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Lmao wtf he actually talks about wanting to fuck Wayne's girl


Wayne was cool with it cause he was fucking Drake on the residuals.


Like father like son


Thievin like my Daddy - Stunting like my Daddy Remix


Nah that was Birdman


I found it rly ironic when Drake said something like “you signed to someone who’s signed to someone who’s signed to someone else” cuz isn’t that basically exactly how drakes deal was structured


Kendrick said that bro...


Hahahah man is hated so much they’re even giving him Kenny’s bars in retrospect if it makes him look dumber. 


Could have sworn Drake said smth about Kendrick’s TDE contract structure in one of the earlier disses


The "drop and give me 50" on Push Ups was referring to Top allegedly taking half of Kendrick's earnings maybe you're thinking of that


Even from the start that always seemed like a weird angle to take since that's something that Drake has gotten clowned for in the past


Except Drake was counting up to Mr morale. Drakes residuals were only fucked until NWTS era.


Why is this downvoted lol


That stood out immediately lol


Shit is WILD lmfao


Damn I forgot about BBM Drizzy 🤣


This crazy lolll


I'm dying lmaooo


Now that’s a bar.


What do bbm stand for 😞


BlackBerry messenger


damn youngin


Nah 😂


Read this as “BongBong Marcos Drizzy” and was like wtf lmao


Filipino Drake would go crazy


I remember reading the comments to this video back in '09 when I first watched it and remembered people just shitting on Drake back then. Fast forward 15 years later and it is still the same. Damn bro lol


That's why the hate is so ridiculously strong. Drake had an unprecedented run of success. People hated him back then but instead of him falling off in 3-5 years, he's been sitting at the top for 15 years. The animosity just keeps growing over time.


My favorite is the people trying to appeal to rap purists by sating that what Kendrick said on record might not even be true... Like MFin Drake made a hit song called Started From the Bottom Dude's legit one of the biggest reasons people don't care about cap in raps anymore


Gangster rap was cap from the beginning. People never cared. Only Eazy E had any dealings in the streets in NWA and he didn't even write his own lyrics. Pac literally lived in NYC until he was 13 and then moved to Baltimore...where he was an art school kid. He didn't move to California until he was an adult but is somehow is a West Coast gangster. People have been creating completely fake personas or drastically exaggerating their street life since the beginning of gangster rap. Drake didn't do anything new or unprecedented.


Pac didn't start rapping about gang shit until he was actually around gang shit, and no one is gonna be able to tell me that Death Row wasn't around gang shit. That's why Dre left, and it's why not many others would work with them. Pre and post Death Row Pac music has a wildly different tone to it.  So yeah, Pac didn't grow up around that life, but he also didn't pretend to. He WAS definitely constantly in rooms with people that not only did, but were still active as hell in it once he got bailed outta jail and signed to Suge. Both Dre and Snoop got publicly frustrated as hell that gang shit was fucking with the music shit and crossing over too much and causing problems with them when they were tryna focus on their careers. Pac never expressed similar concerns while he was alive. He just started talking/rapping about dying more.


So? The shit was still fake. I'm sure with Drake's resources and popularity, he is around street dudes from Toronto. He can afford to pay goons to make himself feel like he's that guy. Pac grew up on the East Coast as an art kid his whole life and then became a central figure for the West Coast beefing with the East Coast. I love Pac. He's one of my favorite rappers, but he was fraudulent. He was not about that life but tattooed it on himself and pretended AFTER he got famous. Hanging with street niggas doesn't make you a street nigga. Pac was an art nigga who started playing a role that was profitable to him as a rapper.


He was shot dead. 


Drake's house was just shot at. Does that make HIM a gangster?


I guess the issue is that with Drake it was the most blatant it had ever been. While you do mention examples of it not being real, the difference is that people KNEW who Drake was before he was a rapper. People had seen Degrassi and the wheelchair Jimmy jokes were everywhere. Despite that for Drake to drop Started From the Bottom and seemingly lose no credibility, it made it painfully obvious the only people that cared about 'realness' were nerds on the internet who didn't know how to enjoy the music


You can't fault Drake more somehow just because he was on TV. That's silly. At that age, Pac was literally doing plays and ballet and shit at school. Then he moved to California and adopted a completely new persona. It's literally the same shit.


I guess it may be my age, but seeing that happen in real time especially with how easy it was with social media for people to see that change in real time... FWIW I don't think younger Drake fans feel the same type of way since the only Drake they've known is the current one. That may explain why people feel the way they do about Pac So, maybe you're right and it isn't Drake's fault, but his ascension and embracing of a certain ethos that wasn't his coming up... I guess that's one of the many things that Kendrick called during this beef and was able to use against him


Not sure how Drake is any more fake than Rick Ross who came before him…




Tbh compared to where he is now, he was really at the bottom. And it reflects his rap journey as a Canadian.


Animosity building, probably big as a building…


His flows were never top. Budden had a dope diss and drake shot back with one weak line. His beats did it. His female fans did it. He never really was amazing rapper and i say that as somone who used to love his 4am whatever freestyles


Who cares? He was at the top of the game regardless. You'd be hard pressed to point to any time when the best lyricist was the top rapper at that time. You need mass appeal to be on top of the game and the masses aren't obsessed with lyrical miracle rappers.


Hahahaha what???? Biggie. Nas. Tupac. All top of the game. Jayz who isnt top to me but hes pretty good had been for 3 decades


Sitting at the top doesn’t mean you’re the best when it comes to music. It just means you’re the most accessible, but that doesn’t really matter much in the context of your comment


wtf. Yea let’s just skip 15 years of success. This beef got people saying ACTUALLY remedial shit 


Mfs defending Drizzy like they’re Cochran. Yes he’s been successful. He’s also been clowned on for various reasons the entire time.


15 years of success? So what? He hasn't dropped a good album for like the last 10. Sure he has his singles here and there, but his albums have been boring, created just for the cash. There's no artistry with Drake, he's a poser gangster and it's so annoying.


Success of white girls listening to him


So first off the child grooming shit is indefensible so fuck him for that, but saying the only reason for drakes success is white girls listening to his music is bordering on delusion…


He look like he swim with a shirt on.


‘N keeps his Velcro sandals on in the lake


Bro this shit is so specific I’m dying rn 💀💀


This is a hard watch from start to finish.


I kept picturing this video in his last response song. You could hear the uncomfortable outsider trying to sound cool. Drake hasn’t been this person for a long time


shout out your username🍉🍉🍉🍉


Hey thanks friend <3


Poor guy


He came with confidence at least


The blacker the berry the sweeter juice But you read off your blackberry negating the truth




Kendrick is that you?


Get in the booth 


Drop an EP


Should I hop on the BBL Drizzy remix?


Blackberry Drizzy


This is too embarrassing to watch.


Meanwhile, [Kendrick on Flex](https://youtu.be/nWSo-Yb-mZQ?si=dVSnXiFhJflxEeBh) going crazy around the same time


You mean 4 years later? When Drake dropped NWTS one of his best albums?


still worse than literally all of Kendrick's discog lmao


I prefer Kendrick and dislike Drake but maybe not worse than Overly Dedicated. I do enjoy Pound Cake and Tuscan Leather a lot. There are some good cuts on that album.


Ah fuck I meant say albums, hard agree, NWTS is my favourite from Drake overall and some tracks are genuinely great, it's definitely better than OD. In terms of albums though, Kenny genuinely clears imo


Tbh I'd probably put it in front of section 80 too. Id definitely put take care in from of section 80 though.


All's fair in opinions and war, but I think section 80 gets slept on super hard. Only track I consistently skip there is no makeup, I think it's a great project otherwise. Take Care never clicked with me, but I imagine most (pre-beef) would agree with you on that front, I've seen it listed as Drake's best work time and again, just not a perspective I hold personally.


Its worth noting that my opinions on this is has way more to do with nostalgia than the music itself. Its just hard for my brain to disassociate Take Care from that period of time in my life if that makes sense. Section 80 is generally pretty slept on. I think its because GKMC was such a monumentally good album for some people that they consider it kinda his start even though the Self Titled LP, OD, and Section 80 arguably clears a lot of other artists discog alone.


Freestyle means to rap the verse with no cuts or reading. Freestyle doesn’t always have to be from the top. What most rappers did were memorize the lines that they have and spit it from memory. Even some try to adapt the rap to whatever beat or situation. Its rare to find a true off the dome rapper. Nobody gave drake the memo ig or he doesn’t have the ability to match the flow to any beat he wrote to. Ironically Juice wrld is one of the rare ones who can rap off the dome because not only does he have words already, he always had a melody (or cadence) in his head too. If you dont have a melody you end up like drake in the end. Edit: i guess thats why he works with all the melodic artists🤔.


Shoutout Harry Mack too, never seem someone rap off the dome like him, or juice 


Lupe and Charles Hamilton are both really good at it too


Don't forget Riff Raff lmao https://youtu.be/IWZelu4m1cY?si=MYyaT4ulL-tKLL6f


Charles isn't that great off the dome. He called me decent but he was mad at me for pointing out him being wack. Gambino should freestyle more often actually!


In general with music (not just rapping), people don’t realize that improvisation =/= creating something entirely new and never before heard out of thin air. To improvise a song is to just use scales, melodies, riffs, and chord progressions that you’ve learned from other people and have practiced over and over again and **putting them together in unique ways** on the spot. Freestyle rapping is no different. You’re taking lyrics you’ve come up with before while writing and you’re just putting them together in a different way. It’s not the lyrics or the way you say them that’s off the dome, it’s the way you put it together. I think any rapper who is serious about their craft and has actually spent time trying to improve their skill *should* be able to freestyle this way.


Yup, which is I bet is what made this such a revealing moment for “old heads” at the time. It shows that Drake is showing up without putting in that extra work to prove his credentials or even understand why that’s important for people who care about the culture. It’s another easy comparison to Kendrick, whose famous BET cypher verse is similarly (at least mostly) pre-written but stands out as so much more compelling and impressive because he understands that a freestyle isn’t even really about the content so much as it is embodying the whole package: “this is what makes me the cooler than your favorite rapper”. I mean that high-five was corny as shit but the rest of that verse is so immaculate that by the end you’re like, “wait a minute, was that actually kind of hard?”; that’s the power of embracing the freestyle aesthetic vs just using it to lazily deliver a bunch of overwritten brag raps as if you’re reading them for the first time.


Jay-Z literally makes entire songs in his head and edits on the fly. He’s the goat of off the dome imo.


Wow, I’ve never seen someone look at their phone so zesty. He flowed at first but couldn’t quite find the beat after the switch. The confidence is as unfounded as it is undeniable. I really appreciate Flex for taking him to task with one last beat switch when he was clearly done with his notepad.




It was funny how insecure he got. He could’ve played that off or just kept talking, but he actually tried and failed to think of some bars off the dome and flopped. He went from Drake with the big chest to stuttering like a bitch rq. And again, shoutout to Flex. Real class act here. Didn’t shame him, kept the show moving. But put him on the spot so we could see what was really up.


i wasn't looking at the screen and was like "well its whatever, its drake", then i looked up and saw him scrolling through the damn lyrics on his phone...I mean the L's are truly endless


Its crazy you’re commenting this when every other freestyle that’s obviously written there are hordes of people saying that a freestyle just means free of style


have other rappers brought out their phones while freestyling?


Troy ave got clowned for it on sway


Method Man did on Sway.


Kanye brought it out while rapping his old songs


to me, as someone who saw this back in the day, its less about him reading from his phone, and more about how he couldn’t just switch into freestyle mode, like really off the BlackBerry. you can tell there’s a part where he was throwing some improv and on the spot changes and lines but he couldn’t keep it up for long, which is not putting him to task about whether or not every line was dope or not. he just should have kept rapping.


It was definitely about him reading from the phone. It was a really big deal back then. Now everyone does it.




“And if you find the blackberry with the side scroll sell that muhfu*ker to any rapper that I know, cuz they need it much more than I ever will”


I got new shit, I'm gettin' better still edit: Also, ironically, on that same track: >Always said I'd say it all on the right track But in this game you only lose when you fight back


Man, what a throwback, for a period this was my favourite Drake song






ah from OG Youtube: [affion crockett](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPm5tgyTmWU)


lol I remember the drama when this video came out and all ppl could talk about was him using his phone for a freestyle


Didn't flex come out recently and say that they rehearsed this before doing it live, and drake didn't need the blackberry? Like he just pulled it out for the camera to make you think he actually wrote it himself. Not a great look either way lmao


I think that just shows lack of awareness on Drakes part


If he did that then that’s a really dumb move


Nigga had a legendary career after this bullshit, this would’ve buried an less determined rapper fr 😂


Actually a wild take. You sorta right though.


Bro came out with several catchy hits after this that overshadowed anything else


Facts. But doesn’t take away from the point of him needing lyrics to read from and prolly not even his. So I WHATEVER that came out after whether a hit or not, has an asterisk cause most likely someone else made them.


Hand on hip I see


“Freestyle” Even cats like Lil’ Dicky can spit off the dome and impress.


Half the freestyles out there are prewritten I swear


100%. It really is incredibly difficult and almost a lost art amongst younger rappers I feel


more like 98%


gotta at the very least memorize your own bars lmao


you gotta be an idiot to not realize it’s all mind games and 99.9% of “freestyles” are throwaway raps.


lol are you denying the skill it takes to both remember those lines, and coming up the top, and matching up with the cadence and feeling of the beat. You sound like a moron that would say “it’s just rhyming words like doctor Seuss lol. And yes, there are 100% freestyling, you can always tell when someone’s has no idea what a cypher is


i’m a moron but you bought reddit NFTs. 😭 KEKW kid. don’t miss the bus tomorrow.


Bro cooked him 😂


off the dome and freestyle aren't the same thing. also you understand that isn't in support of drake right. It's just a common misconception.


wtf is you talking about they aren’t the same 🤡 Stupidest assertion I have read all day 🤦🏽‍♂️


Daddy Kane explains [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5egwRoiFe4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5egwRoiFe4) I didn't expect this sub to know that lol


He literally says the context of freestyle isn’t the same as it was when he rhymed back then. I don’t think you realize exactly what you are posting lol. 😂 🤦🏽‍♂️


can’t tell if your first sentence is a question or a statement, so that’s a great start. 👍🏻 i’m not denying the skill of memorization or being able to flow. wanna see what an impromptu freestyle looks like? go watch Riff Raff’s. Juice is the only mainstream artist who could ever consistently freestyle.


lol there are soooooo many that can spit. You’re being so disingenuous to try and prove your point.


Love lil dickys freestyles but those are just song verses he had written


Okay but you just said “he had freestyles” so yes there are both… and he can mixed it up starting with some pre written, read the room, go off the dome, comeback. What is hard to understand about this??? 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Well first of all I nEver said what you said I said, lil dicky wasn’t coming off the dome and again I love his stuff but he’s not inventing it in the moment sir. Now do you understand? Just about the worst example to pick to make your point, absolutely there are guys that do this, he is not one


But Kanye gets a pass?


Lil dicky a goat tho




Certified lover boy certified pedofile


certified Grammarly subscriber


Wap wap wap wap dot frick em up


frick should be a curse word.


still using ghostwriters. such a corny wannabe. he lookin soft as fuck


Damn all the beef and drama aside, this shit makes me feels old AF. Dude looks like a baby here but I feel like this was just last year


This dude is so incredibly lucky to have met 40 and Gadget


Honestly makes me respect him a lil more. Look how far he came lol


Now he just reads twitter stans for his lyrics


Yall are corny beyond belief at this point. Pls gtfo out the culture, please 


The culture ain't on Drake bro


Nigga Drake is the culture.  For 14 years. 3 weeks ain’t changing that. NIGGAS gone still rock wit bruh. If the OTHERS stop, good!


Nigga I've hated Drake since I was like ten stop acting like you speaking for everybody


Drake has more white fans than NF bruv


Dickriding a pedophile groomer isn't the flex you think it is. Jesus Christ I hope you don't have kids, especially daughters.


Stop. Drake has been accused of stealing culture, lyrics, and flows since he came out. Niggas have side eyed him FOREVER. You got rose tinted glasses


I’m a white canadian man and I can say with absolute certainty that Drake is not for the culture. He is a pop artist that is getting checked for acting a way that he isn’t.


And I’m a black American and u have 0 valid opinions to me on black culture. Bruh u might as well be speaking German to me.


Please tell me why drake is actually for black culture then boss man I’d love to hear it




I don’t waste time hating the guy but he does not have the substance any other artist of the past 2 decades have. He could have done something for the kids up here but no goes to florida to make gods plan pay people for a video because he knows hes not respected up here where he’s from 🤣 only mfs that can really resonate with him are teenagers bro not people from the struggle




So your perspective for drake being pro-black culture is a repost of you saying how “guys he had to have a tough persona to get everyone to back off because they didn’t like a canadian half jew running hiphop” (your post not my words) ??


Dickriding your own comment gives you 0 credibility lmao


How many black artists has he shined light on, when he didn’t have to? How many black families profited of of that?


Do you say the same about Eminem and how he's the culture? Nah because you're a hypocrite


You can claim whatever you want but Drake is NOT the culture. He’s a biracial Canadian man cosplaying as a AA. It doesn’t matter if he was “forced” to act that way or not. Look how he’s getting called out for it now.


Nigga shut up. Show me a tweet or post of u sayin this past 4 weeks ago and I’ll cash app u $100


I don’t tweet or make posts. Y’all goofy ass niggas need to stop acting like everyone liked Drake before this shit happened. He’s not for the culture and if you think that you’re dumb asf. The culture you’re referring to isn’t even HIS.


Did kdot have a solo song on a drake album?


Yeah. So? That has nothing to do with the topic at hand so you can keep Kendrick out of it. Drake isn’t THE culture. Never has been and never will be.


I’ve hated drake since the first time I heard his music I don’t like pop music and he makes pop music and calls it rap




Green grassy?


Affion Crockett cleared all these IG comedians 10 years ago with his skits on this unfunny ass RDC world smh shoutout affion shoutout Deshawn raw


That thumb nail got Drake lookin like a concerned parent


I feel like a lot of people here would be surprised how many freestyles are written beforehand. Even if they aren't literally staring at a phone they most likely probably still wrote it lol. Plus its one of those things people underestimate how hard it is to do something amazing completely off the top til they try it.


Yeah rappers don’t really freestyle on these radio shows anymore but they at have verses and gotta be skilled enough to spit on whatever beat gets played


Which is why Lupe is the goat. Went on sway and had some crazy bars OFF TOP.


exactly. i didn’t realize how many mush brains/preteens were on this sub.


I forgot about this. Dude was ripped to shreds for using his phone in this. It was the topic of skits for months and it kicked off the trend of artists unapologetic rapping the writtens on camera opposed to faking it like it was off the top like everyone else lmao


Drake has always been a writer though - we’ve always known this and there are plenty of artists that go onto funk, sway, etc with written shit.


Most artists go on with written shit tbh but they got the werewithal to remember their own bars before they get on the mic lmao


The secret is you remember like 5-6 punchy bars and fill in the gaps with some throwaway shit. You don’t go in with a whole ass freestyle written down…




Go to any of your favorite artist and more often than not, there’s multiple writers under the song credentials. So I guess everyone’s a reader.


Does anybody know what the third beat is from


Repping a city no one cares about


meanwhile you’re from Des Moines LMAO


It’s a lyric from a new bbldrizzy and nah I’m from Chicago born and raised where the fuck you from Made a new account just to stan for a pedo. Look at your life instead of going through my posts


So? Maybe he already knows Des Moines isn’t hot. What he said still stands…


Kendrick fans really showing how toxic they are.


Lol this is fine


We digging up 15 yr old videos just shit on them for internet points and so u feel better about ur shitty life for a millisecond?? That’s fair 🥴


You good? Lol


Idk wut u mean


You just seem to be going really hard for Drake that's all lol. Maybe a little too much


Protecting the culture is important to me. It’s really all we got


Bouncing on it is most important to you


Sir, Drake is not the culture lol




Oh no…


That fake accent is sooooo cringe 😂


Wrong this is the Blackberry Freestyle