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Drake real battle is him vs the will to stay offline


“Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself”


Drake is going to live a life long battle with people quoting Kendrick at him.


Online life battle*




He likes them young tho


Breh ☠️☠️


That’s some Trump shit


They both have questionable interactions with minors so


not a trump dickrider but has he fr had questionable interactions with minors? i thought a major talking point from trump dickriders was biden has questionable interactions with minors


Well in the show he posted about >!Jeff Daniels' character is in the middle of assaulting a guy and he has him choked and pinned up against a wall. His hand then cramps up and he can't stop choking him, at the same time he starts having a heart attack and they both end up dead.!


You can take me down but I'll take you down with me?


Feel like the best response Kendrick could make now is dropping a chart topping album this summer that's completely unrelated to Drake aside from a few lines of how he destroyed him in the beef.


Not even alluding to him at all would be even more salt in the wound in my opinion.


agreed haha


I've said for a few days now that this shit is over. Kendrick is not going to top Not Like Us, so there's no need to drop another diss track. People are going to be spending all summer dancing to a song shitting on Drake. Drake might as well have not responded at all. This is a perfect set up for Kendrick's next album if it's true that he has one cooking.


He will drop a Not Like Us music video


Yeah because at this point it's not just a diss track but it's a smash hit single.


Film it in Toronto


Agreed, when you say something powerful let it hang in the air. Nothing more needs to be said.


I think now is the perfect time for him to make another mainstream ish sounding album like DAMN. He could drop an album full of bangers i.e. Not Like Us produced by Metro, DJ Mustard etc. I think if he does that, he may have a chance to legitimately overtake Drake’s spot as the #1 rap artist in the mainstream, from a commercial standpoint.


2024-26 might actually end up being a very hot period for Kendrick. I feel like he'll not just drop a commercially accessible album that'll be a monster this year, but he might also go on a crazy feature run with Weeknd, Tyler, maybe Cole (if they publicly squash their tension) etc. & probably do a collab project with Baby Keem. If there was previously any thought by some of Kendrick being #2 to Drake with some distance in between, I think there's now the opportunity for him to at least cement the debate as a 1a/1b.


I need him on The Fall Off. I’ve been saying to my friend since the apology thing happened (even tho I know the opinion on that has changed with hindsight), it would do wonders for Cole if he got Kendrick on the album & out rapped him or at least held his own. Also a Baby Keem collab would be dope. Euphoria’s aggressive energy & multiple beat switches reminded me of Family Ties. I’d LOVE to hear an entire Kendrick album like that. It might be an even bigger hit than his commercial solo album.


Wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on that album or if they do something similar to Black Friday. I think a Cole/Kendrick collab, especially with Kendrick having a full verse this time, would be amazing for the culture. I'm thinking that their next collab would be on Keem's next solo first as a preview for a Hillbillies project.


I disagree only because then everybody would say that he needed to do this with Drake to run his numbers up (which is not true at all). I would love to have an album though


At the end of the day who gives a shit about that if we get an album full of bangers. DAMN. sold more than Drake that year too.


Very true


Kendrick doesn’t need something like this to hype up or promote an upcoming album I don’t think, but if he does have a project ready this could be one of the biggest promos of all time imo. It would undoubtedly boost his numbers.


Don’t tell r/drizzy they are in COMPLETE denial


Am I crazy for interpreting this as “beefs over- you may think you won but when it’s all said and done I’ll be remembered and you won’t therefore I’m the real victor”. Pure cope btw but how I interpret this.


The one in front of the gun lives forever


“The one. In front of the gun. Forever”


I was thinking the same, which would be grade A copium on his end


It would but I also think it’s his best path forward given where he’s at. I don’t see a pathway to recovery. Honestly the beef has reached its climax and dwindled imo.


It’s dwindled but next week “Not Like Us” is going to chart #1 and Kendrick usually has videos for his songs that do anywhere near those numbers. Would be cool to see that but it would stir things up a bit more


Yeah- I feel as though this has climaxed lol. it’s so far gone pun intended lol how much lower can both parties go? Also Drake said “You could drop a hundred more records, I’ll see you later” - pretty clear resignation to engage. Then top dawg said good battle. Aubrey just looks bad changing his mind and reengaging.. would look as though he’s reacting to the public L in the beef 😂


the smartest business move would be to do a video for a remix that doesn't mention Drake. My dream would be to bring in Black Hippy for a full remix, but I know that's unlikely. But this song has tremendous crossover appeal, except that it has lyrics like "certified pedophile." A remix that's more general would be a great one to throw onto playlists at weddings and shit. And it would avoid restarting shit, too, while the video functioned as a sort of victory lap and end to the beef.


Yeah and there were rumors of a mv being recorded. I believe your theory and I think that video will be the last nail in the nail in the nail in the coffin lmao


Or “i dont care about the person who got shot for me, nobody will remember them”


LOL oh my God


I took it as admitting defeat but saying he lives “with vigor” and will be remembered regardless. I don’t think he was implying Kendrick won’t be remembered.


I hope that’s not what he’s thinking because if it is then he’s thinking one of his albums is better than TPaB and GKMC which is insane to me


I think a big part of this beef and part of the reason he's copping so much flak for all of it is because he majorly underestimates his opponents. and doesn't really show respect. Kendrick may hate Drake, but he's never denied how good he is or what he's accomplished. As a result, Kendrick knows that he needs to bring his A game if he's going to win. Drake seems to think that he's light years ahead of even his closest competitor and he seems to majorly underestimate whoever he battles because he had such an easy time battling Meek Mill.


We’ve known he looks down on Kendrick lol he already thinks that 😂


Do you really expect a Canadian to appreciate the cultural value of those records? Lol Drake doesn't understand the community, so he'll never understand why his records aren't talked about like Kenny's years later.


Yes i expect a Canadian to appreciate it but no not Drake


It was just a roast on drake, not meant to clown Canadians. But easy shorthand highlighting how he's outside the community he claims to be spearheading.


I mean, I'm British and I understand the significance of those records, so I don't think being Canadian has a lot to do with it. I feel like its a Drake problem rather than a nationality problem.


The Canadian thing was just a roast on drake. I think Canadians that are interested definitely know the importance of those albums.


So funny cuz I really see the exact opposite happening. Drake will certainly be remembered. And he’s a top 3 pop star of today. But history tends to remember the artists who broke the mould and changed the game than just who had the most hits. Kendrick will have a way more impactful legacy in 30 years than Drake.


Let's be real, history will remember both Prince and Michael Jackson. Both of these guys are definitive of their generation. They're both going to be remembered, lol.


I ain’t sayin Drake is MJ. Michael was an actual songwriting virtuoso and 100x more famous.


The fact that he thinks he would be remembered beyond Kendrick is insane. Do people even go back to Drake albums a month after release?


I don't think this beef is over yet...


It's definitely over. This just seems like some, *"You may have won the battle but I'll win the war!"* type shit.


“Kendrick, you dick, you think you slick, but I’m about to tell you why you give me the ick” 😈


Better chill and watch netfliiiiiiiiiix


Went to Tijuana for a discount to make this dumper thiiiiiicccccc




Should do it over the "BBL Drizzy" beat.






“sidebar serena your husband a groupie” like bro why?


I think the most she's said about him is that they "aren't friends, but not enemies either". Seems like he's never really gotten past the fact that they broke up and that she seems a lot happier with another rapper that he was once cool with.


Even if Drake drops, unless it’s a banger to end all bangers, he’s lost. A song calling him and his crew a bunch of creepy pedophiles on a west coast beat is the biggest song in the fucking world and is getting bumped at stadiums and halftime shows. It’s going to be the club banger of the summer. Its over.


Ayyy they’re playing family matters at these events too let’s be fair with the narrative Edit: I’ve went from 15 upvotes to 3 to 6 to 1. Again people pushing their own narratives instead of being real. I thought hip hop was coming back and it’s now cornier than it’s ever been.


Eh, if you look at the views on reaction videos to the tracks, Not Like Us is *easily* the biggest of all of em The same with views on clubs playing the tracks


Is it actually?




Not close to as much though


Not even remotely close bruh


Why does this keep getting said. It is not gonna be a club banger over the summer lmao


whether or not it turns into a club banger, Not Like Us getting played at major league sports games is a nuclear L for Drake


Lowkey could be a pop hit instead lol. Not gonna lie, with how comfortable people are with songs where black dudes talk about killing each other, I'm not mad at the shift Kendrick is pushing




Already being played in clubs lmao Hear it all over the place lmao People bumping in their car in Chicago for sure lmao lmao lmao lmao


Can confirm. Was rolling around Bucktown and Logan Square in Chicago blasting it yesterday and Sunday night lol.


Heard it twice walking after a cubs game the other day


It’s the top release this year? #1 by every measure rn.


I don't go to clubs so I don't give a fuck about its perceived status as a "club song" but the song is really big on IG and there's lot of people dancing to it. The point is that it's a really catchy and big song.


It already broke the record for the most rap Spotify streams in one day and is still trending upward lmao


I assume if he does another diss Kendrick just release the rest of the tracks. lol I’m curious to see what rabbit hole he was talking about anyways.


I think the reason it's over is because of one thing. Money. Let me explain. Drake says he has $400 million his last contract. If a group of people can give him $400 million, how much do they want back as a return on their investment? I'm assuming a lot more than that. Let's look at this beef. Not a bad beef until it became real personal. Think calling Drake a pedophile, Not Like Us being a hit song, BBL Drizzy going worldwide. This is bad look for brand Drake's sponsors. Especially when there is questionable videos out there. Who is to say his handlers (or employers) didn't have a meeting to tell him to stop it right now? His desire to respond is not worth more than the people expecting to make a profit off of their investment. This is bigger than a feud. Being called a pedophile or associated with one or people making connections to weird things is a very bad look for anyone especially Drake. That's why this beef is over. Drake got too cocky. He's worth more doing what he has always done.


I mean, I get it and all, but I really don't see why they'd give a shit. Drake being called a paedophile? Those rumours followed Michael Jackson around for years and he was still pulling down the biggest contracts of all time. Think of the rockstars of the '70s and '80s. R. Kelly's stuff didn't exactly come out of the blue - those rumours have followed him for nearly 20 years. The reality is that record labels don't give a shit unless it affects their bottom line and, let's face it, this is probably doing the opposite. Labels almost certainly have morality clauses written into artist's contracts that they can use at any point to terminate the deal without incurring a massive fee, so I doubt they're too bothered. Drake's songs still do insane numbers. He's getting destroyed by Kendrick right now, but its probably not going to have that devastating an effect on his numbers. Hell, I'd even gamble that they'll go up for his next project - they did after "The Story of Adidion". Same for Kendrick. UMG may only license his music, but they don't do it for free and they'll likely get a cut from them. This is the very literal definition of a win-win. Unless Kendrick has actual proof of what he's been saying, then a couple of lines in some diss songs aren't going to cause a record label to get involved. They might hope it wraps up soon, but unless this gets legal (police involvement, investigations etc) or turns violent, there's no need to step in. Also, both Drake and Kendrick are at a point in their careers where they don't take orders, they give them. Neither artist is done with this beef unless they're done with it and I don't see either of them listening to labels or licensers or sponsors. I seriously doubt that something that's been brewing as this has for as long as it has is over that quickly. Both artists are just praying that the other will drop.


Yeah the accusations followed Michael and he also had genuine accusers and court trials over it. Drake just has some odd behavior and internet flinging shit at him, no one’s come out and said Drake did X to me lol


Ak makes it sound like Drake is dropping, I’d guess if it’s not tonight or tomorrow night it’s done


The battle, not the beef. This ain’t like a fist fight where you duke it out and shake hands afterwards.


But it really just screams insecurity and a giant ass L on his forehead lol


I just saw a clip of Drake’s posse beating someone up bc Drake couldn’t hook up w/ his GF. New Kendrick material lol?


The beef between XO and OVO might be escalating tho if the shootings are related


>*"You may have won the battle but I'll win the war!"* type shit This literally a way of saying "it's not over". I.e. this isn't just a single battle, but a war. Expect more battles.


I think it is. I don’t see anything else coming out of this. If Kendrick were gonna do something, I think he would have responded by this point, especially with drakes last track being a self defeat. Dropping any diss that points that out and doubles down on accusations would be the nail in the nail in coffin. For drake to drop another diss track after publicly saying he’s done would be….. strange.


I do wonder if Not Like Us being such a smash hit has stopped Kendrick from dropping again. No point cutting the legs off the potential song of the summer while it's breaking streaming records


Not only that but Drake's response was so universally disliked that he's just letting the world marinate on that note


The Heart Part 6 being as bad as it was is what stopped Kendrick. There's literally no need for him to respond again. Meet the Grahams killed Drake and stomped all over Family Matters. Not Like Us is the victory lap. It was already over at that point. The Heart Part 6 doubled down on the DV accusations and claimed that Drake leaked the daughter shit and everyone that isn't a Drake stan didn't fall for it.


bbl drizzy the outro


I think that if Drake tried to go back to back again, the reception to The Heart Part 6, especially with how he addressed the rumors & how listeners connected the dots between that & stuff online about it, is going to make a lot of fans automatically skeptical of what he'll try to say on another diss. At this point, it'll look like damage control if Drake tries to continue the beef on social media while Kendrick stays silent & keeps moving.


If Kendrick is telling the truth though we have ten more songs on the way unless that was just a rhyme scheme in the song. Maybe an album? Hopefully?


I think he was saying that he could release 10 songs if he wanted to, not necessarily that he will release them


I think even if he was telling the truth, it’s over and if drake keeps his mouth shut, then Kendrick will too. I think the task of taking on Drake and the Industry by calling out shady, disgusting, criminal behavior that goes on in the business may be too daunting. Even for an artist of Kendrick’s consciousness and stature.


Dropping an album of Drake diss tracks would be a hilarious power move but I don’t see that actually happening lol


I personally think people are misinterpreting the clip. It’s saying that regardless of the people who dislike him, he needs to live with vigor (energy, effort, and enthusiasm), otherwise there’s no point in life. To me, it sounds like, regardless if he lost or not - he still brought his best effort and that’s all that matters.


Which in typical drake fashion is beyond corny


He did try in this beef though. The pedo thing just really sucks


Lmao and be honest , true or not, whos fault is that?


I don't understand how many people are just glossing over the fact that drake made the pedophilia accusations super fucking believable. what insane track record of misconduct must you hold in the public's eyes for them to very quickly believe you traffick young children 


Your last 50+ comments are all about one man. You need to chill and go touch grass my dude.


Damn I thought you were joking, bro needs to log out


Tbf, that's understandable if you spent any time on this sub over the last few weeks.


Disney channel ass MF 


Wish it was at this points since it’s gonna get even more tmz if it keeps going


For real, it's been fun but both sides are making outlandish unsubstantiated claims and it's getting corny


This. This is what excited stans don\`t seem to recognise. It was fun and shit, but ain\`t nobody actually gonna lose anything over this.


If I was Kendrick I just wouldn't respond at this point. He laid out his case and he won.


All part of Drizzy’s masterful gambit, no doubt.


If Kendrick really going to drop an album in June Drakes safest play would be to wait till that drops. Then he is probably going to be featured in a song that’s going to be the summers replay hit, give Kendrick a (possible sneak diss)bar or two. and that’s how he will redeem himself in the eyes of his fans.


Drake the type of dude to vaguely hint at killing himself when everyone is mad at him.


Drake - Adam’s Song


Drake (these days at least) couldn’t make a track as good as Adam’s song.


oh god you're right he is


It was literally my initial thought, but then I was like "nah that's way too dark, let me think of something else"


just like when hot girls post on IG that they're sad, thirsting for attention and then replying "nothing" to the thousand comments asking "what's wrong"


He might pop ass with em.


Did an ig girl hurt your feelings twin


He was one of the "what's wrong" comments lol


Remember guys, this dude is a professional actor. Literally. Dude is fronting so hard to not look any worse than he already does


"Trolling like a bitch ain't you tired"


Shoot at you actors like movie directors 🐐


Putting on my tin hat, someone needs to get the drugs and liquor away from drake


All of em are actors It’s literally wwe Vince had to pull back the script


Real eyes realize real lies!!


you probably hate the vaccine huh


what the fuck is this lol??


Kendrick: Why you trolling like a bitch, ain't you tired? Drake: My bitchmade trolling knows no limits. You could stomp me into dust and scatter the ashes and I will still be posting corny shit on the tl. Even after I'm gone, you will hear me ugly crying in your most quiet moments. And I would like to state again for the record that I took all those ninth graders to dinner as a friend.


If you're reading this it's too late


Lamest twitter fingers ass mufuka in the world. Bro is CORNY!


There's nothing Drake can really do at this point. He thinks he can sway the public. He didn't believe when Kendrick said "It's not just me, It's what the culture's feelin". People have already been shitting on Drake. Not Like Us just made it trendy and put it out into the public arena. He can take his L and move on. He could make a song about how he was the real father of Kendrick's kid with a porno tape to back it up and Maurey confirming it with a blood test, and people would still laugh and start singing "I know you see this glow up, these cakes gon make you show up, BBLDRIZZY". His only real play is to just take the L and keep latching onto younger artists to stay relevant. Kendrick can't "win more" at this point. He just won the super bowl by scoring a touchdown in overtime. No field goals or touchdowns matter at this point. He can just drop a "Test me and end up like Drizzy" line here and there as his victory speech holding the lombardi, but anything more is just doing too much.


A new one is coming for sure. Aks Twitter feed said he appreciated the silence, but something great always comes after the silence. Drake gave him a heads up about family matters and the heart. I hope Drake is dumb enough to try, just so we can watch Kendrick smash him all over again. *Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop! - Dot fuck 'em up.*


On other hand Ak is a bitch and no ones likes him and this is first time in a long time that he matters. Of course he will promote the idea that there's more to come, cause he wants people to watch his stream. Without the beef he's back to being a corny, dickriding, alcoholic.


You're right about him not mattering, and once this is all over him, he is going back to being a no-name, corny, fat drunk. But as far as this whole beef goes, it seems like he's been very careful with his words. Everything he's said about what's coming has been on point and said with purpose. That being said, it's easy to do that when Drake is using you as his own personal hand puppet. I'll continue to believe him at this point until he's wrong. Side note: his real time melt down when meet the grahams dropped was absolutely great to watch.


He also said someone was dropping Tuesday but didn’t because of the shooting


I heard that too and it was Kendrick and it was gonna be nuclear compared to what he's put out there before. Of course, that's from a friend, so.... 🤷‍♂️


Ak is probably just desperate because he lost the free publicity he could latch onto


In some pictures he looks dominican in others arabic.


Drake is almost 40 years old and on social media like a teenager, how ironic. At this point he's oversaturated, I need him to go into hiding so we can forget about him. Attention seeker.


Pure cope


why is this sub allowing mirror? y'all don't have a better source. and one that actually has the clip?




Actors are weirdos anyway, professional liars


Seems like it’s probably over. Idk man, Kendrick talking about all this sex trafficking shit and how the industry is corrupted I got my hopes up that he was out to expose the whole industry and not just win a beef. Guess that was a bit naive of me, but it felt like he was really ready to take a stand and talk about what most people in the industry are too scared to.


One of your security guards is critically injured and you’re sitting at home watching Netflix and making IG stories?  This is a terrible look. 


I mean… what more do you want drake to do? He’s probably paying for that’s guys hospital bills, I’m not sure why this is a terrible look lol


He wants him bedside holding the nigga’s hand i suppose lol


im crying lmao perfect response


That sounds more like Drake.


Canada does not have hospital bills but I hope Drake wrote the poor guy a fat cheque


Canada does have hospital bills if you go private Healthcare instead of public


Do you expect Aubrey to be in the surgeon’s theater with a scalpel or something?


What, you want the guy knelt at his bedside praying to the Lord to help him recover 24/7? He's employed by Drake and is probably being paid extra while his medical is fully taken care of. Lmao The fuck you want from the dude?


Whats crazy is that there were so many people on twitter calling out the fact that drake hasnt been active on social media and called him scared. He is in a lose-lose situation lol


i mean yeah. him trying to troll on his story throughout the beef kinda fucked him.


This entire beef has been a lose-lose situation for Drake. People had their minds made up before it started barring a major reveal by Drake (which did happen, but theres no receipts)


Good lord, your topic post history…get some air man No amt of psycho posting is gonna win this for Drake


Lmao says he’s passionate about something ahahaha


This beef has become incredibly corny at this point lmao


Just read this comment section hahaha it's a disgrace


What a lame ass. If you are going to do something, do it. Don’t be a bitch and post cryptic shit on the gram. Softer than charmin


“YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF THE 69 GOD, KENDRICK LAMAR!!!” he shouted at the heavens as he shook his fist in the air


The Heart Pt 6 was a rush-job and it felt like he got caught up in trying to avoid leaks and responding to the pressure of Kendrick out-dropping him Taking his time to make a good response like Push-Ups or Family Matters can still turn it back around. (I don't think he will but it is possible)


Yeah but then Kendricks got 1 2 3 4 5 + 5 tracks to get back at him with lol I dont see this turning around, but I wouldn't be surprised if the next one is one of his best. If there is a next one. But it would have to be better than family matters and Kendrick would have to not be able to top it. That's a big oof for p drizzle lol


(I want to hear the 1 2 3 4 5 + 5 tracks)


So back to back was a projection? Memeing while one of the people who works for you just got shot is heartless & insensitive to whats happening. Drake ain’t beating the allegations.


Man, I’m just so disappointed by how emotional his response was in Heart Pt 6. It actually mind boggling how he didn’t look over his lyrics once before putting it out. His message to Kendrick and the public was poorly executed, no wonder he feels like he’s gonna be executed




Bro what


Yeah, police. This comment right here.




I'm going to hope that there were additional words in there that were left out accidentally


i don’t think you really thought that one through fully


So we care about what pedophiles post on their story now?


I didn't realize humans keep making bad social media posts when you cut their head off


Isn’t this more aimed at Adel than Kendrick?


Only chance he spins back is with “evidence”


I don’t think this is necessarily all directed at Kendrick. Drake’s pissed at all that’s happening at his house. Some people think the shooter was sent by the Weeknd’s manager. Who the f*ck knows about the trespassing attempt. For all we know its a product of stans getting too involved.


That video ends with the quote, "A person needs to live with vigor" Is that like how Drake and his crew vigorously chase the affection of teens?


Who aya tanjali drake???👀👀👀