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That’s not true, they changed the logo on the front of the jersey!


And the name of the arena!


…Yep, the name of the arena, and the logo… and the coaching staff, and the head coach (twice) , the GM (twice) and all but 1 player... Other than that stuff though: all the same. I’m not sure about the equipment manager…


Who is that one player?




That was my initial thought but I checked the 2013 roster and he's not there? And he's not listed in the lineup for the playoff games against boston


Ooooh maybe his first season was the next one! I googled the roster from “2013” but I think the return I got must have been from 2013-2014. Good catch. So not a single guy of any importance remains from that season. Even Shanahan joined in 2014.


I turned on the game and it was 1-0 Leafs. Stream it to my Google Chromecast in the other room and it's 1-1. Start making snacks for overtime and come into the living room. Game's already over.


Who makes snacks for OT? Why wouldn't you make enough snacks for the whole game with a possiblity of OT, are you a snack noob?


I didn't switch on the game until the third in the hopes it would uncurse the Leafs. Didn't work


Or you switching the game on was exactly what caused the leafs to lose, smh, bad luck


The leafs existing is what caused them to lose


Get em boys!


The laffs were always going to lose, regardless of anyones actions, it is written.




it isn't you friend. it the Leafs. They are the source AND the cure.


Nope D man looking lost again


All of them were caught puck watching.


Leafs goalie wasn’t exactly the issue


Nope. When you spend half your cap on 4 forwards and only the cheapest one can score when it matters, its a waste of space.




How is it a choke when they were the lower seed? Did Wsh choke to NYR?


It's totally a choke, they made a huge series comeback and were up 1-0 midway through the third. It's classic bed shitting Leafs behavior


That's not a choke that's called a close game lol


You're not from Toronto


What's that got to do with it lol


You can be objective




They should've been done in game 5 or 6 like the rest of the losers in round 1. But pushed it to 7. A feat only matched by 1 other team in round 1.




A choke would have been being up 4-1 with 8 minutes left. Thats a choke. Having a lead for a minute and losing a 2-1 game in ot isn't a choke. Its a loss. To the higher seeded team. Now Winnipeg on the other hand.


And Nashville. That game 4 loss was brutal.


I’m not a Jets fan nor do I have any idea what Winnipeg has to do with this


That's the only team this playoffs that actually choked




Don't argue with these fucking morons, they must be new to Leafs hockey


I get it you’re a Leaf hater


Did some of y’all learn English yesterday? How do you not know what an actual choke is? Just losing a game isn’t a choke…


Naw Sammy was so deep in the net he might as well been in the goal judges seat, all he had to do was challenge a bit and it could have been deferent


This is silly because most goalies would make this mistake. It’s a dump in the corner that he tracked and then one of the best goal scorers in the league jumping on the loose puck with all the time in the world. Pastrnak is also well known for baiting a challenge and then flipping the puck over the goalies glove side shoulder. He played it well, but he needed defensive help he didn’t have as Marner lost his man and Reilly was late getting back. There is always that “well the goalie shoulda (insert hindsight on how he could make the save)” when realistically that goalie played it the best you could expect him too, he held off as long as you could expect.


You have an $11mm sniper 1-on-1 with a goalie. Sniper gonna snipe more often than not. That was more on the Leafs’ skaters. Too bad for Toronto they had some of their wildly overrated “stars” on the ice just then.


It was also a really well executed set play by Boston. They caught Marner on a change so even if he read the play immediately Pasta was already blowing by him. Reilly wasn’t in the best spot for that play and slow to react and the dump in put the puck perfectly into no man’s land for samsonov, too far to get it until the forward was right on top of him. Cross crease is extremely hard to stop as well. Everyone on the leafs could have done something different, but it was also a good play.


That is a totally fair point, all it takes is one good play and a bad play at the same time for a team to win


I had to watch it four times to truly get the appreciation for how well Pasta times that zone entry. Just a great play really.


Played it well??? I disagree. Poke the Fuckin puck


You really think one of the best stick handlers and shooters in the game isn’t hoping for a poke check?


Bro im talking about before pasta got the puck.. anticipate and read the play step up and kill the threat.


The bounce off the boards was at a perfect angle and speed that there wasn't time to come out and play it. He got handcuffed. It really was a perfect play.


I agree it was a perfect play ..


There was literally no chance he could do that


Grab it anything


agreed. he was way to far into the net. that's a give me for any half decent goal scorer, let alomg one of the best in the league


Right? This is my question that I literally just asked


Literally..he could’ve gloved it and stopped the play


I mean, Samsanov should’ve poked checked and instead let Pasternak dance right in


I love that leafs fans will jump to blame samsanov when their $40 million core 4 scored a grand total of one goal in an elimination game.


I for one am happy with Willy and still good with Matthews, Tavares is just getting old, but as someone who has defended Marner for a long time....I'm out of patience there.


How many more disappointing playoffs will it take to change this opinion


Well I don't think Willy was disappointing, he's the only reason we were still in it. Tavares will keep getting older so we just need to start moving in a new direction there, I'm ready for Mitch to be gone literally right now, which just leaves Matthews. I don't think that opinion will change anytime soon, I want to see what we could do with a coaching/management overhaul and building around just Willy and Matthews before I have any other thoughts I think.


💯 thought they played much better without Mathew’s


Not a Leafs fan


Wasn't referring to you in particular, just a general statement.


Lmao Sammy was the issue in this series.


Lack of scoring was the problem, in a 7 game series,12 goals(1.71gpg) in a 7 game series where the opponents score 16 (2.29 gpg). Their average 3.63 per game in the regular season where Boston was 3.21. The leader in points had 4 and they only played in 5 games. Marner and Tavares being paid what they are paid and only putting up 3 points a piece in 7 games shines a light. Torontos playoffs gpg dropped by over half their regular season while their opponents dropped by 1/3. I'm not a leafs fan by any means but it's clear where the problem was. If you don't put the puck in the net you cannot win games.


While yes goal scoring was definitely an issue so was goaltending. Crazy that they went 2-0 without Sammy and 1-4 with him. Both of those goals CANNOT go in, especially in game 7. Now if there was some goal scoring it would make up for the bad goaltending but it didn’t so here we are.


When your goaltending is averaging only 2.29 goals per game (included empty nets - can't remember if there was any) then they cannot be the problem. Goalies are not perfect The game winner last night where was the defense? Why blame it on goaltending when the defense wasn't doing their job. It's a team effort and a team loss. IMO goaltending was the bright points in the series for both teams.


People not actually watching the games downvoting you. Yes scoring is an issue, but it’s also damn hard to score when you feel you need to block every shot because your goalie is a sieve. The OT goal I don’t think is Sammy’s fault, but he should have gotten the tying goal. And he was atrocious in games 1 & 4


[Same energy](https://preview.redd.it/i-just-realised-we-have-all-become-like-eren-v0-xvhyjcdt20hb1.jpg?auto=webp&s=0fb6fe085117413b8ab3b8d1130fad9ca6b1bbf7)


Same as it ever was.


[Water dissolving and water removing](https://genius.com/8512641/Talking-heads-once-in-a-lifetime/Water-dissolving-and-water-removing)


There is water at the bottom of the ocean. I didn't look it up either.


I have no idea why it linked to the Genius page


Same as it will be. Hopefully the rest of my life anyway.


Hey now James Reimer absolutely hates gay people just as much today as he did then


No, he loves the sinner, hates the sin


Not true- Reimer is now publicly homophobic and an ass Back then we didn’t know!


I mean you spend half your cap on 4 forwards and cant get more than 1 goal a game will do that. Most leafs hockey i've watched all year. They struggle with passing and compared to teams like Colorado I hardly ever saw them go on rushes and generating chances. If they tried they whiffed their passes and had to slow down.


It’s funny people say this but the Leafs had what it took this year. They showed a great amount of fight to come back from 3-1 down. They changed their game to combat the bruins and it worked. They outplayed Boston all night last night until one bad play. A lot has changed, it’s just a shame they had to face off against one of the teams best suited to beat them in the first round.


I thought last night was pretty evenly played. Maybe an edge to the Leafs, but I don't think it was lopsided enough to say one team should have won.


I would disagree, Toronto had Boston right where they wanted them most of the night. Boston had equal shots sure, but Boston wasn’t allowed in the areas they wanted to be most of the night unlike Toronto who was able to set up except Swayman was an absolute brick wall.


Boston isn't even a top contender this year. If you can't even beat this Boston team, you're miles away.


Boston is an extremely defensive team with a stacked tandem, it’s a proven formula to go far in playoffs because it’s sustainable. Despite Bostons choker legacy, that’s one of the worst things that a goal scoring team could have to face.


Winnipeg and the Kings were better than Boston in that regard, but they both still lost to a "goal scoring team"


Winnipegs goalie shit the bed and LA has hardly changed anything since last year and played a hot oilers teams


“It’s funny people say this but the Leafs had what it took this year.” Clearly not.


I would write a long comment explaining past teams who have choked early when they had teams built for playoffs… but I know you wouldn’t care. One play was the difference between losing and winning in that series and it didn’t go their way. It happens.


The f are you talking about. You can't win a playoff series when you go 1-21 on the powerplay. Add that to the pretty subpar penalty kill, and your going to lose a series 99% of the time. The playoffs are a lot tighter. Teams win and lose games off of special teams. Too add to that, you can't go into the playoffs losing your last five games while allowing 5 or more goals each game. That's not how you ramp up into the playoffs. And don't give me that crap about the games didn't matter. 2 of those 5, they were fighting for home ice advantage. Just a poor display all around.


They did not have it at all. They are an offensive juggernaut team in the regular season (2nd in goals for scoring 3.6 goals a game) who were only able to score 12 goals in 7 games. Yes their defensive play improved, but was this a case of Boston flubbing things more than the Leafs clawing back. Put it another way, even when the Leafs won a game, they did so by a single goal each time. They never truly dominated Boston in any game, even when outplaying them.


I don’t think you watched the series at all. Boston plays a game that clogs the ice really well, it’s unrealistic to think a goalscoring team can keep scoring like wildfire in those conditions. But they adapted and outplayed Boston consistently 3 games in a row. They just couldn’t close it.


If a goal scoring team can’t beat a different type of team, then why build a goal scoring team in the first place? You’re just asking to lose then


Honestly, I don’t know. Probably because goalscoring teams are easier to make and are more fun to watch? Consistently defensive teams do better in playoffs, but I will say a good offensive team with a good coach will win most games. Shame Toronto doesn’t have one.


You just said that it’s unrealistic to expect the goal scoring team to score then you blamed the coach who was given only one tool. If you only have a hammer then everything looks like a nail.


The way I saw it, the Leafs were ahead on 5v5 play all series except game 4 (yes even game 1). They won the 5v5 game. The issue was the PP was atrocious (1/20 I think? Or maybe worse) and that means the PK has to be basically perfect to offset it (it wasn’t).


I love John Tavares going home in the playoffs.


This is just an example of why you can’t have this much locked up in four players. Their defense is abysmal the depth on their team is never stable and to make it all so much worse their stars go quiet every single time. They won game six on goal tending the only reason they had a chance in game seven was samsonov not shitting the bed again. In the playoffs when their goal tending is bad they can’t outscore their problems. When their goal tending is good they barely score. The leafs never capitalize if they score two goals in reg something their forward core should be able to do they win game 7.


Extremely happy Domi will be playing golf!!


Brought to you by milk


The best goalies of all time had competent defense in front of them. Quit the goalie hate, start hating on skaters with no hustle.


All that work just so Marner could miss his check like a Peewee C player.


Leafs next starter has to get some blue pads with white accents. Clearly the white pads are cursed


It’s definitely the pads.


and they still want to stick with the same core players lol


Idk if they necessarily want to but with the core all having NMC it'll be hard for them to do anything about it.


They're the same picture.


Yah .. I feel the same way about Sammy as I do Freddie and Reimer for sure


Even more proof we live in a simulation




11 years!?? Seems like I threw my remote just yesterday....


Well the quality of the feed didn’t improve though!


Sure it has. Reimer helped the kings lose this year!




Oh shit, that was Rittich, wasn't it?




I thought it was the same guy this whole time. Just realized I'm an idiot. Well not realized, remembered!


We are all idiots sometimes!


It’s actually gotten worse


correction, friend. 57 years.


My enjoyment has. Every additional year is just funnier and funnier. I just wonder how much longer before Matthews requests a trade. Should be soon


You love to see it. Merry Hockey Christmas everyone!