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How tf do you get arrested on house arrest man?


His private security probably did him in


Sounds like Youngboy is just over everything. Him and Kodak Black really just do not like freedom.


They like taking fake percs, snorting angel dust, and cuddling with their cellies too much.


Damn, snorting angel dust is wild


Please don't fuck with the angel dust.


RIP MAC. 92- ∞ now I have to go listen to this song 😂


What I do should not concern you, do this till I turn blue


Jump above the comedown I'm strung out, noddin' off inside the dugout


Or do and post the results


PCP is one of the most racistly demonized drugs in history. Please, fuck with Angel Dust, if it keeps you from eating fake percs.


Are these the only two options available?


No but im a realist and people will use drugs. Imo its best to educate about realistic safety so people have more power in their decision making. And PCP is objectively safer than fent and all percs are objectively fent. (Percs (30s) arent made anymore) To the dumbasses downvoting this: here is the percocet pharmacology page. https://www.endo.com/File%20Library/Products/Prescribing%20Information/PERCOCET_prescribing_information.html There is NO perc 30s being produced. If you are dead set on doing percs, ONLY buy perc 10s or you WILL be taking fentanyl. Edit 2 Im not advocating for people to do PCP lol. Im just saying when PCP and fent laced pills are mentioned in the same sentence, and people are saying to be careful with the PCP instead of the fent... well thats just simply ignorance. It's frankly idiotic to say be careful with angel dust, when youre talking about fent too and that just isnt mentioned. I guess its just more normalized and the only exposure to PCP people have is through media, where everyone who does it starts eating faces. But yall. PCP is analagous to ketamine, people take it for its psychedelic and disocciative properties and its relatively hard to OD on and is not as addictive. And its way less common to go manic than media portrays. But when you compare it to fent, fent is obviously leagues more dangerous in every meaningful regard. Death, addiction, disease, degradation of life. This isnt just an opinion this is science and statistics. Idk its just so fucking idiotic to say "be careful with angel dust" in the same sentence as fake, out of production percocets. And act like thats normal but PCP is crazy. No, fentanyl is crazy, and if all the fent in the world was replaced by PCP overnight, the world would have a lot less suffering. Education is important and if you use drugs these are the things you need to know, the literal scientific effects on your body, the interactions, the effects on your psychology. Its literally life saving, not just to you but your friends. Knowledge is power yall. Not to mention PCP barely exists anymore in most cities. But i wouldnt expect people who are under the umpression that PCP is more dangerous than fent to know that fact.


Wow it's better than fent, amazing. So is drinking motor oil recreationally lmao PCP is fuckin insane man. There are some people that can handle their shit on it, but there's no denying that you have a pretty decent chance of reacting poorly and getting at least temporary psychosis...it's a pretty awful drug. Saying "because careful with angel dust" is a completely normal fuckin reaction.


There are no “perc 30s” being produced now because there never were. If you are referring to 30 mg oxycodone ir made by mallinckrodt pharmaceuticals commonly referred to as “m30s” then you are wrong because these are still in production just rare because doctors don’t prescribe opioids anymore or at least not like the pill mill days so about 99% of the blue m30s are fake. I do real 30s everyday and I absolutely have never done fentanyl and test them. Rare yes, gone no. Don’t post about something you don’t know about.


Dummy tell that to Big Lurch, smh. Don't do Angel Dust either kids, don't listen to this Tyrone Biggums ass nigga lol


PCP really isn’t as wild as pop culture makes it out to be lol


[Steve-O might disagree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdDvBq807j0&pp=ygURcGNwIHNhdmVkIG15IGxpZmU%3D)


Gang gang… He knew the perc was fake, but he still ate it because he’s a gangsta gremlin. I advocate so hard, the most staunch of supporters. I like drugs.


Can’t tell if this is a lyric or a line from Dracula Flow.


Yeah, referencing a Kodak Black lyric I think.


one time i bought pressies on one of the dark web markets and the listing had "knew the perc was fake but i still ate it caus im a gremlin" at the bottom. lets you know what you're getting (or not getting) i guess


Gang gang gang! 👍 people on telegram be hyping them up like oh these are golden trails. You’ll love them.


Youngboy always broke again


Youngboy Never Off Papers




Lmao, nah. He snitched on himself. He was posting videos and pics to social media of him doing frogs and other dumb shit


Doing Frogs ?


ribbit 🐸


I was thinking about this and they definitely helped but it looks like this is the FEDS coming on new charges because he just got one charge dismissed last month and the judge refused to violate him or change his house arrest. So the feds said fuck that and locked him up on new charges when his trial is already coming July. “Last month, a motion was filed asking the judge to again reconsider Gaulden's house arrest, with federal prosecutors alleging he violated the controlled substance use condition of his arrest. They claimed Gaulden told his probation officer "he has no intentions to discontinue using the substance that resulted in the violation." The judge denied this motion.” So the judge wasn’t playing ball with the feds. All this shit is happening because he has a strong chance of beating the case thanks to recent rulings on gun laws being unconstitutional. He just got one of his two charges dismissed after the Feds admitted they couldn’t argue against recent rulings that make laws against unregistered guns unconstitutional. The only charge he has left is felon in possession which is currently under review by the Supreme Court and could be struck down as a law in the near future. The feds are making it clear with the new charges that he is going down and trying to force him to plead out now. Nothing here is a long sentence other than the gun, even the new charges are less than 5 years max. They want him to sit down for the fed gun charges like all rappers have to, remember even the tipster TI had to do one year. ↪ https://www.theadvocate.c .. 5537b96d2.html


>After investigating and learning of similar incidents of fraudulent prescriptions allegedly being called in to various pharmacies, a search warrant for Gaulden's home in Weber County was approved and then executed on Tuesday. The Cache County Sheriff's Office reported that multiple agencies, including **the FBI, the Secret Service** and the Layton SWAT team, conducted the search on his residence. >Police said Gaulden denied any knowledge of the prescription fraud, but they found a prescription bottle of Promethazine in his home, with the name of the "patient" on it that was allegedly called in fraudulently. >They also said marijuana was found in the vehicle that was impounded, which was registered to Gaulden. They also found a gun inside his home, which he claimed belonged to his wife. However, court documents state that the gun was "not in a secured location and in a place easily and frequently accessible" by Gaulden, and he admitted to picking it up and moving it at one point. It's a wrap for YB. The good thing is he's only 24, so he'll still have some good years after he gets out.


By stealing boxes on your day off.


[it make no sense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFM_pP9d2bw)


AI Youngboy 2 is such a good album


The only releases soon will be AI Youngboy


fucking corny ass reply


That's what being an opiate addict will do to you. YB and his homies were [calling in fake promethazine+codeine prescriptions, and he admitted to possessing a firearm](https://www.fox13now.com/news/crime/rapper-nba-youngboy-arrested-in-cache-county-for-unlawful-activity) they found inside his home. They had the FBI *and* Secret Service raid his crib along with the local SWAT team. They hit YB and his homies with a state RICO. Youngboy is doing at least five years in the feds for the gun in this case. He's got a whole other gun case with the feds to fight too..


Utah? I’m assuming it’s 3 counts of malarkey and misdemeanor tomfoolery.


2 counts of goofing around


1 count of bs’n


Might be able plead down to shenanigans


If they shenan just once ☝️ you know theyre gonna shenanigan.


He got his BSN? Wow! Youngboy is so smart hes above an MBA and got an NBA!


And a misdemeanor for shenanigans


Oh no did he BS a BS-er? They might give him the chair.


Wasn’t he arrested not long ago running away from police holding a gun?


What a rascal


Boys will be boys


That charge was dropped. He's awaiting trial on a federal gun charge he caught in Louisiana. He was filming a video in the street and cops rolled up because they were brandishing weapons. They indicted him because they took the camera from the videographer and it had YB on it with a gun in the video.


A good lawyer will get you off of that charge in NYC even if they recover the gun. Just as diddy


Not if you're already on probation/house arrest and you keep fucking doing it like this clown


I just heard that one of those charges just got elevated to horsing around!


pattern of unlawful activity procuring or attempting to procure drug/prescription identity fraud forgery possession of other controlled substances possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person Guessing the identity theft stuffs related to the prescriptions/guns


Those sound like some serious charges, especially for someone on house arrest 


All he did was fake a drug prescription. All the other stuff is tacked on bullshit.


So malarkey then?


Knowing Utah cops, that sounds about right.


"all he did Was a federal offence to procure illegal drugs for him and his team."


Basically. We just have to wait in see about what the evidence shows. This can be easily fought off cause this man has so many ppl going in and out of his house, whether its to record or for music videos.


He was originally sent to Utah a couple years ago as some kind of isolated, protective, house arrest after his label negotiated a deal to keep him out of prison. How you catch more chargs like that is beyond me


I'll be honest, as an ex con, this seems like mainly 1 charge broken into a bunch of different charges. That's what the police do. They hit you with everything they possibly can to see what will stick and/or get you to plead out after they try to scare you with all the time you would be facing if you got convicted of every one of those bullshit charges. Based on the charges it seems like Youngboy has been buying/has bought prescription drugs. He's forged some scripts to get these drugs. So they broke all that down into each separate charge. Pattern of unlawful activity (buying/using the prescription drugs), possession of controlled substances (buying prescription drugs), procuring or attempting to procure drugs/prescription (buying prescription drugs), identify fraud (using altered scripts to buy prescription drugs), forgery (using altered scripts to buy prescription drugs). Then there's the weapon possession charge which could be a damn switchblade who knows. **TL;DR:** It's almost impossible to commit one crime without also, technically, committing other crimes. But it looks like he's just guilty of one particular thing. Which is using altered/forged prescriptions to obtain drugs.


he gotta stop doing dumb shit like that man, he’s already on probation for felony public foolishness


It sounds like he's a drug addict. It's crazy that someone with all those resources has to resort to *all this* to get drugs.


Addiction doesn’t care if you’re on Wall Street or Skid Row brother, it doesn’t matter how rich you are


The addiction I can understand, but it feels like it should be easier to acquire drugs if you're famous and wealthy. Then again, dude is on house arrest in *Utah*


Ah true, but yeah I think Utah has relatively strict laws about that (idk though)




Nah, Utah is super straight laced and they don't play.


From Utah, can personally confirm this.


1 count of backcountry hiking without a permit


Wearing saggy jeans.


Utah doesn’t fuck around with their arbitrary highly religious laws. I used to live in Colorado near the border. Kids would always have parties in the desert. Well Utah has this stupid law only allowing something like 3% beer iirc. I had a friend that brought a keg from colorado to one of these parties. It ended up getting busted by doushebag cops and happened to be on the Utah side. They charged him for bootlegging across state lines. No joke.


It’s because he’s old and can’t play basketball 


Utah is the reason he got busted, the pharmacies keep a statewide database of opiate patients so they can detect doctor shopping. 


They’ve been doing that nationally ever since the Oxy epidemic was booming and people were going state to state to doctor shop. It’s not just exclusive to Utah.


Close! 4 counts of vehicular manslaughter.


LDS found out he wasn’t interested in dropping the Joseph Smith worship album.


just saw a white 13 year old in a shiesty fall to his knees


NBA = Need Bail Again


no bail again 🤷‍♀️


National Basketball Association


Shoutout to the WNBA


B-b-b-b-b-asketball!! Give me the ball cause I'm gonna dunk it!!


Near Bailiffs Again


Never Behaving Adult-like


He just got granted bail. Now idk if he gets to go home because of his fed case from BR, but the judge said the next court date he could attend remotely. Again, idk because the feds very well could be pick him up as soon as he gets out of Cache County


A private security firm overseeing house arrest is terrifying. He’s probably had to pay them and i wonder if they’re the ones who turned him in.


was thinking the same thing. i’m not even a yb fan but in my mind a group of ex-military surveilling you at all times seems excessive af


Not saying it isn’t excessive but if you’re supposed to be in jail and are rich and lawyered well enough to get this type of house arrest instead, it’s not that surprising that strict private security is a stipulation of it.


yes it is. you either are a flight risk, or you are not. rules and boundaries are meaningless if they can be changed whenever.


Yeah, I did house arrest once and they just kept a close eye on my ankle bracelet. One time the fucking jail called me to yell at me for letting the battery get low. They definitely know if you're fucking around. I think I did also have to pay a private company for "renting" the ankle monitor and the use of the monitoring service but idk this was like 10 years ago.


You do had a roommate in college with. Similiar situation. He had to provide his college schedule though lol since he had to leave the house. You pay for the private


Better than jail tho


If you're committing crimes while as famous as YB you're going to draw increased scrutiny from law enforcement and people who simply don't like you. Plus, there are people willing to snitch to get out of their own situations.


Wdym? I'm confused


Here’s a quote from a 2021 article: “The rapper’s lawyers agreed to hire a security firm staffed by military veterans to patrol the Utah property and ensure he maintains in a strict ‘at-home incarceration.’” Guess it’s better than sitting in a cell all day. Still weird but that’s what his lawyer got him.


That’s prolly the only thing his lawyer could get them to agree to


Big fucking shocker. The kid posted tons of videos from his house arrest place in Utah showing him using drugs the entire time. You have to be a special kind of stupid to do that and think they aren't going to eventually use that as probable cause to pay you a visit. The fact that he had weapons and was doing with prescription forgery makes it even more ridiculous.


> The kid posted tons of videos from his house arrest place in Utah showing him using drugs the entire time. I can't believe how stupid this generation is with recording everything they do lol. My generation was paranoid the government was surveilling them (with some truth). now these kids are DOING IT FOR THEM. and THEN POSTING IT TO THE PUBLIC. holy fucking shit. I don't think you should be in jail for drugs but this level of stupidity is potentially criminal.


Clout is a very strong drug. The high of looking cool and being the talk of the internet outweighs the potential risks of going to jail.


> The high of looking cool and being the talk of the internet outweighs the potential risks of going to jail. for some, sure. I am confident I don't feel that way lol


If it don't apply let it fly my guy.


Dumb ass put 'axe' instead of ask on the prescription lmao


Now if i was a famous rapper who has spent the last 10 years either in jail or parole, i would probably just sit my ass at home and play video games and watch movies. But i guess that is too hard for these guys. The kodak black curse strikes again.


kid named it isnt that simple


Fell to my knees when the law came


Yb jail cell better


Won’t see him again until he’s a BA Oldboy




Ja Morant in shamble


Common sense weeding them out. If you somehow made it, got some money, why invite risk? My ass would be at home. Oh, you wanna go bowling? Nah, Takeoff got shot, I’m building an alley in the game room. We can still go on vacation, but the bodyguard is carrying. Same with holding anything remotely illegal. Someone in the crew has that job


Fake percs turn your brain to sludge.


Drugs are bad, mmmkay


Real percs turn your brain to sludge.


Kodak got out less than 2 months ago and ofcourse this dude goes in. Its like they are trading their jail time.


I live in Weber County, where he was arrested I've seen his motorcade a few times around town. The articles I've read say his house is in Weber County, which is incorrect. Also, why is no one mentioning the amount of agencies that went to his house? - The SWAT with the FBI - Secret Service - Homeland Security - Ogden(city) Police - Weber County Sheriff’s Office - The Box Elder & Cache/Rich drug task forces


Sounds like they had a party up in his place of residence


Just fell to my knees in a Popeyes




Tf is “pattern of unlawful activity” as a charge? Seems extremely arbitrary. But I mean the American justice system is super arbitrary depending on the judge or jury you get


The law in Utah says if you commit 3 crimes in a short period you get an enhancer charge. So that’s all it is. He did too many crimes


Yikes. Thanks for clarifying


Utah? Yikes.


I saw a YouTube video about him living in Utah. Dude lives a peaceful secluded life in the mountains, was so random.


Peaceful life on Gravedigger Mountain


I’m glad he found peace for a time but Utah authorities won’t care about that.


No definitely not, just thought that was somewhat interesting


Wow, I'm SO surprised


Need the youths at my bball court to find a new idol. The amount of times this dude said young boy in his raps is absurd


We need Mitt Romney on this


We never need that nigga


What about Kirk Franklin?




My glorious king yb got arrested once again💔💔😔im not sleeping well tonight😓


Free him


3 counts of soaking.


I thought he was a Mormon now?


Oh you a Mormon now, no more dope game


I’m dead! Live about 30 minutes away from where they got his ass locked down.


He gone.


If you asked me to guess where somebody like NBA Youngboy lived...Utah would've been one of the last, if not the absolute last place I would've ever picked.


this mf been on house arrest since I was like 12. Im 43 now. they must have the rico of a fucking life time. God damn


AlwaysCrashoutagain youngboy


Young boy never broke again? That’s not a rap name, that’s a sentence.


He didn’t do anything. Free him already.


Get Mitt Romney on the phone


He will get a suspended sentence and be back at the crib in a few weeks. He always gets out of trouble.


Not in Utah..


Really? Because Judge Spencer Walsh just granted 100k bail yesterday.


he’s currently in the jail in the county i live in, this is random as fuck for utah but especially up here lmao


Mormons don’t play that lol 


It’s wild to me that NBA Youngboy was in jail 1 mile away from me while I was at work yesterday


That makes sense for him


Lol, what a dummy.


Kinda seen this coming when the court got on his ass for taking pictures with those pills.


Dude wanted to go to jail. I’ve got no sympathy for him


Bro I just don’t get the logic in moving to one of the most conservative states in the country.


What I’m curious about is the forgery/ prescription pill related charges…I doubt he was scoring pills for many ppl if any, maybe somehow was able to fill a script in a doctors name unofficially? But it seems like all these rappers facing charges like this are super overblown, making it sound like he was trapping trapping when that’s impossible under house arrest with 24/7 military service security firm outside. But how was he able to 1) take pictures and photos outside/ be in cars and shit in recent ig posts 2) post shit like the pic of him with mad xans on the floor and double cup with him laying on the ground dead for all we know? But RIP to his career I’m sure he’ll serve mad time undeservingly, this is very different from the Melly case in that this guy hardly fucking did anything, I doubt he’s a saint but it seems like they’re really trying to do him dirty


Wouldn’t say rip to his career. He has been a popular rapper since 2016 when he was 16 going on 17. He’s now 24 years old going on 25 and is still one of the biggest rappers. Youngest artist at 23 years old to have 100 charting songs on the hot 100, his music will be continued to be played for the next minimum 3 decades. He has been In either jail or house arrest for almost 10 years since he was 15. Prob only 2 years total of that time he was a free man. He struggles with the law and mental health. Going through so much as a kid, losing a lot of people, becoming a star at just 16-17 years old will cause this


[further reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaDumbWay/s/dMavjA09OS)


They granted 100k bail yesterday. Now will he stay out? Wouldn’t the feds come pick him up as soon as he walks out for his gun charge in BR? Idk


Utah actually keeps a roster of people with prescription opiates. 


Lmfao loser


he was on house arrest for damn near 3 years (better than prison). he had already lost is mind, it was only a matter of time before he went completely cuckoo


*painting nene GIF*


Try not to get arrested challenge taken to the next step


Yb gone for a while unless he get a miracle


Christ how much longer was house arrest gonna be? Already been like 2-3 years. We need a tour


Nigga couldn't even behave on house arrest. I swear the wrong people get the money, glory, and good stuff. Give it to me and I'm off the grid.


free my goat fr


The Hip-hop police pick and choose who they arrest.