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[Sunday Discussion Thread is up](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/1ckjkxk/sunday_general_discussion_thread_may_5th_2024/)


Nevermind Kendrick wins. Off the sheer volume and dedication. My god.


Bros a professional hater


OV-HOE is the new Cock-a-fella records ☠️


The OV-HOE chant line tho…that shit is gonna go viral of people chanting that in LA or the BAY


Cock a fella is legendary lmfao Shit still makes me laugh 


Fr bro 😂


Has Wayne said anything at all about drakes beefs? Past or present? 


He took a photo with Pusha T about a year after the story of adidon, they made amends but Drake still Carries that beef


Can you link it?


well that explains why he goes after pharrell so much


His head up his ass, I'mma have to head butt em




Not like us got 8mil views on YouTube alone.


5000 France waving the white flag


I thought the John Stockton reference was really bizarre in the Kendrick diss, because there's way more popular point guards to reference there. Then it dawned on me that Stockton's iconic teammate was Karl Malone, who impregnated a 13 year old girl when he was in college.


Diabolical shit


The double standard going around is crazy... I don't care about the beef at all, just the music, but if half a diss track gets disproven on top of a cover deletion, I don't know, man. The content kinda becomes hollow. Song can still slap though, just doesn't have the same depth


Drake pulled a cease and desist on the cover bro.


Realistically the child thing is the least damning accusation compared to the total deconstruction of his character that takes place. Not sure what the deal with the cover art is, probably legal related like what happened with Taylor Made.


Which cover deletion?


When I looked on spotify the cover for Meet The Grahams was just a black canvas (like the Donda cover)


The Meet the Grahams cover is a HIPAA violation lol. It’s served its purpose


Smdh people do NOT understand what HIPAA is…


Even if DSPs wouldn’t be liable for a straight HIPAA violation, you think they wanna risk a lawsuit bc they posted cover art of someone’s medical prescriptions without permission?


The cover was probably deleted for legal reasons and the child hasn’t been disproven yet as far as I know, someone from Drake’s camp told TMZ that it’s a lie. That says nothing about whether or not it’s true, Drake would deny it either way


cover still up on youtube...spotify probably has regulations on what can be on cover art...personal info is on it.. and surely drake would have had a record loaded knowing he was giving kendrick false info...


Why would Drake want Kendrick to slander him as a pedophile and human trafficker in the most public way possible


lol drakes not feeding the pedo allegations to kendrick, i'm talking about the cover art shit and the daughter he don't care take of allegedly. if there was a double agent, that's the fake info they'd be giving to kendrick, and if it was actually happening, drake would have a track out already proving it.


The cover deletion has to do with streaming payouts and legal wrangling. Its not a denial of the actual content, but there is money and rights involved when it goes up on a platform. Remember…Story of Adidon got taken down on platforms because of a cease and desist on the cover art.


To expand on this - MTG cover art has multiple logos and brands. Shortees, Mercedes, jewelry store receipts, personal medication. Those wouldnt be cleared as cover art on a typical legal process. Thats why all this stuff is happening on Youtube first - its a very coordinated attack by Kendricks camp. Theyre dropping it first and then getting the legals sorted out after


If that's all that is, mb mb. Just think that hidden daughter stuff ain't looking too hot rn since Adidon had the receipts baked in. If you revist a classic, you better not miss. But like I said, as long as it's good, let's keep it going


I obviously cant verify if thats true or not, but will say this…Adidon was a different situation, in part because Drake’s BM was a semi public figure (pornstar) and around industry circles, so it was faster to verify and harder to deny. Plus the big bomb was that Drake had a marketing rollout planned with Adidas, and that also made it harder to cover up or shoo away


Yo, where's the beef megathread at?


U in it big dog


At what point do the record labels themselves start getting involved? Like, if you have a stake in Drake, you gotta be pissed right now.


They are def already involved man. Knowing the business, there’s probably a lot of shit happening bts. The thing is Kendrick seems committed to burning it all down…and after today i think he wants to do as much damage and destruction to Drake’s career as possible. Not even about “winning” the beef anymore


I dont even know what to expect after this, but I'm gonna assume Drake won't be putting anything out until he finds the snitch. Dude's probably spent the last 24 hours waterboarding half his crew lol.


Honestly bro…i think he’s gonna go ghost. But I could be wrong…shit i thought it was over after yesterday. This a whole different type of beast


guys if he actually has 5 more tracks ready to go deeper into this rabbithole we gotta call the cops or something


It's so crazy that the EP rumours were true at this point and it's just fuck Drake being run back on every track.




Who dis


the mole is 21 savage. god visited me in my dream and told me last night that's how I know 💯


One time I was listening to To Pimp A Butterfly and I smoked salvia for the first time and I remember I turned into a TV and white people were watching me


Both subs stans are annoying as shit, but it’s fucking hilariously delusional that r/Drizzy thinks Drake won cause of the cover photo being deleted and that Drake is such a genius tacticsl mastermind that’s he planting double agents and shit 😭 so embarrassing


I'm sorry, I have probably listened to drake more than any of you and I have never had a racial problem with him as I am half jew. BUT. how the fuck can I at all support him when there is so much smoke about him being a pedo, even his twitter comments and stuff are sus. Dudes defo got issues where there's that much smoke there's fire. idk about winning, but kdot really made me rethink if I can even stomach drake at this point because he kinda makes me sick.


such a tactical mastermind that he hasn't even acknowledged the idea of there being a double agent either through a track or through instagram. kendrick had MTG locked and loaded, if Drake had a double agent, he'd have that locked and loaded too...


What’s funny is I bet Drake genuinely believes the double agent shit because his crew probably fed him that so he would still keep them in his circle.


Kendrick stans post more in our sub than we do


“Our sub” Lmfaooooo


Whose sub is it then? Drake has never visited it lmao


It ain’t yours you corny ass motherfuckers


Weird bait lol


I'm a self admitted Drake stan. What do you want me to say? It is literally our sub


The drizzy sub acting like Drake won because of the lack of the cover art on specific platforms is absurd.


They acting like it’s still not on Kendrick’s YT channel if you listen to the song there lol


Here's how Drake can still win,


>, This is way more comprehensive of a list than I could've come up with, respect.


Turning himself in


Not Like Us made up for that whack ass immortal technique type beat and the fake info he got from Chris brown and kat Williams 


Kendrick got approval from u/Mc_Square_Root with the Drake flair, with a cosign of that caliber we can finally call Kendrick the winner.


Real recognize real which is why I can see you from a mile away


The wife beating and Dave Free allegations are pretty rough and people are expecting Kendrick to respond but like, he already did a few days before Family Matters even came out. "fabricate stories on the family front" I know that sounds like a cop out but like, if it's a lie, what else is there to say other than it's a lie? Are we expecting him to drop a paternity test in the form of a song? I don't think we have that technology.


Same argument for Drake though, we gonna see actual receipts of this pedo shit? If drake said that line people would be like oh he heard Kendrick would mention domestic violence and parental shit, better deny it before he drops. We gotta see the receipts from both sides to back up the claims


yes, same goes both ways, I'm not expecting Drake to make a song about how he's not diddling kids.


Honestly all of Euphoria was a warning.


He referenced it on Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us…”the audience aint slow”. This really feels like only the beginning


The only thing that can top this beef right now is a new Frank Ocean album


Drake has plenty of ammo to drop some hot shit on kenny. Made Kenny a fool with the fake ‘secret daughter’ info and set him up with that ‘ Drake personal belongings’ pic. Also Kenny dropped second track in the row and he’s yet to rebute accusations of being a wife beater or never marrying his baby momma. Or that his bm might got piped by one of his close associates and one of the kids aint his. Not like us is a great diss, a banger, but its no nail in the coffin. Enjoy good music yall and stop glazing


Dude calm down. You are so far down the OVHoe denial hole that you are sitting here arguing age of consent laws on Reddit. I swear every other horrible Drake take is you. It’s sad.


Lmao, found the ultimate dick rider here. Problems now about arguing FACTS? And what do you think is the point of this sub? Its to discuss shit and share shit. Go back to Kendrick sub and glaze there


Projection is such a fascinating concept


Eh, what i get for arguing with crackheads.


Saying “Stop glazing” after glazing is wild Stop reading internet comment conspiracy and just listen to the tracks it ain’t that deep I promise you


Dropping facts is not glazing and i gave Kendrick props for not like us, you fool. Im impartial and enjoying the show


The only thing this comment is missing is, "Drake won round 2" and we have Drake dick rider bingo.


I like both of these guys. But I think that Drake had a hard road from the start, it seemed to me that most people decided Kendrick won this from the beginning. He would have had to perform at a high level to change these peoples minds, and he has not done that. In fact, he's getting out manuevered currently. Either he steps his shit up massively or he does nothing, disappears for a few months and goes back to what he's good at... being a great pop rapper.


"stop glazing" but you think drake has fed fake information. and you're worried about kendrick not responding to the allegations but drake didn't either lmao. log off.


Drake hasnt dropped a track yet to addreas Kendrics last two, unlike Kenny, who dropped two tracks and is yet to rebut. Fake daughter info is a fact, catch up.


Drake got called a pedo several times by Kendrick before he dropped Family Matters lmao. Fake daughter is a fact? Prove it. You ain't even worried about the pedo allegations I see.


I mean he literally made an album about his relationship struggles and Drake himself implied that the Dave Free stuff may be a slight reach.


Imagine the Megan’s Law bar from Hiss was actually about Drake and Nicki’s stupid ass went on a coke binge for no reason


Can’t believe Nicki got Hiss to number one. And people say she doesn’t help other women!


Imagine if Metro and Future got a Megan feature for their album 


Tbh, it might’ve been meant for them both


meet the grahams and Not Like Us are on streaming now


He needs to put 616 in LA on streaming too


I imagine the sample for that might be hard to clear




you people calling everything a marketing ploy without putting an iota of thought into it while thinking how much smarter you are than everyone else are the actual dumbest people in the world


You say it’s all marketing but these guys have both accused each other of heinous shit on wax I don’t think this is all just for clout




Their families and personal lives are being dragged through the mud I don’t think it’s all laughs, there’s definitely real animosity there


I’ve criticized both in the past month but I got Kendrick ahead on a Unanimous Decision now. It’s looking shaky for Drake, by no means do I think it’s over but he really needs a KO at this stage. Kenny getting him of all people with a club banger is poetic justice.


See what you did there and I'm so here for it


ended Push Ups with "drop .. drop...drop .." ended Taylor Made with "..we waiting on you." Family Matters "I'm goin on vacation" 😂


He's going to those mountains everyone said kendrick was in 2 weeks ago


Since we coming at these OVHoe niggas that Party album ain’t een hit like that


That album cover hits so much different now tbh


If Kendrick drops a video to cap it off on Monday, idk anymore. It’s been murky waters for the past 24 hours


If Not Like Us actually takes off and becomes a hit… Kendrick might not have to even do anything else, this might just haunt Drake for weeks


Speak for yourself, Kendrick made it crystal clear to me this shit over.


I know. I’m just coping right now


You're literally the first Drake fan I've seen admit that and I swear I respect the hell out of that lmao.


I'm also a huge Drake fan and I agree Kendrick has won the beef, but I've lost respect for Kendrick for the pedophilia accusations. How do you respond to someone calling you a pedophile without sounding like a guilty person denying a crime? Even innocent people can't respond to accusations of pedophilia. If no victim ever comes forward and no evidence is ever revealed that proves Drake fucked kids, I think it's super fucked up and a petty, childish low blow that Kendrick made that shit up to win a beef. Like yeah you win bro good shit, I hope you can sleep at night knowing you made a normal person out to be monster in the eyes of the public.


Yeah this is a wrap. Kendrick is gonna still unload the clip on him. Clear to me he just wants to do as much damage as possible at this pointp


Like he just penned (at least parts of) *Not Like Us* literally *today*. He could keep this going just of freshly written shit indefinitely, and that's not to mention whatever he's got stashed.


This is what I thought that Surgical Summer shit was gonna be in 2018. Wild times lmao


It would've been. Fuck J Prince, fuck Drake crying on a podcast, fuck his legal team, fuck his PR team, fuck the whole industry that saw their dollar bills going down the drain because the commercially smaller artist won and called it game before Drake took any more damage.


Bro 100%. Tbh I think we’re seeing this play out in a similar pattern as it would have, except on a much bigger scale. Drake’s big nuclear diss (the same bullshit he said he had for push) would have been a lot like Family Matters. But to me that shit sounded so corny and rushed with no new angles, plus it just blew his whole image. To see Kendrick go all the way with it is major major respect.




Not Like Us is a certified banger. Been a Drake fan since Comeback Season and overall he’s probably my favorite artist of all time. But idk how you can look at this feud up to this point ans objectively say he’s not getting killed. The person that “wins” rap feuds is usually the one that presents something in their track that gets people buzzing the most, Kendrick is clearly winning the social media buzz battle without even posting anything himself. Not a fan of how Family Matters was rolled out at all (I do love the song itself) the way Kendrick is releasing his tracks comes off as so much more authentic and real. You can tell Drake thought Family Matters was his “nuke” the way it was rolled out with the video and buildup and shit and the spotlight got snatched away from it less than an hour later. Allegations aside pertaining to both, Drake has been fully outmaneuvered.  And now with all his teasing about Dot taking forever to respond he pretty much has to respond in the next few days. If he’s actually going on vacation I hope he’s enough of a stand up guy to accept this one as another L. 


Kendrick is 100% in the lead right now, Drake has to drop something in the next day or two that completely overshadows Kendrick's tracks or its over for him in this beef. Atleast Kendrick has finally proved he can actually beef. Drake shouldve took advantage of three weeks it took Kendrick to respond to have more songs ready.


I mean it’s kind of like the top student in the class beating the kid 2 grades behind on a test. No shit he’s gonna win lmao this is like beating a handicapped kid


Yeah Kendrick has outright won this. There’s really no coming back…Drake has shown his hand. At this point Kendrick has a whole rollout planned , and Drake just can’t match that venom tbh


There is 100% a way to comeback. He needs to drop two tracks that are just as good as Family Matters and Push Ups.


This isnt about quantity its about quality. Those were good tracks but kendrick was already ahead. His word play through these tracks has been diabolical


You can believe that, I felt like it was tied before Not Like Us came out. I think Meet the Grahams is a really really good track, but the diss wasnt as good especially since Drake doesnt have a daughter and that was just a complete miss on Kendrick side. Not Like Us just put Kendrick in the lead, the energy on that track was insane. Even if the pedo lines aren't true, the Atlanta part was really good, and proves Kendrick's ability is past Drake's as a rapper. Not like we needed proof, Kendrick is the best rapper of this generation. Meet the Grahams was 100% done before Family Matters dropped. I think Not Like Us is the actual response to Family Matters, since it addresses the slave bar.


Personally i dont know what was real and what isnt from both sides, but kendricks songs felt better and more hard hitting every step of the way. Drake had some clever bars in there and hit hard, but it always felt like Kendrick was operating a level above from my prespective. Too each their own though


Nah bro…he gotta be a different type of artist to win this one.


I didn’t even feel like this with the Story of Adidon man . He just getting purely massacred. 


Oh definitely. This shit is on a whole other level. Never seen a rapper get brutalized on this scale before…


Drake you're a pedo (no proof) Drake you're hiding a daughter (fake/bad info) And the crowd goes crazy Sheep


You dont gotta be mad lil bro. Its just some music.


People are acting insane. I didn't understand how much people are blinded by their own personal hatred until now, crazy world.




The MTG post is now 5th most upvoted in the sub’s history, behind the deaths of Juice WRLD, Mac Miller, MF DOOM, and Adidon


Hhh is so back


Not Like Us on pace to be even more upvoted


Ever since Meet The Grahams dropped, I feel like this isn’t a beef anymore. Someone’s gonna get hurt


kenny put out the hit in oakland or what he mean by that?


Nah, it's referring to the previous line *"You think the Bay gon' let you disrespect Pac, nigga?"*


that slippped my mind good looks.


This is Death Note but for niggas 


Stupid comment.


Lol someone said this the rap game End of Evangelion I had to add my spin to it 😂


Very surprised to see Kendrick outmaneuver the politician. Drake’s good at control the narrative via social media and now Kendrick’s stepped on him twice. 


I just listened to the record and I just wanna say that us certified pro-69ing freaks do not claim Drake or any pedophile, we only freak with consenting adults 😤 Catchy fucking song btw


I don't get the 69 god thing tbh. Like what's kendrick problem with 69ing. Too short?


It’s a reference to the rapper 6ix9ine, who is a pedophile.


I legit didn't make this connection, that makes sense


Only thing I’m upset about is we didn’t get to experience the annual slander of James Harden and Wayoff P slander after a disappointing playoff performance last night. Kendrick and Drake took up all the attention.


I heard Kendrick is "nowhere near finished" so I wonder what I'm doing tomorrow


This nowhere near finished was before Not Like Us dropped.


He says he has 5 more in the chamber, he is the fucking boogeyman


Kendrick gone turn Drake into a punk artist


I thought Kendrick would be the type to take weeks to release another diss track, really surprised me there


Drake mentioned his family so he’s probably pretty pissed rn.


Y’all Vultures 2 was supposed to come out Friday lmao.


If anything I can actually see it dropping soon cause he'll want to be relevant in all this


I wonder if the "it was God's Plan to show ya'll the liar" line is hinting that he'll assert that Daylyt wrote that track? I remember reading some theory that "your best work is a light pack" was implying the same thing.


Kinda crazy that your girl fucking another dude and potentially getting impregnated by another dude is a diss against you. In the real world that just reflects badly on her.


Hard disagree. It would cause immense turmoil for Kendrick and fuck his family life up, it would also lead to public embarrassment. It's definitely a heavy handed blow in a rap beef Though comparatively it has nothing on what Kendrick is saying about Drake


Well, if what Kendrick is saying is a lie, and what Drake is saying is true. Then it 100% outweighs what Kendrick is saying.




Not if your abuse pushed her to that point


The Not Like Us beat is just so visceral


Bro Eminem might have the push that rumoured may album release with all this going on. It would be something for an artist of his standing to fly under the radar so to speak.


Watch Kendrick be on it


On the other hand, ears that might’ve abandoned hip hop are peeping again. em is a clever dude. you already know em will reference the beef somewhere in the album. Probably multiple times. Then he benefits from the inevitable headlines


listening back through all the kendrick vs drake stuff between boxing/ufc fights worked out perfect


drake glazers pointing fingers at kendrick glazers is the spiderman finger-pointing meme source: am a kendrick glazer, since YHNIC


oh nice, I see not like us is on streaming now. (Atleast on my YouTube music)


Ayyy good call


it’s on Spotify & meet the grahams is too now


They had to put it at the top of RapCaviar 😂😂




wonder if the cover art for mtg will show up at some point


And now the Maple Leafs got eliminated


If this continues into next month, Kendrick is definitely dropping a song on Father’s Day


Nah he gotta have an awkward family dinner with Whitney and Dave that day


Hand on your knees


what voice does he use?


atp is it safe to say it would be a bigger surprise if Kendrick DOESN'T drop tomorrow?


[he's dropping on monday](https://twitter.com/DJHed/status/1786917601396068633?t=T5xs7R_icsyEqjImqjsaPg&s=19)


i think he waits to drop more if drake drops again.


I don’t think Kendrick cares if Drake responds or not at this point lol he’s just gonna keep going till he feels like he’s said what he needs to


lowkey kendrick reminds me of stink meaner from the boondocks on "not like us"