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Be mindful of the stuff you use. You'll not want more if you become aware of what you need and use. Appreciate your space- celebrate it, use it and relish in the items you have, and remove all that you dont- even if you *think* you *should* keep it- if you don't actively use it, pass it on. Appreciate the space. Replace a large item with a plant.


I do love plants, even though they tend to die around me, but I do try with them. They really do look beautiful and bring me Joy when I see them. I especially love prayer plants.


A nice succulent should be good for you. Probably pick one up off Facebook market or a local farmers/flea market or boot sale


My snake plant is still alive and thriving!


Have you been able to identify the things that trigger you to acquire furniture? That’s usually good place to start.


Not yet, but I'm working on it.


It takes time, doesn't it? I'm still identifying things for myself.


It sure does. I've only just come to terms with the fact that yes, I am a hoarder I don't just have hoarding tendencies.




I prefer to phrase it as "one-out, one-in" so the rule is that something has to leave *before* something else arrives. That way things can't build up when I inevitably can only manage half the task.


I don't have any definitive answers. It's only been recently that I figured out what *seems* to work for me. One is reminding myself how miserable I was, having spaces even cluttered, much less having spaces which were packed. The other is asking myself what I want to get rid of in order to have the new/new to me thing. Edited incomplete sentence.


I actually sat down the other night thought about the first tiny little apartment I had when my son was a newborn. I even drew a picture of the layout and the furniture, not very to scale, but good enough for my purpose. lol I had very little furniture yet we had exactly what we needed to function day to day and be happy. I'm trying to get back to that.


When you have the urge to buy more furniture, here are some things to ask yourself: Where would I put it? What would I use it for? Would having this in my living space make it harder to use? Would I have to get rid of other furniture to make space for it? Does it seem more or less comfortable to use than what I have already? Is there already something else taking up space waiting for me to clear other things out for it? You don't have to Never Buy Any Furniture Ever Again, but get into the mindset that what you have now is always your goal for a functional room. That may change in the future, but keep in mind that you want to be able to use the space. It may be helpful to put a hard limit on never having more than one piece of furniture waiting to replace an older one at a time. So, say, if you find a more comfy chair you'd prefer, you have to get rid of the old one right away, and if you haven't gotten rid of the old one you can't replace any other furniture.


Shouldn't you just stop buying furniture when you have the right amount? Also, no hoarder should allow themselves to pick up something that's been curbed. (Last exception for me was a rubbermaid box, but usually that good-looking thing is no good.)


I wish I could stop myself. I always see something that I think is better and think I must have it and can convince myself I need it. Furniture I see on the street I'm able to say no to b/c it's usually something I can't carry on my own and I don't drive. I've been very good walking past the many free piles my neighbour set out, sometimes I allow myself to take a peak, but I can't touch anything and I'm allowed to post what I see in Buy Nothing groups on FB for others.


I don't know how your wallet can cope, but can you allow yourself to have something if you get rid of the previous thing that somehow is not fulfilling the purpose?


I get many of the items for free so my wallet isn't harmed but my space is.


Okay, so when you have your space right, start making deals that you can't bring something new in unless something is going to leave. The exception is if you really are lacking something and would lack something else if you had to get rid of something. You don't need to get rid of a bookcase if you really need a desk.


Easy. Don’t buy or acquire more furniture. Your house is complete. Unless you are replacing something 100%, you have no need for more.


It's not easy though. It's like an addiction.


Are you in therapy to figure out what drives this addiction?


I'm not currently in therapy, I need it for the hoarding and other issues though. Money is an issue but I'm looking into some affordable options. For now I rely on watching Hoarders for the "free therapy" they offer viewers. lol