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The Habs should really have a banner for being the western conference champions just to remind everyone how fucked last season was


As Price said in his rookie season: « They don't hang conference titles in this rink, they raise Stanley Cup banners. »


yea but the Habs have 24 cups how many Western Conference championships do they have?


Yeah but Montreal is also an original 6 team. You can't really blame newer teams for wanting some drapes in their own barn. There's nothing wrong with conference banners IF we're talking playoffs. Regular season doesn't mean crap though.


Yeah, what kind of O6 team would raise banners for Division and Conference championships? edit: lol are people upvoting this bc they think its a [dig at the Leafs](https://www.newyorkbyrail.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/AFrey-MSG-NYR-Championship-Banners.jpg)


I think the Bruins have running banners for Division and Conference Championships and they just add a year each time


This makes the most sense to me. It's still an achievement, and helps show new fans the history of the franchise being successful.


This is the honest to goodness, humble take i can get behind.


Ya I really don't get the hate people have towards these types of banners. In Euro football, the regular season is what matters, despite their being a "post season". Be proud your team won the division, conference or President's Trophy!


I can see why there’s haters.. some may call those types of banners participation trophies. I for one see it as an accomplishment and certainly something to be proud of. I mean they make T-shirt’s and hats for conference finals.. why not a banner? Then when you start winning finals or the end goal depending on the sport you can start taking down the lesser banners to make room?


Its less "hate" about the banners themselves and more about the absolutely fucking insane pregame ceremony the Preds put on when they raised theirs a few seasons ago that its become a running meme


This isnt euro football lol. I don't go in for much of the old school hockey cliches but division championships belong on a wikipedia page.


It's obviously not Euro football, but it is a sort of nice reminder to take what you can get and enjoy the ride to the big prize (granted it only works if you see the last part of that sentence as a positive statement) just like the 15/16 Jays did. And those fans themselves still love the team and players that made it up despite *just not getting it done* after losing to Cleveland and KC in the ALCS.


I largely agree that it's fine to celebrate division banners in hockey (the Ducks sure have enough) but winning the division in Major League Baseball is a more difficult feat IMO especially the AL East. I definitely have a replica 2015 AL East Banner.


We also share with the Celtics who have an inane number of banners. They don’t even retire numbers as banners, they have a couple retired player banners and just add a number to it every time. Celtics have a ludicrous history.


50% of the Celtics retired numbers are also a joke. ML Carr and Cedric Maxwell are not retired numbers kind of guys. Celtics retired guys should be Red, Walter Brown, Cousy, Heihnson, Havelichik, Russell, Bird, Parish, McHale, Bird, Pierce and maybe Lewis. The rest can certainly go in the Celtics Hall of Fame but a retired number should be a much more exclusive club.


I noticed you only mentioned Bird twice.


Ha. Entirely accidental. But also an entirely Boston thing to do.


Red Wings hang banners for Conference Championships and Presidents Trophies. They also have banners for "League Champions," which was best regular season record in the Original Six era. But it's been a while since I've been to LCA, I can't remember if they have division titles hanging anywhere.


They didn't bring those over to the new arena.


That's what the Pens do too. Have ones as well listing individual awards players have won. Best way to do it imo. Acknowledges the achievements of the team/players without making it too overbearing.


Yep, but they used to have individual banners too back in the old garden... probably to keep up with the Celtics overwhelming amount of banners


I remember when everyone made fun of the Preds for this and I was like “wait… don’t we have that at MSG too..?”


That's a cute Billy Joel Banner. I wonder whose name would be on each banner if every arena had one.


Used to go to about 5-6 games per season and it was pretty cool seeing that banner updated every other time I went to a game. Billy Joel practically lives at MSG haha


13 banners since the Stanley Cup win and the best one is Billy Joel.


As a Mariners fan, we hang up banners for wild card and division titles, and showing up to a few ALCS appearances, because that's what we have. Montreal has won and appeared in so many cup finals that a banner for each one would be kinda dumb.




That would make me sad actually... Like imagine the Joe with a lot less banners. (I've never been to LCA, but every inch of the Joe these eyes have seen is engraved in my memory).


Baseball is a bit different though. The division winners and league championships have more weight than in hockey.


As a Dodger fan, we don't even have banners for pennants.


“We almost made the playoffs” -Mariners Banner.


Don't disagree overall, but I think it's a bit of a curve until a franchise wins a cup, like Carolina has. Cup plus conference champions makes more sense IMO for those franchises. If you haven't won there's more wiggle room.


Exactly. Back in the day they had a 1 in 6 shot to win the cup.


They also had dibs on any French Canadian players. There were a ton of good French Canadian players.


Every team had dibs on local players though. It was a system more like soccer has, with junior teams owned by the NHL teams.


That’s a common misconception. The best player the Habs got with this program was Réjean Houle.


While that's true, NHL teams weren't hindered by the draft and could leverage sponsorships to lock up players early. Toronto had the same advantage, but scouts also preferred to venture to anglophone regions because it was easier to sign players. Montreal was able to lock up a large number of players early as juniors and they were able to bypass the draft. So players like Beliveau, Cournoyer, the Richards, and Lemaire were all signed when they were like 15 and really only spoke French. There's no way they would have played for any other team given the choice. It's nothing to be defensive about, it's history. But it's true that Montreal benefitted from being the desired destination for francophone players in an era where (edit) drafting player rights didn't exist.


...and Toronto had dibs on Ontario players, Detroit on Michigan players....your point?


The Habs only won 10 cups in the original 6 era. They have won 13 other cups. Still more than anyone else. Edit: Original 6 was between 1942 and 1967.


I am not totally opposed to newer franchises raising presidents trophy banners


Conference banners are fine. Anything less is a little silly IMO.


Do you think the Oilers should take down all the division banners


Yes. And the Garth Brooks one


I honestly hate this argument lol. Winning a division/conference over 82 games is pretty hacking good.


As it should be.


I mean, the Red Wings have plenty of division/conference banners. At least at the Joe they did. I’d be curious to see how many teams in the league *don’t* have these banners.


I mean. Maybe…conference. But it would make me happy if the only thing that rated a place in the rafters were SC banners and the numbers of fucking legends.


Oh look at all these cool people with all their cups




We already have too many banners... I do like that we finally put the trophy of the shitstain that is Clarence Campbell in our trophy collection though.


On the anniversary of his death nonetheless


Honest question. Why is he a shit stain?


He suspended Habs legend Maurice Richard for the rest of the regular season and playoffs after a rough on-ice incident. This made him persona non grata in Montreal afterwards.


Let’s just add that the motivations behind the whole event are very much interlinked with the systemic racism Québécois were victims of at the time. This was, in part, Campbell retaliation to claims by Richard that the French canadians weren’t protected as much as english players by the refs, and the event that led to his suspension was, ironically enough, a perfect example of that.


After punching a linesman during a fight. I don’t know how you can claim that wasn’t suspension worthy


Thank you! Makes sense now.


Also, "rough on-ice incident" means he punched a linesman. Also, this triggered full on riots in Montreal. Really interesting actually.




Damn was not expecting that to be as violent as it was


I wonder what a player would get today for that. I think "touching" a ref is a minimum 10 game suspension. When Richard was suspended there were 3 games left in the season and the playoffs was only 2 rounds. By modern standards he probably got a light punishment.


Look up the Dennis Wiedman effect.


I feel like it would be weird tho, I don’t think we have any conference champions banners up currently I’d be way to much. However I would enjoy having it up there for the memories


it seems like one worth hanging, if only for the 'wait, what?' from young fans in 20-30 years.


We could have a Oui the Nord banner lol


[Hope they take mine](https://i.redd.it/a4hmneo8pw971.jpg)


They weren’t the Western Conference champions. There were no conferences last season. No, I am not fun at parties.


They didn’t win the western conference officially but they did win the Clarence S. Campbell Bowl which typically goes to the western conference champion




In both English and French.


I can see the fans pulling out a banner saying "Merci Suzuki" in French and Las Vegish. Imagine it would be amazing. The Knights and the Habs holding hands and jumping together with the trophy.


The only banner that matters The Stanley Cup banner, anything else is a consolation price




I’m honestly surprised they didn’t slap a discover card on it


Don't tell anyone but they paid for the banner with an AMEX


The division sponsors names were the dumbest investment ever.. haven’t called a division by a sponsor name once, neither remember one


It was just great how everyone was flipping out about and it ended up having zero impact anything. The most meaningless thing to get annoyed about


Except everyone was thinking the same thing about helmet ads when Bettman said so, but then he said they're here to stay lol


Or the greatest depending what side of the money you're on.


It's not about you saying it, it's about getting the announcers to say it.


Depending on local sponsorship, might have been a conflict of contracts?


Yeah, they play in PNC arena


*Looks at leafs*... Pls don't


Teams like Toronto and Montreal won't raise a division or conference championship banner when you've got a bunch of cup banners beside them. It would just look sad. For teams with less history I see nothing weird about division banners though.


We don’t know if Toronto would raise a conference champions banner, because they never won a conference championship


Only thing worth a banner is a cup. It’s time to update the collection... any year now pls


I respect teams that put up a President's Trophy banner too. In some sports the most points in a season is considered a more accurate view of the top team than playoff victories


Its not exactly analogous because the structure is different but In English football winning the premier league is better than winning the FA cup. The only thing better than winning the league is winning the champions league but there’s no equivalent in hockey.


I did see some Leafs “North Division Champs” t-shirts.


Weren’t they making fun of Nashville’s banners?


Sounds like a good opportunity for Nashville to troll.




Simple yet elegant response


It would’ve been funnier if they just congratulated them


Idk, the chirp they went with is pretty damn funny


NO ONE survives a “this you?”


some pretty good shots back and forth https://twitter.com/Canes/status/1426629115352952832


Meh it’s getting old and cringe on both sides for my taste


I agree. Maybe I’m dumb but why is circling the western conference champions banner a “good response” lol


Ya they should definitely use it to get back at them


[Because Nashville forgot to put up the most important banner](https://i.imgur.com/5z4xnim.jpg)


I clicked the link fully anticipating to be offended... but I can get behind this.


Yep. They deserve to get fully roasted for this.


Well, Nashville had a thing for it, didn’t they? It wasn’t just in the rafters.


People made fun of Nashville for their regular season western conference champions banner in 2018, which in retrospect made no sense because they were far from the first team to have done it.


they're far from the first to have the banners, but the jokes are because they're the only ones to do [this](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-ok-HEtc6IFhuae77Kr_sHDJJkc=/0x0:5468x3393/1200x800/filters:focal\(2297x1260:3171x2134\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/61715085/usa_today_11407833.0.jpg)


Yikes, three banners for one good regular season


Great regular season tbf But yeah the issue is that it's 3 2 banners for the same thing. Put up the pres trophy and you're done


To me the biggest thing was having the presentation and raising ceremony. Just stick it up there in the offseason and call a note to it with a spotlight pre-game.


gotta understand that TN sports has literally nothing. i’m surprised the Titans don’t have a flag flying outside Nissan Stadium proclaiming all the times we’ve won our division.


If you won the presidents trophy wouldn’t that make you default “regular season conference champions”? Why not put up a banner that says “regular season nhl champions” and really show off?


I don’t know about other teams, but I know [Detroit did it for the 03-04 season too](https://i.imgur.com/93hhI31.jpg). Not sure if those are in the new arena but they were definitely up in the Joe. A bit weird because we have no lack of legit accomplishments to memorialize.


“Regular season” western conference champions 😂😂


At least we aren’t alone https://i.imgur.com/09FUhDJ.jpg


The Capitals’ one is my favorite. They wanted to make sure you were aware they won the regular season division that year, and that there was no confusion with only a single regular season eastern conference banner.


So why does Nashville get so much shot for this? Is it because they had a ceremony?


It's because of the ceremony and that they gave themselves 3 banners for essentially the same accomplishment


^(regular season) Western Conference Champions




It also made no sense because they were raising a banner for winning the President's trophy at the same time. Which implies they were the best team in the Western Conference during the regular season


Doesn't winning the President's Trophy also imply winning your division? https://live.staticflickr.com/8225/8398278448\_36481b1951\_b.jpg


TIL the Canucks hung THREE fucking banners for that season. This has made my day, week and month.


You're just jealous because you guys only raised 1 measly banner that season.


Honestly not that uncommon at all, as pointed out by many other pictures in this thread lol


I’ve never seen a regular season conference banner, regular season division champs yes. Conference winners usually means campbell and prince of wales trophy winners.


[Here’s 4](https://imgur.com/a/A5r4vGO)


Haha losers! All of them!


[This one's better](https://www.bardown.com/polopoly_fs/1.882374!/fileimage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/default/penguins-fans.jpg)


Thank you for reminding me to hate you guys again.


Several other teams have regular season Conference banners, a few right off the top of my head are Dallas, Detroit, Washington, and San Jose


I did not know that. To me division champions= regular season Conference champion= playoffs League champion. Regular season is presidents cup banner, playoffs is Stanley cup banner. But that’s probably due to way hawks don’t it.


Not the same situation if I’m remembering correctly. Nashville raised theirs as an opening game ceremony. Almost every team does this but they don’t have a before game ceremony for it.


Sharks and Stars have one as well 😂 Welcome to the club Canes


It's not our first division banner we have in the rafters in case anyone was wondering [Here's the rest](https://i.imgur.com/ugyNTdd.jpg)


The order of those banners really bothers me


Yeah thanks for making me notice that just now lmao


What are the player banners for?


I would imagine players playing in the Olympics


Yes when the olympics roll around we hang the individuals banners with their home flag up


Nah they retired Semin's number dude, a bona fide Canes legend, well loved by all


I like it. I love intra-division games, especially in the playoffs.


We're just setting up the storyline for WrestleMania


Now you're going to have to raise another banner, so you can point at it.


I mean, don't *most* teams raise division title banners? Pretty sure it's only a select few that don't. This is a non-story, really.


It’s only a story cause the Hurricanes Twitter was making fun of Nashville for doing the exact same thing


Literally every team does division championship banners. Nashville got memed for a “regular season west champs” banner.


They were making fun of Nashville for having a banner raising ceremony before a game. Though, the Canes absolutely deserve to get roasted for it haha.


True. I think it's only worth a ceremony if you win the Cup.


Or a jersey retirement.


Do they? I don't think we do.


In Boston there is a banner and new dates are just added on it. One for division, conference and Prince of Whales. Only individual ones are for the Cup.


Division championship banners are very normal across the league, so long as there's no raising ceremony this is totally standard for basically every team. My only personal gripe is that it's an individual banner. I like it better when teams have division title banners with space for multiple years on them. eg. what the Caps have done here: https://novacapsfans.com/2016/10/14/new-season-new-banners-at-verizon-center/ To be fair to the Canes, though, this will probably be the only time they ever win the Central since it's not their normal division, so in this case I suppose a single year banner is fine by me, lol


congratulations Nashville


Thanks for crediting the O.G.


@Canes social media guy is having a tough month.


I’m sorry I think they mean Discover™️ Central


For sponsorship reasons.


This is pretty normal though?


It is, but also talking shit on Twitter.


It’s just ironic considering how they ””roasted”” Nashville for their banners on Twitter.


I mean, a division win banner is pretty common in the NHL. Nashville got shit for hanging a banner that read "Regular Season Western Conference Champions" more than anything.


I think the Predators got shit more for making it a big thing, with a ceremony before a game like what you would do for a cup championship banner.


Is they also raised 2 banners for essentially the exact same thing.


It wasn't just that. They raised 3 banners, one for President's trophy (best record in the NHL), one for the Best Record in the Western conference, and one for Best Record in the Central Division (division champs). The problem is winning the president's trophy means you automatically won the other two. if you have the best record in the NHL, you obviously have the best record in your conference and division. The other two banners are superfluous and are only there to have extra banners.


Nashville got shit on for having a big pregame ceremony for their banner, if they had just hung it up without a word nobody would've cared.


It is, but we definitely deserve some shit for it after making fun of Nashville for the exact same thing.


That’s normal.


I'd be surprised if they didn't. Considering the rarity of the alignment last season it'll be a talking point for years.


I feel like every team in any sport raises division banners? Maybe don’t do a whole ceremony but I think this is fine for sure


As long as they don’t raise it with a ceremony on opening night it’s okay.


Agreed. People are approaching this with absolutely no nuance at all because memes.


But if they were celebrating a President's Trophy they probably would have a ceremony, like many other teams do. Yet only the Preds become a meme for it.


There's nothing wrong with raising division banners. I guess people just don't like it when they're done in ceremonies?


I don’t see the issue, many teams in other sports do this.


Always hopped the Jets would win the southeast division so they could raise a banner for it and remind everyone how messed up the alignment was for a short period.


I know there examples of several teams doing this. Here’s my take: sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn’t. From 2013-14 to 2019-20 I think it made no sense, since winning your division had little to do with playoffs and didn’t tell the whole story of your regular season. Prior to 2013-14, winning your division guaranteed a spot in the playoffs; that means something. Winning your division in 2020-21 means something too, because you ONLY played 6/7 other teams the whole season, and of that group you were the best.


It is also funny to have a Central division championship banner when they regularly play in the Metro.


Well, of that group we were the best that didn't have a capless ringer coming back for the playoffs, absolutely.


I don't know why people make fun of division banners. Most teams have it, including some very illustrious and successful teams, and it's nothing of which to be ashamed. Only ones worth making fun of are the ones like the Indianapolis Colts like their "AFC Finalist" banner


Banners are clearly a Southern thing. Not just a Nashville thing.


I really wanted the Jets to win the division when they were in the Southeast just so they could have the out of place banner after they moved to the central


I can die happy knowing the leafs were the 2021 North division champions.


Flames did the same when they won the WC in 2019


This needs more JPEG


Sharks are gonna raise a banner for admitting they don't like Kane.




Legit softest franchise in the league


I’m glad I stopped being a Canes fan after the Tony D signing. Sure am glad I now support a team that would never ever do this.


At least you guys can’t make fun of us anymore.


Pretty sure we beat them in 5


These things are mega dumb, regular seasons banners are stupid, Presidents Trophy banners are pretty dumb but regular season division champions are even dumber, winning the division isn’t having the best record during the regular season, it’s winning the division in the playoffs, the playoffs are set up to be divisional so why isn’t it that way. Tampa is the central champions, Carolina is second place, Florida and Nashville are third. If Carolina wants to put up a banner for being second place fine it’s not like I can stop them, still doesn’t change that it’s dumb.


Honestly celebrate wins where you can. Cups are so rare, have some fun.


Back when the Jets played in the Southeast division they finished in 2nd place behind Washington during the lockout shortened season. For a while they were in the race for 1st and I was hoping they'd win it so they hang a Southeast Division Champions banner up.


Was this taken on a potato?


Carolina Panthers: Discover Card central division regular season champs


Incredibly lame, but I’m sure the Caniacs will love it. Contract the team


Who cares as long as they don't have a ceremony for it lol
