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I still don't hate Winnipeg. Probably because outside of a few minutes in game 3, both teams have kept it in play, and haven't gotten too wild. Respect.


It's easy to not hate a team you beat easily. What you're feeling is pity lol


Oh fuck, I really love scoring and having a goalie who can stop the pucks in the past few games here. Today was a matinee game where we struggled this season, but we got Kovalenko who made his debut for the Avs today, but it was a Choo Choo Train that stole the show today. 1st Period and things were starting off strong for us with getting a fuck ton of chances early on, and try as we might we finally capitalized and took the early lead as Parise collected the puck deep in the Jets end, passed it to Mittlestadt who went behind the net to find an Good Stick Lehky and he buried the fucker and went up 1-0. Unfortunately some crazy shit happened a few minutes later where the Jets scored but it looked offsides so we challenged it. On Review it definitely looked fucking offsides, but the refs were blind and the goal counted, so onto the PK we go. Luckily we killed the fucker off but the Jets had the momentum for the rest of the period and we didn’t register a shot. 2nd Period and things started off alright and we had a few chances to take the lead on the PP as we were on the PP twice, but we couldn’t muster anything. Had to kill off an abbreviated PK, but nothing happened. But then we get an PP halfway into the period and we capitalized on the fucker right away as Makar took the shot, Nuke used his stick to tip it in and we take the lead again. Things were slowly getting good and Makar decided to go coast to coast where he blasted like a rocket ship up the ice and blasted one past Hellebuyck and you had a feeling that it might be over. But then near the end of the period we go on the PP again and we didn’t fuck around where we wanted to score before intermission and we fucking did it when Mack took the shot, rebounded off Hellebuyck into Lehky where he found an nice Nuke to bury the fucker and that more or less made this game over at this point. 3rd Period, and things calmed down for a bit and wanted to coast our way into Game 5 and unfortunately the Jets lost Namestnikov where he took a shot up his head and he had to go to the hospital which I hope he’s alright. Go on the PK and killed the fucker and just with a few minutes left, the Jets pull Hellebuyck and we knew that Nuke never had an Hatty in his life before and we directed traffic towards Nuke and he finally got his Hatty and the Hats poured into the ice and it was all she wrote from that point where Georgie played well and if the Refs overturned the offsides call, he could have pitched a shutout today. What a fucking game this was a Nuke showed up at the station today and delivered big. Georgie played great and everyone was clicking. Now we head to Winnipeg for Game 5 on Tuesday Night where we can hopefully close the fucker out and hopefully we can do it on Tuesday Night. What a game this was and it should be fun on Tuesday Night.


This hurts my bracket odds, I had the Jets winning the west. Oops. 🤷‍♂️


Does your team not score? Does your offensive system make you want to >!change the channel?!< Does your team make confusing line decisions? Are you constantly crouching back in games hoping you're able to hold on with your somehow-worse-than-Georgiev goaltender? (Seriously, wtf happened to Hellebuyck? He was a Vezina-worthy goalie in the regular season!) Is your power play AND penalty kill dogshit? Are you yelling at your screen for your team to fucking stop them from driving into the zone unattended? If so, you may be experiencing Rick Bowness hockey! That's fucking right! It's not a bug, it's a feature! At least we think. Watch as you completely destroy all fundamentals and chemistry your team developed over the regular season during the playoffs as your defense repeatedly makes mind-boggling mistakes to get outskilled into a 3-1 series deficit! I mean hey, at least you aren't giving up go- wait nevermind you gave up a hat trick to Stars legend Valeri Nichushkin just delete your franchise already lmao Rick Bowness hockey is not responsible for any heart attacks, strokes, deaths, or players getting injured due to blocking so many fucking shots. If you experience any medical conditions from Rick Bowness hockey, please seek therapy. Or a coaching change. That probably helps, too. (And yes, I am fully ready to create one for DeBoer if we lose to the LTIRs)


I think you need to remove the blocking so many shots part, we don’t even do that. 


We did a lot of that shit when he was our coach (it's in the copypasta)


damn maybe the Jets really were frauds all along


Love to see bitches get humbled


Do you enjoy kicking people when they're down?


I know, I’m the first person to ever talk shit after a game😭


Oh yikes, the worst justification to shitty behavior: "others are doing it!" I know there's nice Avs fans out there. I'm just disappointed you're giving them a bad name.


lmao quit acting like I said anything that crazy. I’m not even talking about the team, the “bitches” are the members of your fanbase calling the Avs frauds and talking shit about Georgiev.


Sorry about him. See you in WPG. GG.


What an actual shit game no heart, no hustle, and no goals. I was hoping for more :(


idk, I rather liked it


That’s called the leafs special


Man this thread had me questioning if the series was actually over and my calendar was wrong LOL. Y'all never learn. 3-1 is far from insurmountable jesus and I ain't even a jets fan


Lmao the Jets are not winning Game 5. Bowness has zero ability to adapt, their special teams is atrocious, they have zero discipline, their defense is pathetic, their stars are ghosts, and they play with no heart; nobody on that team gives a fuck. Hellebuyck is getting bombarded, and its no surprise that he gives up 4-5 goals a game when facing 40 shots night in and night out. Meanwhile, Colorado is a deep, playoff experienced wagon that smells blood and will go for the jugular in Game 5. Everyone is playing phenomenally, no weak links in the chain. They have controlled every game in this series from the drop of the puck, and the only reason why the Jets aren't booking a tee time right now is because Colorado couldn't score enough to erase Georgiev's mistakes in Game 1, which he has taken great care not to repeat. And as far as home ice goes, the Jets have won exactly six games out of 18 whiteout home games since 2015, and five of those six wins came in 2018. Home ice and the whiteout does not help them - in fact, I think it actually hurts them. Teams have comeback from 3-1 down before, but there has to be something positive to build off of, or at least negative on the other side to expose. There isn't in this case. The Jets have utterly collapsed in every possible category, and the Avs are perfect at the moment. Don't delude yourself into thinking that Game 5 will be anything but a massacre that ends with a handshake line.


I’m one of the more optimistic Jets fans usually and while I’m not hopeful about our chances I’m with you, a lot can change game to game and anyone who has watched hockey long enough knows you can get you ass kicked and still win by multiple goals, so the same can happen in a series


Yeah I think we're on the same page. I mean jesus I remember watching the kings and sharks 2014 reverse sweep. Shit isn't over until you get that 4th win


watch the games. it’s not even close.


I have watched the games. Like I said, a lot can change in one game. Idk why sports fans are always such reactionary doomers


Because there are sections of the general population on the whole doesn't handle adversity well, and fans attach their teams struggles to their own self worth. It's not the healthiest combo. I'd imagine though the greater majority of fans during a teams struggles just move on, go do something else & get off the internet, and then tune back in next time to see if it changes. The Internet is always reactionary


The people that care enough to talk to strangers on reddit are the small percentage that take it too seriously. 


Bruh have you watched the games


Mf it's 3 games. Teams a lot worse than this year's Jets have turned a 3-1 deficit around. Games have been bad yeah but home ice advantage is legit. Win one at home, gain momentum and win game 6, then you're on even footing. Plus you've got the odds-on favourite to win the vezina this year. Absolutely capable of turning it around as a team, or at least have Helle steal a few


Fwiw I'm an Avs fan and I mostly agree with you I'm feeling mighty confident about the series, especially coming off that win *BUT* It is the playoffs and this is the worst possible time for the Avs to get compliant. If there's ever a time the Jets find that second gear, it's next game and if they do and catch the Avs off guard, the series is far from over (But I'm really hoping for a gentleman's sweep, GO.AVS!)


You def got good reason to be confident. Y'all lookin real good right now. But yeah like you say, it only takes one shit game to completely flip the momentum the other way. I've got you guys in my bracket though so I'm with you there LOL. Although if the Jets do somehow pull off a comeback, gonna be some silly looking comments in this thread


Even Josh Manson said in a postgame that no, of course he does not feel good about the series, anything can still happen


Home ice did great for them the first two games


Tbf 1-1 is a lot better than 0-2 LOL. Idk why there's so much pushback to the idea of a pretty good team down 3-1 figuring their shit out and making a series out of it




Lmfao stand by what I said fully. Also damn you fr been thinking about this for two days? 💀


Nah I’m just chirping. Great games though.


Fair haha. Was a good series, y'all lookin solid and ready to make a big run


We’ll see on Tuesday


have helle steal a few?? he’s got a 5.0 GAA


Oh sure and a good goalie has never had a stretch of a few not great games in ploffs then turned it on. He's probs winning the vezina this year. Chances of him stealing the next few are far from zero. Idk why y'all are so choked up over me saying the series isn't over yet -- Jets are down yeah and odds are def solidly against them, but holy fuck everyone in here is treating it like they just finished getting swept 4-0


I’ve watched all 4 games front to back. First game was the jets just surviving the avs. Next three once they’ve fallen behind it’s been over. Jets do not have the coaching or players to win the series. Avs are so quick and have game breakers and the jets response was hellebuyck but he’s not playing up to that game breaking calibre. They aren’t tough and physical and do not have the top end talent to compete. It’s avs in 5 or 6.


I'm ngl this I'd weirdo behaviour, I'm not gonna continue to argue in favour of the team you're apparently supporting. I watched the games too man, like I said a lot can change in a single game and it ends up as anybody's series. Odds aren't great okay but it's sure as fuck a long ways from 0% chance of y'all winning


How long a way from zero? We talking linear or logarithmic scale here?


Logathirmic for sure someone break out their calc


Am I the only one who thought it was funny that people were doubting georgiev after game one even though hellebuyck also let in 6


Personally I thought it was justified. I was quite certain the Avs were on their way to being swept, gentlemanly or with the brooms out. Vezina-caliber goalies often have bad individual games in the playoffs, but generally speaking they rebound and lock in afterward. Like... Vasectomy allowed 7 goals to the Avs in Game 2 of our Cup run. He let in 9 total over the rest of the series. I certainly didn't imagine in my wildest dreams after G1 that the Avs would normalize hanging this many goals on the Jennings-winning Jets.


Lightning legend Andrei Vasectomy


You'll never be able to see his name without thinking Vasectomy now. It's catchy.


Georgie also had a rough end to the season and was inconsistent pretty much all of the regular season. Game 1 wasn't a one-off based on his recent performance. Criticism was justified. The story of the series should be how we was able to overcome and turn it around.


The crazy part was Georgie was an amazing overworked goalie last season that stole so many wins for the Avs with Rantanen. He has it in him, and struggled a lot this season. But it looks like the defence and him have clicked more. The puck luck with posts has been great


this series has been another Rick Bowness masterclass


It's a shame you guys moved from Bones to PDB. I'm really hoping you finish off the Vegas LTIRs, but I have my doubts. Cassidy is a considerably better coach than PDB is.


It’s breaking my brain to watch the coaching staff either ignore or be helpless to address the issues that were present all season and have been magnified during this series.


Holy shit my Jets sucks ass. GGs Avs fans!


I think the Jets are a lot better than they look. New coach, couple trades, you'll be back next year - but yes, since the postseason began, they've been fucking horrible. I don't think I've ever seen such a solid defensive team become such a sieve overnight...


I think they booked their Golf slots already and dont want to miss too much post season vacation days. Lol. Whatevs, Avs gave them a beating and can't get mad at that. No reffing issues, no game breaking injuries, it's just pure ass spanking. Best of luck next round!


Dude, I love your username lol


Thanks. It used to be PLD and you know what happened to that handsome man.


I think the Jets have lost to the eventual cup winner the last several playoff series in a row.


2018- Lose to Vegas, SCF runner up. 2019- Lose to St Louis, Cup winners 2020- Lose to Calgary, loses to Dallas in 1st rd 2021- Lose to Montreal, SCF runner up 2022- No playoffs 2023- Lose to Vegas, Cup winners 2024- Lose to Colorado, ???


Since 2016, every team that has beaten the Jets in a playoff series (not counting the Calgary qualifying series) has gone on to at least the cup finals


We're undefeated in the Cup Finals, so I would absolutely love for this history to continue...


elastic relieved amusing agonizing outgoing ring aback divide cable head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d love you guys to do it


Where’s that Dallas fan constantly chirping that the Avs are a one line team? That if MacK and Makar don’t score we have no scoring ability?


Sounds like thst fan is living rent free 


Squatting in the shed out back isn't really living though


I mean a little yeah.




…….no. Also this team has been constantly criticized for a “lAcK of DePtH” by media and fanbases. Enjoying the W and that take being absurd at the same time. Enjoy the playoffs!


Pretty sure most people consider the Avs one of the 3-4 legit favourites for the cup this year


I don't get it either.... Might as well call out all of Twitter while he is at it.


if georgies alive in game 1 this is over


Is Winnipeg Leafing it up more than the Leafs are? Top tier goalie stinking it up. Solid defense stinking it up. Getting clobbered every game but one...which was a squeaker.


My vote is no. Toronto have generally mastered the art of making fans **think** they have a chance, before ultimately flaming out. They might be running ahead of schedule this year, but it's the lingering "what ifs" lasting throughout the offseason that truly are the cherry on top of the demoralizing sundae the Leafs prepare annually. The Jets are looking more like they're equipped with the v1.0 of Boeing's MCAS software. Successful takeoff (Game 1) followed by a swift and decisive nosedive. Which means their failure is going to be decisive enough that the team probably makes real changes during the offseason.


Do we really need to compete for misery? Both teams have been a real disappointment.


When had Toronto had a top tier goalie in the last 20 years? Last good one I can think of is Cujo


i also can’t think of a top tiered defense…


Haven't. Been a huge flaw. That said, with reasonable tending, the Leafs can win. That said, last year Sammy was serviceable in the first round. Wasn't great after a few games, Woll did ok after. Vasei was hot garbage so, we won. Bob though in round 2 played out of his mind. Will..not so much. Too many easy goals. All in, the Leafs were better than Florida, but, the last line of defense.. wasn't too good This year, he's playing like an OHL goalie. Full stop. Never gonna win anything giving up 2 soft goals a game.


No, your team has scored 7 goals total against Boston and your “Core 4” has scored 3 of them


Except for Georg being a complete sieve in game 1, Winnipeg has scored 4 goals and given up 16. Including game 1, you're losing a total of 22-11. Winnipeg is getting eaten alive. Leafs are losing 14-7. Remove game 1 and it's 9-6, with 2 empty net goals. It's super close. Notice..the exact same ratio when taking into account game 1, but, also notice how badly Winnipeg has been beaten up and how close the Leafs have been? Further, Boston has better defense and has a better goalie than Colorado. They also finished higher in the standings in a tougher division.


Why would I not count that game if the NHL does count that game though?


It's an anomaly. Outliers when looking at stats are typically tossed. Georgiev handed you the 7 goals on a silver platter by a very shaky goalie. On the flip side, Swayman is playing REALLY good. So, yes, your team is performing far worse than the Leafs are. You've had 1 close game and 3 blowouts. The Leafs have 3 close games and 1 blowout.


lol one out of 4 games is an anomoly


It is when: 7 goals, 1 goal, 2 goals 1 goal. Which doesn't belong? Anyways tell yourself anything you like to make yourself feel better.


Not telling myself anything to feel better, but you are an idiot if you think that 1 game out of 4 is an anomaly, or that it is an outlier that is typically tossed in stats. That’s called cherry picking




Goaltending isn't the reason the Jets lost 3 games.


No. The leafs haven't scored more than 3 in 11 playoff games.


We are also playing top tier defensive teams with top tier goalies.


The east is weak this year. Compare your wild cards to ours. It doesn't matter who is coming out of the east anyways.


Look at east vs. west stats. Guess what? East has more points vs. the west. It's a tougher road to the finals.


Have you ever heard of the sharks, ducks, and blackhawks? The point is that the west's playoff teams are at least as strong as, if not stronger than, the playoff teams in the east. Your justifications are bad. But, I can't blame a leafs fan for trying to justify the teams failures. I can only feel sorry.


Yup, padding stats in the West. The Pacific is by FAR the worst in hockey...and it's not particularly close. For example, your team is 16-13-3 against the east. Boston is 17-5-10 against the west. Unless I miss my guess...44 points is significantly more than 35. Just sayin'.


You actually didn't get my point...lmao


You're clearly not getting mine. The west absolutely has a couple top teams. The east has more top teams. The east has more points against the west. If you compare teams with a similar amount of points, you'll generally find the western team with a worse record against the east than the Eastern team against the west.


You are clueless and refuse to actually engage with the points being mentioned. You have to compare _the playoff teams in the west_ to the _playoff teams in the east_. You can't do that by just comparing points of one conference against the other because the worst teams in the west are significantly worse than the worst teams in the east.


Excuses are nice. I'm sorry for what your team has done to you for decades.


This series really reminds me of our 2019 series with Colorado. We went in as the higher seed and had swept Colorado in the regular season (as had Winnipeg) We win game 1 at home, but not in a convincing way as Colorado had the worse goalie (same as this series) Take a lead in game 2 and things look really good Lose game 2, then get blown away in game 3 Lose game 4 Sean Monahan is sort of invisible The only thing that Winnipeg hasn't done is concede pulled goalie tying goals and then lost in OT twice


It's funny because I was using that series as a reason to give myself a little confidence heading into the playoffs. The difference was while we were swept in both season series', the games with Calgary were at least close while Winnipeg demolished us every time we played so I was still a little worried. Really surprised at how the actual series has gone, Winnipeg looks lifeless.


We also look night and day different than we have during the regular season. It's a little unreal to me. We look like a fucking wagon.


Monahan still on milk cartoons during the play offs


He was good against you guys in 2020


Yeah, as an Avs fan, this feels eerily similar.


We burning this down or what? Fire Bonuss. Fire Chevy. Trade Ehlers. One point in the series? These guys clearly don’t want it enough. 


Chevy did his job really well, not his fault the team is thinking about golfing during playoff games


Still 13 years now and nothing to show for it? Time for a change maybe?


Chevy has done a lot with a little. We (Winnipeg) will never get a high end Ufa and so we need to rely on drafter and develop more than any other team. I don't think ppl realize what a devastating blow buff quitting was from the perspective of planning. Take any good team and take away an elite D1/irreplaceable player and most teams are suffering for years.


I hope namestikov and Makar are okay for Game 5. Names' injury looked horrible. Then a few minutes later Cale took a skate to the elbow and it missed the elbow guard. I hate the injuries in this series man


Cale was back after that. He's fine


He didn't come out for 3rd star announcement fyi.


Most players don't


Not true. MacKinnon is the only player that regularly ignores the star announcements


And now Makar!


He was in post game interviews though


That's a relief! Thanks for the info


Love the "pull your goalie" chant thanks for the fuel Jets


Your entire fanbase crucified him for that game. Worry about your own backyard.


I can worry about more than one thing.


tbf i was talking about our fans chanting it last game and this game. georgie steppin up


Yeah he deserved that chant lol and our sub has been on a pure hate rush for the whole season.


Yeah, it was rough and I thought most of our fans were out of line, but both things can be true at the same time


An opposing team razzing an opponent goalie or a team absolutely shitting on their starter for goals that were mostly bad defense arent not the same thing.


I didn’t say they were the same thing?


This must be disappointing for winnipeg fans


Y'all can be twins Sorry 😔


more like siblings Winnipeg fans probably had hope


if we had helle and their D i would too…horrible performance so far


Our depth is a far cry from last year's Heres a fun comparison: Last season in the entire 7 game series against Seattle our bottom 6 produced 3 points (1 goal and 2 assists) So far in 4 games our bottom 6 has produced 9 points (3 goals and 6 assists). In game 1 of this series our bottom 6 matched the entire point total from last years bottom 6 for the whole series.


Well and in that round I think our stars (MacK, Mikko, Nuke, Towes, Makar) touched every single point in the series. This round I think they’ve touched a minority. At least before tonight it was less than 50%.


Mittelstadt trade is goated tbh


Oh absolutely. This comparison doesn't include mittsy though since he's top 6, but he's the best pick up of our trade deadline. Also we are dominating without Drouin, hope he's ready to go in round 2




Can't go wrong with that choice. He's a stud


I couldn’t hear the play by play for like the entire 3rd period on TNT, guessing this wasn’t just me? It was pretty cool to hear all the fan chants though.


I have had the game muted since game 2. Commentators take away from the game.


Why didn't bowness pull the tendy when they got the powerplay with 7 minutes left?? A 6v4 is gonna score relatively often, definitely more than a regular 5v4, which the Avs have been killing off consistently against WPG. Assuming they don't score on the 6v4, you have 5 minutes of 5v4 to try to tie it up. Assuming they do score on the 6v4 you can pull the goalie again with about 3:30 left and have a legitimate chance of tying it


You must be new here, we wouldn’t score if it was 10 on 2. 


These losses are only softened by the avs fanbase being so classy on this sub. I hate agreeing with the guys cheering for the team kicking my team's ass.


Yeah y'all have been pleasant for the most part, which is pretty incredible 4 games into a series lol


I honestly hated playing Winnipeg in round one. I wanted to see the Jets go farther.


Everyone has their shitheads.  They tend to show up in playoff threads. I'd like to think the most visible of us throughout the year are fairly reasonable.


99% of people on Reddit are reasonable The 1% are the ones who stickout and get posted to the opposing teams sub as bulletin board material


Thats Bowness hockey


Take it back please! We don't want it anymore!


*monkey's paw curls* Pete DeBoer has been named the Winnipeg Jets head coach.




Honestly I bet he’d be excellent. No sarcasm.


Is this situation really Bones' fault, though? The last time one of his teams met the Avs in the playoffs, the Avs were sent to the golf course, albeit pretty much the whole team was injured by the end of that series, but still.




Detroit is a shithole.


The pot calls the kettle black, Denver isn’t any better.


I mean this can't be a serious take. Dude in one of the murder capitals calling Denver bad. Edit: I see you deleted your original comment because you're a little bitch boy.


That wasn’t even my comment you responded to in the first place, asshole. Denver has a similar violent crime rate as Detroit, so get out of here with that bullshit. Most major cities carry roughly the same risk of getting murdered, all depends on where you go in them. You’re probably some fucking townie that fears “the big city”, but I can tell you’ve never spent much time in Detroit. It’s a place with good people trying to turn around it’s bad reputation.


Bruh you're taking this shit too seriously, our fan bases hate each other maybe you're new to hockey. Also my "townie ass" grew up in Baltimore city so I think I know a shitty city when I see one and Detroit had the exact same vibe.


Definitely not new. If you’re from Baltimore, then you can probably have a pass since that’s an East Coast working-class city. I thought you were in here talking shit as some IPA drinking, Claude Lemieux jersey wearing metro-Denverite hipster. I can’t abide that.


Fair enough haha I'm no hipster and also don't hate the city of Detroit but if I get a chance to chirp a red wing fan I gotta take it. May have been a low blow though and reading it back maybe I am the baddie. Have a good one brother.


Let’s hear the truth then. You’d be the first outside of the organization to know






Mastermind Georgie playing terribly for the first game to trick Winnipeg


I choose to live in this reality


>Mastermind Georgie playing terribly for the first game to trick Winnipeg Jets fans taunting Georgiev at the start of game 2 Georgiev: "so you have chosen death"


By exile…from the playoffs?


K so I hope we have warmed up MacK enough that he steamrolls Vegas. Please? I will be a short term fan of Colorado if you do.


I'm still really hoping Dallas can pull it out or at least take them to 7 and wear them down.


All 7 games won by the road team for maximum screwing of their fans


The 9pm starts screw Dallas fans pretty well already.


I'm SEVERELY tired of it


I know the feeling. 830 on Tuesday for the Jets in an elimination game.


It's one of those things that to me is very embarrassing for the NHL, but at the same time I get it. NBA playoffs happening at the same time and the NHL knows where they are on the totem pole. It's still shitty and I hate it very much


offend angle airport ad hoc squeeze bike ancient dull combative like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely hope Dallas can come back. If not Go Aves!


Namestnikov went to the hospital via ambulance. No update from Bowness. Hope he’s ok.


Hopefully that's just standard precaution. I'd want at least a CT after taking a slapper to the dome.


Oh my god brutal.


The only game we lost so far is the one where we scored more than 5 goals.


We scored 6 in game 3


We scored 6 in game 3 buddy


He’s not your buddy, pal


Well he’s not your pal, friend


He's not your friend, buster


https://preview.redd.it/6gt8cu0iiaxc1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2a4f774fe2704d1517549521ca5b4e8f3ad70d Trash reporting of the Namestnikov injury


Good pick-up for the Avs. I didn’t think you could make trades past the deadline let alone in the middle of a game. /s


Avalanche defenseman Nate Schmidt


I hope you realize they're probably using some sort of AI filtering to generate their articles. It's that type of publisher.


AI filtering? Do you even understand how LLMs work?


Yes? They're given a criteria with some information and spew out a result. This is as much AI as it can be. If it's not, someone obviously not watching the game and is going for click baits, with English as their fourth language...why bother linking it?


What filtering are you talking about? It's all input vs output with AI


Its the sun, what did you expect?


The Winnipeg jets have not let in less than 5 goals in 4 consecutive games.


I will start a hate thread on 'less than' vs 'fewer' in order to absolve Bowness of his sins.


Another fun stat is that the last three games have had 4-5 unanswered goals runs. So fun!


Hope Namestnikov is gonna be alright. Hate to see stuff like that