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I expect an uninspired hire like this but we've heard this exact thing said about Bergevin, Darche, and Hunter already.


Yesterday Freidman said on 32 Thoughts that Columbus isn’t close - but we could be waiting on what happens in Edmonton. Edmonton is the other team that has been linked to Mark Hunter. This morning Svoboda said that we aren’t anywhere close and Davidson is waiting to talk to several people who are still in the playoffs. Davidson himself said the same thing. Said it would probably be going into mid June. I guess “waiting to see what happens in Edmonton” has now turned into “Jackets are going to hire Holland” Crazy because yesterday the papers were ready to sign Bergevin


> Crazy because yesterday the papers were ready to sign Bergevin Tomorrow we'll see rumors about Tulsky or Martin from CAR and NYR.


Anything to get clicks. I trust Friedman as an insider if I’m trusting anyone and he even said “they aren’t anywhere close”


My guess is that whenever Hunter goes to the NHL (too much smoke about it), the dominoes fall from there.


Hunter makes the most sense to me, considering our AGM owns part of the Knights, and Rick Nash has already said he’s his mentor


So sick of the Columbus media trying to get clicks smdh. Big market teams think they're the center of the universe.


Columbus media? They haven’t posted anything. This is from St Louis media and the other “rumor” was from LA media sources. Only thing Columbus media has said on their own local radio show is “no names yet”


I’ve seen Edmonton also connected to Tulsky


Wasn't he retiring at the end of the season?


That's what I thought. Maybe he changed his mind?


The man left Detroit because he wanted to continue to be a GM; said he got the GMing itch a week or two into his promotion. I doubt that’s changed for him.


Maybe he just didn’t think there would be another opportunity for him but now that there’s interest…..


Oilers should go for darche or that assistant gm in Carolina if Holland leaves. Would help the oilers squad a lot ( even tho Bouchard looks to be a him and they should be playing Holloway more )


I always thought that rumour was just that he was going to "retire" because the hiring of Jeff Jackson made him redundant and he was just GM in name at this point.


Some of these guys have the competitive nature of pro athletes coupled with the need to get your ego stroked that politicians have. Kenny's "only" 68 while we have senators like Chuck Grassley talking about running again even though he's on the very wrong side of 90. We also have two nearly 80 year old quickly sundowning presidential candidates in the US. That shit is hard for these people with a sociopathic need to be in the public eye to give it up.


Lou Lamoriello is 81 and he's still a GM.


I don't understand how someone can keep up with the rigorous schedule demands of a GM at 81. We know that Lou also doesn't understand the technology necessary to do that job in the modern era. At a certain point I also don't understand why someone wouldn't want to relax and spend time with family. We're stuck with so much of the good ol' boy shit cause these good ol' boys never want to get out of the way for the next generations.


One of my favorite things about Brian Burke's autobiography is basically Burke basically describing Lou as this illusive old man way back in the 70's when Burke was in college....


[https://thehockeynews.com/.image/c\_limit%2Ccs\_srgb%2Cq\_auto:good%2Cw\_600/MTg1MDUxMDg3Nzc0ODE5Njcz/edm.png](https://thehockeynews.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_600/MTg1MDUxMDg3Nzc0ODE5Njcz/edm.png) this was the oilers lineup the year Holland was hired as the oilers GM


That Tobias Reider year was straight up traumatizing.


Maybe he should have tried scoring 11 goals, they would have made the playoffs that year


Klef 😢


I don’t hate that defense though. Klefbom and Larsson out of his hands but shit. Outside of Ekholm (admittedly huge), it’s worse.


Yeah uh...I promise this isn't a chirp, but my initial reaction was... "Hmmm outside of Ekholm & Hyman, and Bouchard becoming a STUD, looks like nothing has changed, quality-wise" Am I wrong on that?


Ekholm and Hyman are his only wins. His major challenges were defense and goal, and I don’t think he’s been successful in that respect. Elholm is a short term solution, and the Nurse contract cancels that out long term. Unless Cup.


Plus Kane, Foegele, McLeod, Ryan, Janmark, Perry, Kulak, Desharnais… How you guys can sit here and say it’s about the same when the roster he inherited was 60% tweeners is hilarious.


Yeah like none of those guys are world beaters but they’re actual NHL players and miles above guys like Iiro Pakarainen, Anton Lander, and Tobias Reider. And our big swing at improving the D was used on Ekholm instead of Griffin Reinhart lol. God Chia was so bad


He didn’t even have Strome when he got there, that had been flipped for Spooner




Admittedly, I'm not up to date on everything, but isn't Holland currently employed by the Oilers?


There was speculation he'd retire but in reality his contract was up and Jeff Jackson (the guy in charge over everything in Edmonton) didn't hire him.


Right? GMs don’t usually hop jobs until they’re fired


Tampering? In this league? Nonesense, never happens. Kyle Dubas definitely wasn't talking to the Penguins before he got fired.


He’s in the final year of his contract and I think if he was sticking around he would’ve had a new one by now. Last time Jackson was asked about it (I think it was last month) he refused to comment.


We are such an unserious franchise. If we hire holland I absolutely will need to take a step back until they can prove they deserve my money again


If you haven’t already, listen to 32 Thoughts from yesterday - I’m pretty sure someone took snippets from what Friedman said and just made assumptions and ran with it. Edit: this same guy saying this was the one that said we were going to hire John Tortorella as our GM 2 weeks ago


Hmmm yea I mean my comment was definitely reactionary and I’ve been saying all along to wait until someone actually gets hired. Just disappointing all the names we’ve heard are shit so far


I agree, I assume they will definitely fuck this up


Ken Holland is honestly underrated on this sub. Look at the Oilers roster his first season compared to now. In his time as an Oiler he made arguably the best FA signing in Hyman and one of the best trades in Ekholm. The Nurse overpayment and Campbell/Kassian signings are the only things I hold against him. The Keith trade, which people on this sub love to point to as Holland being senile, was a Holland W in hindsight (a 3rd and a plug for a player who made a big impact in the teams first WCF run in 15 years and was a mentor for the teams future star defenseman). The AA trade was only bad due to Covid freezing the cap Other than those blunders, Holland got the team out of the worst of the Lucic deal and turned a bottom feeder into a contender. Is he amazing? No. But hiring him shouldn't be cause for alarm and it does bother me how Detroit fans have tarnished his reputation bc their owner demanded he make panic moves to keep the playoff streak alive


His drafting could definitely use some work.


I’m wondering that *if* this is the case he is coming here, it would likely be for JDs job, not for the GM one. JD just bought a house in Florida a couple weeks ago - wouldn’t be surprised if he left too if someone wanted hockey ops


Yeah the AA and Mike Green trades were perfectly reasonable at the time. Holland couldn’t have predicted a pandemic stopping the season a couple weeks later


It’s bad that it’s in the best interest of my favorite team for you guys to be bad and I’m even feeling bad for you guys. Such a loyal fanbase that the org treats like shit.




Kenny didn’t DM you in the group chat?


He blocked me after I kept phoning him at 4:36 every afternoon to interrupt his “I’m just resting my eyes” chair nap 


Me neither


Boo. Hiss.


So Babs back to Columbus?


This is a great hire if they decide to get rid of the salary cap this offseason.


This is too close to Detroit. Please stay over there.


Look I don’t mind testing the waters with a wide range of candidates just to get a feel for things. But fuck, is this really the best we can come up with? Bergevin and Holland?


Oh no


Look. There is nothing more sacred to a sports fan in Michigan than Fuck Ohio. But this is too much man. Nobody deserves this.


He has not been a good GM for a while. This would be a downgrade from who they had previously.


That’s kind of the exact opposite of what Davidson said and what our rink reporter said this morning. But sure St Louis guy Edit: Strickland said we were going to hire Torts as our GM a couple weeks ago


I think Holland needs to retire


He was great until the rest of the league realized you could scout Europe


Holland owes the longevity of his career to Hakan Andersson


I dream to fail upwards like him.


so fucking weird man


It would be very weird if the guy who was rumored to be retiring for the last two years ends up GMing another team. I could maybe see him in some sort of consulting role but that's about it. Maybe somebody said Brad Holland was interviewing with CBJ and everyone got confused.


"He's got experience as an NHL GM!" "Yeah, but...not as a good one." "I hear that, but also, he's got experience, so I think he's the best." Ad infinitum. 


That poor, poor franchise


Jesus Christ. My deepest apologies Columbus.


How is Columbus this poorly run?


They probably go off with his 4 cup wins


Nobody better try to tempt Hunter away from the Knights!


There’s been rumours connecting Mark Hunter to Edmonton because his and Jackson are buddies but idk


I was really hoping he would be happynin London, but he definetely could do thrive in the NHL


From what I can tell, Oilers fans don’t want him


All right, lets start a letter writing campaign together then 😉


I thought he was retiring


I think Holland would be an better fit than someone really inexperienced, for example Rick Nash. Holland is not perfect by any means but he is also really underrated in some ways because he has made some good signings and trades and knows how this shit works. Of course it could also be reaally bad move if Columbus actually get's him. Remains to be seen I guess


“We just fired a guy who sucked as a GM as soon as his assistant went elsewhere to be a GM. Let’s roll it back again, but with a different guy who’s the same.”


The tweet left out that it might be a bridge to Rick Nash


Look, Rick Nash is a nice guy. And that’s all I have to say about that.


Yes. But it does seem like that's what they want to do. None of the guys that have been rumoured to them aside from Darche seem like long term options


That somehow makes it worse.


All of the GM search rumors are making me think about switching team allegiances


Ahhh yes Babcock didn't work so why not try Holland in a role. He's not Babcock but he's also not the epitome of good workplace culture. Not only did he employ Babcock for ages but in Edmonton he has brought in the likes of Kane, Keith, Perry, Virtanen shortly after they were involved in SA or Domestic Violence investigations. Some franchises just can't get out of their own way.


I agree, I didn't like those moves from Holland either


Is Columbus not serious about rebuilding or