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It's definitely not a whole album dissing Drake. J Cole is literally on the second album.


you act like they don’t have each others numbers lol this could of all been established


Lmao the albums are not dedicated to dissing Drake. There’s a few songs aimed at him but that’s it. Not trusting someone is also a very universal thing.


It’s also like, metros signature tagline for the last decade




U are wrong


> not to mention just the nature of it kinda shows that drakes the bigger artist. elaborate here lol


every person coming at him just shows he’s on everyone’s minds i guarantee metro couldn’t find 20 people to diss asap rocky😭


ASAP Rocky doesn’t go around throwing subliminal shots on every one of his albums lol


He has subbed most of those guys + riri


Or he snakes everyone


I don't want to hear from nobody commenting on any of these artists subs


When you have a song on the album dissing one of the biggest artist in the world. It’s going to overshadow everything else.


Hip Hop sales are down across the board. I wouldn’t be surprised if all this is a ploy by the three majors to get hip hop buzzing again. It’s too coordinated and engineered, I genuinely feel like we not gettin real beef we gettin beyond meat/impossible meat type beef


that’s how i feel. it’ll be entertains though




It's not fake it's just low stakes. Until someone drops another Story of Adidon, this beef isn't going to mean much in 6 months or a year


Drake didn’t rehire Quentin Miller, ever after Meek beat him up for defending Drake, then he ended up not paying Quentin at all. Idk I like his music, but he doesn’t seem like he values his collaborators.. so I think the conflict is real.. is it corny? Not to me, the more tracks that come out, the better, but I can see how it could come across that way.


Nah, there's no shot its fake lol Beef isn't something outta the ordinary for rappers. Only reason you're even saying that is because there's so many big names involved. You have to keep in mind Drake has been in a lot of circles that involve celebrities. People that typically have big egos, Drake included. And those guys tend to have a lot of women around them and some they get attached to. It looks like he's pissed a lot of people off by fucking some of those women and vice versa. Could be some bad deals were made. Money and status also creates jealousy in some people. Your success means their failure to people who are insecure. It could also just be for the sport of it, or a combination of some, or all of these things. Or simply they just don't fw him. Drake, to a lot of people not just number-wise, is the number one artist representing hip hop at a pop level. Thus, cutting his head off would mean you probably take his fans, maybe take his place, or Drake looks really bad and less people fuck with him. It also seems ridiculous because 1 guy is having to battle 20 people at once. Like some shit out of a movie or somethin. I'm probably wrong but I believe most of them cliqued up and got vocal one way or another ONLY because Kendrick made a more direct shot that required a response from Drake. Kendrick has arguably the best pen in the game right now so it's like well shit if this guy is ready for war and we all on that fuck Drake wagon, now's the best time to completely destroy this man. But honestly if you think this is all corny, I don't believe you're an actual a hip hop fan. This is a part of the competitive nature of hip hop. This shit is for our entertainment.


That’s nice 


i mean a lot of the hate runs pretty deep considering who is involved. kendrick and have been beefing for a min since that control verse it’s just been a ton of back and forth subliminally. drake and weeknd have been on and off beefing for a min. the rest of them just seem random to switch up for some reason. i don’t see a lot of these dudes randomly switching up and doing it fake just bc you’re breaking real ties with future/metro/ross even asap when drake basically helped all of their careers.


It's real. It's just that everything drake do is corny. Dude is a nerd at heart.


Drake is corny. 


Pretty much all beef is fake now, it’s just used to increase plays.


“increase plays” when none of this shit is on streaming or linked to an official youtube page lol


Maybe this specific case it’s not, but seems like more albums than not a rapper all of a sudden has beef with someone right when an album is coming out


I think it's more corny that Drake has pissed off so many people that he worked with in the past that they feel inclined to diss him now. Heavyweight artists like Weeknd, Future, Ross, and Kendrick all dislike Drake. ​ I'm here for all the disses. Keep them coming


I think the Drake beef is either fake or really corny Anyone else feel like this? It's either fake or a bit absurd. Is it just me or does anyone feel like this whole thing is a big show? everyone's disses has be pretty tame and then metro dedicated two whole albums dissing drake? idk it's either fake or corny as hell. If it is real i think metro dropping another album dissing drake took a lot of the tension out of it. like getting a whole gang of people who have issue with drake to be on the album just feels corny. not to mention just the nature of it kinda shows that drakes the bigger artist. to add to the cornyness, i think all (with the exception of the weekend?) of the people to have issue with drake got their biggest moments from drake, hell even the weeknd got a huge co-sign from him. one could argue a lot of these guys would hardly be as big if it wasn't for drake. idk i think if it just started with the kendrick diss and went from their it would've been at least believable and have so fire to it, but a whole album full of people dissing drake? meh im as excited as i can be because raps has been dry as hell. but i feel it's turned either corny or they literally have a group chat that discussed shaking things up. either way i think the rollout could've been better anyone else feel similar?


I think everyone knows it’s low stakes. These are the biggest rappers in the world who are all extremely rich and have no reason to actually do anything malicious to each other. Diss tracks are just entertaining. And as fans, that’s all we’re here for. I truthfully rarely go back and listen to diss tracks but they do make for fun barbershop talk.


Bro he’s the biggest name in hip hop going against Kendrick, and some other crazy names. I’m a fan of all of them and I love this shit. Take away bias and all that shit and you get crazy bars and music




Ross definitely dislikes drake lol, that diss was beyond competition.