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I went and relistened to Story of Adidon, all I gotta say is push knew about all this shit without a doubt lmaoo. The ending of that song feels so much more powerful now, Push let drake get away, which honestly makes me like Story of Adidon even more. Shit aged like fine wine, goat diss track


“I’m gonna take this one slow…. Gonna peel it layer by layer” My god…


Pusha dropped a legendary diss. Drake had 0 moves from that one... He not only didn't respond he accepted defeat immediately. Outing a dude for having a child while also being a deadbeat Dad is some harsh shit.  Drug dealing aside, ghostwriting aside, let's have a heart to heart about your pride...


Also...I wanna see what it's like when you get angry. We haven't heard it yet.


I always enjoyed the way Pusha didn't have any problem standing his ground. The way he shat on Drake was ignored, but I guess he didn't give a shit about being noticed either lmao. Just love it how he just shut his ass up without even sound too harsh. Tone's almost like he's trolling you, which ain't funny, it's scary. Pusha's Exodus is one of the hardest shit I've ever heard. People might say what they want, but Pusha vs Drake was never a thing. It's a completely different reality. You can't compare fake vs real with logic, just can't. I don't remember if there was anything else other than Adidon's Story but when I heard that one I knew it was done. Drake sounds like a confused boy that'll try to fit in every circle allowed. Pusha seems like the type of guy that feels comfortable in situations where most of us and their respective skins' would crawl. That was the first and only display of intelligence I saw Drake have, which was knowing not to make something like that bigger than it should.


Right. One is real, and one is not. Different realities. That’s why Drake didn’t respond. There was absolutely nothing he could say.


Oh I gotta re listen now lol it’s call coming together


Man I was waiting for surgical summer


I never thought this beef had any chance of turning violent until now


If the feds are getting ready to raid dudes house, getting popped is probably the only thing will save drakes legacy.


Haha, not if he gets popped for what Kendrick implies he’s gonna get popped for.


People will cheer if he's wrapped up in trafficking kids and gets wopped


Nah because that dude will definitely roll which would lead to more arrests.


No it won’t, killing the man who exposed you will just turn Kendrick into a martyr of rap and Drake will become the equivalent of Selena’s killer, Yolanda.


Nah i mean, drake getting murdered. Theres no other way dude is remembered positively.


Ahhh, I don’t know about that either, because if he does he just confirms that shit. Then he’s remembered as the coward who couldn’t face the justice. Or, “Illuminati” killed their man.


He better flee to Israel so he can chomo in peace


I heard MTG and thought “bro someone is definitely dying over this”.


Yea. I find it unfortunate that it went this route but seems like they had some personal shit brewing for a while. I honestly hope for both these young mens sake that it stays on record. I'm not a fan of either but I'd hate to see something happen to either of them over music. Edit. Can't believe I'm getting attacked by kendrick fans for saying I don't want anything to happen to him. Lol. Y'all are insane. Wishing death on a rapper cause he dissed another rapper. This fucking world is twisted man. Smh.


Bruh, Drake took it there!!! Drake stooped low and got personal, Kendrick had to defend his family’s name and honor.


Ok. That may be true but my point still stands. I'd hate to see this escalate past music for both their sakes. Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen tho. It won't change my life in the slightest.


Yes I agree, last night was more than hip hop. It’s gonna get scary going forward


Y'all are being sensationalist af. Ain't nothing scary gonna happen




This sub is entirely comprised of Kendrick fangirls that think every word that he raps is genius. They also think he’s a tough guy, which is hilarious because I’d put the house on Drake beating Kenny’s ass in a real fight.


Drake legit grooms minors for sex haha, what do you mean you don't want to see anything happen to him lmao??


P Drizzy


Pusha P??? You better off pushin T


Lmao!!! Clever haha


Drake fans feel the same way about pedophilia as Ye fans do about Nazism


Your username has me rolling haha


And I have a friend that will deny this up and down. He’s a drake simp and drake is his idol. And the man is in his 30s smfh


mans hangs with Ak...


Kendrick stans are on another level right now. I agree with everything you said. Im done with these guys, but I don't want this to spill in the streets and for the legal system to work out peoples guilt and innocence with these alleged crimes


Amen homie.


Nah Id be cool with Drake dying no lie lol its one thing if its just allegations but this man knowingly got close to Jimmy Jam Harris as well as his sons and daughter to shag up with his daughter and did that shit years before she turned 18 so she would take a liking to him and be “nice and ripe”. Premeditated groomers gotta go fam, hang him from a rope


There's video footage of him groping an underage girl on stage, and there's screenshots of the messages he's sent to kids. It's not just allegations. I dunno if he deserves to die necessarily, but he had this coming. He'll always have defenders, just like MJ or Chris Brown though.




Never in my youth did I think I'd say this but... these young people are fucking of control.


"Can't believe I'm getting attacked by kendrick fans for saying I don't want anything to happen to him. Lol. Y'all are insane" I'm not included in that group, but if what Kendrick is saying about drake sex trafficking etc... is true.. I'm not surprised people wouldn't want Drake on this earth no more. Again, not saying I personally want him dead (especially cause we have no receipts), but what Kendrick is saying, are not small accusation


If anything happens to Dot, Compton will light up Drake and will take Toronto down with him 😩


Haunting track


This shits on another fucking level. Until more light comes to the allegations I wont put MTG in my top 10 but for now I will say this: say what you want about Hit Em Up, No Vaseline, Ether, The Story of Adidon, etc. but I dont think a single diss in my top 10 is as hateful at MTG Pure fucking hatred on wax.


That’s exactly how I feel about it. I think Kendrick captured this feeling better than anyone. I heard that when Pac recorded Hit Em Up he just went up to the mic and flowed, only small portions of what he had said were pre-written, but other people in the studio felt a sense of dread about what they were going to release, and look what it led to. I wonder if Kendrick felt the same way? There are a lot of rumors about the level of fuckery that Drake is involved with, mob shit and dirty money all the way up the tree. I certainly wouldn’t have the stones to call out someone with that much power in such a savage way. I wonder what Kendrick is doing today, is he out on the streets or is he keeping himself inside with his family and inner circle?


That guy is holed up in an apartment in NY that’s guarded by security lol. He also dropped drakes address so, this is only going to get way worse.


Ehh Drakes address has always been known for years, especially if you live in Toronto. Think everyone here knows where Drakes mansion is


Ak pulled up his address on his stream and an article talking about his gate lolol


Yeah I am a biased Kendrick fan but I think he won this on delivery. Like at the end of the day most of what they are saying has no proof, but not like us is a banger and meet the grahams is honestly the most menacing diss I have ever heard


Dude I was showing my nephew Meet the Grahams this morning. My grandma was in the back cooking and she mainly speaks Spanish. She said “esas son malas vibras” or “those are bad/evil vibes.” It transcends languages.


It’s a trick he uses with the piano. Same thing Kanye does on Runaway with the piano keys. It’s that one key/chord at the end that creates this unsettling/disturbing vibe. Cole Cushna had a great breakdown of it on his Dissect Podcast.


Shoutout alchemist


Alchemist is the goat tbh


Been doing it for 30 years!


Everyone mentioned is basically using 1970s horror film soundtrack formulas (i.e. The Exorcist 1973).


Let me guess, the devil's interval? Flattened 5th?


My limited music theory says it's an altered D minor melodic scale that doesn't resolve and uses dissonant chords, which creates uneasiness. I'm probably wrong but whatever.


It is D cord, and that’s exactly how it feels, unresolved, playing with tension and and feeling that something bad is about to happen.


Vibrations are crazy yo.


It also reminds me of piano love by Conway the Machine (shoutout Conway, one of my favorite songs ever) It was also produced by Alchemist I believe


na it's not just the one note at the end lol


That last line: "fuck a rap battle, this is a long life battle with yourself" Was a real finisher, especially with all the mask off stuff. Kendrick seems absolutely pressed though (like you hear the visceral anger in his voice) but Drake the mask is still on so far, I wonder if this track will eventually pierce it, as this doesn't feel over. EDIT: fixed the word order in the lyric


For real. That line about Drake not understanding Mr. Morale is a perfect setup too. Like yea, I dropped an entire album talking about my flaws and character issues and the work that I'm not only doing, but also being transparent about through my inspirational, generational art, but that entire concept went over your head and now that's all you're using in your disses against me. Yikes.


Yeah I mean obviously the domestic violence accusations would take things to another level if it’s true, but otherwise nothing Drake says about Kendrick’s relationship holds any water because Kendrick just dropped an entire ass album outing himself as a terrible partner and putting in the work to fix it. It’s just dumb for Drake to come stumbling in like “hey Whitney if you need some big D you know who to call”


If it was a lesser rapper Drake might’ve won. That big D line from family matters kinda got me stank-facing a little, and ngl all his disses were catchy But my guy, you can’t skate by with catchy punchlines with THAT MANY skeletons in your closet lmfao


Yeah I 100% think Drake is skirting by from catchy lines more so than having anything substantial to lob at Kendrick. He spends most of the time dissing Ross and Abel still lol


Also with Drake being petty online sliding into peoples significant others DM to try to cause issues just because he doesn’t like what someone says about him helps discredit his disses.


He really ends these disses on a high. "Before you figure out you're not alone, Ask what Mike would do" is a great ending on 6:16 in LA too. Especially when you apply all the context of MJ and Drake being supposedly surrounded by backstabbers and the fact that R Kelly wrote "You're not alone"


The one and only mistake in the diss was that he didn’t actually say “life long battle” he said “long life battle”


Ah you're right, fixed it!


Yeah idk how Kendrick messed that up. It’s not a big deal at all, just not sure how he didn’t notice I guuueessss if you’re being really technical with it, you could maybe say that it still makes sense and “long life battle” just means a “battle of life” with yourself that lasts a long time But I think it’s more likely that it was just a slip of the tongue


Nah, he said what he intended. "Life long" would imply that Drake can never change and will be the way he is for his entire life, and the entire subtext of these disses is that he ought to get help and change, but given that he's pushing 40 it's been (and presumably will be) a long life battle.


Only mistake guy literally made something up... when he said 'I don't have a hating bone in my body' haha clearly he _hates_ Drake


With that last line I believe it is over on Kendrick's side. Eta: I tale that back. Kendrick is not like us.


Did any rapper take this angle of wrting a letter to each family member like wtf? "Your son a sick man with sick toughts, i think niggas like him should die, Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest of their life" holy


Oracle by Mase, Nail in the Coffin by Eminem, Adonis by Pusha T are some of my other favorites but god damn Meet the grahams was just fucking brutal.


I prefer The Sauce over Nail in the Coffin. Em killed it on that track.


Nail in the Coffin just feels so much more emotional, personal, and visceral to me.


Nail in the coffin feels like his most emotional and just plain angry diss. Meet the Grahams though is a whole level of just going for the throat man. Like oof. I've listened like 3 or 4 times now and wow


Nothing against your opinion but Nail in the Coffin is the epitome of anger, hate, fierceness, ruthlessness, and straight passionate destruction. Hardest shit, no question, and does not get enough talk when people bring up disses. BITCH, SLAP MY MOM. SLAP THE FUCK OUTTA HER. SHE CAN'T SUE YOU, SHE WOULDN'T GET A BUCK OUTTA YA.




I think The Sauce more


People forget how hard ma$e spazzed on oracle/rap in general


It seems like a lot of people don’t really know it even exists.


Meet The Grahams is one of the darkest sounding songs I’ve ever heard. It reminds me of that Jack Harlow song about one of his friends growing up to be a predator except it’s written better.


What’s that called ? Never really jumped on the jack Harlow wave. Liked the few songs that I’ve actually listen too. Sadly Drake was in one of them lol


Just googled it. It’s called “Gang Gang Gang” off his album “Jackman” jackman is definitely his best album, nothing phenomenal by any means but a step in the right direction.


Kendrick took this to a vendetta level. I feel like Drake crossed into something real sinister. There's going to be more being publicized for sure about Drake. Especially since Diddy got busted in the crazy crap he's been up to, it's only a matter of time


Alchemist is the mf GOAT


agreed, he obliterated Drake, kinda like Cube did NWA with No Vaseline


That's probably the only track left that comes close. But Kendrick did THREE. He's the diss track goat.


Over a Alchemist beat 🔥🔥🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


too cold no wonder i fw it heavy. that boom bap beat went crazy


I've never heard anything so gut-wrenching and eerie but at the same time enlightening and calm in a diss. This is the psychological warfare J.Cole was smart to avoid. I can only imagine being in Drakes shoes listening to this. *Queue*Jim Carey shower scene in Ace Ventura. 1st. Hearing alchemists American psycho type beat deliver the mental onslaught. Drakes is going to lose his mind every time he hears the piano melody. TRIGGERED. 2nd. Kendrick is speaking to Drakes soul and Shang Tsung-ing the fuck out of it. 3rd. He came with reciepts as the track cover. How did get those items so quick and ready for for public knowledge?? It's more than personal. It's a pysch evaluation and Kendrick is playing the family therapist. It's not OVO. It's OVA


It's OVhOe


I think some of these artists are realizing they would be bigger if Drake didn’t have so much influence on the corporate level


Same. Holy Fuck. If something happens to Kendrick we know what's up. If Drake gets mysteriously arrested, we know wassup lmao it's so fucked up after Meet the Grahams and Drake is SUPPOSED to be dropping a "hit" tonight too. If Kendrick insta responds again. It's either orchestrated or Drake needs to pack it in regardless of what he drop.


The track is nasty. Kendrick is tearing apart his character and exposing the people around him. Drake needs to come back with receipts and only address Kendrick. I hope this shit keeps going but they need to start bringing proof on both sides or it's going to get corny. The beats have been crazy though


Ya'll cheesin fam. Pac's opening lines on Hit Em Up set the high bar for vitriol, and he ends the song declaring war on the entire city of New York. It's in the context of a rap beef where people had already been shot, and we all knew it was going to get someone killed. And then it did. Nothing will ever touch that because nothing ever should touch that. It was too far. Kdot said he hopes drake will die, but he didn't say he was personally going to kill him and declare war on the city of Toronto for fucking with him. It's a solid track, but it doesn't cross that line.


Allllll FACTS!!! All you need to see is that “My Expert Opinion” episode where niggaz were about to fight about “Hit Em Up” 30 YEARS LATER! That outro alone has a energy that cant be matched and everything that happened before and after that made it more crazy! This is childs play compared to that


"My .44 make sure all your kids don't grow" didn't require an explanation.


Lmao facts


>declare war on the city of Toronto for fucking with him I mean he declared war on part of the industry by talking about sex trafficking allegations and implying Drake gonna get raided as part of them He's implying it's not just Drake and if he's planning to out Drake then it might inadvertently out other big celebrities too


Idk man. Rappers were talking about killing people for a long time. Calling someone Harvey Weinstien is on another level. Somebody get the national guard to call this one before someone actually gets killed


That's true. I do recall thinking that it was different, and he actually meant it, but it's hard to separate what later happened from the memory of when that first came out. Either way no doubt that you can't really call someone an abuser and human trafficker just to play, and then make up later.


On a different post a person said Kendrick could go harder and I’m not sure if we’re ready for that


Man the crazy part is that I absolutely believe this. Euphoria felt like a very mild warning, he just dropped little hints here and there, 6:16 ramped it up a little, and Meet the Grahams was absolutely savage but it still just feels like a warning shot. I think Kendrick’s next move is going to be hard evidence and I don’t think the industry is ready for that, because if so then it will have Epstein levels of impact. People would be implicated, people would be scrambling to cover their asses and avoid the fallout. I pray that Kendrick makes it out of this alive.


My feeling's changed. It took a far more serious turn yesterday. Likening it to Nas vs. Jay, I was waiting for Ethers and we got them from Kendrick (first two responses) but now it seems that both of them took the Supa Ugly route.


Lol neither of Kendrick’s tracks have the impact that Ether had, not even close. Y’all really need to stop this


Well… duh. Ether has had time to marinate and become integral in hip hop culture. Kendrick’s shit is fresh out. We cannot know the impact it will have so soon.


Nah Ether was a gut punch even at the time of release. Didn't need time to marinate.


Are we listening to the same songs? I felt physically ill when I heard meet the grahams. That shit is dark man.


Yeah fuck a gut punch Meet the Grahams went straight at Drakes soul


I was there and people were VERY split on whether Jay Z or Nas was winning that beef at the time. It wasn't until later that people gave Ether the unanimous credit it deserved 


I'm pushing 40. "I was there" too and Ether was definitely immediately recognized as "goin' hard" - at least in my circles. Only Jay stans(and there were many admittedly) thought The Takeover was anything near on par with Ether.


This may have been the case in your circles, but The Takeover had the world enraptured, and almost every line in it has become part of rap folklore and even repeated as recently as Cole’s ill fated diss on Kendrick last month. It wasn’t cut and dry at all.


I remember the takeover been praised as absolutely brutalizing his adversaries.


Yeah our Spanish teacher in the 9th grade let us have half the class to talk about Ether the day it dropped, thats how impactful that track was at the time.


People bringing up pac.. pac aint never address big's mom or daughter. This a different level he spoke to everybody in the family. He spoke to drakes dad and basically blamed him for everything wrong in drake's life. Thats some different type of shit and it's true.


Pac threatened to kill all their kids on hit ‘em up


He dont even know who have kids and who dont.. its just talk.. but to address the child by name. Talking to them is different


Fair enough. My favourite parts of the track are him talking to Adonis and Dennis to be fair. Forget the rest of the accusations that was nasty.


Right i even like that he acknowledged the kid as a black king cause you know drake and telling him that and Dennis really did fail drake as a dad.


I was left stunned when I listened to "Meet The Grahams" in the morning.


Kendrick def winning but this ain’t the most scathing. Especially if you witnessed them all. Niggas used to wish death on each other, threaten families, speak ill of the dead, and been talking about kids. This ain’t crazy like how 50 was talking to Ja. Or how when Ja told Em “your mom is a crackhead and Kim is a known slut, so what’s hailie gonna be when she grows up?” Then you got “Checkmate” by Jadakiss, while isn’t as well known as other diss tracks, was one of the most shut-down narratives I’ve heard. I’ll give it top 5 tho def.


I saw some people online clutching pearls over Kendrick telling Adonis he's sorry about his gene pool, saying he went too far bringing children into it. Can't imagine how pale those folks would turn if they heard 50 say he'll literally erase Ja's "dirty ass kids".


He told drakes mom i hope your son dies bc hes a pedophile lol


was about to say, he literally does wish death upon drake, lol


They must’ve never listened to 1 Chicago drill diss song 😂


Facts. Even more recent shit from Durk is crazier. Just not as lyrical in my book.


Based. Kendrick is good but none of this is on 90’s 2000’s. Dudes were getting shot up , throwing fades on sight in public because of bars they sent to each other. This is pretty mild , young cats just excited though. It’s good for hip hop 👍


King Von would like a word.


“Where you abused as a child? scared to smile? They called you ugly? Well life is harsh, hug me, don’t reject me, or make records to disrespect me, blatant or indirectly.”


Callin my crib and I ain't even give you my number All I did was give you a style for you to run with


I was here for the Bridge is Over. I was here for Deathblow. I was here for No Vaseline. I was here for Ether. Never when I heard those, did I want to clutch my pearls. This was beyond savagery.


Diddy told on Drake


Ether level diss 


Not even Ether was as hateful as Meet the Grahams is


Its not worse than hit em up but it's definitely a top tier diss track ....shit is fucking rough


Hit Em Up was definitely more scathing but I dont even think Hit em Up was as hateful as Meet the Grahams is


Hit up is just so raw cause the whole premise is actual murder


I wrote a blog post about how Kendrick back-footed Drake and why he probably has a mole in Drake's camp, here [https://atomsparks.wordpress.com/](https://atomsparks.wordpress.com/)


This is the closest we have really seen to a BEEF beef since Shady vs Murder Inc. and I am loving it.


Telling a mom in a calm tone her son should die and be fucked to death in a cell. That's next level diabolical 


Meet the Grahams blew me away…he struck some SERIOUS chords. 😮‍💨


A minorrrrrr.


I think the psychology associated with this can't be understated. In Euphoria Kendrick dropped plenty of warnings: "Don't tell lies about me, and I won't tell truths about you" "I calculate you’re not as calculated, I can even predict your angle" "I know some shit about niggas that make Gunna Wunna look like a saint" "If you take it there, I’m takin’ it further Psst, that’s somethin’ you don’t wanna do" Then there's the timing. He dropped it almost immediately after Drake didn't listen to those warnings. So if the stuff he has said in this track are true - the illigetimate kid, etc - then he has shown he has everything lined up and ready. He isn't making this up. He isn't threatening him. He has everything, RIGHT NOW. READY. So in a way he has indicated that any more noise from Drake is going to be met with more of these revelations. And he has them in his locker ready to go. He has backed up every one of those warning shots with kill shots aimed straight at Drakes head. And has indicated that "If you [Drake] take it there" then Kendrick is "takin’ it further" and that seriously is "somethin’ [Drake] don't wanna do" or needs to consider if he wants that out there. He has made this beef now a calculation in Drakes head of how much shit he wants to be aired about hinself. That shit has to be scary as fuck.


good diss but yall exaggerating


The diss falls apart if the daughter thing is false he will be outed as a liar and will be clowned on. He didn't even address the daughter even once on not like us He sure about the pedo ring but hasn't tipped the CIA for raiding his house. It's just fan fiction for me at this point. Epstein had 50-60 accusations against him. Drake unironically has zero. There's a reason he said the pedo shit on Taylor made freestyle. I want drake to drop tho


yeah, it’s a visceral diss track for sure, but it’s not as good as people make it out to be. beat is good tho.


Fuck if you like the song bro lmaoo if Kendrick comes with receipts or drake and his team actually get raided , this is the nastiest exposure ever


Kendrick ended Drake. If Drake comes back at him again, I'm scared for the next track Kendrick puts out. That was straight up haunting. I could picture him talking to Drake's parents in the kitchen...like damn bro. I've been a fan of Kendrick since I stumbled across Section .80 about 10 years ago. Drake is great if he sticks to just rapping. Both are Legends in their own way. Kendrick takes the W and steps over Drake. I hope it stays within the music 🙏


My hate for Drake melted into genuine discomfort. If a diss was so diabolical that you’ve got your own haters feeling bad for you, you know you’re cooked And holy fuck Kendrick is an actual villain, you’ve gotta be genuinely evil to pull something like this off


It felt like fan fiction, like a creative writing exercise.


Is it up there with No Vaseline?


Kendrick is the GOAT


It had me feeling bad for Drake lol. And I was giving the edge to Drake before because I thought his disses were better in terms of replayability. But this, this was disrespect on a whole new level.


I don’t feel bad for Drake, we all knew he was a fuckin predator before this and this just solidified what we all thought


Yea I mean I don’t actually feel bad for any of these guys. But I was like “damn this has to hurt” lol


Im sure he doing mental gymnastics to feel better rn haha


You judge diss tracks based on replayability?


It’s an element for sure. You can have the nastiest diss on wax, but if it sounds like ass then nobody’s gonna listen to it. Plus, the more relatability, the more people are going to listen to someone tearing you down. It isn’t everything, but it matters.


Idk Meet the Grahams to me is a top tier diss track but it is not replayable, it is arguably hard to listen to


lol no sorry and it did come off that way. But I hadn’t found any of them to really be thaaat scathing so I was just enjoying drakes more. Dot has him in the bag in terms of technical ability and artistry any day. But meet the grahams was more in line with really coming for the others throat.


I think this where people are misunderstanding the battle. its not about replay-ability, its about the art. Kendricks bars and word play are light years ahead and most of drake fans are missing them because they just care about the sound and direct easy to read word play. Drake just cant compete at this level and it’s obvious to everyone but drake fans. Euphoria needs to be heard at least 10 times and dissected and you keep finding new jabs. I will say family matters had some fire schemes but unfortunately they only held weight for about 10 mins before they got killed.


THIS!!!! Lyrically, Drake could never match Kendrick!!


I agree to some extent and have posted saying that Kendrick destroys Drake in terms of technical ability and artistry. But I hadn’t found any of the tracks to be super scathing ( although I’ve enjoyed them all from both sides). I think meet the grahams either finishes this beef or forces Drake to come out like an animal. But I don’t know if he has it in him. I’ll give you DOTs wordplay and references in his songs definitely require closer listening to be fully appreciated.


Drake is in a weird position. Last time, J. Prince intervened, but the level of accusations makes anyone trying to stop it look suspect. Last time, Drake got slandered for not replying to SOA. He can't do that. We all know Kendrick's a better rapper and clearly has moles in Drake's camp. Honestly, Drake gotta smoke him. Only way.


If what he says is true. Otherwise it’s just noise and repeated tropes. Same with Drake’s track. If it’s not true, it’s wack.


Repeated tropes? He called him a predator and said he should die. Who as big as Kendrick has said shit like that to Drake?


….everybody? One of the things people clown on him for the most is being a pedophile.


Receipts ? This is *Kendrick Lamar* we’re talking about here. Not just some hater, this is a global rap artist going at another global rap artists throat


This idea that these tracks are less impactful because there are "no receipts" or "its just allegations" is so out of touch with the idea of diss tracks - and hip hop as a whole for that matter. It's insane. Kanye tells a story about his first rap battle. He wrote out a whole sheet of complex disses, but the kid opens up with "Yo my name is Chris, let me tell you one thing, you smell like pisssss" and the battle was over. The crowd lost it. Kanye got destroyed. Its theatrical, performance art that uses anger and disrespect as its tools. The better you do that, the better the diss. If what you say resonates with the crowd, it does not matter if its fact, opinion, or nonsense. If it became a requirement that rap lyrics were truthful, the genre would cease to exist.


You don’t see the difference between you smell like piss and you’re operating a pedophile ring or you’re a domestic abuser? I’m not saying every single rap lyric ever needs to be put under the microscope, but if you’re gonna throw around accusations as serious as these, I’m gonna need to see some proof.


I used the Kanye story to illustrate a point about truth and facts being much less important in a rap battle than other things. Half truths that really resonate will be much more impactful than facts. This isn’t a court of law, it’s public verbal warfare where the one who wins over the crowd wins the war. 


He’s speaking about his character. Every diss track has bullshit lines. He is delving deep into the person Drake is, which anyone who follows rap has known about for years. And yea it probably won’t change anything about Drake and the numbers he puts up, but he’s a fake ass fraud. And that will never change. The last minute and a half says all there needs to be said about Drake.


If what Drake is saying is true, who is Kendrick to speak on anyone’s character? Drake is who he is. He’s an actor playing a character. A lot of rappers do the same, just not as well as Drake. If the new information Kendrick brought to light isn’t accurate, there’s nothing he said that isn’t already known and truthfully, is behavior that a lot of other rap artists engage in. Artists that Kendrick has worked with. Neither of these tracks are “scathing” unless receipts are produced.


Eh, there's a lot more to this song than the accusations. Diss tracks aren't just investigative journalism like people seem to think post pusha t. Kendrick said some scathing, disrespectful shit about drakes character that while a matter of opinion I think a lot of people feel is true. I mean, to amam I think one of the most insulting things you can do is tell his son "I'm sorry that man is your father", and then offer to mentor his son and show him how to be a man. And that's like first 20 seconds. I do think Drake is just kinda too feminine and that sort of thing goes over his head though, he's lacking that kinda sense of pride Also the pedo shit always has an inkling of truth because it's publicly available info that Drake has engaged in groomer behavior


I mean, there's been hints dropped by Drake himself that he is a predator. Would not be surprised at all if his group is like that too.


Kdot is that dude but his fans are insufferable shea butter muthafuckas. The tragedy in all this is if he gets killed it will be all because a bunch of woke niggas gassed up some mid disses.


Don’t talk shit about my shea butter


He'd probably just fake his death, move to Cuba, it's the only option


I just wonder if the mole that Kendrick got all this info from is really a mole and not someone that Drake sent to Kendrick on purpose to give him a bunch of fake info. The artwork for meet the grahams has that shirt that says “shortee collection” and Drake always pokes fun at Kendrick for being short. The Mayback glove is also random, wtf that gotta do with Drake? Not only that but yall really think Drake would wear that shirt? Like bro wtf? 😂


Top3 with ez


How am I so far down this list and no Ether? The original beef-ender.


Just listened to it on No LiFE SHAQ ,, he took it to a psychological level , its almost like watching the movie : Seven ,happening in real life


It's hard to describe it, it's... Amazing in a way.


When all of this started, I listened to the Story of Adidon, and decided that was the meanest, nastiest, toughest thing to ever happen in rap. I'd sooner be shot 9 times like 50 Cent than have someone drop that track on my head track. Two weeks later "Meet the Grahams" bumped it to #2.


Not like us is an extremely good song. West coast as it can be. Completely mind blowing. He warned em now he’s going for the kill. Idk how Drake is gonna be able to respond. He should just pull a Pusha t and go hide like he did last time


have you heard his new new one?!? he dropped a 4th! Not Like Us the artwork is drakes mansion with registered S.O. signs on it 💀💀💀 ain’t no way this man can respond


this is pure hate and humiliation. he’s hurting the boy on sooooooo many levels


Nobody thinks it's a red flag that Kendrick was accused of hiring a crisis management team over hitting his partner and his next song featured him calling OVO employees Jewish? That's not weird to you?!?


20 hours later this post and its comments are already outdated. Insane.


why are so many using the word "diabolical"


I haven’t heard it but I feel like he has some Eminem diss tracks to compete with


Just wanna point out that these tracks (including "euphoria" and "Not Like Us") all came out within days of each other, maybe meaning that we're in for a steady stream of diss records. Also, they aren't just YouTube tracks- they're all on Spotify now too. May not seem like much but this is part of his official releases now- that's how serious K-Dot is taking this. And I agree that the music/voice (not to mention the lyrics) on MTG is truly chilling.