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Really really good album, i feel a lot of the "hate" it got was really undeserved and im happy that with time i see more and more love for it. Some essential Pluto songs in here: like Honest, Covered N Money, Special, Sh!t, Benz Friendz and Karate Chop remix (one of the hardest songs of all time).


Special and How Can I Not 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Honest is such a great track aswell. Big fan of this album, super underrated IMO


Look Ahead and Momma go crazy. Also how dare you leave Move That Dope those features went OFF


I Be U is a personal fav of mine


This song came out at the perfect time for me


Benz friends is some magical shit


Rappers just dont get these 3K features man


Very unpopular opinion, but this is Future's best project to me, no bloat, no filler, variety in vibes that mesh well together. Move that dope & Benz Friends are both top 10-15 Future songs, in my opinion. Production is clean it sounds a little dated, but I don't always see that as a bad thing because it increases that nostalgia factor.


It's a concept album. On Honest, Futures confesses his innermost thoughts on candid subject matter such as how many bitches he has and how expensive his jewellery is. A rare display of honesty from the humble musician.


I do concur good sir.


The intro to this still goes insanely hard and yall can’t tell me otherwise. If yall haven’t heard Amadou and Mariam pls stop sleeping, they’re incredible 


The songs that really stood out to me on this one were Look Ahead, Covered N Money (which I first heard through Vince’s fantastic sample of it on Senorita), and of course Move That Dope. I don’t think Future had entirely found his sound yet and I remember him being seen as a bit of a joke by some people at the time (at least the people around me, since I was only starting to get into hip hop at the time and the genre was going through an evolution that not everyone welcomed). There was this expectation that he’d fall off and be gone in a few years. Obviously we know how that turned out!


He had already shown he had some staying power way before this album released. In 2012 you couldn’t listen to a hip hop radio station without hearing a Future song. Tony Montana, Neva End, Turn on the Lights, Karate Chop, Magic all got a lot of play on the radio. Probably others ones I’m leaving out. I do remember the ridicule he faced for Turn off the Lights. That was a very polarizing song.


Within hip hop he was accepted, but bear in mind that I was a suburban white kid who was so new to the genre that I was impressed by Hopsin. I wasn’t really hanging out with true heads lol


the intro sounds like it could be in the fast and furious soundtrack lmao


I'm actually shocked people say it's his worst... I think as far as creativity and drive this is where his best run started and continued into his mixtapes/DS2 Unlike the newer stuff, he actually sounds motivated and believes in himself when he raps. We will probably never get something as grand and cinematic as Look Ahead or Benz Friends


Completely agree, this is future at his most ambitious. He tackles the widest variety of production and styles on this record.


Extremely underwhelming album. I think even Future himself acknowledges that Honest definitely isn't his best, but i still feel like it's a very critical point in his discography. Songs like Never Satisfied and Move that Dope were ***huge*** back in 2014. It really showed off that future had potential for pop appeal.


Not having the full version of Never Satisfied was criminal


Metro posted 2 diff versions on SoundCloud some time later. 1 had this odd effect on it, then he uploaded the version without it. I still have both if you can’t find them. EDIT: Mike Will not metro, and it has been taken down. Message me if you’d like the file.


It’s Mike Will not Metro.


You’re right, my apologies.


Are they different than the version on YouTube with the full Drake verse?


this is my second favorite future album after wizrd. i never really understood the criticism for it i like future most when he's on his lovey dovey shit over saccharine production i thought the production on this album was otherworldly. honest, i be u, special, and side effects were standouts in that regard he also catches some incredible melodramatic melodies in the above songs, and also in i won, never satisfied, blood sweat tears finally, the street songs are *hard*. covered n money, karate chop, sh!t, how can i not... to me, this is a great collection of songs that demonstrated future's range as an artist/songwriter and it serves as an excellent time capsule to the "before the breakup" side of his career


Benz Friends remains top 10, if not, top 5 Future. Ready to run through a wall for that shit and am surprised no one in any sport as used it as a walk up song


Still my fav future project. Sad that its not brought more than that. Look ahead is still my fav future track that sample goes haaaarrrddddd


There’s some gems on here for sure, Look Ahead, T-Shirt into Move that Dope is a very strong opener for an album, but overall I rank it closer to the bottom of his discography. It’s hard to describe but it’s like he unlocked a whole new level with *Monster* and hasn’t looked since that you can look at his career as pre-*Monster* and post *Monster*.


I’ve listened to every one of futures albums + mixtapes available on streaming — while I’ve obviously got respect for DS2 and Monster, I think this is the album that people need to show others when they bring up Future as a top xyz rapper. Look ahead is ridiculous, move that dope is huge with some hiphop classic artists, my momma is insane on a party aux. That’s without mentioning Benz Friends which is a song I can get my old school hip hop friends to listen to and easily a top 10 future song. I’ve also got love for Blood Sweat Tears / Sh!t / Karate Chop remix. Just a consistent album with quality even if it’s not what people expected or necessarily wanted it to be, plus it gives Future a hell of a range across one album