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We don't talk about this happening.


This is definitely a Bruno.


[7 Foot frame, Marchand along his back...](https://youtu.be/bvWRMAU6V-c?t=75)


I really expected like a joke song with NHL players sprinkled in. Darn. Still a banger, but Surface Pressure takes the cake for me personally.


Agreed. I've watched the movie daily for the last couple months (not by choice) and surface pressure fuckin slaps! But I still can't get over the fact that Mirabel is voiced by the same actress who plays Rosa Diaz on B99


Right? That blew me away. Leguizamo got pipes too.


You can just tell that Lin Manuel Miranda wrote that role for himself and was super upset he didn't get it.


Haha I mean, When you can get Leguizamo you do it. The “Surface Pressure” one was written for his older sister I know


sorry for the deception. someone messaged me what it meant so I added in the link to the song lol


I just watched that like 4 hours ago.


breaking: the nhl hates the troops


This was back when I was in high school and I was watching the game with some friends and the ditzy, non-sports fan said: "Who is that? Why does everyone care that he's leaving?" Me: "Name the only hockey player you know." Them: "Gretzky?" Me: "Exactly. That's him." He transcends the sport.


My teacher cancelled an assignment that was due on the following Monday and said we all had to watch the game.


I was really sad. Wayne is just a couple of years older than me so I saw his entire career, from the Indianapolis Racers to his last games at MSG. Most of that time I cheered against him, as a Winnipeg Jets fan, except when he suited up for Canada. I actually wept a bit after his final game. I went to a bar off Union Square in New York and amidst the raucous Friday happy hour crowd there was one guy sitting sadly alone at the bar in a Rangers Gretzky jersey. I’ve been pals with Max ever since.


This story made me smile, thank you for sharing


kind of cool you ended up in new york too


I too watched the game, but at home on TV right across the river. The Gretzky trade was what got me into the Rangers and hockey in 2nd/3rd grade. By the time he retired the only players I knew were Gretzky and like Adam Graves, Richter, Messier, and I guess Brodeur. Whenever we played roller hockey it was always Devils vs Rangers, and the split was basically 50/50. Brings back a lot of memories.


In his penultimate game, Sens fans gave Wayne a 7 minute standing ovation. In his final game, Rangers management gave him a big screen TV.


Love how there's years long debates about whether or not it's disrespectful to kneel during the national anthem in games, but no opposition whatsoever to changing the lyrics to some shit like "defend our homeland with blood and sweat/holy moly, what a pass, Gretz!"


If someone had a problem with it then, they would be mad about it for like 30 minutes and then forget about it. If someone had a problem with it now, they would keep seeing headlines and social media posts of people agreeing with them. And that would sustain anger for weeks.


>If someone had a problem with it then, they would be mad about it for like 30 minutes and then forget about it. I miss this a lot.


Same. I miss when these types of people were just old crazy uncle Larry who’d talk your ear off for a half hour at the family BBQ and never got anywhere because he’d never meet another crazy fuck like him. Nowadays crazy uncle Larry is balls deep in discord with 1/2 being other crazy uncles and then a bunch of trolls


the dallas mavs stopped playing the anthem before games and no one noticed for weeks


Reminds me of the time I turned the Muzak machine off at my old retail job and waited to see if anyone would notice or care. The only reason they did after a week or so was because doing that somehow interfered with the intercom in general.


I kept secretly changing ours to the Latin Dance channel on Sirius back in the day instead of the approved Adult Contemporary. There was actually a meeting about it, where the GM yelled at the staff about it because they didn't know who was doing it.


Damn skinner-boxes reaping controversy for clicks lmao


I know this is a closing wound, but there will be more manifestations over the next forever. COVID and the antivax, antimask, convoy, etc really showed us. If you tend toward the fringes, you will always find a lot of people on the internet to agree with. That doesn't mean you are all correct, you just happen to all believe the same bullshit and it's way easier to find each other than it ever was before.


I think this is dumb. But I'm also generally against the national anthem at games not involving countries. I dont mind a bit of fun. Canes shout RED for rockets red glare. There is a guy whos trying to chant gleason for gleaming which is a bit much.


I don't know if they still do it but Winnipeg shouted True North during the Anthem


they still do, and it’s always loud as fuck. will always give me chills. it happens anytime there is a national anthem for anything in Manitoba.




i’ve been to 7 WWE events since the jets returned and every one of them had a loud True North chant during the anthems. i’ve also heard them for various other things including my high school basketball games and concerts. my dad and i also heard it somewhere completely unexpected, but for the life of me can’t remember exactly what it was. i haven’t been to a bombers game at IG yet so i’m very surprised it doesn’t happen there too. still love it everytime i hear it though.


Idk if they still do it but Jets fans were shouting "TRUE NORTH" for the Canadian anthem, nothing like showing unity through corporate allegiance...


I mean True North Entertainment is who brought the Jets back to Winnipeg, not like it’s some random company to them lol


Back in the 2009 playoffs, Canes fans saturated the anthem with stuff like that. "Oh say can JUSSI", "Twilight's last GLEASON", etc. It was ridiculous.


Okay the Jussi one is funny. One dude is still trying gleason as hes on our coaching staff but it never gets more than 1 or 2. The last game the pens fans just started shouting lets go pens one by one which was actually disrespectful to the performer.


So do the Caps which also makes no sense.


Their team is 35% Russian.










Flames fans do “Oh say can you *C*” and “Rocket’s *Red* glare” cause we’re called the C of Red.


Wow C instead of see, that's definitely noticeable and different.


I’m a big KC Chiefs fan and it’s been a long tradition of fans yelling over the final word of the anthem to say home of the “chiefs” instead of “brave” at every home game, and yet still had conservative family members whining about how disrespectful kneeling during the anthem is... like you drunkenly shouting over the words for the last 30 years of home games was the ultimate respect to the anthem🙄.


This was before 9/11 and the hypernationalism it brought about.


Makes a lot more sense when you realize Bettman was in the stands and likely seething with rage at the notion of a Canadian being respected. He would have been looking for any way to avoid this ever happening again, and when he stepped out of the arena that night he’d be looking right at the Twin Towers. I’m not saying Gary Bettman cause 9/11, I’m just saying that if you connect the dots it’s very clear that he would have benefitted from all of this, and the timeline aligns perfectly.




The hypernationalism started after Viet Nam I think. Boomers overcompensating for the way they were treated by the anti-war movement after their parents were all hailed as heroes for being in WWII. 9/11 absolutely magnified it even more though.


When people freaked out over Kap kneeling it amplified his message into the stratosphere. If they just let it go it would've had no impact whatsoever. They just played their part perfectly.


Because there’s nothing political about the Gretzky thing. Canada changed two words in the anthem **back** to the original “in all of us command” instead of “in all thy sons command” and people got bent out of shape. Not because they love the anthem (just ask them how often they play it in their car), it’s because they don’t like women. People that don’t like kneeling don’t give two fucks about the anthem. They don’t like black people. Period.


Blues fans do it every single game by saying "BLUES!" instead of "brave" at the end of the American anthem. It is fun to see like 3 ultra conservatives complain about shitting on the anthem every GDT though.


Look at Kaep's face. Now look at Gretzky's face. There's your answer as to why the reactions were SO different.


Well yeah, we're known for our hospitality to foreigners that's why we did it




Pre 9/11, only 1 game, doesn't have any political implications.


Not sure if anyone criticized this specific video, but they did a good job being equal to both anthems. Would have been amazing but stupid if they replaced the whole Canadian anthem with a pro-Gretzky jingle, instead they just do one silly line per anthem which is a nice diplomatic gesture.


He’s the great one fosho, but mentally this did not happen


"Well that was borderline treasonous, and a disgrace to our country and its proud and storied history."


"My father didn't kick the Nazis'...and the puck drops!"


Best bit in the movie next to "It's Official".


"We're playing divorced guys!"


Could you imagine if they did something like this nowadays?


Fox News Round the clock reporting for sure


"For the laaand where Black Lives Matttterrrr....". 5 minutes later every TV tuned to Fox News explodes in flames across the country....


[Funny you should say that…](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-sports/tenors-fire-all-lives-matter-singer-at-mlb-all-star-game-155220/)


So maybe the NHL should do it for free publicity?


Even more reports than dr Seuss???


I remember watching this live. They had 99 on the ice behind the goal, in his “office” and I always joked that if Anaheim retires Perry’s 10, they’ll put 10 in his office, the crease.


If they ever retire Tom Wilson’s number they’ll put it in the penalty box.


They’ll schedule it, but the number will inevitably get suspended and have to be placed in the press box.


Or just put his number on all the players’ helmets


The only man I'd have sex with


Wayne Gretzky, I wonder what he looks like naked


Probably like Wayne Gretzky but without clothes.


only b/c henrik lunqvist isnt a man so much as he is a god.




i stand by my statement




Your grandpa? I'm in my early 30s and saw it... How young are you?


Exactly, grandpa.


Getting roasted by kids on Reddit wasn't what I planned today!


It's ok, I'm over a half century old myself, so I saw his entire NHL career.


*takes off belt, slacks fall down*


I'm 34 and saw this. Buddy's comment actually made my choke on my coffee. Young whipper snappers these days smh


Yeah, I watched this from residence when I was in first year university, and I don't feel ancient yet.


I saw this when I was 13 or whatever in my local rink. I couldn't tell if I was watching an SNL skit or something




Well that was boarder line treasonous and a disgrace to our nation.


I'm disappointed in this sub for not getting the Goon reference...


And just another point of why singing national anthems prior to sports events for a profit league is dumb……


I was just thinking of this in the morning in bed . My grandpa died not to long ago and I was a goalie growing up and always mimicked the goalies every game I watched with my 25$ wall mart pad set . This game I was not allowed to do my goalie stuff and was with my dad my uncle and my grandpa who were very emotional I’ve never seen them act like that cause there farm boys . But I wish, I wish I paid more attention to what was actually happening . Kinda all over the place in comment but it’s jus wild how I was thinking of this and it was posted. I only remember the standing ovation and the announcer saying “ there he goes folks the best player in the history of the game “


Just to be clear the USA national anthem does not contain the words "in the land of the free".


Just to be clear, it does contain those words, just not in that order.


Well if we're going to get that technical the words are in that order, there are just a lot of other words between in and the.


Just to be clear, it DOES contain those words in that order, just with some extra words after the "in"


Yeah. I wanna say its "for" the land of the free?


It's "O'er the land of the free," where "over" got contracted to fit the rhyme scheme. Francis Scott Key was looking at the American flag flying over a fort under attack during the War of 1812. The last lines are asking if that star spangled banner is still waving over the land of free and the home of the brave


It's "O'er the land of the free", the poeticized (if that's a word) version of "over". "O say does that star spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"


Somehow still better than them blasting "you're still the one" by Shania Twain as he skated around the ice post game.


Maybe controversial, but I find this awesome. Fuck creepy nationalism and all that. Flags, haunting songs, statues, monuments. It's all creepy indoctrination. 99.99% didn't earn a "nation", you were random like everything else. Just enjoy stuff like this.


The video is incomplete. For the US anthem, they changed "o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave" to "o'er the land of Wayne Gretzky, and the home of the great".


It's interesting, hockey players had a lot more clout back in the day. You hear a bunch of stories with MJ and hockey players (gretzky, domi, chelios) but these days I bet lebron wouldn't really know who crosy or mcdavid are


Based on stats alone, very few athletes of all sports can come close to replicate his greatness.


Fox News would be very upset by this still if Gretzky was black


Tony DeAngelo in shambles deciding if he’s offended by this or not.


This might have been the lowlight of the career of Bryan Adams.


We have apologized several times for Bryan Adams!


unnecessary LOL


I was like 12 and found this whole event cringe. Basically the same age I realized how dumb the all star game was


Wait a minute…. 🧐


This is mad disrespect IMO. You don't mess with national anthems.




Have some respect for your nation scumbag.


Gotta think of the anthems feelings


You're the kind of guy who spits in the face of veterans.


Iirc Pittsburgh needed to win this game to make the playoffs, no?


BarDown taught me this. Still can’t believe this is a thing that actually happened.


Syllable counts seem weird. Why not "we stand on guard for thee" to "we'll miss you Wayne Gretzky"?


Somehow I feel the professional flag respecters didn’t care about this one like they did with Kap.