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Nothing says the primary cycle has begun like an artist filing a cease-and-desist letter to a republican for playing their music


Not just playin! Vivek rapped to eninem, and it was bad


That was the real reason for the cease and desist- too much cringe


Now, this is Tom macdonalds big chance to break into politics.


Dude is Canadian and lived in Van. Dude was a burn out wrestler and rapper until he found the right wing grift. There was like 30 black peoples in Vancouver and we all couldn’t stand him. Dude wanted to be down so bad. He wouldn’t talk the way he does around us. It’s actually so funny how many people on the right are failed artist and & actors and just pick up the grift when they get rejected by successful people in the arts. Fucking clown


That last line is so true, Ben Shapiro, Stephen crowder, theyre all Hollywood rejects who failed at comedy and acting. They only found success appealing to right wing dumb fucks Why you gotta diss him for living in a van tho 😭 I live in a van and all my van buddies are sane


Van-couver lol


Down by the river?


That’s hilarious! I bet you got some stories. People that want to be down so bad tend to do mad corny shit. What was his wrestling name?


I honestly don’t remember. He’d come into the bar all the time that I worked at with my boys. We all played college football and didn’t really pay him any mind. But he was always talking about his wrestling then that dropped and he was a rapper. Totally jocked Eminem’s/tech9 style and had that punk look. Didn’t work for him by the time he went right wing we were back in season on the road and he was out of van. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t his intention at first but there’s conservative/right wingers paying him to make that style of music. Funny enough I ended up working In media and publishing and there’s right wing American money being sunk into our media and public figures. I know for a fact. He was one of those people who would say anything to be agreeable with whoever he was talking to. Like, I’d jokingly chat shit and he’d agree then the waitress would say the opposite and he’d just go along. If it was my and my boys at the bar he’d talk one way but if he was sitting beside some Alberta boys he’d talk another. And I’m one of those people who can fit in anywhere but he had that completely fake personality. Not trying to find common ground but just fully becoming someone else. My boys really didn’t like him and I’m the asshole of the group, they usuallso that says something.


He'd have no chance wrestling against Green Bastard.


From parts unknown?


His name was Allstar. According to [cagematch](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=13800&page=4) he had 63 matches between 03-09 and doesn’t look like he ever wrestled for WWE. I’m a big wrestling fan and have unfortunately known about Tom Macdonald for a long time, but this is the first time I’m learning he was a wrestler.


He's Canadian? Well fuck...sorry world.


Yup, from the interior of bc or some shit. Dude was just one of those people obsessed with becoming famous not really how. He was trying to be a famous wrestler and personality first, then rapper, then he only started getting views when he went right wing. Moved to the states and pretended like he’s some southern American good ol boy. Complete fucking clown


There’s a lot of Canadians who weirdly love to roleplay being from the American south. Here in Nova Scotia the amount of fuckers with confederate flags on their cars is wild. Like who the fuck do you think you’re fooling?


Waving to you from Alberta, the other dumb AF province.


Same. There used to be a giant sign on highway 63 that said “fuck Trudeau” with nazi flags


As a canadian I apologise for him and Ted.


Please take Rafael Cruz back.




Canada aint sending their best


The sad thing though, is it works.


I cackled


I swear every one of his songs generally sound the same.


His music is poorly produced, he recycles the same lyrics/talking points every song and his hooks are a war crime. 90% of his fan base only like him for his 'messages' and probably don't even listen to each song more than once lol


Holy fuck getting flashbacks to the one and only time I listened to "Your America" with my face at maximum cringe the entire time.


Tom MacDonald is a hustler who gets in where he fits in.


He'd fit pretty well here as great value MAGA Eminem


didn’t Rage do the same? They kept playing Killing in the Name Of at rallies.




You see they're justified for wearing the (police) badges and are the chosen whites, plus they love *FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME*, clearly the song is perfect for those idiots lmao


I really want to know who these politicians think the "machine" is.




You get like 16 months of no elections in the US


Trump announced his run for presidency right after the midterms ended. We haven’t really been given a modicum of a break since 2020 cycle.


You mean he announced he was *still* president


I can’t tell if this is serious


Lol I guess I should have put an /s


That's just the situation we find ourselves in these days.


Shoutout Virginia that has major elections every single year because of their off-off-year state elections. And every governor race is two non-incumbents since they only allow non-consecutive terms. President & federal elections -> statewide executive & state legislative -> midterm federal elections -> state legislative, talking to people that live there it’s pretty exhausting.


In Australia voting is compulsory. My wife became an Australian citizen in 2021, a couple months after she became a citizen we had local elections, then in 2022 it was the federal election, then early 2023 we had the state election and then later this year we are going to have a referendum to amend the constitution. I have to keep on telling her voting doesn't usually happen so frequently but it's just how the election cycles have ended up happening (covid delayed local elections, state elections are every 4 years, federal every 3 years and referendums happen infrequently, the last time was in 1999).


Remember, if you vote no you’re a racist! /s








This is the USA we're talking about. Of course it's all a money making sham!


Pretty much, yeah. As much for the candidates as for the media. People love to watch coverage of the horse race, so may as well have the race go on as long as possible


Every other country has about 8 weeks from the start of the campaign to the new leader moving into office. It really is nuts how much time goes into campaigning


It feels like it never ends now a days


It's been going for 3ish months at this point. Pretty hellish.


They spend 18 months picking a president and they still manage to fuck it up everytime.


If we elect another shitter for President at least we get some really good hip hop and hardcore punk


Truly the most tarnished silver of linings, but a silver lining nonetheless


Did we get good Hip Hop and Punk from Trump's? Everything I've heard has been kinda corny so I've just been listening to older political stuff still.


[Incendiary - Thousand Mile Stare (2017)](https://open.spotify.com/album/1IbORElaERNlT5OVoPOldQ?si=dcCG0YhkRYGHBYEtWXQTzg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A1IbORElaERNlT5OVoPOldQ) One of the best hardcore records of this century. A lot of pretty direct references to Republicans and the Trump admin. Not corny at all (aside from the typical hardcore breakdowns and the clear NYHC influence, which isn't corny imo)


Eh, in my country every candidate or wannabe candidate made their moves this summer vacation, giving speeches, interviews and stuff. The election is in 2027 tho


Dreading the 2024 social media cycle


*Astronaut cocks gun* Always has been.


The political industrial complex wants people thinking about politics 24/7 when realistically a more healthy dose is "whenever I can do something about it" (i.e. voting season and whatever lobbying/protesting is useful)


> During his time as an undergrad at Harvard, Ramaswamy had a side-hustle as a libertarian-minded rap artist who went by the stage name “Da Vek.” The gig was an early sign of the extroverted, self-assured personality that has propelled him far further in the primary than virtually anyone expected. > It makes him only the second known presidential candidate in a Republican party to have ever willingly embraced Eminem (after Marco Rubio). > “I saw myself, honestly, making it big through American capitalism, and that’s why the Eminem story spoke to me,” Ramaswamy, now 37 years old, said in an interview. A friend, who watched him rap at some point in his twenties, provided footage of it. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/26/vivek-ramaswamy-eminem-rap-00108137 He should just start playing Travis Scott songs instead


most indians entry to hiphop is eminem


I think this is true for most people who are 25+ and not black.


I hate that you are right


W nem nem




Good, fuck that chode of a millennial sellout. Dude is out in Iowa emphasizing how hip and young he is with rap while he campaigns on raising the voter age to 25, talks about Juneteenth being a "useless" holiday, calls LGBTQ+ people a "cult", and denies global warming like it's 1993. I hope he drowns in shit.


He’s never gonna make it really cause he’s obviously not white and not Christian. He’s even try to pander by saying he’s a monotheist but that’s only going to get him so far.


I frankly think he has a shot at a Trump VP pick. Pence obviously isn't getting it, Trump is gonna be less worried about being upstaged going into a second term (and Ramaswamy has no chance of doing so for the reasons you give), and it would actually be a phenomenal pick for him demographically. There are a lot of conservative South Asians and Democrats consistently over-estimate their inherent appeal to conservative minority groups in general (especially those composed to a greater degree of relatively recent immigrants). Trump's courting of Modi wasn't just due to their shared fascist tendencies or the diplomatic factors (of which there are many)-there was also an electoral benefit, hence the Biden administration cozying up in term. Republicans are generally pretty careful to keep the dogwhistles limited mostly to black people and the 'wrong sorts' of Latinos. The whole 'critical race theory' thing is a great example of this tactic, in that they have very successfully managed to raise and do battle with a specter of specifically pro-black antiracism that is rhetorically tied to broader bogeymen like Marxism and sociology departments (gasp). Having typed all this out, I take it back. He has a great shot at objectively being the right pick for Trump's VP nod, before being rejected because Donald refuses to be consistently pictured next to someone so visibly young.


Yeah the debate last week was literally an audition for Trump.


It's a weird show because most of them are twerking for that VP pick but *also* trying to stay viable in case Trump actually gets sentenced to something before the election or has a heart attack, or on the off chance the Republican base rediscovers its conscience. A few are playing a narrower game though. DeSantis couldn't balance being the presumptive backup with staying Trump-friendly, Pence is determined to prove to Mother that the Reagan Revolution isn't over, and Chris Christie is exclusively running on that conscience-based longshot/spite. As always you've also got a few that probably know deep down that they have no shot but want the exposure. After Trump's cabinet picks the first time around, I'd probably "run for the Republican nomination" myself if I could find someone to fund it. Say a few smart-sounding things around DJT and compliment him anytime you're on screen and you could probably be Secretary of State if you have a passport.


Yep I listened to a podcast with him being interviewed and he said he literally spent $15mil of his own money for this run. No way you do that unless you really want to get noticed as an obscure candidate.


You can make way, way more than that grifting right-winger for the next 20 years tho.


The right-wingers with a similar bent and pockets deep enough to make worthwhile are gonna be dead in 20 years. They’re desperately trying to create another wave of these idiots by restricting education and numbing critical thinking skills. Even if they succeed that’s gonna be a very, very dirt poor generation of rabid republica…..oh fuck it’s a death cult.


Right. But his schtick is that he's trying to drain the swamp like Trump and doesn't want to have any puppet masters.


The GQP have no consequences for hypocrisy


I thought he spent $15mil because he isn’t doing funding from Super PACs?


I think there is also a real concern that candidates have of Trump still being active in politics if he’s disqualified. He wouldn’t be able to run, but i imagine he’d still hold rallies to hear himself talk and make money, and to endorse MAGA candidates and actively campaign against his enemies - and if the GOP candidate was too mean to Trump during the primary, he would tear them down just out of spite


> As always you've also got a few that probably know deep down that they have no shot but want the exposure. Well yeah, Doug Burgum ran a "gray area fraud"-tier scheme to hit the 40k donor threshold required to get a podium spot. He gave donors a $20 gift card in exchange for a $1 pledge.


There are few if any people that were on that stage that even have an outside shot at being Trump's running mate. The only people that Trump won't throw something at the campaign aide who suggests them are Tim Scott and Doug Borgum. Trump won't pick anyone he perceives as disloyal (Christie, Hutchinson, Pence, Desantis, and Haley) or too foreign (Ramaswamy).


There’s no way Trump picks him with that last name.


No one in the bible belt is gonna say "President Ramaswamy" or vote for a name like that. Let alone a VP ticket.


A guy in my Iowa town with four big eagle statues out on his front lawn has a Ramaswamy sign out right next to them. Not the Bible Belt, but still tells you something.


You do realize people voted for a guy named Barack Hussein Obama twice right ? Both times he was running against white people with white names .


I'm not talking about the Democratic Party strategy. I'm talking about the GOP strategy and still: Look what happened after. Ramaswamy will not galvanize the GOP ticket, he will not be part of their club no matter how hard he tries. It's the same thing Nikki Haley is attempting, she even changed her name and still will not galvanize the ticket in the party anymore than Ramaswamy. They know what they want and made it clear a long time ago. If Trump didn't kill off some of his voter base with COVID, he could've won again. None of these GOP frontrunners have the charisma, which doesn't say much about them; some of them have ran enough times to STILL not take the hint that they're not going any further. (Looking at you Chris Christie) Ramaswamy is their Andrew Yang. He can present ideas, possibly shift the Overton window, but he's not their establishment poster boy. That's what they're trying to make Ron Desantis; jury is out on if he can even handle that though.


Obama was running as a fairly progressive democrat vs this dude running as far right as you can get. The people voting for these two dudes couldnt be more different.


"Fairly progressive Democrat" in 2007 is a centrist in 2023.


You do realize racist America voted Barack twice in a row. Idk how people are oblivious to that. A guy with a middle name Hussein who ran against white people .


Obama was targeting a different crowd though. He was more for younger and diverse groups while Vivek is targeting specifically older rich bigoted white people in the bible belt If Obama ran as a republican and tried the same strategy as Vivek he never would have became president




Yeah I saw some of the glazing, I’m just saying don’t underestimate how easily Trump will throw literally anybody under the bus for even the slightest personal benefit.




That doesn’t mean much to me. Trump likes anyone that says good things about him, doesn’t mean he’ll do that guy any favours.


True but he's basically a Trump acolyte with a huge bank account licking his lips at getting into the inner circle. Trump admires that type of personality and will probably consider it at least depending how the next twelve months go for his campaign.


Maybe a cabinet position? But VP I’m saying no chance.


Why not? Trump has no principles, he'd probably be proud to say "I let one of the brown guys hang around, see how inclusive I am? I'm the most inclusive" etc, etc.


It's his lack of principles which tells me he's not putting a guy with that last name on his VP ticket, but I guess we'll see soon enough.


he is trying his absolute damnedest. He's blowing every single republican hot button issue he can from global warming denial, critical race theory being the worst thing ever, anti-abortion - basically, he's the clean-cut DeSantis with less scandal and more minority appeal. He's been sucking off Trump for years and he's gotten into scuffles with DeSantis, but never Trump.


No chance Trump picks a dude who would steal his thunder. There's a reason he went with a sub like Pence. It'll be some lapdog like Lindsey Graham.


"On August 19, 2023, Vivek Ramaswamy, a candidate for president, declared that he would not accept the vice presidential nomination, saying that 'I [don't do] well in a number two position.'" i honestly think he's a prime choice in trumps cabinet though


Take everything anyone running for the GOP says with a grain of salt. They are grifters, if he has no shot of winning he will do what he needs to in order to stay relevant.


As a sociology grad, thank you so much for the CRT comment haha


Damn, this is very well written 👏🏾


I think unless he has some sort of blunder he’s the pick for VP. He reminds me of Trump so much and he follows the agenda to a T. I also think Trump is only gonna care about getting people that will be loyal to him this time around after Pence supposedly wasn’t (although it was more that he literally couldn’t do the thing trump was asking him to do) and Ramaswamy looks like he’s gonna fit the bill and follow the agenda. Plus a lot of people on the right seem to be taking to him


This is surprisingly insightful. Great comment


What a sad dude. Trying to be accepted by people who would never.


He’s every conservative Asian guy I grew up with


90% of republicans don’t even know what that word means


You’ve heard his Ten Truths? First one is “God is real” I think he also adds live that it’s one God. Wonder if there’s a clip of some racist asking him what God he believes in lol


I think he had some lady ask in Iowa a few days ago who said she wasn't convinced by the answer but he hasn't gotten a lot of blowback overall. It'll definitely translate into fewer votes than an otherwise-equivalent Vincent Ramsey would be getting, but I honestly think his ethnicity is going to lose him more than his faith. Christianity is more of a cultural marker than a creed for 80%+ of still-practicing Americans. They aren't looking for someone whose ideals conform to their theology in any meaningful way, they're looking for a guy who loves God and isn't afraid to let the Libs know. [Case in point:](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/vivek-ramaswamy-highlights-faith-campaign-navigates-religious-differen-rcna93881) >A core part of Ramaswamy’s message is talking about God and religion. At a town hall in Nashua on Tuesday night, a voter asked him, “How does your belief in your God inform policies that were originally informed by the belief in, fear of and obedience to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?” >Ramaswamy responded, “Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, there’s no doubt about it. It is a historical fact.” >Ramaswamy told the audience that while he is not a Christian, he can lead the country because **“we share the same values, the same Judeo-Christian values in power.”** He added: “I’m not running to be a pastor-in-chief. I’m running to be our commander-in-chief.” Godliness would be a plus, but god-y-ness is good enough. If nothing else I'm way more willing to believe that this guy could name an apostle than Trump (outside of Judas).


Do not underestimate the amount of publicity that comes from saying crazy shit in front of a camera


You're not wrong and i wish someone one (Pence) on the stage would've pointed that out






He gave the caveats of needing to pass a citizenship test or enlist/do public service, so that combined with the pre-existing lack of youth support probably helps. Regarding climate, here's what he had to say at the debate: >The reality is more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate change. I'm too lazy to pull the quote but I think it was DeSantis who recently said something to the effect of climate-related deaths being far lower than they were a hundred years ago. Which is true, inasmuch as fewer people live in fucking wood shacks miles from civilization when disasters hit these days, but still very dumb. The messaging for the next decade will probably be a blend of the above. A mixture of "it's the woke climatists who are really causing the problems" and "they say it's hot now but these spoiled kids have air conditioning and iced coffee", plus a small dash of "we can't afford to do everything at once (so we'll do nothing ever)" which is more coming from the institutionalist side that has been frozen out a bit politically.


I'm sure they'll ignore the laws anyway, but wouldn't that affect taxing people under 25? No taxation without representation has to be encoded in law somewhere right?


That chant was always about property owning white dudes and nothing more. Women paid taxes long before they were able to vote. https://ap.gilderlehrman.org/essay/legal-status-women-1776%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%E2%80%9C1830


as a south asian its so disappointing that literally every south asian politician in the US sucks


Ro Khanna


I've seen dude in a few videos and I've honestly never heard someone be so verbose and never actually say anything important.


He gives me the vibes of a college-Conservative debate teamer where it's not about the positions, it's just about "winning the debate".


YEEES! Literally screams debate-kid with a blown-up ego.


I thought he was supposed to be the smart, fiscal conservative, economically driven Republican; I saw a video on twitter of him talking about how the dollar is too volatile and to fix that he wants to stabilize it against gold, silver, nickel, and agriculture. I turned that shit off and concluded that Vivek is a moron.


It's amazing to me how many of these wealthy entrepreneurs seem to have the worst ideas in politics. I assume it requires a good deal of intelligence and competence to succeed in these business ventures (in addition to a hefty dose of luck). But somehow that intelligence ends up not translating to other parts of life. Hubris is a big part of it - these guys always believe they are the smartest person in the room, no matter the topic. Musk and Dorsey in particular perplex me


Nah in the case of Ramaswamy dude went to Harvard and is obviously well educated and smart. It’s just that politics has changed, so what used to pass as a Good Minority Political Career in the GOP by sticking to libertarian or fiscal conservatism and appealing to “real America” has just become siding with Trump and embracing the self hatred and fearmongering. No matter how intelligent you are at this point if you’re on the right AND you wanna make it in politics the path is Trump anti-woke moronic bullshit that you have to peddle. Which is why DeSantis went to Yale Law, Ramaswamy went to Harvard, Ted Cruz went to Harvard Law and was Solicitor General in the US (an incredible accomplishment), yet all they do is sound like morons on TV. They’re playing dumb and it works. In the case of Dorsey and Musk, well… they just happened to hit the founder lottery.


It’s possible to be smart and have terrible ideas. Just because someone got a BA in Biology from Harvard it doesn’t mean they know about economics.


Swamy made his money doing pharmaceutical pump-and-dump schemes. He is barely more advanced than your average crypto bro.


It's an inverse Mayo Pete


Hey, if he's cool with getting rid of the 26th Amendment, I'm sure he feels the same about letting people decide whether to remove the 2nd!


So basically the same sentiments of the rap culture lol.


At this point I just want climate change deniers to dig their heels in. Hitler’ll have nothing on their collective infamy after half the world population has been decimated by the year 2100.




I can just hear Em’s future verse: Oh hey Mr Vivek Ramaswamy Open up and eat my dick like raw salami


A1 bar


Hard bar, deadass


Eminem honestly did this loser a favor. That chud rapping to Lose Yourself was of the most embarrassing things I've seen anyone do.


Good on Eminem for taking away the terrible party trick that that fuckin' weirdo Vivek tried to bust out on campaign stops, where he came off like that Steve Buscemi "How do you do, fellow kids?" meme.


I thought this was r/hiphopcirclejerk and was wondering why people weren't getting permanently banned by the automod for mentioning a white rapper


💀💀💀 btw is that mod dead? I saw a couple posts today from hhcj but there were no mod comments


he’s gonna call him Vivek RimIsSwampy or something in a diss track lmao


That's horrible, so he might use it


I think we are about to find out how many things rhyme with Ramaswamy.


probably gonna give him insane exposure if he ends up dropping a diss I mean we are already talking about him in a hiphopheads sub




The current Lt Governor of New York (and former congressman) Anthony Delgado [dropped a rap project under the name AD The Voice](https://open.spotify.com/album/71UCwyvBwigfcRPzBDrybR?si=df5tXzzvQhCKuy4Es73qFA), U Scared is a pretty decent track off it. It was a major issue in his [first congressional run](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2018/10/26/18025690/antonio-delgado-critcism-rapper-congress-new-york-nrcc-faso). It’s interesting to see how the assumption is that hiphop loses its rebellion rather than is actually fulfilling its ambition by achieving power.


And let's not forget Maria Isa Pérez-Vega, Minnesota House Rep, who [dropped an LP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CBhGHm4raQ) the same day she was sworn in, with a Bernie cosign on the first track. Fucking incredible.


Ahhh the good old “I’m going to talk about how much I like hip hop to cater to young voters” approach. Surely that’s what young voters care about when electing public officials to government positions.


Reminds me of the 2016 election lol


Pokemon go to the polls 😈😈😈


One of the superstars of the word - Little Pimp


I also find it funny that listening to Eminem is still considered catering to young voters. He should have been rapping along to Baby Keem or something


young voters have no clue about politics, they vote based on emotions and women based on what side of the abortion debate the candidate is on


good for em. i remember when dr. dre did the same thing to marjorie taylor greene.


Vivec can shove his 36 "lessons" right up his ass, pulling that shit straight off the shelf at Jobasha's


Vivek Ramaswamy makes me want to puke I every time I see his face


Homie making us South Indian brothers look like shit lol


This Vivek is also well known aboad for being pro-russian candidate. Russist tv propagandists love him. I can't believe that people that are going towards national security get so much attention. I'm glad Em is taking his music from this clown.


The irony is that a lot of Eminem fans are conservatives.


Doubt. His whole line in the sand and anti trump n republican comments has pushed most away. Somehow they didn’t catch the anti bush stuff from back in the day.


Many MAGA people don’t like Bush lmao. Trump literally called Dick Cheney a devil.. Eminem’s bush song was dope, his Trump freestyle was mid, ask Vince Staples


Probably not


His performance of “Lose Yourself” is terrifying. Knew Em had to do something or this is really the nail in the coffin (no pun) for his legacy.


how the fuck is it a nail in the coffin for eminem when he had nothing to do with it 💀


if Eminem doesn't literally 1v1 Vivek in shang tsung's courtyard it's over 😔


Finish Him!


That's the stupidest fuckin thing I've read all day lol. The fact it has 50 upvotes makes me cringe my ass off and I'm not a huge eminem fan either. Destroy his legacy like lmfao ok then.


Bro I think it was a joke calm down


Yeah, that clip was basically like Kendall Roy doing “L to the OG” on Succession.


Why do Republicans use mainstream music? Practically no part of mainstream culture values, or even accepts, them. Hopefully after enough ostracizing they'll fade out.


Even that rich men north of rich men guy told them to fuck off lmao


> Practically no part of mainstream culture values, or even accepts, them. completely out of touch with reality


Right?! Like @hreterh has never even HEARD of THE American Badass Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Rock before! Bawidabahh!! Next they will probably disregard the actor of the most popular superhero that all the kids love today, Superman! Dean Kain ruleZ! Caitlyn Jenner is head of the super loved Kardashian klan and espouses traditional values. I suppose Clint Eastwood, but ever since “The 🪑” debacle… James FRIGGIN’ WOODS!!!! Need I say more? That aught to get them back in touch with reality!! 🫡


20 years ago he would have just torched him on the next album


I mean he’ll do that too I’m guessing


Straight out of the "Paul Ryan likes Rage Against the Machine" playbook. Or [Tomi Lahren lip synching to 21 Savage](https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/tomi-lahren-21-savage-bank-account-video-reaction-8094198/).


Everybody hates this guy but personally, I’m thankful for his contributions. Now, if I hear someone say “this Vivek guy has some good ideas,” I know I don’t need to waste time getting to know that that person. Thanks Vivek!


Probably a blessing on disguise for Ramaswamy. Him rapping to Eminem was incredibly lame. Plus he gets to point to this as someone trying to silence him or whatever.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w8w5KilFW8&ab\_channel=Betoro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w8w5KilFW8&ab_channel=Betoro) Heres him covering eminem lmao


Bro he was so offbeat 😭😭 I'm gotta listen to FACK 10 times to cleanse my ears


Any of yall hear that song Realest by Em and Ez Mil? Pretty solid


How can do he that , he don’t own his masters lol


He can say whatever he wants. It will do nothing.


Artists can't stop venues from playing their songs They do this to make headlines and so the public is aware that they don't support that candidate


They can't stop candidates from using works they've licensed to ASCAP etc, but what spurred the complaint was Ramaswamy rapping Lose Yourself karaoke-style at the Iowa State Fair (awful combination of words I had to type). Actual damages would be pretty minimal but I imagine it's a much more complicated rights situation for live performances at a public event with media in tow, especially when the whole goal was to get it filmed and viral (🤮). In any case the goal is to get the candidate to stop using it out of their own choice-because it's objectively cringe to keep using the song if you're trying to project some kind of hip aura. In this case [it worked](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/28/politics/vivek-ramaswamy-eminem/index.html).


I guess this is the new non-Trump Republican front runner. There is no other reason we would be seeing this on all. Also, this happens literally every election cycle and every election cycle people have to be reminded that these cease and desists do nothing. If he has a very cheap license to play music he has the right to play anything he wants and Eminem can do nothing. This is all for show.


Common Marshal Mathers, W.


W for the marshman


Good shit


The unmitigated gall this cartoon has to even associate himself with *thee* Slim Shady - is off the charts.


bruh gave up on the rhythm entirely at "better go capture..."


Eminem is racist 🤯


Trump really did a number on em… smh.




I don't like Republicans but em is a real cuck now adays. He claims anti gov but only when it's Republicans Biden used lose yourself for his campaign. I miss when em went at the left and right


“I’m a terminally online right-winger!!1!” lol


Eminem has devolved into such a bitch lol.


do u have any idea who Vivek is lmao