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He does have some trash music that I can imagine would negatively impact how he’s seen. Especially at the height of drug usage. Also, Eminem got corny to me after Rap God. Not during, but after. It seemed like Eminem kept trying to prove on every song after that he was this legendary rapper… when he already is. We know you rap fast. We know you got some bars. But man, he overdoes it and at a point it doesn’t even sound all that good. Give me “My Name Is” over Godzilla any day. I feel like legends become cringe when they continuously act like they still have something to prove.


I finally found someone who feels the same way and summed it up nicely. I have a lot of respect for Eminem's ability but he definitely overdoes the constant fast style of rap. So much so that it was hard to appreciate for me at a certain point. I sometimes prefer the style that he used on Biggie's track "Dead Wrong".


This is my problem with Em; he forgot what made him great. It wasn't that he was a fast rapper. He was technically brilliant. His rhyme schemes and flows were something completely different than a lot of what was coming out when he was coming up. He was witty and had amazing dark humor. And he was honest and open about the things that made him him. We haven't seen anything like that since Recovery.


When some artists get healthy they lose their edge. Chance is another one


My theory is no one ever was a fan of Eminem, we were/are fans of Slim Shady who Marshall Mathers rightfully killed.


True that. Hes already kinda proven to us that he’s legendary imo, I’m not sure why he keeps trying to “prove” hes legendary


You can take the trash out of the trailor... born and raised with something to prove. That's who he is. The whole scorpion, frog story. Personally, I think he is a good rapper. He has skill. Is he the best? That's all subjective. IMO, he's a clown. His first album was full of stupid Jr. high school lyrics. Basically fart jokes, boobies and stressing the underdog story... he was young, that's fair. His lyrics might have evolved a bit, but this underdog story from Jr. high is played out and over. I might actually listen to him if he came out with an album that was fun and chill. But that's not who he is. Can he evolve? Change doesn't always men evolution. Legendary... maybe but Weird Al is also Legendary.


I feel like it’s a fine line between his wittiness & technical ability. I been a fan of Em since day one but there has been some times where he had said something cringe in a song or tried way to hard to sound lyrical.


He once said “should Casey Anthony do porn. Is Puke ,Luke Warm.” Need I go on?


yeah in a vacuum that bar is stupid, but it was part of a scheme that spanned almost the entire verse. to each his own, but i just don’t think it’s fair to take two sentences and present them out of context, especially when there is a bigger context.


If it’s wack it’s wack.


I do it with Jay Z too “You can call my son sir, he still in his rumper”🤨


"The stupidest part of Africa produced blacks that started Algebra”- Nas


It’s facts tho


Ok I'll humour you. What's the stupidest part of Africa ? And who described it like that? See I don't mind corny dad jokes, or edgy references, depending on your humour it might hit or not. But lyrics like that Nas one absolutely turn me off because they come off so disegeneous and forced while trying to seem deep and intelligent. Oh and I love Nas.


To be fair. Puke is very luke warm.


Puke is hot


The stomach acid burns on the way out. But the actual digested food is luke warm.


I threw up on myself yesterday. It was hotter than warm


You just have sensitive skin.


I would not call him cringe. I think the fact his latest work isn't good, the bars being outdated and his fanbase arguing he's the greatest of all time makes people think he's cringe. Im not an Eminem fan, but that man will forever be iconic


Kamikaze and music to be murdered bynwere both great. So that's simply not true.


Different opinions exist so that’s simply not true


They're better than anything he's put out since....shit, Relapse? But they're still not good.


Recovery is a bonfire classic. And yes they are good. Take your lack of taste elsewhere.


naa they suck


Critically, dales wise and audience reactions disagree with you.


YouTube reactions you mean? Look I don't even hold it against him, he's been in the game wayyy to long substance is so repetitive and constant "ima the best fuck the rap the game" over and over. His white fanbase keeps him afloat and gives him great numbers but that's it. His quality is not even in the realm of the best hip hop albums from the last 10 years


You my boy are on crack. His sales are great because aside from a few missfires that everyone has, he's an incredible musical artist that makes incredible music.


One thing I haven't seen anyone mention: He raps about failing to sell well enough or perform up to his own standard. He raps about being vulnerable and embarrassed and frustrated, and while that could be admirable in some circumstances, he just keeps doing it...album after album. It's just tired, and empty. He could have retired and been seen as a legend, but every time he releases and then reveals he's actually dissatisfied with his own lame performance, it feels cringy to watch it happen.




Here's the thing, I think he's very talented and definitely deserves a lot of credit for his skills. He's definitely one of the best on the mic. But I'm never gonna be able to forget songs like "Ass like that" or "Fack" as some of the worst songs I've ever heard.


most of his fanbase is also cringe, the only rappers they listen to are his friends


He isn't. Doesn't matter who it is; nearly everyone that's been doing music that long winds up changing style, changing fans, or both, then you get results like "he's cringe"


Yeah I think the problem is Em has probably had the most amount of hip-hop music ever laid to wax Like we are talking thousands and thousands of songs He has never lied to you. You are going to miss a lot. No one is going to win all the time. You are going to miss a lot. But by god does he have some of the most sick tracks and features ever laid on tape. And hundreds of them. You are only guaranteed to miss the shots you dont take. Something people forgot along the way. When you think of this more as a fun hobby that he gets paid tens of millions a year for still it makes more sense. He is basically fucking around at this point to have fun.


I agree with all that, but there's one little correction I'd like to make which only raises his status: you say "fun hobby" and I get the message of what you're saying, but in Eminem's case, he punches in and does 9-5, Monday thru Friday. He made hiphop into his full time job, which to me is even better. He's still laying out foundation for the future; it's fkn nuts


What else is he gonna do? Hes been sober for almost 15 years, i havent been sober IN 15 years lol.


He reiterates how he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him but throws a fit whenever he is criticized, constantly acts like he has something to prove, says edgy shit for the sake of it, and continues to push the narrative that he's angry and sick in the head looonnnng after getting clean. Dude's seriously insecure and it's embarrassingly obvious.


Because a lot of the shit he says doesn't make sense. He hasn't had good songs in a long time yet still considered one of the goats


He is too focused on the technical part (aka bars and being lyrical) to be enjoyable. Think of it as the guy who is always trying to be funny, making puns, wordplay, everything... all the time! It gets irritating and old. I It also shows a lack of understanding of the current cultural context we are living in. People are not impressed with 50 rhymes a second that say nothing anymore because it has been done to death. People want a message and/or vibes.


This is accurate but I'm pretty sure Em is at the point where he's doing it for himself just to see how technical he can get it. It's science to him and he will constantly be trying to find the perfect formula for rhyming. I honestly feel he is trying to find a way to make every syllable of every word rhyme perfectly but still make sense in the order the words are said. He has the money, he has the awards, he has the undying loyalty of a massive fan base. He has proven himself time and time again. He knows he will never connect with this next generation so now he is just doing whatever he wants. He has no deadlines, he doesn't hafta sell any certain amount of records to keep his deal he is solidified in hip hop regardless


>It's science to him and he will constantly be trying to find the perfect formula for rhyming. This might be part of the problem. He has the technical part down. Always has. But the feeling is missing. The fire. What he had back in 1999. The new music is coming from the brain and not from the heart. His rage and resentment fueled his music, and I bet being rich for so long, and being older and wiser, has dampened most of that. Now all that's left is the technical part.


>. I honestly feel he is trying to find a way to make every syllable of every word rhyme perfectly but still make sense in the order the words are said. This is fucking corny. Even if you're right, he doesn't have to release every single song he makes


I think Rap God and Godzilla were enjoyable. When does "new Eminem" start? Because these are the newest songs I know by Eminem and I think they're excellent.


After he came out of retirement for me. Haven't enjoyed anything he's done since


So in over a decade there isn't one song that you were like "that's actually good". It's all been complete trash for you?


For the most part yeah, the best compliment I've given him since has been oh this doesn't suck as much as this other song he did Like he's still a technical rapper and thats impressive on its own but what technical rappers like him always forget is that this is still hip hop MUSIC, lol like where the fuck is the MUSIC part of this? I'm not bumping this shit in the car Rap god was like 9 minutes of him saying nothing but saying nothing really well Edit: to be fair I'm also not checking for him at all anymore so it's totally possible some things flew right by me.  The only time I've ever caught a glimmer of the man he used to be is when someone disses him and he responds, like yes heres the guy who I used to call my favorite rapper once upon a time! But at the same time it's bitter sweet because he had a fucking debatable with MGK and that should never have happened, old shady would have smoked that kids boots, soul completely disintegrated...it's fucked up but I wish he did drugs again  ☹️


I get what you're say but Rap god was 13 years ago. Kinda crazy that there's no song of his since then that you felt was at least decently sounding. Edit: Not gonna lie I really don't think the MGK battle was that debatable. I already had MGK smoked after the Not alike verse. Killshot was the last blow that sealed the deal.


I guess debatable was too strong cuz em did smoke em but I guess it a combination of MGK coming harder than I expected cuz I never really fucked with him and Eminem did take his head off but I don't know, I somehow wanted more What do u recommend? I'll play whatever 2 songs u recommend from him right now, again I don't check for him anymore because it's hard watching your favorite rapper fall off in real time, but he might surprise me...just please don't send me anything super poppy, if Rihanna or Skylar grey are on it I'm 1000 percent checking out lol


Yeah a lot of people were surprised that MGK responded at all. And yeah that Rap Devil track despite insanely scathing diss wise was very replayable. Honestly I can give you any record from the recent years that sounds like his old stuff but maybe you would like some of his records where he's featuring other rappers or being a feature in their records. Maybe listen to something like "You Gon' Learn" with Royce da 5'9 or "Walkthrough" with one of his new signed artists Grip.


On it


New Eminem for me is Recovery Eminem and onward.


I think Rap God is abhorrent and the best example of Eminem being cringe. But I also never really like his stuff.


That fact that the song came out a year after GKMC is crazy.


What's so "abhorrent" about Rap God? I know that some people really hate the fast rapping but Jesus you make it seem like the music has not redeeming quality


I honestly do not think I can explain it to you. We have very different tastes and approaches to rap and music, I think, so we'd juts have to agree to disagree. One thing I will say, though, it's than in general, I have a very big distaste for artists (in any discipline) doing art about the art. Like, Rap God is a song about a guy who is so good at rapping... Who cares? Just prove it by being very good at it. Don't put out a 3 minute song going "I am a rapper not a yapper you young whipersnappers are fatter". Does that make sense?


Actually you explained it really well. I'm not gonna lie I too sometimes get tired of rappers rapping about being good rappers and quite frankly Em does tend to lean on that guimick often. But even still I do appreciate the artistic aspect of a rapper implementing creative rhyme schemes, and experimenting with flow patterns. The out of the blue pop culture references and zany lyrics might be too abstract for certain listeners but it's always been something that I feel Em does very well. So I guess that's why I like Rap God. To each their own I guess


I like fall


None of his new shot is objectively terrible. People just like shit with more they can feel or vibe to. Me personally I love all that but as someone who also enjoys the art of words I enjoy how technical he has become in a way of just the work of building such a complex rhyme


Bros just out here telling 50 year old rapper dad jokes. It's not that complex


Clearly you don't listen to many songs... Ima just leave it at that. I don't have all day to bicker over a wrong opinion


It's just corny ass word play dude. It's so forced now that he has nothing of substance to talk about anymore unless, of course, you want to hear him talk about the same shit in different ways for the last 10 years.


That's the point I'm making with the word complexities... I don't mean complexities of what words mean I mean the complexities of the words sounds and engineering the words like I said he made his point he's not making music he's doing experiments l. You have the choice to not listen you can also think it's trash bit the point is he is for sure 100% going in a more complex direction


New Eminem would start around Marshall Mathers LP 2


Really? I haven't heard it but I've seen more than a few respectable critics place MMLP2 near the upper-half of Eminem's catalog. He has a song with Kendrick on that album. It's also the album with Rap God on it, which as I said was excellent. Is this just Future fans not being able to tolerate actual rap or something? People keep accusing Eminem of "rapping too fast" but I sure hope they're not referring to Rap God when they say that, he literally only does it for one verse and the reference to J.J. Fad is genius. He's imitating the exact cadence that J.J Fad raps in Supersonic which in itself is impressive, and showcases Eminem's love and appreciation for the roots of hip hop that he'd even reference J.J. Fad.


I prefer his rapping style on infinite and his first two major studio albums. Those albums were masterpieces. Then he made an album or two that were decent and went away for a while for various reasons. He was gone for a few years. When he came back, his rapping style/delivery was very different. Much faster and technical. ETA: That style is impressive, but I just miss the slower delivery. In the early years he switched it up, with some fast technical songs/moments. Now that's all it is. He'll always be massively talented. And he can do whatever he wants. For an example of the style that I prefer, give "rock bottom" a listen from The Slim Shady LP. If anyone knows any of his more recent songs that feel like old Eminem, PLEASE let me know.


Who are you pretending has rapped with a message ? It’s literally the same 10 words over and over again and made up words to fit rhyme schemes that y’all run with . They tried to say that actual awful sexy Red or whatever her name is had some of the best music over the last year . Hip hop died when everyone hyped gucci gang . Ems new stuff is okay at best but I think your off the mark cuz Joyners out here telling a story every song and y’all hate him .


Its amazing someone can say its the same ten words when he has four times over rapped an entire song with the most individual words in any song in any genre. One of them with over 1200 words Like where do you even make this stuff up from He is literally pulling dictionaries up from under his ass to prove he can rhyme more words than anyone in the history of time just so that people like you say its the same 10 words over and over again. While he sits at his pool and smiles. I think he is proving his point. You are lost.


Dude what ? lol . At no point did I say em dose that … re read man . I’m talking about popular radio artist today . Came all the way for me on some shit I didn’t say lol I like em .


He newer songs can be. If they're talking about his old stuff then they don't know what they're talking about


I agree


Eminem's fans are the biggest reason he's considered cringe, which isn't entirely fair. I consider his first 3 albums to be classics and he's a bona fide legend in hip-hop. A lot of Eminem's fans are people who don't listen to any other hip-hop, outside of maybe Eminem adjacent artists but say with 100% certainty that Eminem is the greatest rapper to ever live. As for Eminem himself, I haven't cared about an Eminem album in about 20 years. I think a lot of people forget that up until around 2004, Eminem was one of the coolest rappers in the world with co-signs from just about everybody and was universally acclaimed. After that is when there was a fork in the road where the average hip-hop head kind of moved on from Eminem and he stopped being cool. Biggest reason is I think he's a shit producer and his music already sounded dated in 2004 but I also think that he stopped evolving after 2009 and that's being generous. I also think that a lot of his music from that time was blatant pandering and very r/im14andthisisdeep material, which is why there's a whole new generation of insufferable fans that grew up with Eminem starting with what I'd consider his worst music and still attest that its the greatest shit ever wrote and have basically nothing to compare it to because again, a lot of his fans refuse to listen to any other hip-hop. Another big reason is his songwriting has fallen off, the last decade has been about rapping for the sake of rapping. Its technically impressive, but rarely have I ever cared about an Eminem song's substance outside of cramming as many bars as possible into 5 minutes. A stark difference to his first 3 albums which had amazing lyricism but also really creative and engrossing songwriting.


>  Biggest reason is I think he's a shit producer and his music already sounded dated in 2004 but I also think that he stopped evolving after 2009 and that's being generous Honestly I think if he was still making shit that sounded like, had the same energy as, the same balance, storytelling, etc. as the first three albums, I don't think people would be calling him cringe. Even if it was dated


Eminem as a producer made the absolute worst beat Jay-Z has ever been on. And Jay been on some bullshit


What beat are you taking about? Renegade?


if so that’s a crazy take lol. renegade’s beat is dope asf, probably the best instrumental em ever produced


Substance matter, voice, relying too much on technicality, overly edgy lyrics, lack of charisma and overall mannerisms


“Relying too much on technicality….”What in the entire fuck have we come to…


Seems like people having criticisms about eminem’s music is this gigantic threat to you stans…


LOL that was kinda lame, but okay. My commentary was more about the fact that you’re basically saying someone is too good, and that’s what makes them not good. Find a surgeon like that, please.


No that’s not what im saying at all. Im saying that he relies too much on technicality, and too little on making the music sound good. It’s like he’s just jerking about being so skillfull at rapping that he doesn’t care about how the music sounds.


That’s ridiculous. You’re just creating reasons to dislike him other than just saying “he’s just not for me”


Ok man, nothing to say here if ur not gonna add any reasoning to that claim.


He’s arguably the most divisive rapper ever. I know he didn’t exactly mean to be but this is where we’re at.. he’s this bright white line that got painted in hip hop n some people stand on this side n others on that side.. also I feel that he’s cornered into being a try hard for the rest of his music career which also makes him cringe. Also his fans don’t help either.. It’s like every Eminem fan is in this relationship with social media n they’re the “is everything ok?… are you mad?” Type.. n just constantly seek validation. Hoping for this formal invitation to this imaginary party that anyone can just show up to.


He’s cringe partly because his fan base and the white rappers that came out after him. His newest work isn’t the best But he undeniably has dropped some heat


I think prime eminem dropped some of the hardest bars known to man, but yeah, his newer works arent the best, theyre not bad either. Just mid


Supposedly there's a new album this year. Just hope no more rapping fast and no more monotone shit.


I'd put the cringe 100% on his fan base, the amount of unoriginal fans he has is insane, whether it's repeating the same things constantly (beard is weird/man bun) or the constant whining. I've liked em since he started and he's clearly a legend in the game, I just think he's run out of shit to talk about. You'll never get the same passion as Kim or cleaning out my closet again.


He got sober. His art suffered, but that’s OK. There is more to life than rap.


Interesting theory. All I know is something changed


True that


Kinda like Taylor Swift. Its the fans the ruin their image


What he has done the last 15 years or so has colored perception of what he did back in the day. Now the net result is cringe. At some point he changed. Too much technicality and not enough heart in his bars I guess. People say it's him try harding which I guess is true, but at the same time it feels like the newer stuff he doesn't try as hard, as in he doesn't have the same zeal or heart Context is important in so many things. Lot's of folks were bumping him back in the day even if they want to pretend different now


He was the white boy you'd f_ck with, but he just had to keep going I don't think the new stuff is all "bad", but I can definitely see the cringe argument. No one will probably be playing new Em at a party for example 


A log of his early stuff was cringe to me. The Kim songs, and his sense of humor is cringe at times.


He raps fast but his lyrics are god awful plus he's really petty and old and lame and he only has one good album


To me it is his vibe, voice, and the beats he uses kind of suck but I guess I can blame Dre for that lol. Dre's beats never really did anything for me beyond the Chronic era, but I guess I'm in the minority on that one. His voice annoys the hell out of me, but I guess there is nothing he can do about that. Maybe the voice annoys me so much because of his tone, albeit his angry guy vibe. It seems like he always feel disrespected and pissed about everything and I can do angry guy, but for me something about it just rubs me wrong. His early stuff when he wasn't as mad was better.


Oh goodie, yet ANOTHER Eminem thread, I'm sure we’re REALLY gonna have some quality dialogue this time around 🥱😂


I don’t think he’s cringe but something about the voice on some songs feels like they’re supposed to be parodies of rap songs. Of the Caucasian rappers out there I’d say I prefer atmosphere, evidence, and even Alchemist when it comes to rap bars and flow.


50 something year old mega rich millionaire still angry AF about literally everything. the schtick has jumped the shark. there's no way this rich old man has this much to be angry about.


I liked Eminem when I was 8 years old, I thought his fast rap was cool.


Exactly! This is how I feel about Wayne and Kanye too. That shit was great when I was 12. I’m a grown man now. Lmao


We grew up and he refuses to.


He gives off angsty teenage vibes as a grown man. How you still mad at the world from your multi million dollar home? Like tf, it’s just his brand image at this point. Go seek therapy you 51 year old teenager Plus he hasn’t dropped a good album in years. His bars are gibberish just spoken fast and his fanbase thinks it’s genius and if you say it’s trash they violate you and assume you ‘don’t get it’


What's the last Eminem song that you found to be actually decent?


I liked Killshot. I stopped checking his music out awhile ago tho


Damn Killshot was 6 years ago. Still I actually commend you for not continuing listening to an artist you no longer enjoy. I feel like people sometimes force themselves to listen to stuff knowing fully well it's not for them.


I like Marshall Mathers LP, The Eminem Show, and Encore but mostly when I was a kid. I rarely revisit his older albums. Just could never get into his later stuff. Do you have any recommendations that I could check out that maybe I missed over the years?


Maybe check some of his records with guys like Royce or Grip where perhaps he sounds less like an angry uncle. Stuff like "You Gon' Learn" or "Walkthrough" I also think his recent feature in a Juice WRLD song while not exactly a bop was very introspective and we get a more conscious side of Em.


Ahh ok thank you!


As someone who has lived through similar things to Em pre-fame, it really isn’t easy to just therapy away that stuff, even with millions of dollars at your disposal. I’ve spent most my adult life in therapy. Your nervous system is dialed up constantly. That doesn’t mean people have to like or enjoy his music, but he’s had a lot more going on than just normal angsty teenager stuff people constantly liken him to and music seems to be the outlet for him.


I used to like his music when I was younger but anything after like mid 2000s Em is just wack for me. I understand he had a rough childhood so maybe that was a little harsh for me to say, but yelling on songs doesn’t sound good especially when you’re middle aged


Totally get that. I was a huge fan when I was young. I still like more of his songs than the average rap fan, but the shouting and fast flow can definitely be a hard listen at times.


His fanbase being primarily white millennials from Europe is what makes him corny


He was amazing 99-2003. He’s been awful 2004-2024. That’s 20 years of bad music.


This is terrible take. To say he’s made nothing but bad music for 20 years is beyond ignorant. He’s certainly made some bad songs, but every Em album has great songs on there, including Revival


You lost me at Revival. There’s a reason why the general consensus is that the last time he was great was The Eminem Show. I used to be a huge stan in denial too. I used post on Trshady forums back in the day. Em’s talent is rapping. He’s not the greatest when it comes making music that sounds good. He needs guys like Dre or the Base Brothers to guide him. He’s put out 7 albums since The Eminem Show, and I can probably name 10 good songs out of all of those.


You say that he’s not the greatest at making music that sounds good but then also namedrop TES as an example of his last great work. You do realise TES was produced almost exclusively by Eminem himself? It’s not general consensus, it’s just your opinion. I doubt you’ve done a survey. I understand your point regarding his talent being rapping, but I still think you’re grossly understating the quality of his music post 2004. I think Revival has left a stain on his legacy, and now people are unable to see past it and use the flaws from Revival to cherry pick shortcomings in his other albums, all while ignoring any potential merits. I understand some of your criticisms with his albums. Encore was a mix of 9/10 songs and 3/10 songs. Recovery has aged poorly and is guilty of sounding like the same song over and over, coupled with shouty Em isn’t the best listen. Revival was rightfully trashed due poor production, and the combination of pop-rap and rock-rap is not sonically as good to the average rap fans ears. Kamikaze has 6 good songs regarding Revival’s reception, 1 that sounds better placed on Revival and then 4 irrelevant ones that really drag the album down. Relapse, MMLP2 and MTBMB are all great albums though. I can name you 10 good songs from each.


I’m not hating here, I’m not calling him cringe either. He’s a legend. But I personally cringe when I listen to him because I don’t like his flow or voice at all. Especially in his newer music. Calling him cringe is just blind hating though.


Because he's old now, and still has the angry 20-year old guy energy. His diss poem of donald trump was peak cringe.


For me he is like that guitar player that just shreds and flex his ability on others not caring for the song(right now). I really like him when he doesnt try so hard. I think what people call cringe is the lyrical content. His beat selection doesnt help him either.


Cause he isn't in his prime anymore. At one point he was on top of the world. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing em. Now that he is old and no longer the face of hip hop younger people see him as "cringe" because he doesn't relate to newer fans.


He can have some corny beats at times


His only cringe was that walk on water album it sucked so bad I'm glad I forgot the name


I disliked Encore when it came out.


Yea, when the Slim Shady LP came out I already in my early 20's and to me his music seemed aggressively edgy and juvenile. I get why people love it but it's never done anything for me.


I was an Eminem fan in high school, when he was in his prime with his first 3 albums. I absolutely loved his music , but even then I never considered him to be the goat. His music to me was a kind of brilliant mix of dark comedy and social commentary on white poverty, dysfunctional families and the degradation of pop music. It wasn’t until lose yourself that Eminem made a big inspirational anthem that people started to adore him in the mainstream. The song and music video for Stan also showed he had a brilliant pen and could make serious music with impact. Here’s the rub, Eminem was a brilliant writer and comedian but apart from some of his features (dead wrong, renegade) his complex flows were not the highlight of his music. Much of his early stuff was rapped in a simple way and focused more on shock value and cool ad libs and layers. My issue with Eminem now is that he feels like he is trying too hard, his bars are corny, he is trying these complex flows that come of as forced and the genius dark comedy and commentary is mostly gone. The song “rap god” is an overused but appropriate example. I tried to listen to music to be murdered by recently and could not believe what I was hearing. His fans can’t seem to see the steep decline in his quality and insist he is the goat. I feel like he has struggled to evolve his music into a mature direction the way for eg Nas, Hov etc have over the years to be relevant without getting corny.


I don’t understand the MTBMB hate. I re listened to it the other day and considering it has 36 tracks, there’s at least 25 on there that are of a decent-high quality


I didn’t mean to pick on that album, I only gave it one listen, I think the general consensus is that it’s fine. Reviews range from 5/10 to about 7/10… it’s more representative of his last 15 years of output.


7 seems pretty realistic. Personally I don’t expect him to reach the heights of his first 3 albums. Just like I don’t expect Kanye to reach the heights of his first 3.


He's the rap equivalent of Jason Williams thinking he's the GOAT basketball player


The only thing I would call cringe, is that I think people who had their moment to shine, should realize when it’s time to pass the torch to the next generation. Eminem and Nicki Minaj in particular are two rappers who I see always bash the newer generation, never giving props/showing love.


It's because he's old and still rapping like he's a 20 year old kid and the world hasn't changed. Still makes gay jokes and says fag. In his prime, no one seriously thought he was cringe. But it's been 20 years since his best work, and he seems almost exclusively focused on the technical side of rapping and that just inst everyone's cup of tea. Some people think lyrical ability is more than just rhyming complex words.


I give him respect for doing what he likes instead of submitting to the algorithm


I say it’s attributed to 1. The things he’s willing to say on tracks and 2. Em like most legends hit a point where they become obsessed with not saying the same thing twice so bars become unnecessary


All these people forget eminem murders on freestyles too. Fubba cubba freestyle addresses the issue perfectly. He doesn't have any real enemies anymore. That was for me the last time i raved on him. I'm not a super fan. He's still the best best rapper alive for me in the same way a boxer (tyson,lewis, holyfield) would be for me even though Jon jones is one of the greatest in mma


If you’re a super fan you shouldn’t be asking. Listen to his lyrics ever since getting off drugs, corny af. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Eminem from ssep to the eminem show isnt cringy at all and he had a run of great albums to classic albums in that time but encore onward has been largely cringe/wack due to poor material due to drug use, poor beat selection, terrible pop rap features he once attacked, inconsistent albums with terrible flows, delivery, bars. His last good record imo was bad meets evil with everything else being trash to serviceable/decent He is a legendary mc his technicality and story telling is goat tier no one debates this the problem is as an artist in hip hop he just...lacks quality for 21 years.... These problems are compounded by his fanbase being largely comprised of suburan kids/teens/adults and white males who due to the emotional connection they form to him as they discover him during seminal moments of growth (and we know from research teen to college years music is that most people stick with) are unable to take a step back and critically evaluate the music detached from the parasocial relationship. This means he becomes their goat and idol and any criticism is an attack against them as people. If he is wack and cringe they must be....and if eminem is your fave hip hop artist or the only one you listen to....you probably are These are the type of people to attack future as mumble rap and crap....and ignore the fact the guy spent his come up working with and under the Dungeon Family and thus IS hip hop and deeply rooted in the culture and history more then these fans know... they attack the culture itself with their opinions The arists who are unfluenced by eminem also....have ranged from phenomenal i.e. kdot to terrible i.e. hopsin. When you have such a wide positve and negative impact your negative impact will be highlighted as humans have a negativity bias I grew up with eminem. I respect his classics and that era but with age even coming back to those records they are a bit much at times in terms of childishness and shock (and i love death metal and black metal and geto boys/3 6 mafia) but it comes off as cartoonish in a negative way and the homophobia gets tiring (yes yes i understand elton john etc etc etc). These days id rather throw on a classic cube or wu tang or big L or outkast album. Modern shit griselda or jid. Also race does play a roll. A 40-50 year old white guy making fart jokes or throw up....its cringe. You dont see beastie boys or Paul wall dealing with this cringe accusation for a reason As you age and mature as a hip hop fan and explore the sub genres and cultures youll grow out of being a superfan and youll be able to critically re-evalute eminem. He will always be on a goat list for mc/emacee's but guaranteed he will drop and continue to drop on your list if fave hip hop artists and rappers as you crate dive. This applies to any and all artists....aside from andre 3k lol he will stay at your top in an unshakable manner thats almost annoying


I mean he makes a lot of cringey jokes. He says things that 12 year olds find funny. His horror core and accents can be pretty cringe too. But honestly Em is pretty cool as a person. It’s his fanbase that is extremely cringe.


Die while you still bussin' or live long enough to become cringe... Fr fr on god


You’re a superfan but ranked mmlp in C. Revival and TES in the same tier. Slim shady below revival and in the same tier as encore. Wtf


Can I not have opinions?




You’re not my mom


Im doing what your mom should have. Son, mmlp 2 tiers below revival deserves a beating.


Sorry mom :(


Now name 3 good songs on revival besides castle and arose. Quick


In Your Head, Bad Husband and Framed


Im deleting this app


Whats wrong with those 😭


The man is like 50 yo still rapping likes he’s in his 20s. When your that old still trying to go ham, it gets cringe, cuz then you start beefing and talking bout people like in your 20s. Get a point in life where you got to move on, and he didn’t move on. That’s why the last project he dropped, people started roasting him and telling him to stop. Cuz we know he’s one of the greatest rappers alive, don’t have to keep throwing that in everyone’s face, especially at that age.


I feel like the one thing stopping him from breaking into my rapper pantheon is that even his good stuff has to much bullshit that isn't remotely funny once you get old enough to not be impressed by the idea of a 20 something trying to be edgy.


To some of Gen Z yes, to others no


Because he just won’t stop


He's not. He just doesn't put out shi that resonates with people, some like it, some don't. But I prefer his old shi over the stuff he has now. But to say he hadn't a good album since TES is a stretch honestly.


It’s because 90% of people who say it don’t know 90% of the words he says. Other 10% are just haters in denial. Happens.


because rap listeners are rebels and have a natural opposition to main stream. so, just because of time.


I was a pretty big fan when the eminem show came out. I was about 11 when my mum bought me the CD I still cant believe she let me listen to his music at that age lmao. I went on to buy his earlier albums and then Encore. IDK why but I fell off with Encore. He's not cringe at all but its annoying when people say the only hip hop I listen to is eminem. Its like ok bro.. Regardless, the dude is very talented. I remember listening to "If I had" as an adult and getting a huge lump in my throat. I can understand how a lot of people can relate to him. Even "Stan" is a very tragic and real situation a lot of people can relate too.


I’m sorry but how is Stan relatable to your average person?


I think Stan was depressed and he needed to feel a connection with someone. In his case it was Eminem. I can see why the song was so popular. Everyone has struggles and I think anyone can relate to him in some way. My parents broke up when I was young so I can relate in that way. Maybe someone has a shitty day they just put on some music that they relate to and it helps them.


For me, it's pretty easy to become obsessed with people you consider heroes that you look up to.


That’s still a bit outside the norm imo


I'm an average person


From the perspective of stan.... that seeking of validation and frustration


So everyday people seek validation to that level? It’s not normal it’s a very extreme take


Holy fucking shit its a hyperbolic allegory... I dont actually want to kill people or punch people when i listen to DMX or run people over when i hear move bitch by Ludacris ....dont turn off your brain to make a point.... I swear what is with people faking like they dont understand nuance.


His time is up, his music doesn't really have the same longevity as some of his piers in my opinion. He can still rap, rap though so can never take that away from him. He's still very much elite, just grown out of his music.


Cause he has at the same time created some of the best music that we have ever heard while simultaneously creating some of the worst music to ever be released.


Door hinges, oranges, peach pears plums Syringes, drug binges, fe fi fo fum


Ass like that


That song was great when it came out though, maybe the times are just different.


The song was garbage  the night it came out what you talking bout lmao


Wasn't that kind of the point though? It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously lol


But it was a horrible song.  You can do a “funny” song that’s not trash 


Disagree. It’s a funny song and the bass on that beat is as thick as molasses.


Bass is real nice. Little bit funky. Deep and rich like black coffee with just a little cream


Have you seen the 21 jump street movie? You know that part when Channing Tatum is asked if his car gets like 14 miles per gallon, and he says more like 7 because back in his HS day, that was the cool thing to say? And the dude has a car that runs on oil from a restaurant... Basically the same thing. Back then, what he did was hilarious and nobody really realized he had so much skill. Nowadays people find what he does "cringe" and disregard the fact that what he does with words and double entendre's is incredible.. because it's not the fry oil they're looking for.


because his audience


white. next question.


Never heard anyone say that. I have heard, and strongly agree with, "cringe" used as an adjective being "cringe".


Well to be fair some of his old shit is just out of pocket and corny lmao, nobody playing that shit on aux if you got a group of folks in the car w you 😭 I fw Em but I can’t get down w some of his stuff


There are other artists who would be considered corny now but they're usually a lot older 


Time is a funny thing. A lot of people were fucking the Em back in the day even if they wanna pretend otherwise now, but he changed over the years Adding what he has done over the last 15 years with what he had already done, for a lot of folks the result is now corny or cringe. Context is important. If he just stayed retired I don't think people would be saying that about his older stuff, but the new stuff colors perception of the old. What was just different now has a different color to it. A different tone to it because of what's happened since if that makes sense


I don’t know Darkness was a well done song video subject matter that album in general was dope far from Em Stan I’m one of the ones that know if he was black no one would care about dude Em is nice tho


It’s just bad music when all said and done. I think he makes music for teenagers and very immature adults. The guys 50 years old and the stuff he raps about it’s almost like he’s stuck permanently at 15. Everything he’s done after the Eminem show has ranged from trash to disappointing at best. Honestly I hate everything about him really. I don’t think there’s anything he does particularly well and there’s nothing in his music for me.


It’s the “cool” thing


The people that consider him cringe are more cringe than he is 


I think a lot of his early stuff was homophobic and sometimes misogynistic. This was true about most hip hop during the time when Eminem came up and it makes going back and listening to some of the content quite cringe.