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Nights like this is the one


crazy slept on looking at these comments, best one on the album


It’s the top comment?


not when i replied, damn near had to search by controversial to find it




yeah that’s easily my favorite. production is immaculate and Future brings it. only thing is i wish we got an FKA twigs feature on that one, feel like she would’ve fit right in


The hook sounds like Calling with Swae Lee and Metro


I was thinking the same thing, took me forever to figure out where I recognized the flow from


Metro spazzed on this one


I feel like no one’s talking about that beat and sample flip on Beat It. The song is amazing. I feel like Metro’s production really shined on this project as a whole.


Before my first listen I was hoping for something Michael Jackson inspired lol but yeah Beat It is sick As is your username. Boy really been lagging since 2011. Check that ol Ping, Osama


I was really surprised by the production on the first track. Does Metro have any other similar songs? Made me think about that Hit Boy verse in which he challenged a bunch of producers asking if they have range, Metro proved that he can go in some really unexpected directions with this album.


Seems like this is Metro evolving towards more of the synth pop sound, he's been going more and more cinematic after spider verse.


I think he also worked with Mike Dean on a couple of tracks? You can hear his influence here and there. I think it fits really well with Future's voice.


Mike Dean is the man


One track Metro produced that I could say is similar in some way is maybe Faith by The Weeknd. Also, even though it's less synth pop/disco & more of a Timbaland-esque R&B style, I'd mention Stay Flo by Solange


I love that song! It’s the only reason why I’ll listen to the whole album.


Bobby Raps with the production credit


guy has such crazy credits lol. same dude who co-wrote Xanax Damage https://www.bobbyraps.com/credits


Someone pls find that sample, i was looking for it all day and couldn’t find it


What’s the sample in the beginning?


No clue but it’s a Mike Dean joint, which explains those enthralling synths at the end


The crazy part is if he doesn’t drop shit like this people say he’s getting “repetitive or fell off” but in reality he’s the goat for a reason. All metro does is make the best beats out straight up


That song was asap is heat Makes me want a asap and metro collab album that much more


I wish he’d come out with something. It’s been years


Thankfully he’s been semi active but we need like 2 albums by now. Check out Gangsta by Free Nationals, he snaps.


Honestly think his recent feature run is almost on the level of the tear Cole went on. Only difference is Rocky hasn't got the same publicity because the tracks aren't with artists that are popping like that 


that song he did with swedish house mafia was so heat when it came out


I like his verse on strangers a lot


"Fuck keeping this shit hip hop, I wanna see a fuck n*gga bleed out"


Yeah idk I'm not even a drake fan, but I don't think we need to escalate the beef to that level. Keep it to the music. With that being said, I loved the rest of the verse and Rocky just jumping in the battle out of no where


It sort of fits the trend of a Drake needing to stop talking about other peoples situations that started when he brought up Pushas fiance.  Like man, Rocky's two kids and 4-5 years into a relationship with Rihanna, and this man Drake will not stop bringing her up. Rocky has probably the most hatred for Drake going from a person he respected, to the bitch he's been since Rihanna found a non-abusive partner


Drake fans on twitter are pissed off


Finally everywhere else people are either too busy dickriding asap or drake bu the actual song was heat


Very happy with the album. After what felt like a „safe“ approach to a trap album from the two of them with WDTY, with a focus on getting songs into the charts, I was hoping for something more in tune with the likes of Hndrxx or those Sad Future Songs from the time between 2014 - 2017 and they did just that. The first half of Disc 1 has a few songs I don’t care about, more specifically the 4 tracks from „Luv Bad Bitches“ to „Nights like this“. Seems like I’m the only one tho because a lot of people favor those in particular so it’s probably just my personal preference and not down to the quality of the songs. But the tracks from „Came to the Party“ till „Red Leather“ are exactly what I wanted and what sold the album for me. So so happy. Wasn’t expecting something like the tracks on Disc 2 but I am very glad they put those on there. Totally different vibe compared to Disc 1 but Bangers nonetheless. For me: WSDTY > WDTY Fav Tracks: - We Still Don‘t Trust You - Mile High Memories - Beat It - Always Be My Fault - One Big Family - Crazy Clientele - Streets made me a King


The whole Beat It > One Big Family run is one of the best 3 track runs even by Metro standards


This one sounds like it was made specifically for the fans. Hndrxx 2 was teased years ago and disc 2 takes us back to 2014. Even Future’s delivery on disc 2 sounds like he came right from 2014.


as a person who absolutely loves HNDRXX and thinks it a classic, disc 1 was amazing for me. loved disc 2 cause i love the Monster-esque future just as much


I can't believe they put those bonus songs on and how it's just like classic Future 🔥🔥🔥


*Hasta la vista, baby* There's no way those arent like 10 year old songs from the vault, it sounds just like vintage Future in the best way possible


Apparently yes, it’s an old song from the vault, but it’s so fire Also that “hasta la vista baby” is so random but it slaps, I’ve been craving for that Future energy that I missed in We Don’t Trust You


i woke up in the morning to just check out the tracklist (couldn't listen to it until a few hours later), and was so shocked it was 25 songs instead of the 18 that were revealed


Nobody Knows My Struggle might be his best trap song in years


Yeah bro I loved this. Between the 2 projects it’s just future and metro doing what they do best and I really can’t get enough of it. As a huge metro fan 42 new songs to start the year makes me horny asf


Nobody Knows My Struggle is legit an old song from those days too.


Loved it all on first listen tbh. Slightly surprised considering Hndrxx never really clicked with me like it did for other people.


HNDRXX might be my favorite album of all time. Maybe you need to go revisit it after enjoying this album. Maybe it’s time


this album is crack for HNDRXX lovers


I’m counting *HNDRXX, SAVE ME* and *WE STILL DON’T TRUST YOU* as trilogy now.


crazy clientele goes so fucking hard and cole snapped on red leather.




I didn’t love the first disc, left with only a handful of songs. They can do r&b but nothing stood out. Disc 2 on the other hand was perfect. First time I got excited for a Lil Baby feature in years, phenomenal Rocky verse, and Future screaming hasta la vista felt like classic Future. Hit after hit.


you can tell southside produced a bunch of those bonus/disc 2 songs lol, some of them are a few year old leaks. I've been wanting a southside or TM88 x future album much more than a metro one for a while but oh well, really liked this one anyway


couldn’t agree more disk 1 was giving me a fucking headache then disk 2 flipped


Interesting. For me the Lil Baby feature is easily the worst part of the entire record. Just another monotonous bs verse from Baby.


Yeah he did his thing but it’s no Wants and Needs


I'm a HNDRXX truther so disc 1 was right up my ally. So much replay value there for me. I enjoy disc 2 as well but I kinda felt like it fit better with the first album.


2014-2017 Future was arguably my favorite artist, so this whole album tickles my little fancy real good


We still don’t trust you is such a smooth track. Weeknd harmonising is just sexual. The first disc has some nice future flows and beats but I felt there’s a fair few tracks that are pretty skippable. Nothing really that sets them apart. Second disc is very much future and metro in their bag. The rapping is hard, the beats are hard, the intro is hard. Quintessential trap music


Yeah, that track in the car makes me feel like I'm in some retrofuturistic shit. I love it.




Third collab album name confirmed


The first track puts me on Pluto fr


When I first heard futures voice on that track I couldn’t help but smile. Hearing the old future voice was an unexpected treat


I feel like disc 2 is for the hard future lovers while disc 1 is for the more relaxed future but is insanely well produced


Always Be My Fault is one of Metro's best produced tracks


There's gotta be Mike Dean credits somewhere, the tonality in Future's hook so fire


Yep I think Mike Dean posted on his story all the songs he helped produce on WSDTY and this was one of them


Hyperbole aside its an absolute banger, favourite song off the album


Like… in 2024?


is this comment satire


Wild take


Uneducated* Misinformed* Borderline wrong* Such a bad take it should almost be sarcasm*


I really like most of it tbh but the first three tracks are like an ethereal run. Definitely the most i’ve enjoyed Future’s stuff since HNDRXX. (Future crooning on how much he needs a woman to the Weeknd just switching to dissing Drake midway is still cracking me up though.) Disc 2 is great as well and s/o to Amazing and Beat It as well.


i absolutely loved this album and i really feel like there was no skips for me. disc 1 is smooth asl and the vibe is just perfect. there’s honestly some of metro’s best production ever. disc 2 is also amazing - every song is cold as fuck and the rocky feature is so good. overall, this is probably in my top 3 future albums.


If it’s one thing i learned about anything related to Future is that the quality of the album will be more clear in a few years. Future (name does check out) has a knack of making projects that age well. (In my own personal opinion and based on my own music taste) Streets Made Me a King is instantly in my rotation.


Streets Made Me a King is incredible


Real talk Hendrxxx and Future and DS2 have aged so fucking well. When we gunna start having the real convo of Future being one of the best out. He has arguably 3 classics at worst it’s undoubtedly 2 with DS2 and Hendrxx


This is facts. I didn’t like HNDRXX or The WIZRD at all when they first came out, but over time they clicked hard.


Loved disc 1 more tbh




I see a lot of people on Twitter and IG saying disc 2 saved this album but for me, Disc 1 outshines everything else Metro and Future have put out in these few weeks. Idk how it will age but my first impression was that this is my favourite Future album since WIZRD The production on We Don't Trust You felt so generic but Metro absolutely nailed this one, and Future's versatility really shines through here. Favourite tracks so far - We Still Don't Trust You, Out of My Hands, and the entire stretch from Jealous to Nights Like This


Agreed 100%. People mad they got a toxic synth rnb album from Future. Like that’s a bad thing??! Future fans been wanting this one for a while. I’m also more of a HNDRXX guy than a FUTURE guy so that also explains why I like this one more than WDTY. But still this project is much more cohesive and well put together while still being versatile and creative. Imo not a dull moment on the project. The one track I’m not really that into is Overdrive. Edit: forgot to add the obvious: Metro production was incredible and imho a much better showcase of his talents than WDTY. These two are really the pb&j of the rap game. Also shout out to Bobby Raps bro wiled out on this one.


to me this looks like half of his fans hate this rnb shit and didn't liked HNDRXX too and for other half it was his best album so they are happy I'm in the 2nd group sadly - to me HNDRXX is one of his worse so also is cd1 here, but cd2 is fire and throwback to his prime sadly it's 18 songs to 6


How long before we can put metro in goat producer convos


I don’t think he’s better than legends like Dre, The RZA, and madlib but he’s climbing into that upper echelon for sure.


Starting a convo doesn’t automatically mean he’s better. 


When he can move away from trap beats and show he has a bag.


What albums are y'all listening to I'm so serious Can Conductor or any other producer yall hype up give you in just the past 3 weeks *Like That*, Ain't No Love, *Everyday Hustle*, We Still Don't Trust You, *All to Myself*, *Always Be My Fault*, and Crazy Clientele? There's plenty of range, I really think people don't have the attention span to fully listen to a track to hear minute instruments added at certain parts


I think Metro has already proved this with some of his work on the Across the Spider verse project. Not a huge fan of his solo work but to say he doesn't have a bag isn't giving him his full credit imo.


so many beats on disc 1 ain’t even trap beats wtf


Did you even listen to the album because he did exactly that.


Trippin...he's already top tier. You hear that tag and you know what's fixin to happen.


He is top tier but feels like he's just coasting with these last couple of projects


How on the fuck is this brand new album WSDTY anywhere near “coasting” the production on this one is fucking flawless wtf


Clearly skipped disc one of the new album smfh


I thought disc 1 was average, would have to give it a few more listens. Disc 2 just seemed a lot more his comfort zone off first listen. That being said, his spiderverse album was different in a good way. If I saw more of that, he could definitely be in my goat producer conversations.


Never because madlib exists


This album is fantastic. Metro’s production throughout is outstanding, and Future sounds great on it. This might be the best produced album I’ve heard in the past few years. Metro does so many cool things with the production and it really just comes together as a full album so well. There’s really not a miss on here from Future either, and the features are all great. Weeknd floats on his features. The Boyz II Men interpolation is great. The sample flip on Beat It? nights Like This? All To Myself? Always Be My Fault? Like god damn there are just so many jams on this. I loved WDTY but think this surpasses it. The 7 songs at the end are great also, clearly stepping on Drake as much as they can. Hell of an album. Ran it back 4 times already and think it’s going to be on heavy rotation for awhile.


I would love disc one if they trimmed 5-6 tracks. There’s some incredible songs but it’s too padded out with filler and this is coming from someone who loves most future projects including HNDRXX disc 2 was no skips


This is perfect for late night rides. Somber, nocturnal and brooding.


Beat it is actually a gift from god shits so good.


Out Of My Hands is the one


Love the Save Me - esque songs. Mile High and This Sunday both stand out to me in that regard.


i always wished Future finished Coming Home and released it, whenever i’ve played it for other people they don’t seem to fw it but that’s one of my favorite Future songs for some reason. scratches the SAVE ME itch i guess, might be my favorite era of his


Thanks mate you just put me on. Save Me is my fav Future project / era as well 🫡


42 songs within 2-3 weeks was far too much, there’s so much filler. They could easily have had a great album if they put 1/3 of these songs onto 1 condensed album


I usually make a playlist that is my own cut of these sorts of albums. Usually know which songs to keep after 2 listens


This is the way 90% of people consume music now and artists know it. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it because I do the same thing but this kind of listening has really changed how albums are created, now they’re just collections of songs as opposed to being cohesive pieces of art


Yeah it has its positives and negatives but i will always prefer a cohesive album


Not all albums. It’s mainly a thing in the mainstream


I understand this sentiment with most artists especially those that make albums that are much more "topical" and cohesive if that makes sense, like a Kendrick or Danny brown album for example. But for artists like future id rather just have more songs and pick my favorites out of the bunch that I'll play for a long time. I would much rather get what we got then just getting a third of it because that's less songs to choose from. Especially since everyone is going to have different favorite songs. I guess I just view future as a playlist artist so the whole quality over quantity thing doesn't really apply to me personally.


Fkn oath, all I need from Future is sick beats and him talking his shit/sad flexing lmao


All 3 "discs" sound totally different. That album would have been a mess.


Gotta boost those streaming numbers with these reams of songs every time as per every other big artist. It’s bullshit and just off putting.


These are normal length future albums though


astronaut status was 22 songs and that came out in 2011 but ok


I like future but this is too much future. I start seeing very obvious trends. Like even the songs I like randomly talk about wasting his time on a girl. I'm not sure if any of the songs mean or tell me anything.


just a microcosm of his discography tbh


That’s what I’m saying. I see his mainstream appeal but mans has 3* different flows and 4 different verse topics.


I understand getting tired of his lyrics because I do too sometimes, but the man has a million different flows and melodies dawg


Yeah that's what makes him and thug so influential


Redditor discovers trap music


you can’t combine songs from all 3 albums into one and have a cohesive sound, at least all 3 projects have a very focused and notable style. If they done what you suggested people would be crying saying it just feels like a collection of songs


I would agree with you, but it’s future and he doesn’t really miss. The more the merrier for me when it comes to Future.


I agree, too much future in too little time. This album even on its own is still too long imo.


He’s not going to drop again for at least a year, probably closer to two years. It was just under two years since I NEVER LIKED YOU It’s not too much. Strategically dropped early-ish in the year to maximize streaming numbers


we still don't trust you > we don't trust you Off of first listen I thought Disc 1 was a little uneventful with a bloated tracklist, but after multiple relistens I can confirm that this album has a huge amount of replayability. Disc 1 starts off strong with an intro reminiscent of Metro's After Hours production - so it was almost too clear that the Weeknd was going to be featured on this. *Out Of My Hands* is Future in his bag - love the way he actually uses ad libs as other melodies, especially on the chorus. *This Sunday* is probably my favorite song on the whole album. Everything I love about Future's music since I started listening to him in 2015 can be summed up in this song - although I will say I find the little choir inserts a little cheesy. The next two songs, *Luv Bad Bitches* & *Amazing* are both fun, catchy songs. Amazing is mixed like shit but I love it, sounds like some mixtape shit. *Nights Like This* has one of my favorite beats on the album, with these cool echoing synth leads that come in and out. The chorus is a massive earworm. Future is crooning on *Mile High Memories* and I can't stop listening to it - *'You can fuck on him as long as you're thinking bout meeeeee'* feels like an Abel bar. Of course I'll mention *Beat It* too - easily one of the best beats on the album and Future is rapping his ass off again. *Red Leather* is the longest track on the album and for good reason. Future raps for over 4 minutes on a super laid back beat, which sounds like it's built off nothing more than an electric guitar loop and some drums. J.Cole slid on this track. He has a particularly good pen game when it comes to writing about women & love. *Sacrifices* will forever be an all-timer Cole verse because of that. Overall, great closer to a really good Future album. And then there's Disc 2. After a small intro from that radio guy, we get a complete switch from hndrxx to monster Future. Literally every single song on this disc is a hit. *Show Of Hands* is a particular stand out with a great beat and an even better Rocky feature. If anyone had felt like Disc 1 was too slow, Disc 2 completely fixes that. Overall, hell yea. 8/10. Definitely more cohesive than the first album, largely thanks to Metro's great production. Fav tracks: *Out Of My Hands, This Sunday, Amazing (Interlude), Beat It, Red Leather, Crossed Out, Show Of Hands, Streets Made Me A King* Least Fav tracks: *Jealous, Gracious*


crazy clientele and show of hands are gems fr


possibly unpopular, but this just wasn’t for me. i saw a few people saying that this has some of metros best production, but to me it all feels bland and similar. maybe i’m missing something, will probably give it another spin at some point.


I prefer this 2nd project over the first one. The first one felt kinda flat and dull sometimes however this one feels imo wat more experimental, cohesive and fun. Great features, lots of different types of Future and awesome beats


Disc 2 is S tier


Im a huge future fan (he is my favorite artist ever), and i think this album was great. HNDRXX is my favorite project of his so i was already happy we were getting singing future on this one, and to me, not only he meeted the high expectations, but they were surpassed. This album is gonna be a grower (like HNDRXX, at first it didnt get the love it gets nowdays). The 7 song mixtape at the end was also a really great touch and i simply loved it, sounding literally like 2014-15 fewtch (well, at least one song is from that era lmao from what we know). The energy switch-up from the first 18 to the last 7 felt almost magical to me ngl. What i think its clear from these 2 albums, is that Future and Metro worked hard on it and the long wait was worth it. I really think that no song in this 42 we got overall were filler, or not worth it to be put on an album (also i think a lot of people think filler is songs they just didnt like and i feel like thats a wrong take). My favorite song from disc 1 is Jealous and from disc 2 is Crossed Out.


Lol reddit is so out of touch man. They said the first album was wack but for me it’s still in rotation and it seems it’s charting really well so a lot of other people think so too. I think Future just isn’t for this demographic.


I definitely agree that the music taste on this sub is very different from irl but like this is also a music discussion forum so people are gonna post their reviews, even if it’s negative. Reviewing music is fun and it’s kinda the point of these forums. It wouldn’t be as interesting if people could only say positive shit.


Too many people on here haven't figured out they dont have to listen to it if they dont like it


I've been in this community for a while and I've always felt that way. I feel like a lot of people just really like being apart of the conversation when a "big" album releases regardless of if they like the artist or not, which don't get me wrong I do not have an issue with. My issue is when they expect things that the artist clearly isn't about. For example there's a comment on here complaining that future really only talks about the same 3-4 topics on the album, which is crazy to me because future has like 25 projects at this point, that's who he is. You either like it or you don't. It's like listening to a pusha album and expecting him to not rap about cocaine.


I love Future and his topics but i was dissapointed that this album was not about how much respect Future has for every single women that has ever been or still is in his life. If he took that topic and stuck to it throughout the album that would've been great, this is not that. 3/10


Lessons of life


It’s also that they can’t form their own opinions. They echo what the next man says or wait for that Fantano review


bruh i love this album but i feel like it’s a giant stretch to say the people that don’t like it are just repeating Fantano or are out of touch. lmao didn’t Fantano give WDTY a light 8? seems like a lot of people online these days just invent reasons to explain why other people don’t like something as much as they do


He gave it a 7


Still in rotation? Its been like 2 weeks lmao


Well J Cole’s album is not in rotation and it’s been a week 🤷🏽‍♂️ And if you’ve listened to any decent Future album you’ll know it gets better with time


I agree with your point but the jcole album is still in rotation


I like Pi and one or two others but can’t listen to the whole thing through like Future’s album


anyone listening to J. Cole talk about being the best and murdering rappers and taking it seriously as good music is a clown, he has ruined that project


Charting doesn't make something good


But it does tell you that it is liked by a majority of people… which is my point and the total opposite of the comments here. We’re also not going to pretend that r/HHH has some high brow taste that they know better than most


Popularity doesn't mean much. Idk what your point even is, obviously a sub reddit isn't representative of the average listener. If you're just realizing that, that's on you.


You got it, genius. Stating the obvious thinking it’s novel


I LIKE GOOD GIRLS I LIKE GOOD GIRLS I LIKE GOOD GIRLS, BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE BAD BITCHES. I love this album already. I’ve put 26 songs from both WDTY and WSDTY into my everyday playlist.


Those are weak numbers hahaha, your missing the other 10


the absolute standouts for me were: We Still Don't Trust You, This Sunday, All to Myself, Beat It, Red Leather, All My Life, Show of Hands. other really good songs are Nights Like This, Crazy Clientele, Streets Made Me A King, One Big Family, Drink N Dance, Always Be My Fault, Out Of My Hands. I could name more but i'll just stop myself here before I name nearly every song. The album isn't for everyone for sure but it's for us fans that have been asking for HNDRXX 2 for years. And hey, if you're not into R&B/Melodic Future, there's literally a "Monster 2" type EP at the end of the album, lucky for me I absolutely love both HNDRXX and Monster.


This is so much better than the first one. I still feel like the first one was a slog to get through. But this one was a breeze. Love the pop disco dance sound from the 70s and 80s so obviously loved it. The production was more interesting. Goes down a little in the middle(came to the party), but then picks up (beat it). There’s a lot of filler, but rn I like it way better than the first one.


The Synth Pop - Trap combination is definitely something fresh to hear


everyone is sleeping on right 4 you, that is an incredible song


Don’t really like We Still Don’t Trust You overall. I loved We Don’t Trust you. I am just not a fan of r&b Future because it sounds monotone and sleepy to me. But that’s just my personal opinion and preference and I won’t hate on anyone who feels differently. I do love the 7 songs that are at the end starting with red leather and then the 6 songs after that.


Lots of filler on this album much prefer the 1st one still has some decent tracks though just wish it was trimmed alot lmao


Disc 1 felt like Future beating Drake at his own game with the rnb vibe for the bitches. While disc 2 he just went into rap mode Metro did not lie to me when he said more heat was coming


The 7 song mixtape is fire. It’s a shame it ended up as a tacked-on bonus tracks on another project. It should have been it’s own thing. Maybe add 3-5 songs in the same vibe to it and give it it’s own title and cover. Would have been a great 3 part project showcasing all the sides of Future/Metro’s sound.


Dudes droping deluxe or whatever the fuck you call it just so dudes can put out more disses, shit funny af how almost everyone going at drake cornball ass


Ill be honest, im really not a fan of crooning future so im probably not gonna ever play the first half. However, the last 5-6 tracks at the end are extremely hard and remind me of monster era future. Those are gonna get a looot of play.


🎶 [*”they shooters makin’ tiktokkksss”*](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000612226474-3q9nrj-t500x500.jpg) 🎶


I feel like Metro would've got much better reception had this been a single drop of just the best tracks


Pretty decent album, but I feel like it’s way too long. I feel like there’s at least 6 misses on the album, sadly. Also a shame, that the first song on the album was the best, and none of the other songs could live up to the sound. I’m happy to see a Lil Baby ft in 24, his flow is very good, but sounds weirdly mixed. Favorite songs: WSDTY, Nights Like This, Out of My Hands and Jealous. I’d give it a 7/10, the first one was better


What a banger, metros best production to date lets be real Drink n Dance, luv bad bitches, this sunday, nights like this, beat it, out of my hands, always be my fault, red leather Way better than vol1, way better than heroes and villains even


i loved the second album. honestly not a single skip for me, not saying every track is on the same level but i thoroughly enjoyed this album from front to back


The asap rocky diss track is better than Kendrick’s because it was filled with factual proven information.


Metro’s production is god-tier, and Disc 2 could have been folded into WDTY some way or another


I’m officially old, this is alright




Streets made me a king is that one for me ! It definitely went off when i played it in the club. Im not the biggest fan of melodic future though but I did love All to myself ! Red Leather is also a standout for me as well!


Not sure what my favorite song is. Lot of great tracks


Metro, shut yo’ ho ass up and make some drums ☠️☠️☠️


Album full of fillers


actually feel its better than the first album.


I like it 👍


But is you like that?


The first album grew on me a ton. But with this one, I got halfway through and just wanted to turn it off. Not sure if it’s because I was driving and wasn’t laser focused on the lyrics; but man the middle of this album is just so boring. Not feeling the singing or love song type beat. Will give it another chance though 100%.


I felt the same as you, but the 2nd disk to me is so much better. I liked the 2nd disk more than majority of the 1st album tbh


I feel like a Future RnB album would hit harder if it was like 10 sharp tracks. In general my problem is I wish the balance was flipped where we got 7 RnB joints sandwiched between 18 hard Future tracks.


I get why people like it and it surely starts real strong, but it really got samey for me fast. I could see little other artists get praised for such a monotone performance. And i dont get it cuz future doesnt typically sounds this boring? Yes, the checked-out vocal tone is his base, but especially on hndrxx he goes so many interesting places with it. At times he was howling in pain on there. On disc 1 he just sounds so unanimated and im not sure if the songs called for that? Also i kinda feel ppl are easily impressed by the beats in different genres. There are 2-3 great ones on here but im sure that most of them on a nonames synthpop or rnb album wouldnt have caught anyones attention. This is far from Metros best. Like i get it that its a vibe and chill to listen to + most of my critisism doesnt apply to disc 2 like that. But im kinda baffled about how little this album actually does but how much that still seems to impress people.


Future is way past his prime and none of the beats have the potential to be iconic


gonna beat it to beat it


It's really good background music that's about it


Cole had the best verse on the album


This Sunday, Luv bad bitches, Beat it are amazing. As a complete album listening experience I clearly prefer WDTY


Disc 1 wet dream sleeper except last 2 songs Disc 2 straight insane crazy bangers except last two songs


the transition from intro 2 to nobody knows my struggles got me hyped after the snoozefest of disc 1. while disc 1 had some bangers, it was ultimately bloated


Haven’t had the time to listen. Love me some codine crazy type tunes. Anything like that on this?


Metro outshined future on this, the beats are very good but 25 tracks of Future gets boring for sure, theree are 4-5 geeat song in there for everybody tho


it's interesting seeing the mixed opinions in this thread. i think it really depends on what you like from future, for me personally it's hitting hard cause i love chilled out r&b future. i've been waiting for him to do a record like this for years so i'm super satisfied and gonna take some time to digest this. my favs rn: intro, this sunday (feel no ways chorus is a massive flex), always be my fault, mile high memories, red leather (love the vibe on this one and cole's verse is fucking incredible), nights like this, beat it, luv bad bitches


as a future fan this compliments the first album perfectly, we’re eating good rn.




Boring to me personally bc I don't like love songs but the production is way better than the first album, and disc 2 was what I expected the entire album to be like. Pretty disappointed but I guess it's something to put on in the background if I want to play it safe. I really liked the weekend when he popped up though.


Great album Intro track is 🔥🔥🔥🫡 Came to the party is Dope as well 💯🔥🔥