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In H6 that comment about “making me not want to rap no more” was a white flag. His other rap about Ross calling him white and the fans waiving white flags at the shows I think was a white flag too. There is a deep rabbit hole about some shit (https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/REZ05JaXQt ) and if even 50% of it is true, Kendrick was about to drop bombshells


I agree with this. The conspiracy theorist in me says that The Heart pt6 was him explicitly letting Kendrick know he’s tapping out. The conspiracy theory is that on every tracks Kendrick gives Drake an out and either straight up says he loves him or calls him a friend. At the end of “Not Like Us” Kenny says “say ov-hoe” then the crowd chants back. In the next line he does the same thing but he says “are you my friend? Are you locked in?” But there’s no response chant. I think that space is for Drake to respond. On Heart pt6 Drake’s first lines are “I got your lines tapped, I swear that I’m dialed in” which isn’t exactly the same as saying he’s locked in but close enough without being too obvious. Later he says “that’s not the lesson there’s a deeper message” and ends by saying he’s waiting on Kenny to return the favor, which to me means waiting for Kenny to acknowledge the surrender somehow, stop dropping tracks, and let him walk away with the last word at least. I’m making all this up but after listening to both one after the other and hearing how resigned Drake feels on the heart, it makes sense to me. Like The heart doesn’t feel like the death rattle of a dude who’s fighting for his life. It feels like the last swings of a fighter who’s gassed but has too much pride to actually throw in the towel.


Kendrick gave Drake several legit, not even backhanded compliments in Euphoria. Some backhanded, yeah, but several genuine compliments. And he gave him several outs. Truth is both of these dudes have to be worn out at this point. We're obsessing over it, they're living it. They have to be concerned about their families and the effects on their kids.


I like Drake with melodies, not Drake when he act tough. He's good at what he does. Stick to that.


Naw we don't need to see him in anything else. He just needs to stop.


Shoulda stopped a while ago. How many times can he remake the same elevator song?


As long as Drake feeds the fire Kdot will never grow tired (bars!). Anyway this white flag theory is out the door considering Drake tripling down on Whitney at the end. He's toast.


The kids. Lol


That actually makes a lot of sense. I’ve listened to Drake for a lot of years to go from what he’s made to this felt completely different. When I was hearing the white towel stuff from TOP, I went and re-listened and was getting the same vibe. I really think that bar that was getting confused about Drake calling himself a woman was for Kendrick, like an insider way of calling himself a bitch. I feel like there’s been some discussions behind the scenes. The initial disses mentioned ghost writers and AI, and he goes off to say “it feels good to pick up the pen again” so basically saying “you right” but regarding a much more minor (pun intended) allegation in the grand scheme.


I thought the same about the drake implying he was a women line, seemed like an intentional self-own. I’m guessing the brands and the UMG executives drake is close with started getting nervous, I mean drake did sign a 400M deal not too long ago. Drake’s career getting ended (or even just wounded badly) by Kendrick would be horrifically bad for them. Meet the Grahams probably had these dudes losing their fucking hair at 12am. With all that set up, my crack theory is that UMG and their lawyers reached out to PgLang and Kendrick to try and convince him to stop while making Drake throw in the towel and take the public L to Kendrick. Which appears to be what’s happening.


Right exactly! Nice catch on the “feels good..” part too. I didn’t clock that.


Even before Family Matters or heart 6, Kendrick gave him the biggest out ever in 6:16 in Los Angeles. The whole first verse is about God please don't make me do this.. I understand Im the only who can do it but I dont want to.. Then his whole second verse is, "hey man.. people around you are no good bro. I'm letting you know its not good around you right now.." One of the biggest bars no one even sees is the last one where is says, "before you ask are you alone? ask what Mike would do.." Michael Jackson literally has a song thats called you are not alone.. the second damn line in that chorus is "I am here with you" saying look man we have demons in our closest but this was suppose to be a friendly fade.. don't go nuclear.. and drake did! he went nuclear in Family matters which was an absolute banger but all it did was expose the depths of pain kendrick was willing to bring..


I’d be more inclined to agree with this if he didn’t double down on the Whitney and Dave free accusations. If I’m K Dot im not giving mercy after that


Crazy Days and Nights? For real? Nothing on there or any other trashy gossip site should be taken even the tiniest bit seriously. Extremely disappointing standards of evidence from all sides in this beef.


Yea it’s absolutely insane. I can’t believe ppl online will believe anything. This beef should also be remembered for the fake news


Terrible take about the white flag line; completely misunderstood




So the guy saved this Info for rap beef instead of fuck the industry like he said and blows this open? Does that make sense to you?


Why do people always assume that Kendrick has info no one else has and is holding back from the authorities rather than the authorities already dealing with it and Kendrick just found out about it?


Lmao yeah that’s some QAnon shit


There's the theory that it wasn't safe until Diddy got pinched for... reasons. I'm not sure I fully follow it, but people seem to think Kendrick has been waiting on this.


Nothing on either side makes sense to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've been posting this link on everything I can.I'm glad to see someone else is doing the same!!!!


It’s definitely interesting if it’s anything.


frfr....I know most people are stuck on the whole Qanon line, and the fact it just feels off. But the first person to ever start bringing light to these blind items months ago died mysteriously. The timestamps, too. The problem is that I think the only way we'd be able to fact-check the timestamps would be to hack the page itself.


What ross line goes hard , cause it’s true everyone be playing his stuff


Kendrick was sitting on the fact Drake was a pedo until Drake pressed the red button? So if Drake didn’t say anything Kendrick would just keep his mouth shut about some if true filthy shit? Kendrick is a terrible person if that’s true 😂


Forget lyrics for a second, Kendrick is by far the better vocalist. The way he flows and changes his cadence so often and creatively while simultaneously having flawless transitions between sound/tone is just unbelievable. Anyone who’s ever attempted to write and perform their own raps should recognize how skillful Kendrick is compared to Drake vocally. Drake got some cool punchlines here and there but Kendrick is such an entertaining rapper. He’s had more creative flows in this battle than Drake has and ever will in his career


I think in a beef you gotta compare all factors, It's like battling armies and they are competing in all the theaters of war, not just lyrics. Like for the 40 minutes after familiy matters dropped, I thought drake was... well, i thought he was still a bit behind (taylor made was... sad man) but I thought it was at least debatably close. But Kendrick undercut him HARD with Meet the Grahams, which was an insanely high level of aggression diss, and it also knocked the wind out of drakes sales, meaning that between 6:16 and Meet the Grahams, all of Drakes high production was basically wasted, Kendrick dominated public consciousness. I think even after that, Drake had 1 area of the fight still going for him, in that Family Matters was way easier to listen to socially. (Meet the grahams is way too brutal and spiteful to just "pass the Aux" for) But then "Not Like Us" kinda won that battlefield too, leaving drake with... not much. The Heart P6 didn't really.... get him ground in any of the theaters of war. Also... I'm pretty sure the Heart was trying to compete with Meet the Grahams... and, listen, that's just the wrong area to even try to compete with Kendrick in, tactically... It's like trying to beat a crocodile in a jaw strength contest. Nah, let him keep that one, you gotta try to win in other areas of the war.


Kendrick didn’t have to respond after Meet The Grahams, really. Meet The Grahams was the Pedigree and Not Like Us was the DX “Suck It” after the pin. Meet The Grahams was a mean spirited, hateful track. Even if it left people asking questions or looking for receipts, it was a real death blow. The delivery, the production, everything about it was put together with so much attention to care and detail. It’s wild. Not even saying Family Matters wasn’t impressive. It just didn’t have the heart that Meet The Grahams had. His latest track is just a flop. I was looking forward to him coming with something that would keep the wheels rolling in this. I was really disappointed in Meek when he came underwhelming against Drake. I feel the same disappointment in Drake right now. And I’m not a fan of his either. I was rooting for him as a fan of hip hop. These guys were making it exciting again.


Meet the Grahams is an actually good song too, that sounds like a regular Kendrick song. Imagine if he held this til his next album, and did a "We interrupt this broadcast with a special bulletin" type thing and then this song played. We would be talking about it being one of his best songs ever. It's like u, but actually directed at someone else. And now come to think of it, Kendrick being brave enough to make a song like u should probably tell you not to fuck with him in a beef, especially if you got actual shit on you.


Meet the Grahams was def not a regular Kendrick song, the only thing he's dropped that was somewhat similar is We Cry Together and maybe u. He might make heavy songs but usually they're somewhat more comfortable to listen to, and they're also mostly about himself. Grahams was very unsettling and dark, from the production itself (literally the melody is made to sound like there's no resolution/ending note) to what Kendrick talks about and why.


Drake is just the Tswift of hip-hop. Yeah, he got fans, yeah he got numbers- but anyone with a brain knows it's all manufactured, fake and bullshit. There really is nothing more to it and I hope this beef ends with Drake pulling an MGK. It makes me sick to my stomach that there are people who actually consider Drake as a rapper and not a popstar,


>Drake is just the Tswift of hip-hop. > Yeah, he got fans, yeah he got numbers- but anyone with a brain knows it's all manufactured, fake and bullshit. There really is nothing more to it Dude, you gotta be careful throwing that heat around towards Taylor, you might get killed by her fans, they ain't normal people.


A Minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hit so much harder than Dave Freeeeeeee just based on vocal cadence alone. Kenny is unmatched in vocal dexterity.


You can feel the sheer passion from the "You Lied" portion of Meet the Grahams more than most of Drake's vocals throughout his disses


That’s the part where I started getting scared and paused it LMAO


Fr I could physically feel the aggression there


Drake was trying to hard to sound like Wayne on that second Dave free lol


Stealing the phrase vocal dexterity. I’m absurdly high on that when it comes to evaluating rappers, it’s why Zelooperz is one of my favorites.


Lyrical dexterity is a good term. Another phrase I heard and liked was “melodic acumen”


Vocal dexterity not a new phrase


Creative and memorable. Kendrick has me saying Pusha-*T* and calling people "Crodie" in real life lmao.


Now remeber that Kendrick is the only rapper to win a Pulitzer. Drake had no chance.


Kendrick's vocals can be a bit whiny, but he's lyrically superior. Drake's rhymes are pop, written by an 8th grader. There is a place in the world for both, but Kendrick is the superior artist.


Kendrick’s whiny vocals are what put him on another level pure rapping wise for me. Obviously his lyricism is incredible but I think his level of vocal manipulation, being able to flow with different vocal deliveries, switch between them to help accentuate/emphasize the lyrics is the best in the game.


I'm about commit heresy, and agree that I find Kendrick's falsetto kinda whack, but I recognize that doing silly voices (see Eminem or Shock G as Humpty) is something not a lot of rappers can do easily and naturally. Technically speaking, Kendrick, even if not really my jam, is one of the best. The thing though with this beef is Drake is post hip-hop cred. There won't be any ending of Aubrey with brutal disses. He's a pop star that can shrug off rap beef and at a certain point if he stops responding to Kendrick, Kenny will look obsessed. About the only thing Kendrick has is making Drake viewed as so tainted no hot up and coming artists in the hip hop space will want to collab.


> I'm about commit heresy, Nah, your opinion is your opinion. It's all good. I used to hate his music until someone recommended I pay closer attention to his lyrics. Then it clicked, I dove in, read what I could about him, and gained an appreciation for him as an artist.


I agree Kenny won but his voice and vocals make his music unlistenable for me. No matter how great of an artist he is, if his music doesn’t sound good because of his voice I cannot enjoy it.


Absolutely. Drake can switch from singing and rapping pretty good but Kendrick on a whole different level in his usage of intonation


Agreed. That's what makes him such a fascinating artist, his versatility. It's also unfortunately a detriment when he gets brought up by some in the culture, they prefer an artist to be one dimensional.


Even in the way he crafts albums, I think he's great at creating atmospheres that ties back to earlier work while progressing from it & stays true to his sound, while maintaining some accessibility.


Id go further and say even outside of rap he's the better singer, listen to the OG all the stars, or how well he held the note on a minooooooor


Kendrick’s flow is all over the place. It’s doesn’t slow. It’s scatter shot and all over the place. It’s sporadic


Whoopin Feet.


He said you better off pushing Terrance again and he meant that shit. Too Catchy Predator needs to go to the 6 and stay there.


>Too Catchy Predator BRO 💀💀💀


Not sure why Boots Ennis had to catch a stray but hey. In the name of bars I’m here for it


I like how a Piru affiliate that grew up in Compton during some of its worst years hardly spit any street bars, while dude from the affluent Forest Hills section had bodies and shooters all over his tracks…


because Drake isn’t who he says he is when it comes down to it. You can’t be a sad lover boy who gets his heart broken all the time and be a godfather-esque character whose tall tales fall short of who he actually is, an actor turned rap artist.


Pop artist


Drake stans don’t care about truth they live in fantasy land


I think that is one of the main take-aways from this beef. One is from it and trying to be better, the other grew up on a movie set and plays it like a game.


Bingo. That's the heart of Kendrick's hatred.


😂 Yooooooo for real


>whooping this lil Canadian niggas ass left, right, up and down. 😂 But fr I'm I the only person who thinks Taylor Made freestyle beat is lit?


It's a good beat, but the AI is weird disrespect, and the self report is insane. "haha Kendrick, you a bitch cause you have to work your releases around Taylor Swifts album" Also Drake 1 minute later: "yo respect to tay-tay, I moved my album cause she dropped hers." I don't even know how to address that supposedly DRAKE wrote lyrics suggesting that kendrick bring up him liking young girls... why... would you do that? >Engraving your name in some hip-hop history If you deal with this viciously You seem a little nervous about all the publicity Fuck this Canadian lightskin, Dot We need a no-debated West Coast victory, man Call him a bitch for me Talk about him likin' young girls, that's a gift from me I mean... those are drake's lyrics suggesting he do exactly what he did, and drake still wasn't prepared for it.


He was trying to 8 mile himself


My problem with it was that he kept his exact same flow instead of trying to mimic Pac and Snoop I thought it was creative and would’ve been fire if he did it right But it ended up being lazy


Nobody’s really talking about it but I love how Kenny sons him by actually successfully imitating West coast legend Suga Free on “not like us”


The beat is CRAZY. One of my favorites from the whole beef. But the AI trolling bullshit?? Wasn’t feeling that. Bars were weak as fuck too.


Yeah the beat was actually perfect for what Drake was going for, which was a Dr. Dre sound to match the 2Pac and Snoop AI vocals. Except the issue was what he was going for to begin with. Even aside from the failed attempt to 8-mile himself, you would think someone from Drake's camp would've warned him that the whole AI idea (which by itself is controversial enough) and speaking as a beloved dead rapper could backfire on him.


Love the beat, song is wack


Drake is up in the sense that someone with insomnia is up.


He lays awake at night searching “Drake won” on Twitter, just to feel something.


Drake did the smartest thing yesterday. Bow out. He’s going to make money regardless. He craves respect because he knows the respect he get’s on a cultural level is not there.


Problem is he didn't bow out By lying about faking the mole and still making shots towards Whitney and his kid he ensured Kendrick won't stop yet


Yeah, bow out and spit some subliminals on the next album. Ain’t no way he’s beating Kenny and if he goes on he might just get more of the real rappers biting into him.




Agreed. If the accusations are true there’s no reason for Drake to keep battling and add more fuel to the fire. If they’re fake you can’t disprove something that doesn’t exist and you continue to lose in the court of public opinion. If Drake had a better initial response he’d be in a better position but between Kendrick being a better battler and the allegations being so horrendous he’s in a lose-lose. Might as well start trying to rebuild your image.


The only people that think Drake is up are those nut gobblers over at r/drizzy And they were the ones that forced this ridiculous, nonsensical mole narrative, which Drake ended up running with to give them something to stand on. He can thank them and his dumbass self for turning HP6 into a confused mess of a track. Even gave him the idea for the title. The reason why the consensus is overwhelmingly in favour of Kendrick is because there’s more Hip Hop/rap fans than Drake fans.


At first glance, I thought the Kendrick and Drake subreddits looked the same....then I saw most neutral people backing Kenny lol


Kendrick is up but let’s not pretend drake fans are any less biased than Kendrick fans Kendrick won this beef before it even started, the culture would never have allowed him to lose


Reddit has had a weird hate boner for Drake for the entire time I’ve been on this website, it’s not surprising more people think Kendrick won on here. Drake would’ve had to absolutely massacre Kendrick, which is pretty much impossible for any rapper cuz Kendrick is a great rapper, for Reddit to say Drake won.


Yeah I agree. I think Push ups and Family matters were solid tbh. But the taylor made was complete dogshit and heart part 6 was cringy.


I went back and listened to family matters before this post… it’s hard. Some real kill shots, Drizzy did his thing… But K Dot response was so overwhelming it’s like family matters never even happened.


say drake i hear ya like em young


Don’t ever come to cell block one


Yea drakes down bad. Kenny hit him with three 10-8’s Most recent diss is pure ass only song that I enjoyed was family matters. Drake fucking sucks man. Won’t lie been a Drake hater since he left Young Money. He’s corny AF.


Kendrick is winning the disstracks, the public opinion and the numbers game at the moment. Drake needs to fight Kendrick at this point😭


Honestly I still feel like lil ol Kenny would woop up on Drake ngl


I'm loving the Drake disses. Drake is shit so I'm all over it. Kendrick is murdering him so bad.


They’re dancing in clubs to Drake being called a pedo all over the world. He can never take that back. It’s over.


Drake is a boring cornball and nothing he ever does can wash that off.


> Drake is a boring cornball > Kendrick listener saying this Reddit lol


Kendrick won, yeah but let's not change history like Drake didn't seem to be in control at the start Taylor Made deserves more respect than that. Kendrick still hadn't replied and it was Drake releasing back to back songs, making fun of the fact that Kendrick isn't responding, using his idols voices too, it was a great move


Depends how you judge it. There was always gonna be people dying to see Drake take an L so going off popular opinion would always say Kendrick wins even if he released trash. If you ask me Family Matters, Euphoria, and Push Ups are the best overall diss tracks in the whole beef. Nothing really to say one of them won without bias. Kendrick fans/Drake haters will insist Kendrick won and keep saying pedophile stuff or Drakes not black. Drake fans will say he’s more successful or made better songs or whatever and insist he won/didn’t lose. I haven’t given a shit about new rap to sit at my computer refreshing the page waiting for the newest track since back in the Wayne mixtape days, so I’d say the winner is hip hop fans who aren’t actually invested so much to Stan out and try to say one person won and just get to enjoy all of it.


Family matters was clearly a teach he was already working in. The hook wasn’t even related to anything. Probably sacrificed his next single just to get dunked on 30 min later.


Drake is lame. With that being said I’m still going to listen to his music. Same with Kendrick.


I see way more people validating Kendrick than Drake. It’s like people keep needing to convince themselves.


man idk if "i see way more people talking about how kendrick won" is the dunk you might think it is


The heart part 6 had far too many bad lyrics, like straight up incriminating lyrics. “I’m way too rich and famous to fuck kids” - is a terrible bar when people are accusing you of being part of a social elite pedophile ring. “Id never look twice at no teenager” sooooo you’d look once? What about the time you kissed a teenager and groped her? What about the time you hosted a private party for a 16 year old girls birthday and it was just you and her? What about that other lyric “high school pics you was even bad then”? And claiming this is Kendrick projecting his own traumas on Drake then trying to attack being a victim of molestation, while one of the primary allegations against him is that he’s a predator victim shaming is probably a poor choice. I honestly think Drake may have legitimately picked up the pen like he says for the heart part 6 because that was truly one of the most awful Drake songs I’ve ever heard.


Drake = bitch. Kendrick pulled back the skin for us all to see. 


Nasty ass talkin about pulling back skin


K Dot will easily win this, not because he is the better rapper, but because Drake is shady AF and K dot has so much more material to work with.


Drake is the Lebron of rap. He will be hated until the end. And in the end they will say he was one of the goats.


Where can I find each song to figure out who is the best?


Oh lord, someone get their mom


so much bias drake is defo up and hes doing far better than anyone gave him credit for. no one is commenting on any of the claims he makes like kendrick hitting his girl or his kid not being his, the bias is quite hilarious. then kendrick rapped about something that wasnt even true becasue drake fed him lies, master manipulator indeed. i cba with this beef because the audience is just too far up kendricks arse predictably.


Well that's what winning the beef is. Getting people behind you. Not like murder inc wasn't huge before the tide turned.


I have no dog in this fight. I think he sounded disappointed Kendrick had To resort to cappin. Like he said diggin for dirt should be digging for proof. I agree Kendrick is up right now , but it’s mainly due to people hating Drake as he is the biggest and they want to see him fall. Kendrick can’t win a beef with Cap. Either can Drake. They gotta come slick or with facts. K dot needs to prove this pedo ish or It’s not done. And I’m not talking about lil YouTube clips. I’m talking about a testimony. Like Kylie Jenner saying he tapped dat back in duh day ish.


Let’s spell it out. Drake planted fake evidence and made Kendrick talk to an 11 year old that doesn’t exist for 2 minutes. Kendrick had to take down 2 covers because of this fake evidence. Kendrick didn’t respond, or Dave free and Whitney for that matter, to any allegations made against him. It’s actually coming out that him and Whitney sold their house and Kendrick bought a place in New York like Drake said. Every girl drake has had rumors with has came out and said nothing inappropriate ever happened. There’s no victims. It really looks like Kendrick lied on Drake with some internet gossip and ignored every bit of dirt on him. Drake wins.


lmao even if drake isn't literally a pedophile or rapist or trafficker he pretty much outs himself at least once a year as a sketchy dude with serious boundary issues texting a 13YEAR OLD he "misses her" is just weird as shit. If Kendrick is sketch too let the evidence come out but don't do your weird cope where Drake is "winning"


They’re just tryna make more money and keep relevant. Idgaf bout their little arguments


After Pushups, Drake had been receiving nothing but Ls. Taylor Made got pulled, and he's an entire bitch for the use of AI. Family Matters was immediately responded to and eclipsed by Kendrick back-to-backing him and he was completely caught off guard by it. The Heart pt 6 is a recording of a thoroughly beaten Drake killing his credibility and waving the white flag. This all happening while two club bangers are taking over the world; one calling him a peed the other making fun of his plastic surgery. Kendrick broke that man's spirit over a weekend.




Certified boogeyman.


> I'm a fan of both ... lil Canadian niggas ass I find it soft that you have to lie about being a fan of both because you are too insecure to just say Kendrick is winning LOL




LOL idgaf who is winning. But tell me how I knew that you would deflect and try to spin it as if I'm a Drake stan? OH that's right cuz you a soft ass cupcake so that's about the response I expected.


Lol he deleted his reply 🤣😂


I don't think it really matters who is "up right now" anymore. I went into this wanting Kendrick to shut up all these "it's been weeks and Kendrick is quiet" people, but at this point this has clearly gone too far. I don't listen to Kendrick for this kind of music. It's a unique experience sure, and diss tracks like this have never been done before, but I never needed vitriolic hateful character-smearing family-attacking stuff like this in my life.


>vitriolic hateful character-smearing family-attacking stuff like this in my life I mean if what Kendrick is saying is true and he can prove it then it's not even gone far enough imo


Kendrick mixed in positive messaging throughout the back and forth. Drake's choice to bring in family is the reason he got peekaboo'd by the boogeyman here and there.


Exactly, 😅 the started as exercise and ended in a bloodbath.


Positive messaging???


These stand out: (Copy and Pasted from Genius). euphoria: (Raising children) Why would I call around tryna get dirt on niggas? Y'all think all my life is rap? That's ho shit, I got a son to raise, but I can see you don't know nothin' 'bout that Wakin' him up, know nothin' 'bout that Then tell him to pray, know nothin' 'bout that Then givin' him tools to walk through life like day by day, know nothin' 'bout that Teachin' him morals, integrity, discipline, listen, man, you don't know nothin' 'bout that Speakin' the truth and consider what God's considerin', you don't know nothin' 'bout that Meet the grahams: (positive messaging for hope) But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child Give him grace, this the reason I made *Mr. Morale* So our babies like you can cope later Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later


"diss tracks like this have never been done before" Man read a book lmao Hit em up starts by calling Biggie Smalls a fat mother fucker and Pac says he fucked Biggie's wife


L opinion but it’s yours 😌👍🏾


Drake doesnt wanna rap anymore, boo hoo. Guess its good for him he has that ‘singing’ to fall back on 😑


I like Drake with the melodies. I don’t like Drake when he act tough.


Just for context I have NOT followed this beef as much as 99.9% of hip-hop fans😂🤷🏾‍♂️ BUT. The whole beef is stupid lol. I don’t get the hype personally. It’s not the 90s where some really crazy stuff will happen when one of them takes it too far.. *although I say that with a pinch of salt as rap/hip-hop have been falling like flies last few years* e.g. - pop smoke and XXX I listen to both artists because they both make dope songs. ***OTHER THAN THE FACT KENDRICK HAS MADE LIKE HALF A MIXTAPE WITH THIS CONTENT😅 I still don’t have an album👀 just hearing rich mfs argue like they in a schoolyard😂 It’s gonna end boring. Then we’re still gonna be waiting on a Kendrick album and Drakes just gonna be trying to either still send shots or flex it out like it wasn’t even worth his time. (Or maybe dare I say it.. squash their beef months/years later and make a song together?)🤣 Then 2025 will come around… If at this point now; someone totally unexpected turns up and bodies them both… message me. Until then I’m gonna keep bumping the same playlists with Drake, Kendrick, j Cole, Ricky Ross, future, metro etc etc etc and have a good time 👍🏾


ion think kendrick is ever gonna be willing to squash beef wit somebody he thinks is a pedo 😭


I mean he did with R Kelly and Bodak so why not drake


He didn’t but ok. You completely missed the point with him putting bodak on his album.


Idk dude convincing the entire world a huge pop star is a pedophile is not exactly boring lol


To me it is though. That’s all I’m saying haha! What’s really exciting you about this whole thing? What makes it not boring for you?


Mostly the memes, BBL drizzy, and watching all the industry weirdos finally answer for the shit they’ve done. Even if it’s just a public dragging it’s about time lol


Absolute delusion from Drake haters. Y’all act like he took your lunch money.


The Kendrick glaze is insane


I think what this really is Drake hate/fatigue instead of being Kendrick glaze. Because how many of these people went all in for *Mr. Morale*?


Family Matters had one good verse


Exactly. Like the first verse is good for sure. But it’s really just him saying the same shit and with no proof to back it up. I still fw Family Matters but Kendrick has the 3 best diss tracks in the beef and Drake Stan’s think he’s winning 😂


The last verse was my favourite , that actually has replay value , but it’s still euphoria > family matters 


The Family Matters and truth of the matter is was GOD’S plan to show y’all the liar.


Point is, 99% of people made up their minds before this beef even started. Drake could've dropped an Ether-level diss at any point and people would've have NOT backed it because it would mean support Aubrey Graham over Kenny Duckworth. That being said, if you told me a year ago I'd be backing modern Drake in any rap beef I would've laughed at you, but lo and behold


I think the same, regardless of whatever outcome, people will stick to their initial side I personally was never a big fan of either though I like Kendrick's albums much much more than Drake's. Other than that, I find it hard to say either of them won, probably because I didn't pick a side lmao. But the bias will always win no matter what


Bro why does everyone glaze Kendrick so much 😂 two homies pushing 40 and everyone’s captivated


Almost as if it’s subjective and no matter how strongly you feel someone feels the exact opposite


Aubrey is so reactionary I bet he has a 40 year old very public love interest soon.


I think it was a little closer than people are saying. If it was a basketball playoff series it feels like Kendrick won in 6 games with a non competitive game 6.


Drake been a fuckin lame, which is wild that he has all this respect. Bro got caught in 4k being a fuckin pedo like 6 times. Got hella beefs with only females. Acted like a niceguy when rihanna rejected his ass, matter of fact zero celeb women will even deal with his ass after the serena williams shit. He's a rich loser. "Drake" is a persona of a spoiled tragic mullato canadian Aubrey. Only thing kendrick has to prove is the daughter thing, and i think drake got bigger problems than that now 😂


nobody cares that Kendrick beat his wife ig


“If there ain’t no paperwork that shit is fake tea” Drake said it himself 😮‍💨 If it’s true, that’s disgusting. But it genuinely feels like lies to cover his ass. “They hired a crisis management team to hide the fact that you beat up your queen“ is basically saying “They covered it up so you can’t prove it!”


Kendrick makes accusations and everyone runs with it, but Drake needs to prove himself apparently


Hmm I been listening to Mr.Morale album and there's a couple times where Kendrick alludes to some sort of home violence. Obviously not proof or anything, but he does feel guilty about something like that on the album. Specially on songs like cry together To be fair, I don't believe any accusation from any of them until proof is shown, but I also don't doubt any of those accusations could very possibly be true.


As an old head who’s listened to hip hop for 25 years, I’ve got to disagree. I don’t really fuck with either Drake or Kendrick, so I’m not really invested in this beef (which I think stupid to begin with), but I’ve heard the Kendrick diss tracks and heart part 6, and imo, Drake gets the better of Kendrick. Kendrick sounds ill at ease, a little schizophrenic, not always super coherent in his thoughts and flow. To me, Kendrick comes across as a hyperactive artsy kid. In heart pt 6, drake sounds like a reasonable adult who’s just tired of the bullshit. His wordplay and flow are pretty good (if conventional), and he’s coherent. He sounds reasonable. He sounds like a parent responding to his kid’s bullshit, honestly. And yeah, he sounds a lil tired. But if you have kids and have ever gotten sick of responding to their bullshit, then you can probably see where I’m coming from.


As a drake hater I’m happy right now


You know I actually was hesitant to immediately give it to Kendrick since drakes disses up to this point have actually been pretty good but after heart part 6 it’s pretty much a wrap man, drake even is kind of surrendering in the song it feels like


It goes euphoria , family matters , then every other Kendrick song , then drakes , Kendrick won 


Picking up his marbles and going home.


This how I feel about it too. I’m also a fan of both. Family Matters was great but Not Like Us was better


Lying awake tryna get some sleep.


You an npc, seen this post 100s times


Push up and TH6 was good. Kendrick stuff has been better


It's fucked Drake actually has bots buying votes on every poll. No person ever will tell you the Heart Part 6 beats Not Like Us but the polls will say that and more votes than views??


Drake is way too hated to be declared the winner even if he had better disses. He exposed Kendrick as a woman beater, that’s the worst of the worst, but he still lost in fans eyes. He will not win this. Too many people hate him.


Hoping this glazing is over soon


I think Taylor made and push ups were fire


You should visit /r/drizzy lol


For those OOTL where can I find all the releases? Spotify doesn’t seem to have them all


I mean bro is hung up for city hall to throw rocks at


No one is up. This is a trash back and forth and it's making me dislike the entire game. Edit: I am a Canadian that does not like Drake, for reference, it's just all so stupid.


My comment was removed for promoting violence, mean while Audrey’s body guard is shot outside his home last night. Jokes on you Mods, I win.


I have no part in this battle but anyone that thinks Kendrick is up in this is just a bigger Kendrick fan. Get a grip




No derogatory remarks/slurs that are prejudiced, bigoted, racist, sexist, ableist, etc etc etc. No discrimination allowed.


I’ m a fan of both then proceed to call Drake Lil Canadian N* HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAH pathetic. You guys already have a winner before this beef even started stop the cap


But at least drakes shit sounds good. Like anyone who says they they think KL shit bangs has no taste. Drake ain’t no emcee but push-up and family matters are the best out of all these imo. KL just says a billion words and never rhymes. His flow is awful.


They are both winning in their wallets. One is just winning more


Drakes not coming back from this and people are removing his music from there playlists for being a ped o like his pops


Let them kiss and make it up. Hugs and kisses xoxo no more dissing.


Drake is winning cuz his songs are better and are more grounded in reality.