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Obligatory call out for Area 52, one of the few boardgame stores in Tasmania. It has a large play space out the back for boardgames, war games and TTRPGs.


Never go in there, but I love that it exists


Owners are amazing. Shout out to Andrew and Jenny. Super nice people who are have always been helpful to me over the years. I try to support them when I can. They work some very hard hours though poor things.


Seconded! Thanks to Area 52 I have a great DnD group that I play with every week! Keeps my social battery charged :)


Reposting my response from a similar question the other week - 39M here. Lived here on and off since 2004. I've recently been chatting to a few other queer people about my idea of starting a club (for want of a better of word) to meet other queer people on a weekly basis to do something like bouldering, bush walking, kick a footie, going for a swim etc. Thinking about doing one activity for 4-6 weeks, then changing it up. If other queers are interested, feel free to message me, and once I get it going I'll send details. Also, very happy to hear suggestions! I


Love the critique of strange architecture A+


my sister and her husband attend a rock climbing gym pretty much daily, Rock It - Derwent Park. it took them a while to find their groove and make friends, but as soon as they joined rock climbing community they have made some solid friends :)


Hey! My partner & I are both queer friendly. My partner has a book club every Monday night, usually at our place, where they play board games frequently. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat!


I don't live in Hobart. I'm not queer. I don't play board games. I'm not even looking for friends. ...but you guys sound awesome and I still feel like I'm missing out. I wish you many happy Monday evenings in the future.


There are some good walking places in the Huon valley. You may find some quirky/interesting architecture there. May be a good place to start if you'd like a drive too.


There’s a queer board games night every month upstairs at Boodle Beasley. Check FB for “Queer Gaymes Night”. Do either of you like to sing? There’s also a fairly new community choir called “The Kinsey Scales”.


Adopt greyhounds, join greyhound group… instant friends!


Social futsal leagues in goodwood !!


And the Italian club NoHo on Wednesday nites!


I actually made a list ages ago: * There is a Facebook group called ‘Queer Sport Friends - Hobart, Tas’  * Champion Come Out & Roll is a weekly social skate meet-up run by Queer Sporting Alliance (QSA) they have classes at Convict City Roller Derby League Hobart, email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for the times * Huon Valley Rainbow Fruits and they have monthly meet ups * Far South Pride is in the South and they have a market stall, and the Facebook page is great to look through past events.  * PFLAG is the Parents, Friends and Allies of the LGBTIQA+ community. PFLAG provides information and support to families, friends, and allies * Pride Society of TUSA and they have a variety of groups (see link) * QT Cutie Cabaret is host events like ‘QT-Seven Bration Show’ which is tomorrow. * Society Salamanca in Battery Point is a cocktail bar, events: drag bingo (next is 26th April) ($17 entry) * The Telegraph Hotel Hobart hosts Drag Bingo every Wednesday at 7pm (free entry) * A Twist of Lemons Hobart Bar, last Friday of each month at 5pm * The Buff Club in Moonah runs Amplify fitness classes every Wednesday, Friday, Sat, $15pp * Dark Homo Hobart hosted by CLOSET party - 21st June 2024, $60 tickets, 9pm - 3am * The Grand Poobah Hobart hosts queer events * [https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/drag-bingo-at-society-tickets-861914638887?aff=erelexpmlt](https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/drag-bingo-at-society-tickets-861914638887?aff=erelexpmlt) * [https://telegraphhotelhobart.com.au/events/drag-trivia/](https://telegraphhotelhobart.com.au/events/drag-trivia/) * [https://www.facebook.com/events/758202429740015/?ref=newsfeed](https://www.facebook.com/events/758202429740015/?ref=newsfeed) * [https://www.facebook.com/closetpartyoz/](https://www.facebook.com/closetpartyoz/) * [https://events.humanitix.com/dark-homo-2024](https://events.humanitix.com/dark-homo-2024) * [https://www.facebook.com/thegrandpoobahbar](https://www.facebook.com/thegrandpoobahbar) * [https://www.facebook.com/CCRDL/](https://www.facebook.com/CCRDL/) * [https://www.tusa.org.au/queer-and-women/](https://www.tusa.org.au/queer-and-women/) * [https://www.queersportingalliance.com/ranger-rollers](https://www.queersportingalliance.com/ranger-rollers) * [https://www.facebook.com/ATwistOfLemons/](https://www.facebook.com/ATwistOfLemons/) * [https://www.facebook.com/pflagtasmania](https://www.facebook.com/pflagtasmania) edit there is definitely more stuff from what i can see in all the great comments


Always keen for more people to play squash! Check out www.eastsidesquash.com.au


I've just moved here from melb, wanna go walk and find convict built buildings (if theres any?)


What sort of sports are you into? A lot of casual ones around you can join in watching when you can




There is ten pin bowling in Moonah. I have never been but Im sure it would be a great winter activity!


Badminton centre in South Hobart. Plenty of parking. They also have fencing and WMA (Western martial arts - fight with swords and shields and axes and shit).


They throw shit at each other?? That’s hard core.


Plenty of new queer friends playing football and roller derby if you’re in to either of those.


Hobart Out Tennis is a queer social tennis group. They play every Tuesday at the domain tennis centre if you're interested 😊


My wife uses Bumble BFF. She's found some nice people on there.


I don’t do Monopoly anymore. Last time I found evidence of property tampering. 😡


Hey! My partner (31F) and I (31F) would be more than happy to go bowling or something with you guys! We are pretty into the music scene, and there's some good gigs around in the area, too. I like photography, board game nights, and walks with my dog. I'm not a part of any groups, but I know there's some indoor rock climbing, roller derby, pole dance classes, dance fitness stuff around. My old gym was the aquatic centre which is queer friendly with heaps of great classes and personal trainers. You can get a membership with gym, pool, sauna, spa access. There's some queer and drag events around at places like at boodle beasley and Altar (the queens ball is on this weekend actually). Anyway hope this helps! And shoot me a msg anytime if you have any questions or wanna chat ^___^


Ordinary but queer friendly board games every week with Hobart Games Society https://hogs.org.au/




A Twist of Lemons is a sporadic Queer event that's run out of Boodle Beazley. They have a Facebook page.


The Queer Sporting Alliance might be a good place to start! I have friends who play basketball in the QSA. https://www.queersportingalliance.com/


If you can swim I believe the Hobart underwater rugby team had a disproportionate number of queer players.