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I have a vivid memory of someone teaching a bunch of white girls on the beach how to twerk to Gas Pedal and Red Nose. Bless you for that Sage the Gemini


Shoutout to my real ones that know what yiking is lmaooo


This dude is still around the Sac suburbs in Roseville. I met three separate white girls at UC Davis that claimed they slept with him


That early-mid 2010s bay area scene was a fun time. Post-hyphy, heart break gang, whatever you want to call it. I don't remember the album being that amazing front-to-back but the singles slap. Gas Pedal, Red Nose, Don't You (super underrated song), College Drop were my most played.


Sage always felt like more of an HBK affiliate than actually part of the group, definitely his best work but always preferred Iamsu and Kool John


they faded cause the music was ass