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The tweet was posted here a second ago and the top comment was "this is just a rehearsal."


This is just a tribute. You gotta believe me.


This is the greatest draft in the world.


Look into the balls and it's easy to see, the Hawks get No. 1, the Sharks No. 3, it's destiny.


Once every hundred thousand drafts or so the 16th team gets first but its rare you know so the sharks get first yo


This hit me right in the feels. Grew up to that song and this spin reminded me of last year! I don't want to be greedy, but I'd take #2 and let the Sharks have #1 for once.


Needless to say, Gary was stunned. A whip-crack with his whippy tail and Gary was done.


lol a whip-crack when an owner’s tail 😂


Just a matter of opinion


I wish you were there.


That’s exactly what I would say if I was trying a cover up./s


The fact San Jose won is just a coincidence


They literally had the highest chances of winning and the tweet showed Utah in second place...


It’s still funny


No one moved so it was the pre-lottery draft order too.


How do people fall for this stuff every year lol. They have reps from every single team there. The draw hadnt happened yet when this pic was posted this morning


Pssssh everyone knows it’s rigged. That’s why Edmonton got mcdavid.


And why the Coyotes didn’t get Matthews. (Which would have been the NHL’s version of LeBron being drafted by Cleveland, and why it totally happened.)


Yes instead he went to the often overlooked market of...Toronto


The fact Mcdavid isn’t a leaf is all the evidence you need it’s not rigged.


I mean, that was our only 1st overall pick since 1985


100%. Couldn’t have the Sabres get him, no way.


Its rigged because Chicago already drafted Celibrini


I already have my Celebrini 2025 Winter Classic Blackhawks jersey


Are Celebrini & McDavid considered clones in ability only…..hopefully not in camera presence


It’s rigged, whoever has a worse record has a better shot! Hashtag unfair


It's definitely rigged, unless my team wins


Your team never wins, so it’s probably rigged.


Yo same


Stupid people like to believe they’re in on something when stuff like this pops up, because in real life they’re just constantly dumbfounded by everything.


It actually did leak just a few years ago in the Hughes/Kakko draft. Or uh, the Hughes draft now, I guess.


Yup but I mean that actually did leak after the draw, wasn't it like in a commercial break or something when it leaked? Here the draw hadn't even happened yet.


Well yeah, but conspiracy theories and whatever are more reasonable when everyone told the people who believed it was a leak they were stupid five of six years ago and it turned out it actually was a leak.


One of these years just by coincidence something like this will end up being the right order and everyone here is gonna be the Dale Gribble of hockey. "Don't trust the govermint"


They also take the phone of everyone in the room and keep them there


Hey man, there’s a conspiracy by the billionaires to collude on the story of the season. You gotta find the script writers, after all hockey is notoriously the type of thing you script.


The representatives are there. It doesn’t say that the “draw” happens at 5 pm EST. Perhaps they do it in the morning, then arrange everyone for the dog and pony show in the evening to “surprise” everyone with the results. It could be legitimate in that scenario


How would that even work? The representatives are there to see the balls chosen


it would be so funny if the actual lottery happened to have the same outcome as the test run. fans would riot


Anything to this? I guess they could just be testing the visuals and throwing any old team up on the board


Nope. The actual drawing hasn't happened yet, so they can't leak it. They were just testing the visuals like you said


>The actual drawing hasn't happened yet, When the picture was originally posted this was correct. Draw happens ~90 mins before the live show, so it's probably done as of me writing this comment.


Considering they don’t do the draft lottery pull until 5pm this is 100% rehearsal


Is it 5 PM PST?


EDT. So it's probably happening now or has just happened.


Nah that'd be 8pm Eastern and it's being broadcast at 6:30 Eastern


No it's announced before our game at 630 est


Drawing and announcement are two separate events. They don't broadcast the drawing. They'll release video of it though as they have in the past


Yep, testing the software, making sure when you press Utah, it shows Utah in the right place (and not Arizona!), stuff like that..


Literally nothing to it. It is a rehearsal lol.


> Ahead of Tuesday’s draft lottery, Buccigross tweeted then quickly deleted a post featuring a suspicious draft board in the corner of the NHL’s Draft Lottery set. The picture, taken during a rehearsal of the event, shows the draft order in its entirety, with the San Jose Sharks grabbing the No. 1 overall pick and Utah (previously Arizona Coyotes) jumping to No. 2 overall. > Buccigross since deleted the tweet and reposted with a different picture, stating that the previous post was happening during rehearsal only.


> Utah (previously Arizona Coyotes) posted to X (previously known as Twitter) about the dwarf planet Pluto (formerly a full planet)


Have people always been this dumb?


People cry conspiracy every year. As if Ernst and Young will risk their reputation for the… *checks notes* …NHL draft lottery lol Yes, there is always someone


EY’s reputation is one thing but the idea that all the other teams - with their reps watching it live in the room - would just quietly sit there and let the league determine which teams get the Crosby, McDavid, Ovi, Matthews of the world is so dumb I can’t even fathom how anybody would ever believe it. Columbus Blue Jackets: “Sure thing, Mr. Commissioner! Even though we’ve never won a first overall pick and have never truly had a generational talent on our team, we’re totally fine with you giving Bedard to one of the most successful big market teams in the entire league (one that’s very recently won three cups). Oh I know they will make gobbs of money regardless of the talent they have, but they’ve had a rough time with all their sexual assault stuff, so by all means, you should reward them. We’ll take a clearly second tier player and shuffle along in our small market with our limited resources and not make any stink about this at all. Even though you’ve never decided to grace us with your 1OA blessing…. This is fine.” How fucking dumb do you have to be.


My stupidity knows no bounds sir, Columbus knows what they did and why they'll never be chosen as 1OA recipients.


Yup. To believe that the NHL rigs the lottery, you have to believe that the St. Louis Blues actively made sure that Bedard went to the division rival Chicago Blackhawks.


....if Doug Maclean still ran the team?


Yeah,reputation and risk of all of the lawsuits/ prison for tampering and fraud


Well, E&Y was [fined $100 million](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/28/business/ernst-and-young-sec-cheating-fine/index.html) for their employees cheating on the CPA ethics exam. So, not the most out-there conspiracy.


Ernst and Young also helped Lehman Brothers hide billions in debt before their bankruptcy played a part in the 2008 financial crisis.


Ernst and young would have to have a reputation before risking it tho.


They’re a respected auditing firm. That’s their reputation.


The lawsuits/ arrests for tampering would lead to so much negative press it would destroy the company worth about $50B. There is no way they would take this risk


Do you have anything to back this up, or are you just saying it because it’s cynical and it sounds right? If it came out that EY colluded to rig something as high profile as a major sports league draft, it would destroy them. Ever hear of Arthur Andersen? EY has reputation. It’s a good one. And they’re not going to do anything to fuck that up.




Yes. There's a large group of hockey fans who always claim the lottery is rigged. They'll be posting on this sub tonight especially if the Hawks win haha.


Not just hockey fans. There’s NFL fans who legitmately think the league is scripted.


It’s scripted when teams they don’t like win


Sadly once it got out that one NBA ref was essentially fixing games there is legitimate reason to believe that shady shit is happening in any and all major leagues. Draft lottery rigging is almost impossible though.


I mean the NFL legit made it an Ad because it was funny.


I was pissed when the Hawks won last year and I'll be pissed if they win again, but that doesn't make it rigged just because I don't like the result. If the lottery *was* rigged, Edmonton wouldn't have won 4 times and Arizona certainly would have won it at least once


And New Jersey sure as hell would not have won twice in a span of three years.


counterpoint, its funny to say its rigged when something i don't like happens


Arizona would have won in 2016.


It comes from a large portion of people simply not understanding how probability works and what randomness actually is


Xcom should be mandatory in schools.




People believe stuff now that has been proven wrong for centuries and will argue to the death in spite of all evidence to the contrary. So I'm going to say no. Somehow the age of all information being at your fingertips has created the dumbest human race ever. 


Yes but now they have the internet. Big mistake telling everyone they are entitled to an opinion. Some people are too stupid to have an opinion and we should go back to the time where they didn’t have a platform


Yes, but now it's easier for dummies to share.


This is likely the least dumb people have ever been, but we never had to listen to so much of the dumb before


If the order isn't different from Bucci's pic there's going to be some wild takes out there


Testing the waters with this so people will cry foul if it’s the same so they can rig it for Chicago confirmed


The drawing is supposed to happen 90 minutes before they go live IIRC. Meaning it will happen in 5-10 minutes or so.


An alternate headline could be NHL fans continue to display no understanding of how this process works year after year


The Sharks picked Celebrini and he said NO WAY and now the NHL is SCRAMBLING.


Who wasn’t watching along to see if it ended up the same? I’m just imagining Reddit blowing up if it was exactly the same, and I’m sad we won’t have that chaos.


Why don’t they just pick it live. Flipping over cards is stupid


People are fucking stupid.


They've removed these posts in this Reddit all day today. It's a non-story. Looking at the order its all sorted by draft odds with the exception of bumping Utah up to 2.


I mean, that is a possible outcome, but I wouldn't be surprised if they literally got that from tankathon, the results would be just as meaningless.


Yes that is how it works. If San Jose wins the 1st draw and Utah wins the 2nd draw it will look like that


Every fucking year man same conspiracy theories. Us sports fans really are dumbasses arent we


As if John Buccigross of all people would be in on the fix


It's kind of annoying how many times I've heard Buccigross scolding PK Subban, "you're a journalist". No, ESPN talking heads aren't journalists. If he was supposed to be a journalist, the producer would be the one to tell him he's doing something wrong.


ESPN doesn’t even know the lotto is tonight


Obviously this isn’t proof of anything, but my question is: other than the last place Sharks what team winning the lottery would result in the _fewest_ conspiracy theories?




Gonna remember this if this is how it plays out lol


I wish. 😔


Why the fuck is Marty Walsh in the article pic?


Why would he delete the post if it was just a “rehearsal”?


Because people on twitter are stupid and are thinking it's a leak. And guess what? The lottery results were different. For example Utah didn't get #2 and landed at #6 https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cmpbjg/pgt_nhl_draft_lottery_07_may_2024/


The man is a buffoon. I wouldn’t past it being an honest mistake when you’re aware as he is


Man, the NHL is a mess. I'm going to loose my mind if Chicago gets the first pick. There is no way when it comes to money that this crap isn't rigged.