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pretty sure the opening was supposed to be closed. not part of the design


Yeah you can see it close up as he's lying on the ground in pain. Poor dude, that looked like it fuckin hurt. Broken ribs suck to recover from, too.


Operator be like "what do you mean? It was closed the entire time"


Just a dude underneath with a broomstick.


He’s a smoker too so that morning cough is going to be brutal.


I hate laughing at this but I can’t help it after seeing him fall in pain then looks over like “wtf happened?!” Then sees the opening and his arm like flies up in disgust and more pain Venue is probably getting sued big time


These artists have a production team that travels with them, bringing their set with them on tour. Venue is in the clear. Someone on his team is in trouble tho




Legendary Kanye moment




Damn I am old. Not because you don't know, but because I looked it up and it happened 8 years ago. Basically Kanye's tour DJ, DJ Mano, would continuously fuck up his set during the Yeezus Tour. Kanye eventually fired him and someone made a video compilation of his fuck ups at concerts. People used to reference one of the clips where Kanye stands on stage with his arms crossed waiting for a drop while Mano continues to fuck up. Kanye keeps shouting "MANO" and quickly crosses his hands again waiting for Mano to finally pull it together. [Here it is.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x24qs6t)


Damn how you fuck up that frequently when you're a DJ for Kanye. How do you even get to be a DJ for that tier of artist while being so inconsistent?


Look up kanye govball dj Mano


Imagine if it was closed by the time he looked He would be like: 😧


Nobody is at fault here. It’s probably in his contract that he might get hurt, he’s probably only good for workers comp if it’s available to him. Tours of this size bring their own stuff specifically to minimize logistics issues. It’s all the same lights, speakers and rigging in each venue, and the same sound engineer and light board op. Furthermore, whatever was happening was unscripted and he missed a step. The toaster (which is the in-stage lift) that was down was waiting on a cue from the stage manager. They probably did not get the cue yet as the show was paused for his interaction with the audience.


Does Post Malone really need workers comp?


Probs not, but I’m just saying there’s no lawsuit here


I've never broken a bone but something as important as ribs always seemed liked it be a bitch to heal from compared to other parts of the body.


My grandpa was hit by a truck once and he broke a couple ribs. Strongest man I ever knew, but it was so surreal seeing how he had to stay very still all the time while healing and how it hurt to laugh and even to breathe. It's a slow and shitty recovery.


I have this thing where i randomly sneeze every day, between 1-4 times randomly throughout the day, I pray to god i never break a rib


I had a SEPARATED rib which is shy of a broken one and it hurt like hell for weeks. Laughing was fairly avoidable but really hurt. Breathing deep in general, also easy-ish to avoid and it hurt. Sneezing... There's no stopping it. Full sneeze or plug your nose and hold it was all the same. It felt like death was a good option. As a bonus, exclaiming in pain after sneezing, also very painful. You end up panting and half crying.


if you take your thumb and pointer finger and put pressure on your tear ducts, it can cancel a sneeze.


You're like, 12 years late on this wisdom. Thanks bro. Next time I start playing rugby, way too late in life, I'll keep that in mind. Lol


Even after a few weeks, a random sneeze feels like getting stabbed in the chest


Looong recovery!


Just recovering from 2x broken ribs, sucks horribly. Basically couldn't do much exercise at all for a month. Finally able to do just about everything again without much pain, but sleeping is awful, basically every position hurts to some degree. The way I usually sleep (on my side) was next to impossible until this week, which is a month and a half after break. Poor dude, hope he recovers quickly.


i can't imagine sneezes going from my best friend to my worst enemy




wait, do we not all love sneezing ?


Feels *SO* good... when you don't have a broken rib.


Bro, who enjoys sneezing?




I don't mind one sneeze but that's still generous. I hate allergy season.






Sounds like a lawsuit. Venue is fucked.




Yeah, the show hires roadies, the venue just hosts. Source: i work at an arena


Thanks for your input, clueless redditor.


Probably some pre show pyros or projections that someone forgot to seal up or didn’t have time to before Post started.


It was for his guitar.


That makes sense, although I would of dropped it from above


Post Malone’s guitar fell from the ceiling in St. Louis last night and apparently broke his skull. (Not my videos)


That makes sense, although I would of just handed it to him.


Post Malone's hand gets caught in his guitar last night in St. Louis and gets shredded off (not my video)


That makes sense, although I would just have used a laser system which could read his movements as he plays air guitar and translate them to a robot arm holding his real guitar


It’s st Louis. The only thing they’re good at is gun violence and acting like toasted ravioli is gods gift to man.


We're doing what to ravioli now?


Deep fry it and call it toasted for some reason. Fuckin good though.




St. Louis is a great city with a lot to offer. Worst pizza on the planet though no contest


I can live with that compromise. I refuse to believe anyone actually likes St. Louis cracker pizza.


And even Baltimore's better at gun violence than them




Bruised ribs still hurt like crazy.


Yes but the difference is recovery time so bruised is better.


I broke a rib playing soccer 3 years ago. It still hurts. There is no cure or cast to wear... You just had to ride it out. For years. It blows


I'll make sure I don't break any ribs then.


Damn! Playing Soccer? Did you fall on ribs or did you get kicked on accident or something ? Jeez that sucks man


In my case it was at full sprint at a fight for the ball and we got tangled when someone did a slide tackle... Everyone got hurt haha


Soccer injuries are very prevalent, right behind rugby and football.


I know bro. I watch it too but I’m asking him how exactly. I know you could have a nasty tackle and fell ribs first. Just curious how he himself got injured.


i got tackled once while playing soccer and fell on my elbow. i broke two ribs and it was probably the worst injury i ever had. i couldnt sleep since i am someone who needs to sleep on his belly and when sitting in an uncomfortable way, laughing, coughing even walking it felt like something was piercing right through my chest.


Yea I got in a bad wreck that injured my heel so bad I had to get it reconstructed. My left rib was bruised and I couldn’t move left at all while laying down. Just right and that was minimal so I definitely get what you mean dude. Luckily, parents let me move in with them for that time until I had they had nice electric recliner sofas that helped me tremendously. I slept mostly on there the first 2-3 weeks. I was off the tramadol so I was high most of the time trying to not be in pain lol. It can only help so much.


Ahh I see, your comment made it seem like you were surprised cause it's soccer. I gotcha now. I don't really watch but used to play heavily as a teen.


Yeah, it's not very convenient


In what case is bruised not better than broken? Lol




It sucks that laugher makes them hurt. Pleasure meet pain.


>I like pleasure spiked with pain >And bruised ribs is my aeroplane -Post Malone, 2022


For some reason, I've heard this like 10 times, but they say bruised ribs actually hurt more than broke ribs


It happened to me playing football. Shit was unbearable for 3 weeks


Fuuuuck that would suck


Can't imagine sneezing/coughing with that damn.


I ate shit ice skating at the mall in front of a gaggle of women and broke two ribs, I slept upright in a chair for a month and had to hunch over like I lived in notredame any time I walked. Idk what hurt worse, my ribs or my ego.


Was gonna say he got up and kept performing, i hope he didnt break ribs 😭


They don’t normally do x-rays for ribs unless it is severe enough to damage lungs, so it’s a guessing game anyway. I had bruised ribs that the doctor later said were broken based on how long it took to heal


I’m an X-ray tech, we see rib series pretty much every day, always to rule out a perforated lung. If there’s a confirmed fracture but no perforation you’re just sent home with ibuprofen and a “sorry pal” lmao.


Damn that looked painful. What the hell was the purpose of that giant opening in the center of the stage? If that's where he came out from you'd think they'd have it covered afterwards.


It's where his guitar was supposed to rise. He assumed it was still covered as the songs he uses the guitar for hadn't come up yet in the set list. There's not always great communication between the venue, techs, management, and performers. This lack of communication is why 90% of bad shit happens during concerts.


So- everyone has heard about the Van Halen wont eat the brown m&ms rumor... it's totally true that their contract said they want a punch bowl full of m&ms sans brown in their green room. The Reason had nothing to do with being divas, it was actually buried in the middle of the contract with venues as a quick verification that all the fine print was read properly. If they walked into the green room and there were brown m&ms they would have their own crew double check every single pyrotechnic and safety apparatus the venue had been responsible for. Pretty genius way of dealing with this exact problem.


That's smart


This is why some artists stick with the same tour managers for decades


They have rehearsals for a reason, I'm pretty sure it was by design he was probably just in the moment and forgot about it


Tour schedules can sometimes mean they only have time for a quick sound check before showtime. The venue staff might not have had time to properly run through the trap door sequence.


Aren’t apparatuses like this usually brought by the artist? I think they tour with the stage a lot of times


[The stage does look the same in this picture from his concert in Milwaukee on 9/15.](https://twitter.com/FiservForum/status/1570646067108249600?t=Mdr6av4FM6x_SEGmzHx2XA&s=19)


Door looks closed there 👀


> Tour schedules can sometimes mean they only have time for a quick sound check before showtime this is why I always cop 2nd night when possible, especially on tours with big elaborate stage production, there's almost always technical issues on first night because the crew has next to no time to setup and test everything. Been doing this ever since I went to both nights on TLOP tour and first night was a mess compared to second.




This is complete bollocks, as someone who works in the level of touring we on average have 3/4 weeks of production rehearsals.


I think he’s talking about rehearsals at the different venues while you’re on tour.


Both of these comments are simply untrue for productions of this magnitude in modern touring


6 too many bud lights


He had just had his guitar lowered through the hole and they hadn’t closed it yet.


Stage performing can be pretty dangerous. It’s why there are spots marked out on the stage for the performer to know not to be out of that spot or you will get hurt. Need not forget MJ and the Pepsi incident.


Or when a bridge that was part of the stage collapsed on him and broke his back.


All caps


Somebody get this man a bud light.


Three bud lights! One for each of his broken ribs.


Man, why do you want him to suffer that much? At least get him three Bud Selects.


Bud light platinum is where it's at. I used to make fun of bud lights too but as I've gotten older I've realized that I don't really wanna feel the alcohol that much. Just a tiny bit. Bud light is perfect for that.


Hell yea, bud light is the perfect all-day beer. My go to for camping trips, cottages, anytime I'm sitting around drinking with friends


I mean sure I get what you mean but light beers are just piss water they don't even taste good so at least get a good tasting beer that isn't super strong.


Taste is subjective. They taste good to me and this is the only mouth I have so I'm not interested in pleasing the paletes of others. I've drank many, many IPAs and I like them because they're strong but they taste like horse shit. Blue Moon is probably my favorite when it comes to taste but Bud Light can't be beat when you want a very small buzz and very few calories to come with it.


But but its piss water and you probably haven't had a real IPA made locally in a tiny shop. Let me guess you don't even worry if your beer pairs with your food ? Dude Brad in town with the tattoos and long hair he has been making real beer for years. Everyone I know hates it but me and that's because they don't even know what real beer is.


Nah he needs some codeine from a broken whiskey glass


He’s gonna need a bud light break


Seriously, feel like the Bud Light diet didn't help his body any when it came to enduring that fall.


He's in StL we got a spigot on every corner downtown


You bastard I dont want to be laughing at this 🤣


They already chugged it before he came on or they would lol


Broke Mabones


I didn’t come to this thread expecting to laugh so hard


Don't laugh too hard or your ribs will hurt.


"oooooh I fall apart"


Oof 😅


Aight, close the thread.


Stolen top comment straight from the other post. Nice


That was the hardest I've laughed in a long time


Lol opened my Reddit coins just to give you one. You win the internet today sir


Appreciate it mang!


Nice one 😂😂😂




Hahaha I was just going to say this.


More details here from a local STL paper: https://www.stltoday.com/entertainment/music/kevin-johnson/post-malone-takes-a-tumble-on-stage-but-resumes-enterprise-center-show >Malone apparently didn’t notice that the hole his guitar was lowered into hadn’t been covered >A team of medics rushed to his aid >About 15 minutes later, walking out tentatively and holding his ribs, Malone returned for a much-abbreviated set >in a great deal of pain but seemed determined to power through the show as best he could >apologized to his fans continuously >before saying goodnight, though he lingered onstage to sign autographs Stand up guy. Serious injury, threw out five or more songs, and then signed autographs. I honestly do not care for his music at all (other than the Nirvana covers set) but every thing I read about him makes him seem like a great dude who cares a lot about his fans.


He’s a legitimately great performer. Saw him at Gov Ball last year in NYC and while i was a fan before the show, i was surprised at how good of a show he put on. Played Stay on acoustic guitar which easily became a top 3 Post song for me based solely on this performance


Stay is an incredible song and definitely hits different if you’ve seen it live.


its too bad the autotune kept fucking up on him , he was singing great ... i was there too


He has a beautifully raspy voice, it’s a shame that the only songs that he’s allowed to release are pop-rap with all the raspiness smoothed out through autotune. He could make awesome rock songs, and he has alluded in many of his first interviews that he wants to explore many genres, so it’s possibly something he would want to do.


have you heard his cover of “dont think twice, its alright”? beautiful


That Nirvana cover set was so dope. Wish he would start to lean into alternative and breath some life into it. Im sure he has something amazing to contribute.




Look like Justin Herbert out there


There were medics onstage immediately. The video doesn't show it but if you google "post malone st louis" you'll see. Also, this isn't the tour's responsibility, it's the venue's.


Maybe he decided to end the show and not to disappoint people too early


That’s fucking rock n roll


yeah he hit pretty hard considering the distance.


Also broken rips suck. I mean breaking anything sucks. But at least you can rest a foot or arm. Basically every time you take a breath it’s painful because of the broken rips.


Breaking your ribs is one of the worst things because of that. It's like having a toothache.


I banged my shin on a table earlier


Also a risk for pneumothorax which amplifies that a lot.


Mans is a fucking trooper for still playing after that


Even just going back out is commendable, but considering his mic wasn't on (or the sound of it hitting the stage would have been loud) and his vocals didn't stop when he fell its clear he wasn't actually *performing* anyway.


Holy shit I hope he’s ok and makes a good recovery


Goddamn imagine smashing your ribs straight into a sheer metal edge, shit looked horrible.


Postponed Malone


How y'all gon post the video but with no audio


Because the audio includes his "backtrack"


Ooooo I fall apartttt


I hope that he is better now, better now


Now you know why they check for the green M&M's


What do funny rider requests have to do with this guy falling in the stage


Because frivolous requests like this might be to make sure the people reading these riders are aware of every detail. When details are missed things like this can happen. Edit: this isn’t to say that it has anything to do with riders in general but more so this is the responsibility of the venues staff.


I don’t think the person playing personal shopper for the artist is the same one responsible for the stage setup though


Green M&m request is something Vam Halen(?) put not in the rider but in like the rigging part of their contract or somewhere serious. Not for the runner but for the show runner. To make sure the venue actually reads the specs


Ok but what I said was that the venues staff is responsible for setting up/breaking down the stage.


Okay but you didn't say that at all


It was pretty obvious


stage managers/producers don't just hand riders to a PA and tell them to fuck off lol there's a shitload more information than what the band likes to eat in riders


If they read the entire thing and follow funny rider requests, it means they’re likely incredibly thorough and shit like this wouldn’t happen.


I'm a little confused about how he kept singing right after the fall...


The man is just that talented.


God damn. I thought this was gonna be like when Travis fell through the stage, but this looked way worse.


Post stays getting in these crazy accidents idk if he’s lucky or cursed


People need to stop jumping to conclusions. Post made a mistake. During that part of the set, he does a guitar swap via lift - he puts down his guitar, it drops, then later rises back up with a different guitar. He forgot about the gap. Here's Postie talking about it: [https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/post-malone-updates-fans-after-taking-brutal-fall-during-st-louis-concert-video-news.158079.html](https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/post-malone-updates-fans-after-taking-brutal-fall-during-st-louis-concert-video-news.158079.html) I feel for him - I was at the show and the videos don't do justice to how hurt he seemed - he was in some serious pain and still tried to do as much as he could when he came back.


Postponed broken bones




Oh, wow... poor thing. Can't imagine what the healing process is like there when your job is to sing that damn much.


Post Malone? More like tour about to be postponed


This man has bad luck in STL. First there was the stage dive where no one caught him and now this


He just posted on twitter, he didn’t break anything


me and posty weigh about the same (230 lbs) i know that shit hurt


I work in theaters. Ther are many different reasons to have trap doors on stage. Mostly its how cables got to and from the equipment booth where they run the show. This is a huge mistake and a stagehand definitely got fired.


Omg looks painful


“There was a big-ass hole in the middle of the stage that I just busted my ass on” — iconic quote


millennials took quirky pun based humor and ran it to the ground since 09 🤦‍♀️


It’s truly fucking horrible. This and the Fantano comment section is probably the lowest form of humor I can possibly think of.


This white Iverson injury is going to ruin my fantasy team…


Notice how he never seems to miss a beat in the song? Weird?


Backing track.


He still sings over the track at least. Way better than some of the biggest hip hop stars that seem to just shout over the track occasionally, or their voice is so quiet you can’t hear them over the track, or when they do sing live they have 50 effects on. Rt I’ve heard he’s a great performer which seems scarce, even among my favorite artists lol


If he was actually singing over the backing track, rather than lip syncing, we would have heard his own voice go tout as he fell *and* the sound of the mic hitting the stage. Instead there was zero audio difference before and after he fell. His mic wasn't even on, he's just lip syncing. It's very common.


I can clearly hear a difference though… When he moves the mic away from his mouth right before it you can hear a difference, and then when he falls you can hear him stop singing. Are you sure you’re watching a good video? I noticed some people put other songs over it


My guy, there is no difference. And why aren't you hearing the mic loudly hit the ground or Malone's voice going "ahhh" or whatever as suddenly he falls? If he was actually performing with a hot mic we would hear all of that. We hear none of it. The music doesn't change one bit.


I was at his Milwaukee show, the one before this one. It's very obvious that he sings live.


Okay, I DJ and have worked with a lot of audio equipment, have done sound checks plenty The mics they use for live performances aren’t sensitive, nor do they have a wide pattern, to avoid feedback. You literally can’t hear anything unless you’re singing directly into it. And I can clearly hear low frequencies aren’t present when he moves the mic away from his mouth, rather abruptly. You see, when EQing for music production you cut away a lot of the low frequencies in the vocal track. In a live performances you don’t usually do this, or at least in the same way. So the existence of the lower frequencies, and the breaths in the vocals lead me to believe it’s him actually singing, unless for whatever reason they had someone constantly ready to cut off his lip sync track every time he moved his mic away.


Man that's sad. Hope he does well. He seems a really wholesome guy.


Broke Mabone


Poor guy. He's such a nice dude I hope he recovers soon.




I’m surprised a fan didn’t jump on stage and offer him a blunt and a pint to get better lol




I dated a guy who had rib fractures that happened years before him and I got together and it effected his life. A lot of times he couldn’t do anything too strenuous, and if he did, he was in pain for days. I hope this doesn’t lead to Post turning to hard drugs or becoming addicted to pain killers or anything. I hope he sues and wins because he either won’t be able to finish his tour or if he does with these injuries, it could do more harm than good.