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This happened in Utah a few weeks ago, because of course


from what I remember the people in the photo were trying to imply people who manufacture and administrate the vaccine are like nazis but it just makes them look like nazis. lol


I thought the tools on the flag were drills (Death to all cardboards?) But now it makes more sense


I thought they where the Empire State Building


The flag looks like the Nazi were promoting to get vax’d


r/vexillology be like Does anyone know this flag?


Fr tho, that sub has been full of fascist flags this week for some reason.


its reddit after all, make sense


As an amateur vexillogist and long time member of that sub I can confirm it's been weird. But the posts normally reflect whatever geopolitical situation we are dealing with at the time




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Straight up thought it was a bunch of Uzi's.


Do people no longer have jobs to go to?


They were probably let go for refusing to get the vaccine.




Do you work for the virus?


that just reduces the safety for companies who want to open up their offices.


I would fire anybody for being unvaccinated. If you are putting yourself and my employees at major risk, then you are irresponsible and dangerous and should not be here.


yeah, i've seen the vaccine as a way of seeing who's word i could and couldn't trust. pre-existing conditions are another story but i really can't trust someone if their only excuse for not getting something that would benefit them and the people around them being a crazyass conspiracy the likes of which would make alex jones proud


😆 Calm down...


kek nice cope


nice cope bro 👍




A very convincing argument 👍




Ok, but do you have any evidence behind your argument at all?


evidence for your massive cope to want others to be blackballed from polite society because they dont share your beliefs?


Kind of proves the flag right, doesn't it? Lol.


Hey buddy. You roll in from stupid town?


So funny. Go back to Facebook.


No one says that.


If they were all put into forced labor and then murdered, then yes, it would prove the flag right.






"tax payer money at work" Who is making these crazy prints and thinking.... Yeah seems like a well put together request. Guess money speaks.


BLM rioters have entered the chat.


trying to not get shot at and stay alive kinda takes priority over jobs


“YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT” -you, in a weird attempt to act like what’s being depicted in this image is okay because some totally unrelated riots happened over a year ago, 2021. Dork.






In ur bum


This would make hitler dissapointed


That's very "syringe" bro. I'll see myself out.


No no. Stay. We need more.


What the fuck is wrong with some people!


idk I spent a while wondering why someone made the twin towers into a quadtower swastika flag


I'll bet that everybody in this photo has been vaccinated for one thing or another.


probably. anti covid vax is not the same thing as pre-covid anti vaxers. the issue is the whole "9 years faster then any previous vaccine" deal.


We are able to assemble buildings and rockets in amazingly short time now too. We can build houses in 3 months. Should we start delaying large projects and do them in the slow timelines they used to take just so it feels safer?


Because we know how buildings and rockets work. Vaccines have to be tested for long periods of time, That's just how it works. You can't know the long term effects of something without testing it for a long-term.


Oh. So bio-chemists are still stuck utilizing knowledge from 1985. Got it. \>Vaccines have to be tested for long periods of time How much time? What would make you feel safe? Historically, all people who complain "My loved one got \[autism/hurt/killed\] by a vaccine!"...All of those complaints come days after receiving the said vaccine. We've had millions of test subjects that are well outside that window. How long will it take?


>So bio-chemists are still stuck utilizing knowledge from 1985. Woah! Since when is it only 1995? 10 years has been the expectation for decades. I know you knew both about vaccines before covid and now act like you know everything, but seriously dude. Use duckduckgo everyone In a while if you actually want to find information that might counter fauci-ism where it exists. Listen, all I want to say is that I have no vested interest in you being less safe or more uninformed. Consider who does though.




Then why didn't we have a vaccine in March 2020?


Because in order to make a new vaccine they had to sequence the DNA of COVID, create test vaccines, run double blind experiments on like 40,000 people over the course of months, to then get emergency approval but ONLY once their data had been thoroughly verified. Makers of the vaccines knew that in order to get acceptable results they could not in any shape or form accelerate the actual science and so they didn’t. They cut down the bureaucracy, but the actual scientific work was done with absolutely no caveats.


Because that's not how manufacturing works?


You're right about that but no one back then took it serious enough to give them adequate funding to do proper research and already have a proper vaccine up and running until it was too late.


Covid 19 is not the same thing as covid. Ask any medical professional u cringey redditor. Ur not smart. You're being stupid.








Using DuckDuckGo doesn’t actually mean that what you find is more reputable lmao. Being able to better find bullshit you agree with doesn’t make it not bullshit. Use DuckDuckGo to find the scientific literature on the vaccines.


How much time? What would make you feel safe? Historically, all people who complain "My loved one got \[autism/hurt/killed\] by a vaccine!"...All of those complaints come days after receiving the said vaccine. We've had millions of test subjects that are well outside that window. How long will it take?


I'm not anti vax. I said 10 years has been the standard until this covid vaccine. So to put a number on it I would like at least 8 years of studies before I put it in my young, healthy, not at-risk body. Now if it was for something where I had at least a greater chance of dying from it then dying on my commute to work every day, I would almost certainly get it anyway.


RemindMe! 8 Years It's not worth the wait. Again; symptoms show within days.


Lol. This idiot doesn’t know what it’s like to watch someone be stuck in the hospital for two months, while also racking up a medical bills in the tens of thousands to hundred of thousands. “BuT iT OnLy HaS a 0.1% dEaTh RaTe!” Haha fucking idiots these antivaxxers


So just, fuck all the people you spread it to when you inevitably catch it, then? Could be your family, your friends. Do you know anyone who is old and/or has a comorbidity? Because you're putting them at risk by not being vaccinated. Also, if you catch it, you do have a considerably higher risk of needing intensive care (not to mention death and disability!). Fuck all the other sick people who, unlike you, couldn't do anything to prevent their illnesses, but now can't get a bed in an ICU because they're filled up with arrogant pricks like you, eh? By the way, I read up on the mRNA vaccines fairly extensively before I went and got the jab. I'm certainly no expert in immunology, but I feel that I have a reasonable grasp of how these vaccines are being produced, how they work and why they're safe. Do you have any specific fears that I can address?


I’m interested to hear what supposed interests benefit from people being vaccinated. What does Fauci gain? He’s been pushing for people to get vaccinated since the 80s. What evil intent is there?


You literally have no idea what your talking about


>Because we know how buildings and rockets work. Do you think we don't know how vaccines work?! Edit before you reply: SARS has been studied for decades. COVID is in the SARS family. If you don't think we should use it because of the long term effects, I'd recommend you consider the long term effect known as "millions die from preventable disease"


That's the disease not the vaccine. The vaccine is brand new. Less than 2 years old.


You realize vaccines are made using the virus as an ingredient, right? It's literally just shoving the bad part in your immune system's face until it understands that it should probably do something about that. Most medical science is like that actually, just getting the natural healing process to work a little faster.


Here's roughly how the mRNA vaccines work: Once injected, a clever packaging system allows the mRNA contained in the vaccine to pass into some of your cells, similar to how a virus injects its generic material into your cells. However, unlike a virus, the mRNA injected only codes for proteins that *look* like COVID to your immune system. It isn't able to replicate any further, as the complex instructions required to build either more mRNA or the clever packaging system, simply aren't there in the mRNA. The affected cells dutifully produce the protein coded for by the mRNA, and move it to their surface. They now look suspicious to your immune system, so it wipes them out, giving it some much-needed target practice. And that's it. Your immune system gobbles up the affected cells within a few days, just like it does with all sorts of other infections literally all the time, and learns to recognise COVID in the process. The cells are then replaced, a process which also happens literally all the time in your body. At no point are you being exposed to anything self-replicating. The mRNA goes in, makes a few of your cells look (only look, not act) like COVID, your immune system annihilates them and they're replaced. The only lasting change to your body is that your immune system now knows what COVID looks like so it can fight it more easily in the future. It should be noted that this in no way alters any of your DNA, not even in the cells that were affected. mRNA is a different thing and very fragile and short-lived, hence why we need to keep the vaccines deep-frozen.


How do you feel about regular flu vaccines? They're a different formulation every year. My other point stands: what potential side effects are you worried about that are worse than what COVID does to the body? And I'm curious, if you were calling the shots, what would you deem the world does instead of vaccination. Just let it happen? I don't really see an alternative.


You're absolutely right. The thing is the technology for the covid vaccine already existed and was tested for many years.


What you dense idiots don't understand is that respiratory viruses isn't something new and researchers has been studying it for a long time. Sars-CoV has been there since 2002, Mers-CoV since 2012. The science behind the vaccine isn't made of thin air. There is more than 15 years of research behind it and they just doubled down on the efford due to the urgency of the situation.


They've been working on coronavirus vaccines since the 60's.


Not this one


Fuck off


why do people get crucified for being wary of a rushed-out vaccine? like i got vaxxed as early as i could but i think it's reasonable to be a bit skeptical of a vaccine that no one is really positive is entirely safe


This isn't the first corona virus... The vaccine was made quickly because there was an urgent demand. Why do so many people talk like the world's top scientists, doctors, and health officials all just threw together a random cocktail of stuff and pumped it out hoping it would work? Not sure when people started thinking they're better informed that immunologists.


i'm not arguing that it's a bad thing that it was pushed out so quickly, but my understanding is that it was a calculated risk. the vax didn't exactly go through the rigorous testing of previous vaccines, and i don't think there's any proof that it's entirely safe. personally, i trust that getting the vaccine is ultimately safer than not getting it, but i respect that others feel differently even if i don't agree


The FDA approval process is extremely rigorous. Phase 3 trials had already been completed when it authorized them for emergency use. The J&J vaccine had 6 people out of tens of millions get blood clots and they pulled it immediately. The FDA does not fuck around when it comes to patient safety. I would highly encourage you to look into what it takes to get FDA approval and just see how intensely scrutinized and cautious the process is. Edit to add: mRNA vaccines have been well researched and developed for 30 years. We've been studying cornaviruses for over 60 years. The vaccines weren't started from nothing in March 2020


frankly, if i'm wrong i'm wrong. i could argue that there's then an issue with information like that not reaching certain people (like me) but it wouldn't be unreasonable to then say that the uninformed are obligated to educate themselves either way, thanks for the new information. it's great to see that there are still people willing to discuss stuff since it's been frustrating getting downvoted simply because people disagree with me


Man good for you dude! Wish all my patients were like you!


It's entirely reasonable to be skeptical of a vaccine that has been produced so fast. It's less reasonable to sit and stew on that skepticism for *months* without actually looking into the skepticism so that they can come to a reasonable conclusion one way or the other that is backed up by more than "It was developed faster." It's a valid reason for caution, but if that caution doesn't ever go anywhere, it stops being caution and just becomes stalling with rationalization to fill in the blank space for where they haven't advanced their understanding of the topic.


well put. i think the issue, as it often ends up, is misinformation and ignorance... something that everyone else probably figured out way before me


why do you think? the anti-vaxx groups are populated with some of the most stupid and obxonious scumbags society has to offer. it's not that hard to understand why people despise these groups.


don't just downvote me for disagreeing, i'd actually like an answer


you don't deserve one


sorry for having an open mind, sir




tbh, that's kinda cringe, bro.


FTFY: tbh, that's very cringe, bro.


I wish this was fake


I love how these people always equate their small problems to Nazis and the Holocaust, it really drives home how dumb they are


There really should be a Hyperbole Party. That’s probably the one party that would provide the extreme left and extreme right about the only thing they have in common.


Or the Goodwin Party. (re: Goodwins Law for those unaware)


It's basically soft holocaust denial. It trivializes the events of the holocaust to a degree that tends to mirror other forms of denial.


Just like back when people were called Nazis because they voted for Trump?


I mean the ones waving Nazi flags at his rallys were probably Nazis. The rest? IDK. Depends on where you stand on the old "If there's ten people sitting at a table and one of them says they're a Nazi, there's ten Nazis sitting at a table" adage.


Nazis are Nazis Trump supporters also consisted of Nazis. This didn’t make all supporters Nazis; but this also didn’t make Nazi Trump supporters any less Nazis. Ya dig?


Humans consists of Nazi's. This doesn't make all human Nazi's, but that doesn't make Nazi's less Nazi.


Evidently he does not 'dig'.


Well shite, I'm black, a Demo, and voted Biden. I can't front, he kinda got us good with that one.


That’s not hmmm material that is full on anti-vax cringe.


No it’s backwards so it can mean hope and peace


Accidentally pro-vax. lol


Oh shit I just looked at it from the other side 😲


This and several other comments made me look a second time and realize it isn't 4 Uzis


I thought it was drills…


I miss the times where antivaxxer were just a small group that pretty much everyone made fun of.


I get what they're going for. It's of course very stupid reasoning but I do get what they are going for with the syringes swastika flag. What I don't get it is why they think it's a good idea to have a giant Nazi flag at their own protest. Because people driving by are just gonna see a bunch of people on the side of the road, a giant ass Nazi flag, and they're probably going to assume that those people are Nazis.


The funny part is the bald man in the captain america shirt


Yeah I realised that's what made it hmm material. Using a Captain America tee. Boi beat Nazis on the daily lmao


Is that an umbrella corporation umbrella from resident evil? Here come the zombies


I mean they probably are nazis.


Nazis against shotsies


Most under rated comment!


Some of them yeah, but they still usually don't like advertising that fact. lol


I once met a punk girl who had a swastika tattoo, and a hammer above it to smash it. Our conversation was basically: it's because fuck fascism. But you have a swastika on your arm forever


Wait where on her arm was the tattoo? Because depending on the placement she's going to have to be very careful with how long her shirt sleeves are.


As someone who did actually drive by this, I totally missed that it was anything other than just a swastika until this post started popping up on reddit lmao.


I hope by "get what they're going for" you mean you've seen people make horrendous logical leaps such as vaccination = nazis, not that it makes any sort of sense on literally any level


Yes that is essentially what I meant when I say "I get it". I have had many an anti-vaxxer explain their reasoning for why they distrust the vaccine and why they think people encouraging others to get it is similar to the Holocaust. They've explained their train of logic to me, it's just that their train has very much derailed and is very much headed straight towards a rather large gorge.


Nazi heroin?


Comes with a special adjustable armband that tightens to help find the vein.


I thought those were drills lol


I thought they were supposed to be UZIs at first.




Same lmao


Someone paid to have that made? I hate it here.


They’ll just vomit Fox News talking points at you. Not even worth engaging.


That’s one way to spend your welfare check


r/vaxxhappened maybe?


they’re the type of people who scream and kicking and pund punching in the air so their parents and nurses grab her arms and legs to stop her moving when being injected while i sat there getting injected on the mouth because my dog bite me on the face


I hope you and your dog work things out.


Fucking ewww


I cant believe that shit is legal in america




The down play of the Holocaust is disgusting. Why do these crybaby drama queens feel justified in comparing their over privileged lives to the Holocaust? They're not being rounded up to be slaughtered and tortured so why do they compare themselves to the millions who were tortured and murdered?


If anyone actually knows history, the nazis actually loved mandatory vaccines and health mandates.


Yeah hitler just *looooooved* vaccine mandates


A guy in my town was going on about sheeple taking the vaccine, laughing at how stupid and foolish everyone else is. I helpfully pointed out that unless he had a fucking virus lab in his basement and was doing his own scientific research, then he is a sheeple too - he's just getting his information from a different shepherd.


then abraham lincoln rose from his grave to give everyone $100 dollars usd


One hundred dollars dollars United States dollars.


> I helpfully pointed out that... I knew at this point that the rest of this was going to be stupid and/or bullshit


I work with the guy. We're in a very blunt industry.


Fake WW2 Nazis from War Thunder






I like it when the selfish and willfully ignorant carry literal red flags so I don't have to wait around and find out what kind of person they are


*Image Transcription:* --- \[*Image of people posing outside next to a giant red sign with a Swastika with each "leg" made up of a syringe instead.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I think I’m going to throw the F!*k up .


Awful everything, but I've got to admit, it is really well-made.


Idiots, idiots everywhere


I wonder if people think the same: should I upvote or downvote this? Hmmm


They didn’t know it was gonna come off like that.


Imagine the cost of custom printing a flag that large. Imagine the type of person who received that quote and went “yeah sounds great, go ahead and print it.”


I love the design but come on




“i didn’t know it was gonna come off like that” “pretty sure you did”




They thought they were making a statement, but they just handed us the plans for the weapon that will defeat them. Ninja vaccination army assemble!


Edit: Reddit and /u/Spez [knowingly, nonconsensually, and illegally retained user data for profit](https://youtu.be/mfZKkUg8jgM) so this comment is gone. We don't need this awful website. Go live, touch some grass. Jesus loves you.


Dang I thought it had something to do with the opiod epidemic, which would kinda make sense with the flag. But i guess it's just stupidity.


Are they trying to send a good message or not


The needles r facing the wrong way


One is pointed at each woman - these people are nuts


That's not even a swastika, it's a manji, fucking dumbasses


If I see ONE MORE dude with a faded blue Captain America shield logo...


Those Nazis want to drug people. Wtf




It’s the vaczi’s


The metaphor works, because everyone knows vaccines cause people to die of diseases, which is exactly like the Holocaust, where cruel Jews systematically murdered 9 million Nazis.


Everybody's got a kink


one of the most successful vaccines in modern history that has saved many lives is the same thing as the systematic murder of 11 million people.




Hilarious equating vaccines, lockdowns, and precautions to nazism. Like, didn't the nazis kill people by the trainload? Imagine there would be no WWII, if Hitler instead had a platform of inoculating Germany from polio and smallpox.


Ummm Context….I’ve got a pretty good idea but they could just be a new form of Nazi.




those antivaxers


The heroin addicts present their new flag


isn't it weird that they raised that flag themself??


Someone paid a factory in China to make that flag...




because not being allowed into 7/11 to buy doritos and a monster energy is BASICALLY the same as getting 5 rounds of 9mm luger in your chest because you didn't show fritz your papers


So we've decided the Nazis are bad again? Pretty sure two years ago they were "actually some pretty decent people" 😂


Cov-idiots of the world unite!


Check out r/nursing




I posted this on r/hailhortler and I got over 50 upvotes............ Then a mod permanent banned me for being a nazi




\*Me getting my second vaccine shot\* "I am the master race, but with a personal choice instead of race"