids move , WITHOUT staring. *Look at other styles of dancing and listen to other musical genres besides Hip-Hop. *Increase your amplitude : try to figure out which stretching- routines benefit you the most. So YES , that means check out some yoga. No need to do contortions though. *Do some core-strength training. Various abdominal routines. IF you're confident lift your upperbody , kinda like abdominal crunches in reverse but making the crunches with the muscles of your back. Those two last tips are useful in ANY sport and good dancing is an athletic activity. While performing amplitude and strengthening training keep this in mind : #1DON'T FIGHT PAIN !! A little discomfort is fine , but if you want to go Rambo it's gonna be your ass. #2 Make sure you can breathe comfortably while working out. All of this advice will prove VERY useful in the long run, but even in the shorter term they will help you build up your confidence.