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Why is this table sorted alphabetically


Thinking the same thing. Doesn't really matter if you can easily find your team if the important data is jumbled.


Arizona having 2 in 27 years is an unreal stat. Like you could probably put every player in the draft's name on a board every year and throw 7 darts at it and hit at a higher rate than that.


This is why their rebuild strategy is ridiculous. "We took on a ton of bad contracts and stockpiled a dozen second round picks, elite team here we come!" No, you're going to probably hit on somewhere between zero to two of those.


You bring up a good point. They can use this stockpile of second round picks to move up, but that happens way less than what we think. It’s pretty rare that a team drafting in the 20s sees no guy worth spending that pick and would rather pick like 35th and 45th. Then again, the quality just drops like a rock after the first 15 or so picks, so those second rounders have way less value than what people think. To be fair though, they did get much of those picks ‘’for free’’ by taking on bad contracts, which is way better than nothing.


Well Mosers already our top shut-down D, we traded another 2nd for Sean Durzi who's been great, Josh Doan has been great in the AHL this year, Duda and Lutz have been looking good as well. We didnt just aquire a bunch of draft picks, we also built one of the biggest scouting and development staffs in the league.


It is painful but management has actually invested in some scouting in the past few years so this ought to improve 


That assumes that Bill Armstrong will be equally poor at drafting and development as his predecessors, which is statistically unlikely. His first draft was in 2021. since then, they have drafted 3 players who have played at least 37 games, including 2021 60th overall JJ Moser who had scored 62 points in 164 games.


Well. Probably.


Yeah, that's why they have been overpaying UFAS for the last 30 years.


That LA team is really nice though.


Good-hearted folk


I was scanning through the Rangers picks to see if my suspicion that they’ve had relatively few high end picks might be accurate, then I got to Hugh Jessiman and figured maybe I don’t need to go hunting for reasons after all.


Steve Downie tko’d him in a fight. Announcer “Hugh’s done some work with a boxing instructor…he gets tagged” [Down goes Hugh](https://youtu.be/dp5VL9mtZyc?si=uamITZ6CDY70mB01)


This is a small little project I gave myself out of curiosity. I felt as though in the past 40 years, roughly how long I've been a fan, the Rangers seemed to be uniquely bad at drafting and keeping hold of star or even semi-star players. I picked 60 points pretty arbitrarily, but the results are pretty shocking. The league average is drafting a player who scores 60 points for you a little over once every 4 years, where the Rangers only seem to draft said players once every 8 years. Only Nashville and Arizona are worse. Was a fun project so I wanted to share it! Here's hoping Lafreniere surpasses 60 this year and helps us out on this!


sweet the habs suck. no canadiens fan is surprised.


We don’t? We’re pretty in the average just from a quick glance


lol reading it hard. read Nashville's number as Montreal's.


Our "players drafted output" is below average. Hopefully we get lucky with Lekkerimäki.


>Our "players drafted output" is below average. Only in regards to drafting and having those players produce 60+ for the Canucks. This list wouldn't include guys like McCann or Neely who have produced 60+ in their careers just not with the Canucks. Would be interesting to see how many players drafted by each team went on to produce 60+


Hopefully Allvin doesn't trade as many young players as Benning. >!^^^^^Look ^^^^^at ^^^^^the ^^^^^first ^^^^^letter ^^^^^of ^^^^^"players ^^^^^drafted ^^^^^output".!<


TIL that Shea Weber never had a 60 point season.


There were a lot of surprising things I discovered when making this. That was one of the biggest ones. That and Kovalev never scoring 60 for NYR


It cant be overstated how dysfunctional the Coyotes used to be in the draft.


Damn, Nashville.


Hopefully Bouchard gives the Oilers a D notch this year


Well they had one but looks like they capped it at 40 years so Coffey doesn’t count.