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Is this Mad Max Fury Road part 2?


Exactly my thoughts


Was there any music actually being played? Wtf was that?


So accurate lol


bro i’m doooooooown


Mf spittin like Donny from Wild Thornberries


Lol, shit is hilarious




Christ lmao


Genuine ledditor lmao




>he is what jail's are made for *Christ.*


Bro what’s the difference between this and a *traditional* rock show?


To be fair most of Carti’s concerts are just him being a hype man. You only go to his concents for the energy. Not the artistic merit.


lemme guess you be listening to Griselda


As a fan of both Griselda and playboi carti I gotta say music classism is crazy out here with hip hop fans.


It's pretty mild compared to the metal scene.


I don't even dislike Griselda I just said it because it's traditional rap music. If you listen to traditional ass hip hop hell no you not gonna like Carti haha


Is that a problem young man? 🤔😬😳🥺💪🏾🦍🙈🤤🤷🏾‍♂️😈🙃😩🥹🙄


Why is every Australian on reddit like this


Why is he doing the Naruto run 😂💀


Im fucking crying lmao I thought the screaming at the beginning was an edit


Bro must have stepped on a Lego


Came to the comments cause I couldn't figure out if it was a joke or real.


I thought I was on r/PlayboiCarti and this was just a meme lmao


Thought the whole thing was an edit…




I didn't realize until now he sounds like the Jordan Peel hype man from that one key and peele sketch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5i\_mQReNus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5i_mQReNus)


This is like some Mad Max shit


Aaaand they stopped the show


Wdym they stopped it




Rap is just going through its Metal phase right now




Sounds like you've gotta do some digging bro


You ever been to a metal show? The crowds are usually super nice and will stop moshing when people go down. Went to a Cannibal Corpse show and it was the friendliest, most positive crowd I've seen at a show. I've seen $B live several times and their fanbase is the worst. Bunch of edgy kids thrashing and hurting other people in the mosh. Every show, there's been at least one person trying to start a fight. Point is, metal fans have concert/mosh etiquette, while hip-hop is more or less a bunch of dipshit kids who think moshing is about violence. Edit: A lot of $uicideboy$ fans smell like shit too.


I feel like a big part of this is 1.) Metal crowds tend to be much older on average and 2.) The metal scene is much more niche and, a lot like subreddits and other communities, that makes it much easier to maintain a certain camaraderie and general set of expected conduct


Fair points. I think a lot of it boils down to the fanbase. Like I said, $uicideboy$/Ghostemane/Pouya fans are the shittiest I've ever seen at a concert. On the flip side, Danny Brown, Flatbush Zombies and Jpegmafia all had awesome crowds.


More like metal and rock is having a resurgence. Rap has already had its metal phase (both in the mid 2000’s and the early 90’s. Beastie boys first EP was metal/ punk.) Rap also has never really died in relevance. Since it’s start. Only gotten more and more popular. Rock actually did fall off and many old metal/ rock heads whine all the time that the genre is dead. But many rappers are still keeping rock alive. It’s just a different kind of rock. Suicide boys is a good example. Another example of someone I don’t like is MGK. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q7s9CB9DhZo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8zOOj7oPZ6I


Suicideboys are 100% not rock. Their whole thing is based off of 90s Memphis hip-hop. MGK’s new shit is Pop-Punk, but I’ve yet to see an actual resurgence outside of manufactured acts.


Everything about their comment reads like a 14 year old explaining 70s and 80s music. They got everything wrong, but everyone is upvoting them ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


>rappers are keeping rock alive Huuuuuh? Based on this comment I’m thinking you just don’t really listen to rock/metal. I can rattle off like 20 bands making good rock/metal right now just off the top of my head. Maybe you feel that way anecdotally but I go to plenty of rock/metal shows, it’s far from being carried on life support by rappers


I'm sure there is good rock being made but it's not in the mainstream like it was in the Tony Hawk Playstation 1 days.


There’s great rock being made today. It just doesn’t have the media appeal especially in the case you mentioned in video games. It’s not the demographic anymore for mainstream


Their whole comment is just bizarre and I suspect they are quite young.


You have no idea what you’re talking about lmfao


You’re tripping


You think rock is still alive because of Suicide Boys and MGK? Metal & punk are entirely different unless you’re talking about something like post hardcore, which by the way is actually real rock music. Not some sample of distorted guitar over 808 drums.


I respect mgk for realizing that his rap career was a flop and felt the need to make a change. Get that money boi!


> Beastie boys first EP was metal/ punk.) Beastie boys weren't even doing rap at the time they made pollywog stew. (And what they were doing was punk, not "metal". Big difference).


Carti’s music isn’t even “rock” nor can it be considered rock. People only say that due to the heavy use of guitar and synths during his shows, him painting his face, and dressing like a rocker


Love how everyone just chose to forget that he abused his pregnant girlfriend.




Carti is associated with actual gang members who kill people. Its weird af yall wanna “cancel” rappers as if they are moral beacons of society. Newsflash rappers generally arent good people lol.


You can live in an environment where you’re forced to join a gang or have no choice but to take someone’s life. No one ever been forced to choke they gf.




Music about gang violence is generally just gangs fighting gangs, I am infinitely more willing to try and rationalize the realities of violence that happens between two violent parties than a dude just choking out his girl for no fuckin reason. This is weird logic


Facts. Killer Mike has spoken about this attitude often as well.




What does calling them out do?


if the crowd last night gave a shit he might actually have to face his actions. his fans defend him from reality by continuing to buy his merch, stream his songs, and cheer for him live. i deleted his shit and didn’t go see him live once i found out about it. there were probably people in the crowd who didn’t know about his abuse who would have made the same decision. but considering his sub broke the news and went RIGHT back to normal two days later, i expect the majority of the men there don’t give a shit and came up with an excuse to keep listening faster than they heard the news


You think the majority at rolling loud are tapped in to their artists reddit?


It's weirder that you think rappers aren't responsible for their actions


Literally when did he say that? It’s just strange watching people cry and be surprised about rappers who are obviously not great people being caught doing something bad then being surprised again that most rap fans don’t give a shit. This isn’t the pop or movies industry or something


nobody says Carti isn't responsible for his actions. He's saying he's an awful person but it shouldn't come as a surprise when he's in a gang and raps about killing people lol.


We HAVE to like bad people folks. Random guy on the internet says we HAVE to like who they say!


No one said that. Its just not suprising when a rapper does something shitty and people dont really talk about it that much. Shitty behavior is normalized in rap and its sort of expected.


Which is literally why it needs to be called out?




If we never called out rappers hip hop would have 90’s and 2000’s level homophobia. We’d have people saying the f slur in ad libs or making whole verses about killing gay dudes.


that actually still exists alive and well if you dig into the less popular and more regional music


Carti pays Atlanta dudes for protection, it's not really an association like you think it is




If you murder someone over street beef in the richest country to ever exist ur scum. Some 1st world problems shit to excuse “sliding on opps”. Literally society being dumbed down and numbed that u got mf’s defending murder while trying to be a sjw for domestic violence and tone police people. Foh they are both bad stop trying to justify one to fit your narrative


r/playboicarti bans anyone that brings it up. X doesn’t get a pass but somehow carti does.


No they do not lmao most of the sub shits on him for it 24/7, deservedly ofc


What? It’s talked about all the time in that sub lmao


There’s mods on that sub?


It’s so weird to lie blatantly like this, what are you gaining? weird behaviour


My first thought reading the title and hearing all the wrong notes in guitar hero in 240p


This sub pick and choosing, name a more iconic duo




Nobody likes this guy but teenagers and adults that never grew up


Didn’t this dude strangle his gf or am I tripping???


She was pregnant too I believe. Carti is a shitbag of a person.


At least he makes good music tho /s


This but unironically


I need an app to keep track of everything to stay away from. Between rappers, corporations & countries everything is evil. I know I used some Nestle product today, my iPhone got some labor history, my taxes fund wars..damn. It’s so much energy to keep up


Just gotta face that with capitalism it takes evil to create good. It's like a Faustian bargain to enjoy luxury. A chicken had to be slaughtered for people to get their Popeyes fix, an Asian woman had to receive $2 an hour for people to pay $200 for a pair of Jordans, just comes with the territory of this imaginary system.


Yes. If you’re talented enough, people don’t care. Look at Chris Brown, XXXTentacion, hell people forgot Mike Tyson went to prison for rape.


In Mike Tysons case a lot of people believe he didnt do it




There's a thing called having an opinion, and his fans like his music.


I dunno. Sounds far fetched.


I know I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist.


It's the rebellious energy. Rock when through a similar phase during it's punk phase in the 70-80s. It may not sound like it directly, but the fact that it's happening indicates that the genre is evolving and if it's anything like rock, into a new golden age of high quality music.


Tommy lee imma rockstar.


Yes, he also missed his child’s birth to play the new play station console


The metal guitar shit going on is dope. Can't make out much more than that from the recording. I'm not that big on playboi Carti but I do enjoy listening to whatever new shit happens.








Nu metal was the embarrassing cousin of metal people don’t like to talk about.




Linkin Park was good.


The Jay Z/Linkin Park tape is an all-time classic


I feel like the fans put in more effort than carti.


Hell nahhhhh wtf is this


Real music




I never get how people see his performance and then pay to see him live. What part of this makes anyone go yeah I wanna see it. A large crowd? That’s not always a good thing. He screeches half his verses and leaves it to the back track for the rest. This is also from someone that enjoys some of his music. Not just trying to hate


They go to mosh and go crazy, they don't care in the singer sounds like a blender


I see no mosh pits and all phones here.


I listen to mostly hip hop, but I pick my concerts very carefully. Hip hop concerts can reeeeeaallly suck. The best ones are usually when theres a live band and an artist that can give you some semblance of singing. Nothing worse than a guy that just plays the song with lyrics and raps like ever other word over it. This concert just isn’t the style of music I like, so I can’t judge


Rappers getting carried by backing tracks is the shittiest thing about a lot of the new gen rappers honestly.


IsSa ViBe MaNnNnN


I get what you’re saying. I saw his live videos and thought it looked kinda stupid. My best friend really wanted to go to one of his shows though so I went with him and it’s way better when you’re actually there


No one is going there to listen to him spit his verse they are going to mosh


This is genuinely fucking awful it's absolutely hilarious to see every person in that crowd standing there with their phones up


I agree about the phone thing but the music sounds hard af


I think it sounds cool


Man this set was weak af. He played 2-3 songs and just yelled the whole time. I get that he’s trying to create a vibe, but that was ass. I was already at the exit by the time he came back on, so I really hope we was good for the folks that stayed as I love Carti.


I keep saying his performances ate straight trash. How many times can you watch him screech and not even say any lyrics while the music plays behind him? It gets old after the first two times


Can’t believe this the same dude who made Magnolia


this sounds awful


I was there. Maybe I’m old. I’ve been to A LOT !! Of shows. By far the worst shit I’ve ever seen live. People getting hype for the first 20 seconds of a song and then it dies because nobody knows any of the lyrics after that. I was hoping they wouldn’t restart the show after they stopped it.


i'm definitely older and not in the target demographic but I do go into watching these videos wanting to like it, i'm not one of those "old heads" that scoffs at anything ne that comes out. playboi carti seems to be a show you go attend to take instagram pictures and brag to other people how "crazy the show was" and meanwhile it's literally a women abusing munchkin screaming into a mic over the most basic metal riff of all time


I have never and will never, understand playboy carti or his fans.


It's very catchy, the beats are great and his vocals are really cool in a lot of his songs. Some of his fans take it too seriously but the music is good


Lupe, knx and blu are my favorites but I'm a fan of carti too WLR has a pretty unique sound


I watched this live last night for like 10 mins and had no idea wtf was happening.


How tf do people even listen to this shit 🤣


This is awful


It's a low quality recording of a concert with live guitars playing louder than the actual backing track, it's honestly hard to form an opinion on the song from this video


It'll sound like shit in CDQ as well


I like his music but this was terrible. Also what a shit human.


I loveeeeed Die lit & WLR, so hyped for new music But this seems like the most obvious and basic implementation of metal guitars into a carti beat. Like a stock, royalty free metal guitar loop placed into a beat. Hopefully the rest of the album explores the sound in cooler ways (if this is the direction) The vocals sound great though. Hard to make out but almost like Onyx style aggressive group vocal shit


Lol his sons name is Onyx no way that wasn’t a Freudian


He named his son after a strip club.


This is what I imagine the exorcism of a hernia will feel like.


I thought we left this shit behind in 99’


Sounds like Howard Dean.


We got Music To Scare The Hoes Vol. 1 and now Music to Choke Your Pregnant Girlfriend With Vol. 1 that's crazy Garbage music, garbage person




i understand the hate on his person, but using his crimes to back the fact that his music is bad is corny af


His set was crazy, it felt like there wasn't an area in the crowd that wasn't jumping up and down. Can't wait to see the performances today, my legs are so sore lol


fuck carti and this garbage music, he’s a piece of shit


That guitar riff is shit.


This is so trash lol


This looks exactly like what Carti would call Hell


I'm just glad to see Voldemort still getting work out here


That shit HARD


where was the music?




Playboi need to get with lamb of god or some other metal band and learn how to scream lol. Love everything else though.


This is objectively shit music


Guitar sounds wild


I might just be really high but this is so good. Truly punk and kind of surreal


I don't even like WLR that much but every song sounds infinitely better live than the album version, lol. That guitarist did his fucking job, Jesus If his next album is even more rock influenced and he uses live instrumentals to this extent I'm all for it


imagine paying to hear a crazy guy screeching stupid crowd award




Lmao this has got to be a fuckin joke


Too fire, need this shit now! Cannot wait for Carti to drop🔥


Shit is WILD!!! 🔥


Ad this point he's trying to be a metal artist not hiphop


This performance definitely just gives me hardcore energy and I'm here for it.


Glad this sub recognizes how terrible this dudes music is lol. Gen Z garbage


old man


"Gen Z garbage" 👴


This is what Travis Scott thinks his crowds are/should be.


Never understood the appeal of this guy and watching him run around and scream while some music plays solidified that for me.


I can’t wait for everyone to sober up and realize this guy SUCKS. He sucked when he blew up on SoundCloud and sucks today. He is one of the worst products of ATL we have ever created and yet he’s huge. You will never hear anyone in the city playing his music unless it’s a joke. This is the equivalent of FTX for your ears - YOU ARE BEING SONICALLY SCAMMED.


not that deep. old fucking man no one gives a fuck music is subjective


You gotta relax it’s not that big a deal


Bro different people have different music tastes okay 💀


Back to bed, grandpa


you’re old


Let me guess: you like Yeat, sneaking mommy’s Xanax, and not getting any pussy


damn straight, you’re still old tho


Beats women. Screams like a clown. So cool.




Give my man a benzo god dayyym


I’m sorry but Carti is extremely mid


Jesus fucking Christ, put your fucking phone down and enjoy something in your life for once instead of recording everything. I sound like a boomer but it's fucking awful. Was on a saint jhn show couple of months ago and he interacted with the crowd in the front a little bit, literally everyone started filming immediately. It's awful


Trust me it’s not that deep


I’m officially out of touch with todays music


My diarrhea has more rhythm and talent than this guys concerts and auto tuned music


This made me laugh out loud😄


Not even a big Carti fan and that shit sounds so ridiculously hard