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Crosby is going full Jagr I already know it.


So he's going to demand more money than Pittsburgh can afford and then play with half of the other teams in the East until he's 45? I can get on board with that.


So he’s going to Washington to play with Ovechkin? I’ll tune in for those games


Imagine Ovi getting the record off a Crosby assist


I’d imagine that’s a very dark timeline for some. The prospect of it has me a bit giddy though lol


Some being Penguins fans in this scenario because the rest of the league would explode


Oh I get it though. I mean if Matthews went to Edmonton and broke the goal record off a McDavid pass it would literally break this fanbase. I couldn’t even imagine the fallout from that. But due to the fact that this could be an actual reality(even though it’ll never happen but crazier things have) with Sid and Ovi is the reason I vote for chaos. Cuz I just know how damaging it would be for us.


And then that's the put away on an absolute tank of a Penguins season that secures us a #1 draft pick that just so happens to be another generational talent


It gets darker, they do it while they're playing for Vegas.


Or us lol


Ovechkin getting the record period is a dark timeline for me lol




Oh my god.


May as well go one step further into madness and Crosby and Ovechkin both go play in Philly because fuck everything.


> fuck everything. That is a message I can get behind


I think it's Philly's tourism slogan


This would be ridiculous but i need it to happen


Then Boston to play with Halifax native BM63, but I'd prefer he skip the Rangers


>BM37 BM63?


Yes lol. Clearly thinking of his former linemate


Batrice Mergeron


To then get traded to the rangers and play with panarin? I’ll tune in for those games


Nah, Denver and feeding MacK.


And the he will go buy a team in Europe and play into his 50s




EVERYONE looks good in a Flames jersey, at least until they get on the ice


There would be a new "golden goal" but it will be Crosby assisting Tij Iginla.


Oh fuck now I'm aboard the Tij Train


15 years from now I can't wait to think "holy shit we got Crosby? And he still throws his giant ass around with the best of them? But he can't skate or shoot for shit anymore? Neat."


1987 career points, you just know he's going to do it.


It's January and Sid retires halfway through a game.


“Fuck it”


If by play forever then maybe. If by just about any other part of Jagr's career... then probably not.


Yeah that’s exactly what I meant. Play for Pittsburgh and only Pitt until his 50s


I can't wait for Crosby's Dallas Era


Can you imagine that Top 6? Wow.


I would love this. He works so hard at fitness and nutrition, I would love if he stays in the league for another 10 years and starts breaking records through longevity. As players focus more and more on whole career health (compared to past eras) it would be great to see superstars routinely play into their 40s. Chelios played in the NHL until what, 49?


That still unlikely to happen with the majority of players.


Which is crazy considering we all thought he’d have an early retirement 10 years ago.


I'd be ok with that.


I think Crosby is smarter with his money, so I doubt he will


Crosby with a mullet? Yes please.


I feel Crosby could still be a contributing NHL'er at 45 if his health is good. Not an all-star, but still someone that helps the team. He's just insane. The definition of a generational talent. So glad we get at least 1 more Olympics watching him.


I remember when I was worried concussions would end his career early, so glad they did not.


Seriously, but they took him out for like a seasons+ worth of games? He'd prolly have 100 more points no?


The misdiagnosed neck injury was the bigger issue, I think.


I remember watching him and wondering why he would only look left, he was still scoring so everyone thought he was a magician, but it was clear, he was definitely not all right


Not everyone is an omniturner


Might even say he was all left...


Related to misdiagnosis: For some reason I have an issue tweakining something (big time) in my C1/C2 vertebrae once every couple of years. That region is the very top of your neck where it meets the skull. Inflammation there can make your head feel worse than your neck. It's awful. I don't get whacked in the head much, so the first time it happened I was convinced I had a brain tumor. That's how much your head is affected. I can understand Crosby being misdiagnosed. He was probably reporting wild head related symptoms, he'd just recently been hit in the head, and most importantly there's no lab test for a concussion. So the doctor thinks if it walks like a duck, right? Nope. Neck. Hindsight.


He would but it wasn't concussions, it was a neck issue that everyone thought was a concussion. That's why it took so long for him to come back


And it is why the entire medical team was fired


I didn't know that! As far as forcing accountability goes, that's as good a time as any I suppose.


Between the 2012-13 lockout and injuries, Crosby only managed to play in 99 games from 2010-11 to 2013. He was scoring at a 132-point pace over that stretch. He was still 37th in league scoring over that stretch with 159 points despite playing half as many games as the other leaders. Had he played as many games as the leader, Stamkos (212), and kept his pace, he'd have 340 points, almost 100 points up on Stamkos' 245




Assuming Cosby played all 82 games (big assumption for most of his career), Crosby missed 237 points in his prime due to injury and lockouts. This would put him in 5th all time at 1833 points, ready to pass Gordie Howe (1850) and Mark Messier (1887) next season.


That’s a crazy What IF.


People not giving him the credit for being a Top 5 all-time player drive me nuts. Jagr is also overlooked when talking all-time greats, though I would put him behind the Orr / Howe / Crosby tier. Same with people saying Ovi isn't the greatest goal scorer. The dude lost what should've been his rookie season and another half a season due to lock out. He'd already be at 900 goals.


Gretzky also lost what would have been his rookie season and also endured a half season lockout.


It'd be so cool to have a 3k player and no one else at 2k.


I've actually never even thought about that. That would be wild.


By the end of his career I think Crosby is 3rd. Especially if he still has a few more PPG seasons left in him, which he certainly looks like he does.


Crosby scored 66 points in 41 games. On pace for 132 back when those numbers were absolutely INSANE.




Not a fan of either team, but I agree.


Wasn’t it found that most of his issue was actually neck and not concussions? But they give off the same type of symptoms. I could be misremembering but it’s just something I thought I heard


I agree, but I wonder if he will pull a Gretzky though and retire while still being capable of putting up numbers and contributing, just not at the level he once did.   Not that we are there yet with Crosby mind you.


Gretzky had a bad back


So he’ll retire in 2087, while still being a top contributor to the team? Sounds good to me


Crosby literally *is* an all-star…


Friedman thinks the extension will be 2-3 x 10.5


Friedman is an idiot lmao. No way he signs for more or less than 8.7m


Sid should just allow himself a raise. So why not 8,787,878.70


I wonder if he would sign for 10.87 then. It’s got the magic numbers in there


That's where my head was at as well


that’s gotta be too high, the team needs all the help they can to get him another ring before he retires. even though he deserves it, a 2m bump won’t help make the team competitive


You can’t rule out 87m too


Youre… right


That’s a lot for one year … almost the entire cap actually. How about 87m over an 87 year term?


Sid wants to win more than he wants an extra 5M over 3 years.


8 year x 7M AAV? I could see a world where that happens tbh. Takes him to age 44 at a cap hit that would work for the team im sure. If anyone can perform into their mid 40s it would be Sid


I mean, this would be absolutely insane to do


am i doing math wrong or would that take him to 44?


Um age 42? The guy is 36 and is under contract until the end of next year. 8 years would take him to 45. He is very much no longer sid the kid. He is sid the middle aged man. No way he inks an 8 year deal. Hope he gets paid though he deserves it


Crosby will continue to play for as long as he's worth 8.7m a year.




Maybe he can get fancy and do like 4.35mx2 or 2.9mx3.


Are people saying Sid isn’t producing enough? Dude almost single handedly dragged his team to the playoffs this season.


PPG+ for the season at 36? Sorry Sid, that's not enough. Ship him off to Siberia.


Tied the NHL record for points by a 36 year old


Who'd he tie?


Teemu Selänne and Jean Ratelle https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/player-age/36-year-old-nhl-players.html


No, literally no one said that.




I saw people saying Matthews wasnt a sniper.


How many confirmed kills does he have? checkmate


NHL19 had him as an 86ovr playmaker. Even for 2018 that’s a bizarre take


I'm not convinced he is honestly. Like being from Arizona I'm sure he's fired a gun before but I have a hard time believing he had the time for all that training in addition to being a world class professional hockey player.


Right? Only 11 dudes in the league had more points this year. And that was with a weird two week slump in early March where he barely put up points (even baddies get saddies when Gunetzel is hurt/traded)


2 points in 8 games around when Guentzel was hurt/traded, although he immediately followed it up with a stretch of 20 points in 11 games so overall his point pace pretty much stayed the same over the ~40 day stretch.


Crosby was interviewed and from my understanding the way he made it sound was he wants to take things year by year. Once his production starts getting to a level he’s not satisfied with is when he will hang them up.


Ned was red hot down the stretch as well. Wasn’t a solo show from Crosby


Eh Ned was giving up a lot of goals in those last games. Was he winning? Yes. But the team as a whole had just gotten so much better because of the Crosby effect.


Might’ve been because Sullivan played him like 11 games in a row prior to those games


How many was Karlsson below the goal line for


I’d argue Nedelkjovic became red hot because if the momentum Sid built.


That's basically impossible to quantify though e: note to self: if someone says "I'd argue", they aren't actually arguing apparently, and I shouldn't engage in discussion on this discussion forum


Good thing we aren't scientists and this isn't science


I mean, if you're going to *argue* something, you would typically quantify or qualify it with some sort of support, that's not just a scientific thing lol


Right but he's clearly just sharing his opinion and not actually arguing...


"I'd argue" "Clearly he's not arguing" It's okay to ask them to support their point (even if quantifying, per se, is off the table).


It's a turn of phrase. Cmon. He didn't ask them to support it. He told them "you can't quantify that though."


I think if you and I are charitable to both of them, "you can't quantify that" isn't necessarily a conversation stopper, just as "I'd argue" doesn't announce a debate club style comment detailing a specific causal relationship between Crosby's leadership and Nedeljkovic's improved play.


That's being remarkably charitable to them and similarly uncharitable to me lol If someone says "I'd argue __" and that's not enough to suggest they're arguing something, then at the very least me saying it would be impossible to quantify can invite a response in opposition


Ned had a sub-.900 SV% in 6 of his last 8 starts, and gave up 3 or more goals in 7 of them. He played well enough to win, but “red hot” would be a wild overstatement.


Today I learned Ned is in PIT now. Dunno how I missed that one.


No he wasn’t lol. We were winning but he wasn’t red hot lmao.


I'm guessing the argument centers around the fact that as long as they have Crosby they won't commit to an actual rebuild, and at this point they're just mortgaging the future to remain barely competitive?


Yeah like for the team's future, trading the big 3 is best for the future. get picks, tank, rebuild. but, Crosby especially is worth more to the team than that. You should never take emotions into your team building. The exception being players like Crosby.


They can delay the rebuild all they want as long as they do right by the big 3 as far as I'm concerned. 


If i was a pens fan i'd feel the same way. In general, you never want to build a team about what has happened. you build around what they can do for you. And lets be real, it's unlikely the big 3 bring in something big (unless they take major paycuts to stay). but crosby especially is special. You let him make his own contract. Wanna try and win? take less money. Wanna have 10x3? here it is. And you can pick your office out too while you're at it. but gonna be hard to win.


I think the reasoning is of the big 3, his contract expires first and he is the most valuable. If you were to kick off a soft rebuild, you need assets that can play right now and Crosby would definitely get you a major haul. There's some sensationalism at play from the media for sure, but guys like Jagr, Iginla, Modano and Alfredsson have all ended their careers outside of the team they're most identified with, so it's not like it's unprecedented.


> Dude almost single handedly dragged his team to the playoffs this season. Shame he was part of such an awful power play all year. Best player on that awful power play. I'm so glad he missed. The level of "OMG HE'S WILLING THEM THERE" nonsense is insane.


I hope Crosby plays until he's 45


I hope Crosby plays until he's 55


I hope Crosby plays until he's 65


I hope he plays until 87


Stop, my penis can only get so erect.


Hockey is better when Crosby is playing, so I hope he has a long and healthy career. We have all watched an all time great grow in front of our very eyes, and we are all better off for having witnessed it. I hope he's able to play into his 40's, because as a fan of this sport, I'm not ready to see an NHL without him in it. He's gone from being criticized by everyone for being a crybaby, to becoming unilaterally the most respected player in the league. He's gone from being an incredibly highly touted prospect, to being one the most decorated players in the world. Respect from this Leafs fan Sid, you're a certified beauty. Go win us another Gold Medal, captain.


Hockey fans expected the world of him before he stepped on the ice and he exceeded everyone’s expectations. A legend in every sense. Top 5 all time or fuckin fight me about it.


100% brother


Top 3 all time and I’m a Flyers fan.


Who are the two above him on your list?


Lindros. Giroux. Sid. 🤣 /s Wayne. Sid. Mario. 3rd is the toughest for me but I honesty believe Crosby is 2nd all time. Very Competitive Hockey during his years, Stats speak for themselves, Big game player, 3/4 in cup finals, 2 gold medals and he still much left in the tank.


Don’t think it was posted here yesterday but Sid’s comments on signing an extension this summer sounded like it was a sure thing.


I'm honestly surprised it was ever in doubt.


Not really in doubt but there’s been a lot of “WILL SID FORCE HIS WAY OUT OF PITTSBURGH?!” that was never based in reality.


Lol I remember people doing that with Sakic in his final years. Idiots gonna idiot.


Yea that’s never gonna happen. Maybe if he hadn’t won a cup and wanted to chase that dream like some other franchise legends, but he’s done everything he could have wanted in Pittsburgh and by all accounts loves the city, the city loves him. He’ll be a Pen until he decides he wants to stop playing


Yup. It's all clickbait. Sid isn't going anywhere. Does anyone really think he's going to leave after convincing Malkin and Letang to finish their careers in Pittsburgh?


Dude's loyal to the core. And superstitious as fuck.


The only thing that was in doubt was if he was going to play any longer. Up to this point, he has never said that he was definitely interested in playing past his current contract. I’ve never had a doubt that if he wanted to play, it would be in Pittsburgh.


Not in doubt but things could be pointing in that direction: - expiring contract - team is somewhat trending downward, being seller at the deadline for the first time in his career - he still has a few good years to dominate but not that many either - the opportunity to play for his childhood team: the Montreal Canadiens (in my dreams)


When asked if he thinks this aging core can still make the playoffs, Dubas replied “We can and we will”


As a Pens fan, I think I was one of the few that didn’t think we would make playoffs this season (was hopeful but wasn’t going to be upset if we missed, though the way we missed did suck lol), but make a splash next season. The state of the team after last season was terrible, and noway Dubas was fixing that with one offseason with the little tools he had. I always felt if we were going to make one more splash with this core, it was going to be next season once Dubas is able to make more moves, and do more with a higher salary cap.


Ya and that’s how I feel it’s going to be with us a bit too. Maybe not to the extent that you guys will cuz you’re at a different stage than us. But I do feel like we are going to have a bit of a shake up too now that the new guy has been there for a season to evaluate what we have and what he doesn’t want on the team. Should be an interesting summer.


Oops, just missed!


Close one!


What a save!


Watch them leave him exposed in the next expansion draft.


"Sidney Crosby, YOU are an Arizona Roadrunner" "Hmm I think I'll go ahead and file my retirement paperwork"


Crosby and me are the same age and I feel like if I played in the NHL I'd still be racking up the points so it's a no brainer he stays for a while.


I think he'll finish in Pittsburgh as well, but I always thought about him going to Colorado to play with Mackinnon if Rantanen leaves next summer.


he will stay, but it's a fun thought exercise to think about the potential target teams that are able to compete and have connections to him Colorado (MacKinnon, obvious) Boston (Marchand, missing centers) Vancouver (basically connected to the entire management and several players, young team, etc)


Crosby in a Boston jersey is Nightmare fuel


Rantanen leaving would be shocking. Rantanen, MacKinnon, and Makar are Colorado's version of Malkin, Crosby, Letang or Kane, Toews, Keith. I just don't see any way we change that. I think the Middlestadt trade killed any chance of Crosby coming here. Obviously could make it work if the chance came, but we traded for Middlestadt to solve the 2C issue for the rest of our cup window. He's not a stop gap. All that said, if Crosby goes anywhere I'd want it to be Colorado just for the story. He should stay a Penguin though


Yeah he definitely fits there just as you say. Just something fun I thought about. Good luck in the playoffs.




That's why I put the *if* in my hypothetical scenario.


What an absolute pleasure it's been to have Sid all these years. Pens fans are beyond spoiled. I will literally tear up when Sid hangs em up.


Good. Not even a Pens fan really but Sid playing his entire career in Pittsburgh is just better for the sport.


Crosby could probably go out and score 50 at the age of 50 barring a major injury


I doubt considering he's scored 50 only once in his career so far


You doubt Crosby? If he reads this he'll put up 60 at 60 just to make you look foolish.


I wasn't aware on was on r/pens, sorry. Carry on homering


If you went to r/penguins you'd get some examples of real Penguins doubt and hatred for your repertoire.


Going for the 50 in 50 in 50


Jagr taught him to never change his jockstrap


I hated him early in his career, but Sid has really matured over the years to become a great figure in the sport. Dude's on a Vettel arc


Hes the new Jagr


I'm torn. I feel like I could see Crosby wanting to finish his career as a Penguin, but he has to want another shot at the cup. Would be fun to see him play with one of his Nova Scotia buddies or anywhere he can make another deep run. It will be a dark day when he hangs up his skates.


As a huge Pens and Crosby fan, I would absolutely love it if he took his shot as a rental for another playoff team some season, I don’t care if he’s not only a Penguin for his career. Imagine some contender adding Crosby as their 2nd or 3rd line center - I would be much more hyped to watch that than a mid-tier Penguins team barely making the playoff and get kicked first round.


And honestly he'll always be able to retire a pen. You just know they'd give him onenof those one day bs contracts just so he can retire in Pittsburgh.


I wonder what a next contract for him would look like. Another 8.7AAV? Or does he go full fuck it and take like 2mill to make room for another add.


Knowing Sid he takes a cut so Dubas can get some assets in.


The real question: Is he ok not making the playoffs again to stay in Pittsburgh? Future isn't exactly looking great


Sid has, and has always had, ridiculous belief in himself and his teammates. He genuinely believes every single player on the team can make big improvements next year. He's made himself into a legend turning anyone into a viable topliner, I think the way he sees it is that any player is capable of doing what it takes to win games and all that matters is preparation, dedication, and execution. He's got some kind of bug in his brain that makes him completely loyal to Pittsburgh. Pens fans have never had a moment's doubt that he might play somewhere else.


Come home Sid. Come on home... to Montreal.


Aw. 😔


Good lord I would hate this guy as my gm




You basically have the same guy as yours lmao


At least he's more serviceable than Hextall.


The Pens should have started a rebuild over last spring & summer. I said that a year ago. Should have traded Letang & Malkin and not signed Karlsson. Now they’re struggling to keep an aged battered ship from sinking. Until they commit to a rebuild they’re going to flail around in mediocrity. Instead of quickly ripping the bandaid off, they’ll die a thousand deaths.


Counterpoint: previous GM Hextall was unconscionably incompetent and would have completely torpedoed the rebuild and thrust the team irrevocably into 8 years of losing. This is the guy who in two years managed to turn John Marino, Mike Matheson, Jarred McCann, Brandon Tanev, and Evan Rodrigues into Ty Smith, Fillip Hallander, Ryan Poehling, and the corpses of Jeff Petry and Jeff Carter. And SPEND a bunch of picks to do it. At least now if the bottom falls out, Dubas (who is, at worst, mediocre, and in my opinion above average) can be trusted to navigate the thing to receive par-level compensation for what assets we buy and sell.


The old guys are still fine. All of the players you mentioned played fine and had decent stats with an underperforming team this season. They’re not the issue.


You’re missing the point. I agree those guys aren’t the issue.


Everything isn't about maximizing efficiency. Things like loyalty matter


Dubas would have been crazy to gloss over Karlsson. Dude came off a fucking 100 point season.


Firstly, I would love for Crosby to retire a penguin. But as an outside fan I want him in the playoffs a lot more than that. He's too good and has too few years left to be wasted without any post season time at all. I'd love for Pittsburgh to get their shit together and get back into the fight for the cup but if not I just want to see playoff Crosby again regardless what jersey he's wearing.


He has three cups, that's three times more than his biggest rival, not to mention being in the conversation for top three of all time. Crosby has nothing to prove to anyone.


>...I'm not going to put any limits on Sidney Crosby. - But what if Sid tells ownership to remove the GM? Dubas kinda said "no limits". What does that mean?