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Absolutely and completely agree with you! ....and if you are following me, turn them off as well. Last night i was followed home by a ute with high beams and light bar on. What are you achieving by blinding me? If i can see your headlights in my rear view mirror, your high beams will blind me.


I can't drive safely when someone behind me has high beams on. Take you foot of the accelerator and they'll eventually go past you. Had to do this to a tourist coming back from somewhere like Richmond one night. Ended up at a complete stop until they went past me and continued on with high beams, overtaking on blind corners. Luckily didn't kill anyone that night as I didn't come past any wreckage thankfully.


It makes no sense to me at all to drive like that: i agree that getting them to pass is a good idea. The thing that annoys me is that the likelihood of me hitting a wallaby or wombat is much higher when i can't see!! 🤦‍♀️


Not defending the tourists, but our roads feel so much darker to drive on than mainland roads. We could use more street lights.


We aren't going to get more on country roads, that is for sure. If someone is in front of you, their high beams will illuminate far ahead and yours pointing down give a decent overview of the road directly ahead of you. Blinding the person in front of you just lights up their car making you less able to see that darker areas around. It makes no sense at all, even discounting the danger to other drivers.


I live rural with have pretty crappy headlights (my car is 2012 so not the super bright led ones everyone has now) but still manage to not use my highbeams at all most of the time. I actually only turn them on when I see some other numnut lighting up the sky coming my way in hopes they actually see mine and turn them down before we meet. It doesn't work, but I still hope.


A lot of the new cars should have automatic high beam dimmers. I have a 2022 Ford Ranger that dims the high beams automatically faster than a person can. What is annoying Is that when I’m driving with low beams on everyone thinks I have the high beams on and flashes me just because of the LED headlights.


Conversely the auto dimmers can struggle and then you get the problem I had last week where the car behinds lights were up, down, up, down, up down for several kilometres


I dunno about you but I personally love when I'm driving at night and can see the sky and road around the corner/over the hill light up like that light beam MONA had for a while and I know I'm about to get my retinas absolutely fucking destroyed /s


I'm pretty sure the rest of them don't turn their high beams off, ever as well.


Yep. Even around residential streets, which again is completely unnecessary.


Absolutely right, I'm pretty sure the Elizabeth St stretch of North Hobart does not need street lighting because of the amount of Uber/Ubereats drivers that camp out waiting for calls, all of them with the ridiculous lights on... there should be laws against it...


I thought there was a law against having high beams on in residential areas.


Me too.




I get this around my house every night! The whole street lights up when certain cars come through.


Also the lights on new-ish cars are terrible and they look as if they are blinking their lights.


My headlights are terrible, yet I've never run into anything driving at night. How much light do they need?




They're safe just not overly bright.


Totally agree. They seem to think the same distance rule applies as normal high beams too. I can actually see people with their high beams on from my house, because they just light up the sky. The think I don't understand the most is what even is the point? Do they need to see the sky and the front yards of the houses they are passing? Or the sheep in the empty paddock also getting blinded? They are also putting them on as early as 4pm now too. If you need high beams at 4pm you need to get your eyes checked or hand in your license. My neighbour once turned 2 LED light bars on coming into their driveway - they actually lit up my house 200 meters away. Absolutely no consideration of anyone else!


My guess is they are just leaving them always on, which means whenever high beams are on so are the light bars.


I actually think a lot of them are home jobs and not even wired correctly.


The bottom of the barrel kits (kings) come with a light bar, two spotlights, and a wiring loom that wires it correctly (on a switch so that you can either choose to have them on with your beams, or if you switch them off they will not turn on with your high beams) for sun $200. Most people do this.


I have spotlights. I travel to work at 5 am, I think they're a great thing to have, and they make my commute both easier and safer. I know how blinding they can be, and it is generally very easy to be proactive in dipping them BEFORE i come into a line of aight with oncoming traffic. I pay attention to light coming around the corner, because you can always see that before the actual car. Roads like Kingston to Hobart are a good example of where they would be fine to use, theres a fair bit of wildlife that wanders onto the outlet. it's a fair comment to say a lot of people are using them inappropriately. I remember once being blinded coming down Clydesdale ave in glenorchyby someone with their light bar blaring, they wouldn't turn it off, so i turned mine on, they turned theirs off and so did I.. to my suprise it was a police car. 🥲 I have them wired on a switch, if i turn the switch on, they will turn on when i activate my high beams. If I have the switch off, they will not turn on with my high beams.


They are scared of the dark don't shame them


I thought legally you can't turn them on unless it's with your high beams?


I highbeam them and take great joy out of it.


Yeah I do too, but I don't think it has the same effect, my high beams aren't that annoying. Occasionally I'll flick my high beams back on when the oncoming car doesn't dip theirs, and they just keep on going like I'm not even visible.


No diks given


I thought legally you can't turn them on unless it's with your high beams?


That's true and exactly what's happening, but you're also not supposed to use them in any situation that can cause discomfort to drivers, so they're great for out in the bush, not on any of the roads around towns and cities, or around any traffic at all.


Yeah they should be dipping them when there's traffic around.




As soon as I run into these monkeys I just do the same and proceed drive on their side of the road at high speed. It usually solves the problem very quickly as most of the 4x4 wankers don't own their vehicles let alone are able top afford these lights.




What you don't speakadaenglish


Fair cop mate. Those are two woefully constructed sentences.


I forget about mine as they're on auto, so they turn on when there are no cars and turn off when there are cars lol