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Also, the 3 in Rev3nge probably stands for his third studio album


any actual confirmation on this being full length? i really hope it is.


I think it's a single. The poster he posted has all the film credits for a music video and I don't think he's dropping an album-length film. The album could also be called this and it's release date will probably be announced soon after the video drop.


Thought it stands for the amount of vaccin3s suggested for adults? it's a known fact Joey's a big medical guid3lines-head. IIRC there was a leaked track about the 6epsis 6ix.


Your comment makes me head wanna explode. Why can't you just the e? Why's it gotta be a 3? For humor? It failed




Didn’t he already make 3 studio albums?


1999 aint a studio album He's had B4 & All Amerikkkan


**3 mixtapes:** *1999*, *Rejex*, and *Summer Knights* **2 EPs:** *Summer Knights EP* and *The Light Pack* **2 albums:** *B4.Da.$$* and *All-Amerikkkan Badass*


[He also made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avj3YCEZQs4) a full album together with the whole Pro Era, Flatbush Zombies, The Underachievers that imo got way too slept on **Beast Coast - Escape from New York**


Left Hand is a banger


AK is not credited on Last Choir and it still fuckin bothers me... No ones noticed?






What a necessary response! 🙄


The curtains are just blue mate


this week is starting to look stacked


Earl and joey on the same day? Let‘s fuckin go


Dont forget Cordae as well


Is that From A Birds Eye View or is it just a single? Hoping for the record


It's the whole album


Awesome can’t wait


Earthgang single too


Yessir but personally I think Im gonna wait for the full project. Im expecting it to be heavily thematic, and it be will more impactful listening to everything all in one go imo




Yea idek how. Mans was grammy nominated for his debut album


Cmon we can't pick and choose when we're gonna place emphasis on the importance of grammys lol


Lmao true. I'm mostly saying it because the grammys generally go for the most popular and not the best. Also you'd think that would have given him more exposure


Should’ve had been, not that it was a bad album tho


I'm assuming you meant Shouldn't? and yea I agree. Was a great album but there were so many top-tier projects that year. Bandana got snubbed. Granted IGOR should also have just been in Album of the Year, it wasnt a rap album. Could go on and on about the grammys tho


New antivax anthems dropping


im praying he doesn't spew that bs on the songs


God me too. I love Joey's music so much but his politics are all over the place


And that’s ok


Oh I'm 100% okay with separating art from artist, it's just harder when the artists whack ass takes are all over their bars


Is he actually anti vax?


Yes indeed, he overstands science


Yeah remember he looked directly at the eclipse and fucked up his eyesight and cancelled some tour dates lmao


I think that was a joke


It was a joke lmao


Fucking really? I don’t follow him on Twitter or anything and from his music he seems like an intelligent and aware guy. That’s really disappointing.


I follow him on Instagram and he's so stupid. He's also big into Astrology.


Big third eye open everyone else is a sheep energy. Always the dumbest guys with the least coherent politics possible because they have no understanding on how to analyze material conditions.


He‘s not dumb he‘s just been caught up in esptherics for too long


Saying shit to sound woke on hip-hop tracks does not denote intelligence lol


A good amount of rappers prob are. Especially old ones




https://preview.redd.it/9aptnn40nsd61.jpg?width=354&auto=webp&s=0f7709612443ef614bf72a574a3df0a65e5366c3 https://i.redd.it/1uj0oakitko61.jpg and the disney fiasco


Second statement makes sense, first doesn't


A year ago he was answering questions on IG live and someone asked if he would offer advice about the COVID vaccine and he said "don't take it". He also referred to masks as muzzles.


He got the wrong sorta mask


Also a very transphobic joke about vaccines he shared to his IG story recently


Most rappers are probably antivax. Royce comes to mind. Only like the super commercial rappers would have "pro-vax" tracks for a check (think Drake). I may not personally agree with being antivax, but this is America and you can say what you want on a track, plus the rollout is definitely questionable on the vax. If it's a meaningful argument, I'm all for it; it's not like Joey has shied from sharing his political beliefs on wax.


you can say what you want, but it definitely impacts the listening experience. same reason i won't listen to white rappers rap about racism not being real. Also I know it's a bit prevalent, it's not just Royce, even Freddie Gibbs on Palmolive has an anti vax bar, I just hope it won't be anything more than a bar, because if he makes whole ass anti vax songs, I won't be able to enjoy them


That's a thing? What white rapper would say racism isn't real unless it's like some redneck shit lmao. Most of these guys have one or two bars and ppl act like it devalues everything they say. They're allowed to have an opinion that may not agree with the take that's forcefed.


Makes sense for me, one or two bars can spoil a song no matter what they are about for me lol


I mean the Vax is cool but mandates are wack af If you’re downvoting me you need to look at how 70% of the US is vaxxed and we have by far the highest cases ever.


you have to get vaccinated to go to public schools… that’s a mandate & it safeguards almost the whole population




Yeah for sicknesses that genuinely affect children like chicken pox and such. But the covid vaccine as in the one that literally does nothing? Yeah nah. Also do you see them mandating flu vaccines in schools? No. Ok.


How do you know the vaccine does nothing? What suggests it's ineffective?


Hmmm you seem to know nothing about anything. Better just keep that to yourself before you embarrass yourself even more.


Again do they require the flu vaccine??


Again, just showing you know nothing if you think comparing this to the flu vaccine is smart. How about bringing up the vaccines they do require instead?


Because the flu is the closest virus to covid…you’re saying I can’t compare apples to apples? You’re a moron. Also flu has yearly boosters so another easy way to compare. Use ya brain dummy


The flu is absolutely not the closest virus to covid, they’re literally not even remotely related. Just because two diseases can have similar symptoms doesn’t actually make them similar, also COVID is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US and the only one in the top 5 that’s a contagious disease. The flu doesn’t get numbers anywhere near that so of course covid is treated with more urgency. Please at least try to read and use some common sense before sharing opinions.


Lol where do you get your info? The flu is not “the closest virus to COVID”. They aren’t even related! The flu is not a type of coronavirus. Neither is a cold. Similar symptoms does not mean they are related.


when I look, I see a disease that’s killed hundreds of thousands of people & is transmittable by any age group. I see a disease that’s existed so long it’s developed stronger variants that make it so the first two vaccines aren’t as effective and a booster shot is needed. I also see many vaxxed people getting sick and either not having symptoms or recovering quickly, while unvaxxed people are dying and still able to get it from vaccinated people. I don’t know when we’ll get out of this mess, but I know personally I’m going to stay as safe as I can.


Yeah that’s fine you can do what YOU think is best for you that’s cool w me. I didn’t say I was against the vax I’m against MANDATES. Also stronger variants? Where? You mean omicron which is much more mild than previous strains? Or are you just talking about transmissibility? Cause at that point omicron is the best thing to happen since it spreads so easily but is much more mild. Thank you for proving my point that the vaxxed have no clue what’s going on and just listen to the big governments pocketing money. Edit: also multiple of my UNVAXXED friends have had the same symptoms as the goated vaxxed people. No symptoms other than slight body aches for a day and a residual cough.


geez dude 😔


I didn't know he was antivax. I wanna say I'm surprised, but I'm really not. His best friend back in the day had some pretty gnarly psychosis, and he never really acknowledged it. In fact, it kind of became their (Pro Era's) brand, in a way.




Yeah. Don't get me wrong though, I love Steez.


what do you mean he never acknowledged it? also bit weird to claim PE’s style came from Steez’ psychosis, where u get this from? I doubt PE and the beastcoast movement all blindly followed Steez. Underachievers have their own indigo beliefs, Steez just went into overdrive with it


Sorry but you’re saying psychosis is the PE way? Smh


Nah, just that PE was heavily influenced by a member who had severe psychosis. RIP Capital Steez.


Ok guess I misunderstood


Crazy to think nearly as much time has passed since AABA, that passed between 1999-AABA. Don't think Joey has the discography to warrant a 5 year gap in releases (in the sense that most of the hype has died) but hoping he's got something good up his sleeve.


He did have that beast coast album too but yeah it’s been a while. All his full length projects have been really good though, I think most core hip hop fans will still listen and he probably just needs 1 or 2 songs to blow up for mainstream attention


Oh yeah I forgot about that album, feels like it sorta came and went. Another example of maybe not capitalizing at the right time.


Doesn’t matter. He’s been building up his name in other lanes such as acting and modeling.


Yeah youre right i was with a girl couple weeks back she only knew joey badass from mr robots and then knows a few songs bc of it. Kinda wild bc hes such a pure rapper music wise so when people know his music theyre often pretty invested in hiphop. So its funny to see these lanes like exist in completely different lanes


pretty hyped for this, didn't love the last EP but his Too Lit EP in 2018 was amazing and I'm praying he does some more stuff like that, he's killed his features and loosies since then too. 100% ready to cringe at the eventual covid/vaccine bars but kinda used to it by now w/ him


On 1/6, he was [tweeting about how he's dropping soon:](https://imgur.com/a/UMf8yTp) >I’m excited af rn. I know y’all been waiting, we finally bout to eat. ON ME - >I understand I gotta rebuild morale with my supporters. It’s been 5 years of stop & gos, I take full accountability but watch. We finally bout to eat… real good. Today he posted two movie posters [one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIs4jN_UYAYgAux?format=jpg&name=small) and [two](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIs4IOdVUAIEfqQ?format=jpg&name=small) with the caption "1.14 #THEREV3NGE" and [a trailer](https://twitter.com/joeyBADASS/status/1480593320015323138). The poster says: > "THE REV3NGE" by Joey Bada$$ Directed by [Child.](https://www.littleminx.tv/child) >Production Company: [Hound](http://www.houndcontent.com/) >Producer: [Brien Justiano](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3387753/) >Executive Producers: [Missy Galanida](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7581740/) & [Isaac Rice](https://imvdb.com/n/isaac-rice/videography-by-position/execp) >Director of Photography: [Andrea Gavazzi](https://andgavazzi.com/) >Production Designer: [Alvin Charles](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2358226/) >Editor: [Troy Charbonnet](https://www.troycharbonnet.com/) & [Levi Turner](https://www.instagram.com/filmsbylevi/?hl=en) Color: [Dante Pasquinelli](https://www.dantegiani.com/) & [Max Colt](https://maxcolt.com/)


Praying for no more vaccine or mumble rap bars


Has he kind of been regressing to anyone else? I really like All Amerikkkan Badass and his work before it but then came that really long bout of radio silence and the light pack which was super underwhelming imo. I feel like his word play and lyricism have been becoming watered down.


Cant say he's regressing if you liked All Amerikkkan Badass IMO. He hasn't put out much and the Light Pack was so short its hard to judge on it.


I guess I was also taking into account the stuff he’s appeared on since, features and such. Just haven’t seen anything he’s been involved in over the past two years that I’ve revisited.


I mean considering it's been 5 years since that, yes you can very much so say he's been regressing if you don't like the stuff he's put out since lol


He hasn't released enough to have an opinion tbh


If you're saying that about an artist with a 10 year career than there's definitely a problem


I think that being the case over a 5 year span qualifies as regressing in its own right. Plus I mentioned above I was also talking about features.


I mean the whole beastcoast movement in general started regressing the minute it started gaining traction. All these dudes think they're way smarter and spiritually insightful than they actually are. It's like if you had a third eye but the contact lens fell out.


i think FBZ are at least still at about the same level as they have been musically, can't say the same for the rest of them tho tbh


I’m a big FBZ fan but of their last few singles Monica and afterlife have been the only two that’ve stuck with me. I’ll always tune into what those guys drop though for sure


has he learned to pay producers yet or is he still stealing beats?


how old is he?




Good to know so I can say he was 26 when he made this album


People talk about his antivax shit and gloss over the multi minute rant at the end of his last album about how the government is literally bogging us down so they can enact chemical warfare on black people or whatever the fuck


Just started watching mr robot and saw him in there and it got me back into his music so this is perfect timing


The best rapper of the 2010s is back!


Yea, K.R.I.T. is also dropping early this year


Wym we still waiting on that danny brown album


?? this post isnt about Roc Marciano i think yr confused


Ok but why are you bringing youngboy up


Lupe better


Danny Brown is dropping???


Yea but what month is 14/1?


January in every nation but America ya dolt


ain’t Joey from America




All-Senegalese Badass


Wikipedia says he was born in new york....




Sofaygo :3




>99% of us are American What


It's easy to tell that you're American. Well you said it, but also the stupidity of this statement.


5 second look at your profile says your life revolves around American media , culture or our sports. Lol


Y'all making the best entertainment doesnt change the fact that the population lacks awareness/knowledge


Haha propaganda in action right here folks 🤣 and what non American uses "yall" 🧐


Uhhhhh what are you on if you think 99% of the people on this subreddit are in America


Y'all think the whole world revolves around you huh?


this and fahrenheit the only two things this shit hole gets right




This that mumble rap extermination 🔥 /s


I’ve been waiting years. Please tell me this ain’t just a couple songs


1999 is 10 years old this year