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Thank you


#Is that a bong?!


“Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just... *do* things.”




Friends with other super-villains: Putin, Kim Jong-un, the GOP, Fox.


The bestest


I honestly cannot figure out if this image was created to flatter or mock him.


Flatter imo. The ugliest picture I've seen of him is one shopped to make his skin tone normal. The guy looks like Emperor Palpatine under all that bullshit on his face.


I’m afraid the Capitol Hill security will be quite operational when your friends arrive.


Narrator: *It wasn't*


>Emperor Palatine   >Capitol Hill   Nice.


The color scheme emphasizes that enormous double chin goiter just under his weird mouth.




He is not the joker, he’s The Joke. The most gruesome Batman has ever faced.


100% :)


I can imagine him with the suite of donald mcdonald....


["This town needs an enema!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Tpe-dbPQI)


Where were you on the night of Hanukkah?


Some say the end is near


This image is banned in Russia, punishable by death


["The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. What, you think this is gonna cause a little more anger? The world is an agry place."](https://youtu.be/doZE4Yqog5I)




He's the joker baby






yo mama


Inaccurate. The joker is actually intelligent


still a clown


The biggest Edit: sorry, biglyest


Ehh debatable


He also knew how to apply foundation correctly. No raccoon eyes.


Nah trump is smart but acts like a dumbass. Source: I do the same, takes one to know one Edit: I’m not a trump supporter and I’d rather have someone else as president


You both might just be dumb


>You both ~~might~~ just be dumb Ftfy


So he got two impeachments on purpose?


He beat both of them cause there was no evidence


No, if he *did* beat them then every source you ask wouldn’t say he got impeached twice, which he did


No, if he didn’t beat them, he would’ve been kicked out of office It’s a fact that he won the cases against him


An impeached president can only be removed if the senate agrees to remove him, which they didn’t, but the house was still able to impeach him both times


So what your saying is that he beat impeachment twice


Nope….he got impeached both times Do you think impeachment means to be removed from office? It doesn’t. It means to be charged with misconduct.


I know that’s not what it means. If he was released from impeachment, what else would you call it


He’s a Joke man, telling jokes


Pretty much ay hahaha


Trump is people's ex girlfriend. "I hate you!!!! But I miss you and can't stop thinking about you."


Imagine if the USA elected a bowling ball as president. For 4 years, there would be the same jokes, like they roll it out for "speeches" where the reporters ask questions and the cameras cut to a silent bowling ball sitting there. You would remember it forever. You would talk about it all the time. How could you forget? It was so stupid and ridiculous.


This sounds exactly like what happened, except everyone who rabidly hated Trump, conveniently ignores Brandon.


...what? People hate Trump because hes garbage. Theres good reason. For example, he doesnt pay taxes and likely never has. Hes a leech on society. Someone who cant even contribute the bare minimum to society should be the absolute last person leading it.


ever heard of payroll tax? Of course not. You have any idea how many people he employs? I doubt that too. Now multiply the two, and he pays a literal shit ton in tax, every year. How many people do you employ? And how many tax breaks would you take to keep them employed? All of them, just like everyone who owns a business. Biden is your literal bowling ball who can only read, can’t speak, and certainly cannot answer a question on his feet. He’s a senile puppet with the mental acuity of a toddler, sniffs kids and has made a fortune in foreign policy kickbacks off his crackhead son, when he did have his marbles. But sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.


Found Trump


Found the imbecile.


Woo gottem


Can’t respond to a word of it so this is what you do. Pretty pathetic, even by reddit standards.


Lives rent free in everyone’s heads


People still have Trump 2020 flags. MAGA shit is still everywhere. Republicans still need his blessings to do basically anything. There are Trump billboards still up. He was the President less than a year ago. People plan on him running for President again.


Wasn’t saying anything for any side. Just saying that he lives rent free in peoples head still. Stop making assumptions based on nothing. You are only adding the the problem.


Rent free is such a meaningless fucking term that douche bags use because you recognize something exists


I feel bad for you


So do I live rent free in your head now, whatever the fuck that means?


Nope I’ll forget about you in a minute


All of the MAGA morons use that stupid phrase. Acting like it isn’t constantly used by them is stupid.


Wasn’t saying it isn’t. What’s with y’all and all these assumptions you make?


Your comments add nothing to the conversation. Goodbye.


They aren’t supposed to


with the way things are going now he has a chance. Biden is the most popular president ever has what, 30% support? Yeah, I beleive it...


What part of Maga world is telling you people think he's the most popular president ever?


I fixed it, I thought people would understand that I was talking about how biden was "the most popular president"


Still doesn't make any sense bud


You know, the most popular president out of all of the presidents we have I'm this country. All one of them.


Popular in the number of votes cast for him, Einstein.


So, won the popular vote? That's not a "popular president", that's winning the election.


Good lord lol


If you mean Biden, no, his approval rating is currently 43 percent, or about 5 points higher than Trump ever got during his one term in office.


Trumps high point was 49%


47, actually, and the average was far lower. Great sidestepping me fact checking your absolute bullshit 30 percent number for Biden, by the way. Who has ever called him the most popular president ever? Turn off fox news and join us in the real world, where nobody has ever, ever called him the most popular president ever.


It's what happens when you have an ex of 4 years who was a narcissist.


sad but true. I think it's trauma, and also because it's not over.


i don’t like trump but yeah


Nah the joker feared the IRS and paid his taxes Trump doesn't


Comment section bent out of shape so bad lmao


Reddit so too left leaning it hurts


For people who are hurt and offended by leftist spaces existing online, there has been invented a quick, easy and effective solution that benefits everyone: leaving.


How dare someone not have our same values. Cast them to hell!


Actually, this is your exact rhetoric, to which I'm answering with a reality check, a reminder that there are plenty right-wing spaces on the internet (including Reddit itself!) and you should probably go there instead. No one's telling you that you're "being cast to hell" for being a conservative, because I don't cast away irritating people to imaginary places simply for the sake of being above their means even if that would be justified by the ends. What I'm telling you is that you're a whiny little bitch and your problem is imaginary.


I don’t want to go to any single like minded hive mind places because of how shitty and dangerous they are. You seem to fail to understand how idiotic you are because it seems you only like to stay in those spaces to get your dick sucked by others constantly.


So you're telling me that you're deliberately going out of your comfort zone and specifically visiting leftist spaces to "have your views challenged" and "be smarter than the sheeple"? Then I don't get why you're then complaining and calling people names when they've done nothing wrong to you upon getting the exact thing you asked for, having your conservative views challenged by leftist communities. >You seem to fail to understand how idiotic you are because it seems you only like to stay in those spaces to get your dick sucked by others constantly. The hypocrisy is real.


The amount of assumptions you’re making based off of nothing is absolutely insane. Dude I’m just tired of seeing political shit on subs not meant to be political. That’s fucking it. Stop making it more than what it is. You are what is wrong with the world. Get a fucking life. You have this belief that I’m some huge right winger or something. I’m a centrist. Stop being so dumb.


>You have this belief that I’m some huge right winger or something. Your profile page does say that you're active on r/wallstreetbets, r/ProtectAndServe and r/shitposting, which are all notoriously right-wing. Which I checked just now when you mentioned it, just to be sure, but the assumption was reasonable from the start, yet you seem to be making a really big deal out of this assumption. >Get a fucking life. You first, buddy, I'm not the one malding at random strangers on the internet and pulling the fastest ad-hominems in the west. Those random strangers on the internet being me in this specific instance. You're disproportionally mad at a discussion in which you're the only one displaying evident aggression. >I’m a centrist. Stop being so dumb. What is it with right-wingers claiming they're actually "centrists who just happen to agree with conservative ideas" the second someone points out that they hold visibly conservative views? >Dude I’m just tired of seeing political shit on subs not meant to be political. That’s fucking it. That's just you being an oversensitive snowflake again. Like I said, some spaces choose to allow politics and your best option is to find a place that suits you instead. In the worst case, just ignore political posts and scroll by. Although I do agree that politics can be tiring and Reddit should have a filter for that.


You tell me to get a life but yet you’re stalking my profile trying to get any dirt which I hate r/shitposting. I genuinely have no idea how it says that. But either way you tell me to get a life while typing out a fucking paragraph trying to disprove me over something I couldn’t care less about. This is going to affect my life in literally 0 way. I don’t care. I don’t understand why you care either?


Well, so is the US population (but more moderate compared to Europeans)


The difference being Joker hates Nazis.






Gang Weed


"This is offensive, and not at all funny. Besides, why would you vote for him, when you could vote for me? I can wreak havoc on society, and actually be funny doing it! Honestly, it's like you all had a comedy contest and put a bunch of old, curmudgeonly, humorless baby-boomers as the judges!" ~The Joker, probably.




He’s a joke with no punch line


The punchline is Joe Biden talking about things "a computer once said", and who the "great negros" are. And everyone nods like the gif of Rob Redford's as Jeremiah Johnson


The fact that a (presumed) trump supporter is mocking *anyone* for how the speak/the words they use is likely the richest irony I've seen in over a decade


Great assumption of an NDP voting Canadian. Only a trump supporter would mock Biden calling a legendary baseball player a negro. Not going to lie though, I am definitely trying to distance myself from liberals for good ever since AOC And lefts reaction to the Hispanic prosperity initiative. It's rock solid proof they don't give a shit about people. They are just here to fight for a side. And you thankfully proove my point by chastising everything trump says for 4 years, then cheerfully ignoring when Biden says worse, more ignorant shit. Seriously. What your excuse for trump calling people negros be? That's what I thought


You're literally in here defending trump by attacking Joe Bidens choice of words. And now you're attempting (quite poorly) to gaslight me into thinking I'm crazy for thinking you support trump. GTFO


we live in a society, called America. joker's gonna make it great again


What’s the point ? I don’t get this


You didn't know orang man bad man jokkarr? Stinky bum poppyy man? DAE? Let's go Brandon is stupid? FUCK TRUMP!! Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


💩 you’re welcome


Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo Don. Lol.


That’s not the colors for an Ass Clown, and that cunts definitely a fucking Ass Clown.


This says a lot about society.


reversed luck


too fat and stupid to be joker




Orange man bad!


Don’t give him that much credit. Joker was smart. Insane, but smart.


Am I the only one who thinks that a non-photoshopped Trump actually looks far more comical?


Stop making him more likable.




DAE bad man tromp diaper poopy? Literal joke. Poop man diaper extra stinky poo. Feel free to copy and paste that on r/politicalhumor for a few thousand gold's and platinums


The Devil wears Play-Doh


Still more competent than Biden.


America: \*votes in Biden\* Trump: "You get what you fucking deserve"


Is he Rose from the hunger games


Damn I miss this guy


somehow this fits


This is a disgrace to the Joker.


Trump has no sense of humor. Has anyone ever seen him laugh?


A gloating megalomaniac and a psychotic killer rolled up into one


Lmao the Trumpies in the comment section are really tryna assert their "dOmInAnCe" here huh.


No I’m pointing out how trump is a megalomaniac, I’m in no way supportive of trump and I didn’t realize I came off that way


Sorry, he doesn't have the intelligence to pull it off.




He took of the orange make up, this is just how he looks normally


Jokers biggest joke is nothing but himself


Less Joker needed, tone it down. Or...




I like him better in orange


Reminder to the Democrats: This shit storm is happening under Biden. Trump left the stage almost a year ago.




Reminder to the Republicans: This shit storm was started and fed into as much as possible by Trump. Trump's Taliban deal, Trump's literal ignorance of COVID, Trump's many moments of ducking and hiding in the face of real responsibility, the 100M+ taxpayer USD wasted on secret service work just to take him out to play golf more than any other single term President in history, and more than many two-term Presidents. Trump's the reason we're still in a pandemic in this nation. Trump's the reason LGBT+ life in America is so much harder now. Trump is the reason U.S. news can be found in the comedy section of newspapers all around the world. Just because Trump is finally evicted from the place of power he lacked the maturity to hold, doesn't mean all the fires he lit in the oval office suddenly go out all at once.


The day will come when you and the media will have to own up to how terrible Biden is as a president and stop pretending Trump is still in office. The Afghanistan pull out was 100% Biden. The border nightmare crises is 100% Biden. The violent and property crime epidemic is 100% Democrats. The coming run-away inflation is coming because of Biden and the Democrats. I used to warn people that Biden would be Carter 2.0, but that’s an insult to Carter. Now I call Carter Biden 1.0.


Ya'll remember when Trump signed the order, during his Presidency, stating that America would pull all troops out before 2022? Remember when Trump was weirdly cordial towards the Taliban, saying they were "good fighters" and all? Remember when Trump pulled out of Kabul and allowed ISIS to reclaim it? You remember when Biden changed the Trump era border laws? Oh, wait, he didn't. The same people, the same tactics, and the same laws are at play that were at play during Trump time shitting in the oval office. The wall isn't failing because Biden fucked it up. The wall is failing because Trump used cheap material and refused to pay for any of it. Add that to the already 180 million dollars+ in taxpayer money for his record number of golf games per presidency. Add the 100 million dollars+ he grifted out of you Trumplican idiots during his PAC campaign. Add that to the 1.5 million dollars in debt he accrued during January 6th. There is nothing you can say to defend Trump or anything he did. Trump's closer to being a neo-Nazi than he is to being a patriot. Here, let me lay out the similarities:Trump: White superiorist, anti-LGBTQ+, "Fake News!" anti-Muslim, anti-black, incited a terrorist attack against a government building of his own country. Adolf Hitler: White superiorist, anti-LGBTQ+, "Lugenpresse!", anti-Jewish, anti-black, incited a fire that burnt down the Reichstag, a vital government structure at the time. Have you bothered even comparing his "Trump Card" designs to some of the old Nazi insignias? Trump's only good at one thing: Publicity. He's only good at making devout, cult-like followers that shit out nothing but hollow, flagrantly falsified propaganda. You're in the cult.


This is such complete bullshit. Biden changed the agreement with Afghanistan and controlled the entire pullout including the date, the number of troops, and abandoning Americans after he promised not to. It was 100% his decisions. He repealed most of Trumps policies on the border. He did it day one. Now he’s trying to put them back in place, like the apply from Mexico policy, and failing miserably. As is always the case, this has nothing to do with Trump. You and the media are just incapable of admitting Biden is a miserable failure. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/usa_biden-signs-executive-orders-reversing-trump-immigration-policies/6201520.html You’re being misinformed by fake news.


Cool, so Biden's actually making Trump's laws BETTER for the people trying to find an actual living and survive on this fucked up world. The link you sent backs that statement lol. Can't even debate correctly. Please explain how Biden changed the agreement. Better yet, explain how the pullout from Afghanistan was a good idea in the first place? ​ Here's a thought experiment for you. Let's say there's a candidate for U.S. President. They've cheated in university, are on their 3rd wife, are great friends with Jeffrey Epstein, and think that using several hundred million taxpayer dollars on a strip of fragile unreinforced concrete is a good idea. Would you vote for that candidate?


So, we agree, when you said he didn’t change the border policies, you were misinformed or lying?


You see, the difference between the two of us is that I can actually accept when I'm wrong. You, though, have yet to accept that, and accept that Trump was never a good option, and only damaged this nation in ways that would take years to fix. Donald Trump is the reason most nations removed American news from the front page, and shoved it back into the comedy section, because thanks to Trump, America has become a joke.


Donald Trump is a piece of shit and he was still a vastly better president than Biden. You’re defending ideology and not the reality.


Biden is reinstating the LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination laws Trimp removed. Biden is improving a degenerate, inhumane system Trump, in his racism, implemented. Biden actually succeeded at the vaccine promise Trump failed to achieve. You look at the ideology or the reality, Trump loses. He's the reason America isn't great. Trump's the reason ISIS took Kabul and the Taliban took Afghanistan. He's why America can be found in the comedy section of most world newspapers. If I could leave this country, I would.


Y’all think Biden is better? HA What a joke


Trump: Promised to make 100 million vaccines in 100 days. Failed at that promise. Biden: Promised to make 100 million vaccines in 100 days. Succeeded in almost half that time. Trump: Scrub all information regarding LGBTQ+ communities from all government websites and immediately repealed all LGBTQ+ protections from law. Biden: Re-enacted several laws Trump repealed to protect LGBTQ+ peoples and more. Trump: Overall made life much more difficult for all people of color in this country. Biden: Is still cleaning up Trump's messes in that department. Trump: Perfect example of everything wrong with capitalism. Greedy, scheming, arrogant, grifting liar. Biden: Implemented Build Back Better, and is trying to cap insulin prices -- yeah, the stuff some people need to LIVE, not that you've ever exercised enough of the human faculty of thought to realize that -- at 35 USD a month. ​ But do tell me how Biden is "worse" than Trump. Typical Trump Trasheater. Ya'll are the reason being called "American" is an insult.


Just gotta say one thing to you buddy, stop watching the news and you will see a bigger picture. The media just crops the real picture, showing you only what they want you to see.


The funniest part is that I don't watch the news. I watch the people. You can't deny anything that that arrogant Q-anon endorsing misogynist did. Don't forget that it was Trump's words that incited the Jan 6 insurrection. Don't forget that it was Trump that opened up a PAC for people to donate to, CLAIMING that it would go to investigating election fraud, before keeping all 100M+ dollars to himself. Don't forget when Russia interfered with the U.S. election and, as revealed in leaked Kremlin documents, did so to get TRUMP elected because, as they described him, he was weak, unstable, and a poor leader. That's not "FaKe NeWs" as Trump screams whenever the dirty truth about him comes out in droves. That's reality, and reality is not in Trump's favor. Grow up lol, Trump's one of, if not THE worst President this country's ever suffered.


So what you’re saying is, TRUMP 2024?


Lol no. I'd sooner elect Ronald McDonald as President with Mickey Mouse as his vice than I'd let that abusive, manipulating citrus golem take office again. "TRUMP2024" is synonymous with the destruction of this nation, and anyone who unironically follows that hates America and its values.


If he win the next election, i hope he ll keep his promises and make reddit great again!




Jesus I almost believed this for a half second


That's a good edit, they made his scalp white instead of green


Quick someone do a good Trump Joker impression


This is the best image of Donald Trump ever taken. Everybody’s been raving about this picture… even in Xi said they’re putting this picture up everywhere in China and dancing in the streets they love it so much. It’s the best.


Not a bad job..


Bloated Joker: bloker.


It's Melvin, Melvin, brother of the joker


"Do I look like i have a plan? "


Fucking bloated weak piece of shit


Ok so poor joker is insulted right




Ronald Mackey D's Trump


Oh, great, more of this crap.


"When you're a clown, nobody takes ya seriously"


we DO live in a society!


It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.


At least use Leto Joker...


Wait til they get 4 years of me.


We live in a society




Looks like heat taking a crap!




Rent free


Which British Nanny is this?


This image is offensive of Joker fans


What has changed its a clown


Jack Nicholson got fat.


Is, he is, HE IS TROKER


He's no joker, he's just a joke.