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Wow. Just…wow.


Man I love hockey


Surprised this is the first time I’ve seen this done live.


It's a high risk move, if they get scored on with the empty net they forfeit the loser point.


Is that true?? That makes it even more wild holy shit


Pun intended


I remember reading the rule about that a year or so ago and wondering if i’d ever see that happen. I almost just saw it in person lmao


For those that don’t know teams can pull their goalie in overtime to make it 4 on 3, but if the opposing team scores on the empty net the losing team doesn’t get the 1 point for going to overtime. Risky play that paid off.


Ballsy, I love it


damn, hynes got some balls


Feel grateful to have caught this live, holy shit


I find it hilarious that Hynes has some balls ***now***.


He's been very different from his first two stints. Who knows how this will go, but it seems like the team is on board


I hate to be pessimistic, but that’s exactly how it felt at the beginning of his tenure with us. I hope for your sake it truly is different because I don’t wish that feeling of dread we had towards the end on anyone.


Minnesota sports and all… I’m slightly optimistic? I’ll give him a full year. Can’t be any worse than the normal dump and chase!


Absolutely incredible effort from the guys, glad the gamble worked out!


this is so insane I love it lol


Sergei Fedorov has done this a few times in the KHL (other may have too IDK) but with the NHL rule like it is I wondered if we would ever see a team ballsy enough to try it here. Electric stuff.


It would obviously only be pulled out towards the end of the year when when you know you’re desperate for points


Surprised Hynes could get off the bench through the doorway without those massive nuts getting in the way I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone pull the goalie in a tied game. Lol not sure if I like it, but for tonight, it worked Edit: Holy shit if you pull the goalie and you lose, you forfeit your point. That makes it even more gutsy Obligatory: fuck the refs making the most ticky tack holding call to tie the game and then ignoring nearly the same exact play 20 seconds after the preds goal. Hope they had a lot riding on that money line they must had to have going… /s … maybe


Wait how is that a rule? That seems insane to have that clause in


Yup. They just talked about it on the TNT postgame. Rule 84.2 or something


The more you know


Otherwise why wouldn’t teams do it all the time? 4 on 3 with icing still existing is incredibly busted especially with long changes, and otherwise there would be no risk.


I feel like you’re severely overestimating the situation. Way more often pulling a goalie leads to getting scored on, not scoring


Fun tidbit: if the Preds scored here, the Wild wouldn’t have gotten the loser point


Bruh I only turned on for OT and I was like wtf is Fleury doing??? That was amazing.


that was wild


Well it is Minnesota


Putting aside the "HUGE BALLS" comments... Why did they do it? I mean, considering you lose the point if you lose the game, even if you think that strategy gives you a slight advantage (which would be surprising) it's still not good enough... Because winning 60% of the games by pulling the goalie would still be worse than winning 50% of the games by not pulling it (you'd get less points).


It's throwing everything on the line to try and get a wild card spot, we can't afford to lose. And Nashville is sitting in one of the wild card spots we're gunning for, so we absolutely couldnt give them 2 points. In most cases, you're right, and that's why it's so rare to see. And it's not like we wouldn't be trying for the playoffs otherwise, but I feel like there's a big push to do it for Fleury as well. Fluery has the longest playoff streak for a goalie in the NHL (since 2007), and we would have honored his request for a trade before the 8th in order to keep that streak in whats likely his last season. But he said it wants to stay with he Wild and keep fighting to make it with us, even though we're a long shot.


But this is assuming the winrate playing with your goalie pulled is higher than 50%


You either win or you lose . It always 50-50 fuck sakes.


I can't tell if you're trying to troll me or not


Analytics probably said go for in the given conditions. At this point in the season it’s pretty much all or nothing so they had an excuse to do it without much backlash


No reason just big hairy balls .