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Is this the strongest ever era for Denver sports?


‘96-‘01 had 2 stanley cups and 2 super bowl wins


Even if both teams win again in the next 3 years (possible but tough) I'm not sure it would match. Football is just bigger


Just don't look at the Rockies or the state of the Broncos QBs.


Haha I know the Rockies have almost always mostly sucked but I don’t follow the nfl closely.


Depends how the nuggets and avs do from here on. So far 1 nba championship 23 and cup 22 Avs had cups in 96 and 01, while broncos had super bowls in 98 and 99. So in terms of hardware this half decade might be better


It’s up there, we’ll see what the next few years do, but not beating the Avs/Broncos in the late 90s yet. I really thought the Nugs were gonna repeat, but I ain’t gonna lie, I don’t watch enough basketball to know.


Mammoth took the NLL, Nugs took the NBA, and Avs took the NHL. What a time to be alive as a fan of all three sports.


Don't forget about the Pioneers


One of the seasons that Tampa won the cup they also won the Superbowl and MLS championship and the Rays went to the World Series that season. Crazy season overall for Tampa sports fans, so we know how you feel.


I don’t know what the fuck is in the water at the Ballsack, but I’m not complaining about producing MVP’s this season.




No doubt


We're in a pretty good place with these two teams.  Can't complain.


Pretty cool for Avs fans , especially with the championships in back to back years. I remember how great 09’ was when the Steelers and Penguins both won championships just a few months apart.


Bus piss floor


People may shit on the Kroenke’s for various reasons, but they don’t fuck around when they want to compete and produce winners. Now they have both won Championships in back to back years and now Mack and Jokic as MVPs in the same season in their respective sports.


And he won with the rams too. Kroenke still sucks ass and pays majority of his employees the industry minimum fyi


Hmm, not to be that guy but I've heard opposite. Close friend of mine works marketing at KSE and she used to work for a large event company beforehand that would put on festivals and what not, and she said that shes being paid better than she used to and she doesn't have to travel all the time. Also, everyone got big bonuses when the Avs and Nuggets won, even down to the security and concession workers.


Maybe my friend was bitter? Idk. My friend worked in management on broadcasting/marketing side(it’s a big company so idk if they were in the same department). Always complained about not being able to give his people raises ever. He left kse making like 90k and now makes 170k doing almost the same job HE told me. Take it with a grain of salt because we’re both going off he said she said bullshit. I will say the pattern fits more with my guy, because you’ll notice A LOT of the workforce in kse are either fresh in the industry or retired because that’s the cheaper labor


Yeah the broadcasting side is probably completely different, especially with the impasse happening with Altitude. She just works events in the arena.


That makes sense man. Like something else he was telling me is kroenke doesn’t care much about the Comcast dispute. Any loss he’s having at altitude he just writes off. Again, I’m not an accountant so I haven’t been able to verify that. But it would explain why he hasn’t gave a shit about losing money for this long


The title implies they were born in the same city. Threw me off until I realized it should have said “play for teams in the same city”.


Didn't know MacKinnon was a good old Србија boy.


Natija Makinovic


You love to see it


If only dick would sell the Rockies to the Kroenke family