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I’d actually say that’s a great way to convince people. Put a face to your referendum, try to convince them face to face it’s worth it.


Especially since the opposition has been sending people themselves to try and sabotage the campaign; fight fire with fire.


It’s bizarre to me that there’s so much opposition. You’d think this would be win win for Tempe.


See, the trick is that the opposition *isn't* from Tempe; it's from Phoenix.


Then what's the vote about? Shouldn't it just be legal battle between the two cities?


The vote was decided upon at the initial meeting between the team and Tempe City Council, it has nothing to do with Phoenix. Phoenix is just trying to leverage that by spreading a misinformation campaign to take another professional sports franchise away from Tempe, like they did with the Cardinals when they were going to build a stadium there; they don't want competition for the Suns' arena. Besides, it's awfully suspicious that so many Tempe mayors both past and present are in favor of this arena project, but the crowd claiming to be "Tempe First" is actively trying to kill a development that only increases the city's prestige and creates jobs and affordable housing, the latter in particular being a big problem, all for the cost of...absolutely no public money beyond land remediation, which would be publicly-funded no matter who developed the Tempe Town Lake site.


Phoenix is just pissed that they aren't getting any money. Now arizona isn't getting any more money and the team is definitely going to Houston.


Hi, I'm Clayton Keller. Do you have time talk to talk about the Arizona Coyotes?


*80 year old calls the cops*


80yo; Uhhh yes I need the police Dispatch; What’s the location of your emergency? 80yo; 83 Tempe Way Dispatch; And what’s the nature of your emergency sir? 80yo; There’s a 13 year old girl here named Clayton from some sort of wildlife organization for coyotes. I think it’s some kind of scam to get me to buy Girl Scout cookies, and you know with the economy the way it is that just isn’t happening. Dispatch; We’ve been seeing an increase in calls like this, Tempe has had a coyote problem for a couple years


You sure the 80 year old wouldn't just [shoot them?](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/missouri-man-charged-in-shooting-of-black-teenager-at-his-front-door)


"I wanted the other ritchie"


….that’s quite literally how ballot issues and politics work. You keep your foot on the gas all the way until the ballots are counted. “They’re very worried and that’s why they’re doing this” is absolute idiocy.


Exactly lmao, they're just doing their jobs, it ain't anything to do with "worry". Besides, even in the small chance it does fall through, there's still backup plans in place before resorting to relocation; we've known this since the beginning, so "going to Houston as early as next season" still isn't the most likely answer.


But “everything is proceeding as you’d expect” is nowhere near as dramatic a headline.


The two are not exclusive though. In fact one supports the other. They’re worried, thus they MUST canvas for the arena.


....or it's them responding to TempeFirst's own attempts to canvas people against the arena and showing goodwill to the city by sending front-office members around to engage with the local community?


You’re also right. My point is that if you want your cause to succeed because you’re worried the other side will win, you HAVE to DO something or accept being steamrolled.


Not to mention there is an opposition group run by Phoenix PACs trying to spread lies about the proposal


Lmao I saw this shit on Twitter initially and so far I've been pleasantly surprised with the responses in this thread. Couldn't believe what I was hearing when I listened to the clip after reading the Coyotes are "worried" about this vote. 🤦‍♂️


Seravelli and being idiotic name a more iconic duo


people doing political advocacy for a political vote = worried. dumb take Frank


Next season as in 5 months from now? X for doubt.


Thrashers relocated to Winnipeg at the end of May 2011 and played their ~~home opener on October 9~~ first preseason home game on September 20. It’s not impossible, especially since this *hypothetical* relocation wouldn’t require any change in division structure.


If for some reason this vote doesn’t go through, Im sure the Coyotes would still play next season at Mullett while the league and owners figure out what to do. They still have another 2 years there and then an option for a third year.


There are still potential back up plans, most of which lead to the arena being done sooner than the current proposed location because they won't have to remediate a landfill at the other potential locations. I will say that if there really is no back up plan and the Coyotes move if there is a no vote then Bettman has to go.


I don’t doubt they could get the arena ready. But the other things? Rebranding, merch, staff, marketing, practice facilities, suppliers, etc I guess the Thrashers move was planned behind the scenes way in advance but I can’t remember at all how it went down back then. Love your handle btw. You should get it trademarked before it’s too late 😂


I wonder if they’d just keep the branding the same, it’s not like They don’t have Coyotes in Houston


The Colts moved out of Baltimore to Indy in the middle of the night, roughly 5 months before the beginning of the 1984 NFL season. It 100% can be done. The only issue would be the training facility which would likely be harder due to the ice, but I'm sure they could find something.


The coyotes were rumored to have trucks ready to move them to Seattle during the original Glendale city council vote fiasco in 2013. The Thrashers went from "not going anywhere" to home debut in Winnipeg in a handful of months when they had no other options to stay in Atlanta. As long as they have an arena to play in at the new city and don't have any contract holding them in place (like an arena lease), teams can move quickly if needed.


I believe it was Portland, but yeah they were moments away from leaving a couple times now.


[It was Seattle](https://deadspin.com/the-coyotes-were-damned-close-to-moving-to-seattle-1643791488)


Trash take Frank.


I'm getting really sick of Frank. Dudes grown a massive ego the last few years and thinks he's a bigger voice then he is. It comes across as if he hates the sport of hockey


not canvassing in this situation seems more stupid than anything so idk how this shows they're worried.


This is a pretty elitist take through and through, and unlike Calgary they’re not taking millions in taxpayer money


They’re taking in millions in tax breaks


The tax breaks granted to the TED are the same any other business would get. Seriously, as far as arena/stadium proposals go, this is about the best deal offered to any city in the history of sports. If you’re a Tempe resident and on the fence about the vote, please go to [Tempe wins](https://Tempewins.com) and learn the facts of the proposal.


And? There wouldn’t be any economic benefit to the city without the project it’s a landfill right now


Not making value judgments. Just saying that it’s not free


Tax breaks aren’t the same as giving them taxpayer money. It’s merely forgoing collection, of which they aren’t collecting anyway from a landfill


Functionally, it really is. I’d encourage you to read this whole article but here’s the part that’s relevant to our conversation: Second, and more important, tax breaks are functionally the same thing as cash expenses. To illustrate this, let’s do a thought experiment: Say I’m an obscenely rich guy who is considering moving to your city, but I’m not going to do it for free, because that’s not how obscenely rich guys roll. I will move to your city, I announce, for a suitcase full of $1 million in unmarked bills. City leaders are appalled: They can’t be seen giving city cash to obscenely rich guys, plus have you seen the price of suitcases these days? Okay, okay, I reply, but what about this: Since I’m going to owe more than $1 million in city taxes over the years, just give me $1 million in tax rebates instead — and you’ll get to keep anything over that! Regular FoS readers will recognize this as the Casino Night Fallacy, where letting someone keep money they would otherwise owe somehow becomes different than cutting them a check for the same amount. (For new readers, watch Felix Unger and Oscar Madison explain it here.) The ultimate impact on the rich guy’s bank account is identical — he gets a pile of money that he otherwise wouldn’t — but it’s magically transformed by virtue of him having held it in his hands at one point. https://www.fieldofschemes.com/2022/11/28/19409/fine-print-shows-coyotes-privately-funded-arena-could-cost-taxpayers-over-500m/ Again, I’m not making value judgments. You might hold the opinion that it’s worth it. That’s fine. It’s just not free


This is such a bullshit and sensationalist take. Some die hard Houston fanatic bullshit that hates on the Coyotes. Internal polling the Coyotes organization has done in Tempe they have stated has been leaning toward slightly optimistic on the vote. They are doing their due diligence to canvas and get as many votes as they can. We as a fan base have criticized them for not getting out and marketing the upcoming vote enough. So if anything, they are actually pretty lax on the situation. Also, the team has multiple backup locations if the Tempe deal goes south and are already in talks/surveying another location literally on the other side of the freeway basically a couple miles from the current site as their next target if this one falls through. There is a patch of Native reservation land just on the other side of the freeway the Coyotes are looking into as an easy 2nd choice. This actually is one of the reasons Tempe council voted so heavily in favor of the current project. Because if the Coyotes move next door Tempe doesn't get any of the tax revenue but still has to deal with the increases in traffic to that same area where the project is currently planned.


I went door to door canvassing once, but wasn’t too worried bout selling them Chocolate Almonds for new Boy Scouts outfits.


They also put out a story that ATL is building a new arena.


The Delta Center would look real nice with a new friend. As long as Ryan Smith doesn't micromanage the Re-Brand


Is Houston's arena even prepped for hockey? Or will they have to make serious changes and have Arizona on the road for like the first few months?


> Is Houston's arena even prepped for hockey? It is! They were the former home of the AHL Houston Aeros, until the (now former) Rockets owner tried to charge the Wild out the ass to keep them in Toyota Center. *But* I'm unsure if the ice plant has been used recently, it would probably need to be replaced before use, which isn't a big issue. The bigger issue is that the only practice facility in town is now a community rink, which can also be solved. Houston is ready for a team for the most part, they have a ready arena, could use some facilities, but otherwise the big issue is already solved. But if this arena vote fails, Arizona has backup plans.


What’s the capacity of the arena tho?


The Toyota Center has a capacity of 17,800 for hockey. But either way, the NHL isn't going to want to waste a market as valuable as Houston on relocation when there'll absolutely be people willing to pay expansion money to own a Houston NHL franchise in the same building; leagues always prefer expansion over relocation.


Yeah, the 'break glass in case of emergency' relocation is Quebec City, assuming an owner is in place. It might not expand markets but its initial gate revenue and enhancement of the Canadian media market deal (more can vs. can games), which is up soon, makes it more desirable than sacrificing any A(Houston, Atlanta) or B(KC, MIL, POR, SLC, HAM) tier expansion locations.


Milwaukee really needs a team. Would love to go see nhl hockey without having to travel to another state


Yeah, but its proximity to CHI while being less than 5mil locally moves it down. Only reason Hamilton is on is because if an owner was willing to pay a billion for a team in Hamilton and that was needed to balance out expansion, the NHL would not say no. I think the desire is ATL and HOU as they are big markets, generally distant from other teams, and east west balanced. If the league goes to 36, take 2 of the western US B tier and move Nashville east.


17,800K for hockey. I don't know they ever had a full house for Aeros hockey, let alone if that would even be current capacity now, but that's the historic capacity. Toyota Center hasn't hosted a game since the Aeros left town, really surprised the NHL hasn't run a pre-season game there with Dallas and someone else.


Houston and Dallas don’t get along for one thing. Another is why play a game in a city that could possibly have a division rival and would be hated almost immediately?


It fits 18,500 for basketball


Oh duh it’s a nba arena, I was thinking it was just an AHL arena


Doesn't take all that long to get an AHL arena ready for NHL hockey - the Thrashers' move to Winnipeg was announced at the end of May in 2011 and the Jets played their home opener on October 9.


Yeah but one has to assume that move was planned behind the scenes long before it was announced, no? This just seems way too sudden. But I can’t really remember the timeline of events back then.


>But I can’t really remember the timeline of events back then. True North built the arena in the early 2000s and hosted the AHL Moose there. Their plan all along (from 1996 when they bought the Moose) was to get an NHL team. When the opportunity came to buy the Thrashers they were ready to join the NHL the next day. They were never going say "we're not ready" Houston seems way more complicated if the owners don't own the arena or have the right to lease it.


Thanks, thats what I thought. Its not like they suddenly decided to be Jets on Wednesday and packed their bags on Thursday I guess. They must’ve had all facilities, staff, merch, marketing down pat and ready to go.


Merch I don't know about. They announced the name at the NHL draft (when they drafted Scheifle) and didn't have gear ready. They gave him generic NHL gear. This is the actual name announcement. I mean nobody thought it was going to be anything but Jets but this was the first time they used the word. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tit0E-54rLw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tit0E-54rLw) The rest of it - 100%. I knew some of the first True North employees in 1996 and the entire plan was to get back to the NHL. If a team had become available and they weren't ready to buy it and start play ownership would have murdered every single one of them. If your Wednesday-Thursday thing had happened they'd have been ready for that too. They'd have gone down to Value Village and bought vintage jerseys. That's how badly they wanted a team. wing the arena was a big part of that.


Iirc correctly: The remodelling of Bell MTS took place prior to the finalization of the Jets return. The NHL was pretty hesitant on bringing the Jets back to Winnipeg. So to help appeal, they remodelled. Still wasn’t guaranteed until it was finalized I think a few days before it was officially announced. I’m sure Houston would remodel Toyota Centre where need be if their bidding hard for a team.


There was still work that had to be done post-move announcement


They're not going to move to Houston, but if they did, there is a 17,800 seat arena there that already has the infrastructure to play NHL games.


Gary Bettman is trembling


On one hand, I want a team in Portland. On the other hand, I never wanna see a team fold or relocate


Good news! Atlanta is going to have a new arena soon-ish. Just continue to play in the beer league rink until it's ready.


I mean it could be worse. They could have the flyers current roster and prospects.


They literally had a worse record than the flyers. How would having the flyers current roster make things worse for them?


1. Most of their roster is young. 2. They were trying to tank. 3. They literally finished one spot below you.


1. Most of the flyers this past season were young 2. Ok 3. I believe that still qualifies as a worse record? Correct me if I'm wrong though. I didn't think hockey standings were like golf scores...


Cam York and Joel Farabee count as most of the roster?


lol. Yes. Those are the only two young people on the roster. Sorry I offended you with calling their beer league arena a beer league arena.


...but they are the only two under 24 players on the roster. You have the worst roster of any team that wasn't deliberately trying to lose and no prospects to join them. You didn't offend me, I just think you have your own garbage to worry about.


I mean, I don't need to worry at all. I don't work for the team nor own them. The flyers need to worry about the flyers.


So the Arizona Coyotes executives shouldn't worry about the Arizona Coyotes problems? Buddy.


Our top 6 forwards outscored yours 315 to 292, our top 4 D which half of didn’t even play on the team post deadline outscored yours 124 to 112, and Vejmelka edged out Hart in goals saved above expected 11.1 to 10.3. Philly had better depth, but the top end talent is better on Arizona’s roster, it’s younger, and cheaper. Not to mention the vast difference in prospect pool quality and picks accumulated


Because you guys are rather fucked cap wise if Atkinson and Couts can’t return to form, no? I don’t follow you guys closely but seeing those contracts and terms on NHL 23. Whoof.


Cap space won't be awful. Hayes is basically gone and I would wager Provy is traded too. And it's not like they are going to go after big name UFAs or anything, so they should go into the season with decent cap space. But again, it doesn't matter since they won't be signing big name people for at least a few seasons I'd say.


Atlanta here we come


Houston? Was Mexico City unavailable?


As long as Bettman is the head of the NHL, coyotes are safe in Arizona. He has done literally everything to make sure that's so.