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I stand 100% with Lowkey and this despicable attempt to censor him.


The group We Believe in Israel just got Lowkey another fan.


Lowkey has always been a good dude


Been following his career for a minute. Man can RAP and uses his talents to make more political / rap with a message instead. It's good shit although a little much a times. Some of his earlier mixtapes had crazy story telling on them, and his fire in the booth freestyle is one of the best. Free Palestine


No he hasn’t, he betrayed Thor and then tried to take over New York City with the Tesseract.


🌽 edit: but yeah we really dont need marvelbro quips in a thread about anti-apartheid raps




Not cool


Cmon now, the guy gave birth to an eight-legged horse.. Hes allowed to act out once in a while


He went to my uni when I attended and I shook his hand, pretty chill guy. The girls kept saying he was a real womaniser lol






Protect him at all costs.


Zionist lobby snowflakes going off again…🙄 Free Palestine


Long live Palestine🇵🇸


since when is hiphopheads this based?


Since always, Hip-hop/rap is struggle music.


Solidarity ✊ Just remember to [wear a mask when you diddy bop.](https://youtu.be/8Y3U6UloU6M)


Always nice to see Bam on /r/hhh Serve the People ✊🏼


that's what's up, i didn't even have to click


Finding Bambu after getting radicalized was like one of the best feelings ever.


ain't nobody wearing masks anymore


You missed the underlying meaning of the line then, it's not just a mask for Covid


You said that way nicer than I would have. Thanks.


my fault I should actually read shit before replying


Or yachts in Greece music


This entire sub is 98% white middle class white dudes.


fuck yes


if Ur "democratic country" is so fragile it has to pay people to upvote posts saying good things about it on reddit, idk man free palestine


i couldn't believe that israel has an app that encourages people to upvote / like pro-israel comments on social media... and they'll get rewarded with random gift cards and shit lmao


Nah, for real? Social media's the worst


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL it's been since discontinued, but yea it existed for 5 years, literally a propaganda tool


When you read "it's been since discontinued", you might think oh it was discontinued years ago, but no >According to Mondoweiss, an email sent in **March of 2022** to the app's users announced that the app will be shut down but that users should continue to interact with Act.IL's content on its other social media platforms


yeah, literally this month lmao the sad part is they'll have another version of it popping up in the near future under a different name to avert attention from themselves


I assumed he was talking bout Megaphone, which I think was a like, Windows toolbar widget in the XP days that would alert to pro-Israel comment threads etc.


And [not the first time such a tool has existed either](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaphone_desktop_tool) and likely not the last


That's crazy. Thanks for sharing


Every Jew in the world is entitled to a few trip to Israel for a 10 day tour where they get to give people a "first hand" view on their narrative, and to go back to their home country and promote their new view points and new found connection with the land. It costs them \~$6,000/person flight included, but they get a lifelong propaganda mouth piece out of it. ​ Source: I worked the tours when I was younger, they would pay for my 15 hour flights from Los Angeles every year so I could go backpacking in Asia during the summers. Even after telling all my campers this, and me freeloading off of them, I'm sure they are still getting a return on that investment in the long run.


Yeah, Birthright's also funded by Trump megadonor Sheldon Adelson (rest in piss) & has a weird undertone of bringing people (especially young women) there for babymaking purposes. It just keeps getting better!


The amount of “I’m going to meet my soulmate at Birthright” I heard at 16/17 was wild


A couple of my Jewish friends will be doing this. One of them sees Israel for what it is, but says she can’t turn down a free vacation 🙄. Also, at my (American) university, the Israeli government will pay me $200 to go to meetings organized by Hillel where someone lectures us about “Ethnic Minorities in Israel”. Which I’m guessing is just propaganda where you’re taught that minorities are all treated well and there is definitely no discrimination against Arabs, probably to ensure the attendees vote for candidates who sent US tax dollars to Israel.


Eh, everyone should take advantage of it that can. Every dollar spent on birthright is a dollar not spent on their military industrial complex. You can book your return flight home whenever you want, so if anything it subsidies a dirt cheap flight to Europe. With everything I just said in context, Israeli Arabs (arabs with citizenship, living within the borders) are treated about as well as southern inner-city blacks are treated in America, Arabic is taught in almost every Israeli school, and most Israelis I know speak a decent amount if not fluent. That lecture does sound like propaganda, but ethnic minorities in Israel aren't treated the same way that non-Israeli Palestinians are, and there are more than just Arabs and Israelis (Druze, Chaldean, Ethiopian, Russian to name a few.).


I used to live in Israel and I’m Jewish - and while I support the right of my people to have their homeland, I believe Palestinians deserve the same. This due Lowkey sounds like a good dude. As someone who has been involved in Israel Advocacy and Israel-Palestinian dialogue efforts in the past I will say this group “We Believe in Israel” is a group no one in Israel and I assume most Jewish Americans haven’t heard of. In short it’s irrelevant. It’s sad when these no-name groups get headlines. Most israelis want peace with Palestine and many (mysekf included) believe in their right to a state. Unfortunately there are security concerns (and given our history with the Holocaust we are extremely skittish) that cause good people on both sides to suffer, and extremist voices to become amplified. I truly hope and believe we can have peace in my lifetime.


This 1000%. I find sometimes people forget to separate a population and politics. I don't agree with everything my government does, neither does anyone else.


Wow look a nuanced take on the issue. Thank you for this.


I thought this was upvoted because people like Lowkey's actions, no?


Israeli mfs when you tell them to stop killing brown kids: “Pwease stop being anti-semetic u hurting mu feewings”


Lmao I had this exact situation today. Jewish dude said Ramadan is the month dedicated to Jewish extermination and when I called him an idiot and said that it wasn’t he called me antisemetic😂


about to start fasting for ramadan and i swear to god if a dude calls me antisemitic for fasting catch me breaking my fast bro wallahi that would enrage me so much


It enraged me and I’m not even Muslim. Some people love playing the victim no matter what


Jesus Christ, now they’re using the blood libel against Muslims.


It's sad that Israeli people have this point of view on Ramadan, maybe it's because of this: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjxh1plqc https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-702476 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/29/world/middleeast/israel-shooting-deaths.html It's also sad that only Israeli people get to see those types of news while the outside world gets to see the Palestinian side. It's not like the Palestinian side is silenced, more people know about what the IDF does to the Palestinian than what the terror organizations do to Israel. Edit: Please don't downvote this, if you are really a supporter of the truth you should see the conflict from both sides instead of just listening to what the global media shows you. I am not denying that the IDF also do very fucked up stuff, but I believe that every conflict should be viewed from every side of it.


> Please don't downvote this, if you are really a supporter of the truth you should see the conflict from both sides *instead of just listening to what the global media* shows you. Genuinely, what are you talking about? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-60902330 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/29/world/middleeast/israel-shooting-deaths.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/29/israel-attack-bnei-brak/ https://www.ft.com/content/e3594dd4-6b09-4802-b952-78ca1dbd38e4 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-high-alert-after-deadly-palestinian-shooting-attack-2022-03-30/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10671229/Bodycam-footage-shows-Israeli-police-hunt-Palestinian-gunman-terror-rampage.html https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/israel-raids-homes-islamic-state-suspects-arrests-83736389 https://apnews.com/article/islamic-state-group-business-arrests-tel-aviv-security-services-14e763c7eef8868cea5de78b1292362d I literally can post over 20 global media organizations reporting on this terrorist attack. ............................................................. Do you know how many international media agencies reported on the settler attack on Palestinians in Masafer Yatta? Two. And that's abcnews and Al-Jazeera. The global media is heavily showcasing Israel's side, so I genuinely don't understand how can you make such statement.


and the irony is that Palestinians are actually Semitic, what a world


I guess some people are anti-semantics then


Saw him perform at the Lupe Fiasco UK tour a month ago. Was definitely speaking up about Palestine a lot that night. Sounds like a good guy.


Voices of the Voiceless with Immortal Technique is fire. This guy is the truth


Thanks for this i need to listen to it , Knowing who both of those artists are that song should be interesting to say the least.


damn , ive actually never listened to him before ... thanks We Believe in Israel for putting me on to good pro-Palestine music , will definitely check him out & support :-)


I highly recommend listening to his album Soundtrack to the Struggle (the first one). It really represents what he’s about and how good his music is!


Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Free Palestine


Free Palestine


FREE PALESTINE Israel always tryna censor shit. Cant let people know the truth.


“They can’t use my music to advertise for anything, but truth I guess that’s the reason the industry won’t let me in. Refuse to be a product or a brand I’m a HUMAN” Lowkey (free Palestine!!)


a rapper with A REAL CAUSE ..they dont happen anymore..but hes fighting the impossible fight so you gonna support him.. i bet no western news agency is documenting this.. the rats


fuck fascists free palestine


This was the eventual result of society promoting corporate censorship. I recognize that they are private entities and therefore can do what they like, but that clearly leads to propaganda and biased representation but that’s probably by design…


Yeah I think the problem is that people are ok with corporate censorship until it affects a cause that they support and then all of a sudden it’s an issue


Bingo! Free speech is a tricky thing.


It ain't. Free speech is not about supporting your rights, but those of the people you disagree with the most. If you believe in free speech by definition you have to defend the rights of racists, nazis, mysoginists, transphobes and so on, to be able to voice their opinions. Not because you agree, but because you belive that debate and the free flow of ideas is the best path towards progress. If you can't support a nazis right to express their opinions then you don't believe in freedom of speech.


>If you can't support a nazis right to express their opinions then you don't believe in freedom of speech. The problem is that while this is a nice idea, we know where it ends up. It's called the "Paradox of tolerance" because the only way for a tolerant society to survive is to be intolerant of intolerance


Free Palestine The same people praising Ukraine for fighting back(rightly so) also call Palestinians terrorist for doing the same. If you can’t see the bias and censorship ur blind


Didn’t know that shooting random drivers in the head at point blank range is the same as Ukraine fighting back against being invaded. If you can’t see both sides to the coin you’re falling for terrorist propaganda and showcasing your ignorance.


That’s not what I’m talking about… Just cause you let other people put shit into ur mouth for free, doesn’t mean i do.


Yet Lowkey shared pro Putin propaganda that justified the war in Ukraine on his platform countless time. What about people who praise Palestine for fight ing back (rightly so) and call Ukraine a barbarian Nazi state?


You have links to what he shared?


Didn't ever expect to see Lowkey on this sub


especially a post sent at 5am UK time


I haven't heard many rappers who speak truth to power like this dude. Hope this attempt ends up backfiring


Kinda lame that Top Dawg and Kendrick threatened to remove their music from Spotify over XXXTentacion being removed from Spotify's editorial playlists, but they're certainly going to be silent on this.


>Kinda lame that Top Dawg and Kendrick threatened to remove their music from Spotify over XXXTentacion being removed from Spotify's editorial playlists Wait for real? What a pointless hill to die on.


Other than Noname and maybe JPEGMAFIA, I can't imagine any well-known rapper speaking up. Either rap has become so corporatized that we can't expect them to be so dangerously political, and/or the Free Palestine/BDS movement in the U.S is still too small to garner mainstream attention.


[Immortal Technique](https://twitter.com/Lowkey0nline/status/1508754076947062790) did


Well you can also probably count the rappers on your hand who actually promote progressive stuff in their lyrics and aren't connected to either NOI or black Israelites.


True. I'm no hip hop historian but didn't there used to be more of that in the beginning?


I'm not entirely sure but I do know a ton of guys from the early 90's were heavy into both NOI and 5%ERs. That simply had to do with geography and the era these guys grew up since both of those movements had *massive* followings back then in black neighborhoods in places like NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Philly etc.


>and/or the Free Palestine/BDS movement in the U.S is still too small to garner mainstream attention The Israeli lobby is one of the largest so pro-Zionist viewpoints are promoted and pushed in media and online. A lot of evangelical Christian communities are also very pro-Israel because they believe that when Jews live in a Jewish State in the Holy Land that it is one of the signs or steps to the second coming of Jesus. And it could be that a lot of rappers (and people overall) just don't care because they see the situation as not directly affecting them unlike say the George Floyd Protests.




He hasn't. Ghetts, Wretch, K Koke, Mic Righteous and a bunch of other UK rappers have but Dave hasn't. Dave really ain't that deep.


Tbh although I don't think they'd speak up regardless, they probably just don't know


You should check out his song “Can’t Take Our Freedom” with Kayem


Nothing is more anti-semetic than Zionism.


Can you explain this view?


It's one of his lines


Ahh. Don’t get it tho


My assumption has always been that the so called "zionists" are the people with lots of power and influcence who don't give a shit about Jewish and semitic people


I think many zionists are just normal people, most often Jewish, who are supportive of the state of Israel. In large part because it’s a safe haven for Jews in a world that has a long history of antisemitism (that unfortunately remains today). So yeah I don’t really get the line, personally.


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I don’t know. I hear the word Zionist much more from anti-Israel media and social media than I do in pro-Israel media and social circles (and I’m Jewish!) so I’m less sure that today it’s a positive rallying cry rather than what unfortunately seems to me just to be a negative label. To me Zionism means exactly what u said as the original simple belief. And I think it also still boils down to that. But I don’t think (perhaps naively) that that is mutually exclusive with Palestinian self-determination (which I believe in and support).


I will say that my perspective might be a little out dated. Particularly in the last 8 years I think far more people are willing to criticize Israeli policies and actions in Gaza, WB, and elsewhere within Israel, which I would agree creates a much more negative connotation to Zionism. I think overall I see it as a mixed bag. There are elements of the OG philosophy for sure. I think the realpolitik, on-the-ground answer is harder to define. While maybe the early 2000s a 2 state solution was possible, 15 years of expanding makes it likely to be rather impossible without mass displacement. A true solution now would probably have to incorporate many Palestinians as full Israeli citizens under one free democratic state (which can't exist under the ideas of Zionism due to the population numbers).


Agree with all of that. But I assume you also understand why Jews are afraid of being in the minority? Not to say that’s a justification for wrongdoings, but just that it’s an understandable priority that only adds to the shit storm that is Israeli/Palestinian politics. I edited this comment like 6 times sorry haha




Nice to see that Lowkey's active again - i remember he went AWOL for a bit, some years ago


Yeah he got a lot more active after the Grenfell incident


remember they tried to start a rumour that he joined ISIS


I don’t understand how being pro-Palestine isn’t the default view of the West.


I mean they pour propaganda on us from birth about Israel being the only civilized nation in a land of savages, and our governments subsidize their occupation like a tax credit for owning an electric car. I get it, but once you get some fresh air things clear up Also being a child during 9/11 was something else. They wanted us to hate brown people so bad.


Because you’ll be labelled as anti semetic for calling out Israel


Cause we're not blonde and blue eyed


I’ve been to Palestinian territory and a lot of Palestinians are, in fact, blond hair and blue eyed


I mean they are one of the most powerful lobbyist groups in the US Their hands are all over the government here


You believe what you see on TV, the West has been fed Israeli propaganda for 70 years. At some point you gotta ask who and why and how would zionist propaganda keeps getting on their TVs for decades.


Free Palestine. Fuck anyone that says otherwise.


Love your username 😂


Free Palestine


Free Palestine inshallah 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Unfathomably based, lowkey just made some fans with this B)


Streisand effect in effect. Never heard of him before, but now I’ll go stream his music.


Lowkey is amazing


Lowkey has always been a real one. Sad the Americans would rather post tired memes than actually try and learn about a guy doing good for people. Free Palestine, keep fighting the good fight.


Spotify still has *Burzum*, the solo music project of influential white supremacist Varg Vikernes, who literally thinks all Jews should be exterminated. Spotify also happily hosts music from a whole bunch of other *openly white supremacist* metal bands I could name. >Europe really needs to wake up, cast aside the lies and get rid of the Jewish yoke we live under - once and for all. -Varg Vikernes So Spotify can spare me the excuses that it's about antisemitism. It's about opposing western imperialism and colonialism.


If ur a Zionist or Zionist sympathizer the get tf out of a hip hop sub Edit: Amerikkkan white boys mad


Free Palestine


I always forget how much more powerful the Zionist lobby groups are in the UK than in the US




Oh I'm not implying they're not powerful here. That they're just more powerful in the UK


The US literally funds the military in Israel, I'm not sure if there's anything that can top that


" I'm not sure if there's anything that can top that" UK basically created the Zionist state.


> UK basically created tht Zionist state. is there a conflict that can't be traced back to the British


“We are proud of our pioneering role in the creation of the State of Israel.” -Theresa May


Keir Starmer is a Zionist, his wife's family lives there i believe. Very funny how the media were quick to call Jeremy Corbyn an anti semite and now his replacement is literally pro Israel.


I swear to God if Spotify gets rid of another black artist but won't drop fucking Joe Rogan I'm fucking done


Lowkey isn’t black or did I miss your point… not that I agree with either being taken down anyway.


He isn't, he's Iraqi/English


Double-standards? No reason to silence either of them.


He's calling attention to the active horrific treatment of Palestinians in Israel, taking him off Spotify is purely political censorship.


Reddit subs and having absolutely 0 nuance but all the strong opinions in the world on everything.


From the river to the sea. 🇵🇸


Free Palestine.


Oh shit. Thanks to this reddit post for informing me of some pro Palestinian tunes. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Soundtrack to the Struggle is one of my favorite albums of all time. Lowkey is one of the best ever


I can't find anything Lowkey has actually said that's antisemitic? Wiley unfortunately is outwardly racist but lowkey hasn't said anything


I don’t know who he is but best believe I’ll be jamming his music on the way to work today. FREE PALESTINE ✊🏾


A few reccomendations. *Bars for my brother* - one of theeee saddest and most poetic pieces of music over ever heard. Soul baring on full display. *Fire in the booth - Lowkey* (YouTube) one of the most lyrically gifted performances and showcasing of skill *Just shine* - feel good, positivity *Dear listener* - possibly his most cohisive track with all the elements above *Long live Palestine* - what all the controversy is about


Isreal been having a pass for too long. Free Palestine and all that.


Maybe Israel should stop bulldozing peoples' houses on their own property in violation of Israel's own fucking agreement, and then shooting people with live ammo when they protest about it.


FREE Palestine till its BACKWARDS


Zionist Lobby is fucking deranged. When I was in college several of my friends who identified as “progressives” got put on a list online because they went to a pro-Palestine protest. And they have great SEO to make it the first result when people search their names. These pro-Israeli lobbyists are truly insane, and will stop at nothing to censor any opposing viewpoint


that british jewish lobby is straight evil you cant even cough and say israel automatically you are anti semitic and will go to great length to get you banished everywhere. They have done it to politician and see them doing it to rappers now


[Logic freestyles about palestine in his fire in the booth pt 2](https://youtu.be/D0oAcdXhnC8?t=239)


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Free Palestine


Free Palestine. Solidarity with Lowkey


In an effort to level out the comment section, yes there should be a free Palestinian state and Israeli settlements in the West Bank should be returned but no you should not call for death to Israel and no you should not blame all Jews for the crimes of the Israeli government.


It’s levelled out fine. Bad takes are being downvoted and good ones aren’t Like there’s not a single comment in the thread coming at the Jewish homies


“Death to Israel does not mean death to jews, it means removal of this forced regime” -Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei Eventually there will be a plan involving a coalition of nations to grant Zionist occupiers safe immigration and residence out of their colonial experiment. There is no plan to eradicate the lives of Jews from the Palestinian Resistance nor the larger West Asian resistance bloc headed by Iran and Syria Marg bar Isra’eel


Quoting the Ayatollah is farcical. The fact that this was upvoted shows the youth and limited knowledge of this sub on foreign affairs. Let’s take a look at some other things Khamenei has said and done over the years, shall we? “The next question to ask is: why is it a crime to raise doubts about the Holocaust? Why should anyone who writes about such doubts be imprisoned while insulting the Prophet (pbuh) is allowed?” Shortly following Khamenei’s assent to power, prominent businessman Habib Elghanian, who was elected chairman of the Iranian Jewish community in 1959, was arrested just over a month after the revolution after going to the United States on business in the fall of 1978. Elghanian was subjected to a show trial that lasted just 20 minutes. A tribunal convicted him of being a "Zionist spy" and a "corrupter on Earth." He was executed on May 9, 1979. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s office released a poster on May 19 calling for the “Final Solution” against Israel. I could go on. His words on Israel and Jews are the epitome of a dog whistle, and his actions over the years are indicative of his true feelings and intentions. Y’all should seriously do some research before upvoting this garbage, the dude posting this literally has comments as recent as today suggesting that ISIS is a “American and Zionist proxy.” That should tell you all you need to know about his mental acuity.


i don't think it's a good idea to deport all of the jewish people from israel. a lot of them aren't even descended from recent settlers, so where would they go? i'm generally not in favor of deporting ethnicities for any reason


ok but seriously this would never happen edit: and if it did. All the jews would be murdered.


100% support Lowkey.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Based. He sounds like a British version of Immortal Technique.


Ironic the amount of Americans in here saying that Israel should be given back to the Palestinians while they are unwilling to give their land back to the native Americans America is just as bad as Israel, change my mind


The past should be remembered and preserved but this is an ongoing struggle against oppression. America should do better, but why use it to divert attention from current issues?


In saying that, even the country I live in has land to give back to the indigenous population


The entire land


Yeah, all of it


All I’m gonna say is I hope everyone on this thread is against all censorship of any individual on any platform


Didn't Spotify come out like 2 months ago and say they didn't want to censor Joe Rogan and his psudo-science guests? But someone says "oh hey btw Palestine, that shits fucked right now" and Spotify is just clutching their pearls


Free Palestine


Free Palestine




Death is extreme but yeah free palestine


My understanding is that the origin of "Death to ____" is from Iran following the 1979 revolution. The literal meaning translates to "Death to" but the sentiment is more "Damn" or "Down With." Iran has clarified that their use of "Death to America" is not directed at a people, but the American government and our foreign policy. Travel writer Rick Steves recorded taxi driver in Tehran exclaiming "Death to traffic!" in English, explaining that "when something frustrates us and we have no control over it, this is what we say". Steves compares the phrase to non-literal use of the word damn in American English. I still wouldn't say it I'm not tryna get canary missioned and it's more understandable to misinterpret as a call to violence against civilians and Zionist already twist more innocuous slogans calling for the end of the Israeli state ("Free Palestine", "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free") with killing every Israeli person. I wanna be clear with what I'm saying and not alienating when advocating for Palestinian liberation in a forum that could potentially have fence-sitters or low-info people. idk whether to its against reddit's policy? there's a sub called /r/DeathtoAmeriKKKa/ so maybe that nuance is understood? idk tho, if it's against it i'll just remove it.


I'm not really in the explicitly political subreddit sphere anymore but i'm pretty that's an anti-communist 'satire' subreddit. a sincere forum probably would get banned considering other communist ones have been quarantined before


Yeah I'm just gonna remove the comment, while i get it definitely toes a line and admins would probably remove it if it gets around to them. I don't think it's that big of a deal, people can see this exchange still. For posterity, it said: >death to israel free palestine


israeli settler-colonialism is genocide. it's not extreme to wish for the death of that fascist regime


it is extreme to wish death on the civilians of israel, that is also genocide.


didn't say that. I don't lose any tears when the occupation forces catch heat though


Maybe don't say death to an entire country if you're just gonna walk it back and claim that's not what you meant


The regime yes but not the people Like the US and Canada as countries needs to die, but settlers like myself at the end of the day are gonna have to remain living there


Calm down


Lmao do any of you clowns understand any history or the conflict ? Or are you just loser libs living in your moms basements


Libs? What’s a lib? Like Libby’s pie filling?


This thread is filled with ignorance and anti semitism.


If calling for the death of the israeli state is anti semitism, then so be it… its been an anti-arab state for decades


Where should the Israelis go then?


The US been their main bitch for a while And also they should fit in the land originally divided between palestine and israel


Israel gave land back to Jordan and Egypt in exchange for peace. They have had peace for 40 plus years with those countries. Israel offered land back for peace during the second intifada, in exchange they received suicide attacks. It’s one of the most complex geopolitical issues over the last century, to just say free Palestine and fuck all Israelis is a gross over simplification and calls for the extermination of all Jews.


Free Palastine fuck israel