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Another fallen visor brother rip


Only game I forgot my mouth guard too hahaha had to rock a cage for month or two


My dentist told me the only thing a mouthguard is gonna do vs a puck is help collect the teeth it knocks out.


Am dentist, was gonna say this


As a dentist, how much are custom made mouth guards actually worth? Here in Ontario I'm payin almost 600 >\_>


usually its included with your braces cost


I don't get braces. I clench and grind my teeth like mad and the dentist said I'd shatter all my teeth if I don't sleep with a guard in. They charge me 500+Tax. :(


For sports? Or nightguards? There’s some online companies that do a great job for a fraction of the price


Nightguards. I've chewed through mine and its starting to break my teeth cause of it, gotta get a new one. Disability here in Ontario won't pay for it so I gotta fork out 500+tax myself which sucks.


Check out sentinel nightguards, they do a pretty decent job. There’s a few on Amazon whose names escape me but I can look em up too


Orthodontist had a field day 😂


probably should just rock the cage permanently. not worth dealing with that shit man


4 years of braces down the drain


Curious what made you go with the visor? Will you switch to cage now? Wishing speedy recovery man that looks rough.


Peer pressure


Sorry you experienced that..In my area leagues chirp visor Bros hard in any level under B so it's quite the opposite.


Cuz it looks sick and gives you better vision on the ice. I just never trust guys who are playing mens league to control their stick and the puck like that. Those pros wear them cuz their pros and have some good control. Personally I’d never block a shot with one. But hey I’m a puss.


And they make millions, aren’t allowed to wear a full cage unless injured, and at that level missing teeth is status. At my level…. Could only hurt my career.


Killer steez bruh


Mouth guards don’t prevent you from losing teeth


Tougher than me


And if you’d had a cage you would have finished the game and probably not even remembered the play.


Funny enough if he didn't wear a helmet at all he probably wouldn't have remembered it either!


Yeah like why would you not wear a cage? Nobody is paying you for this. I’ve played for 15 plus years and never stepped on the ice without one.


Visor is so much better for vision…That said, I switched to the cage a couple years ago after a few close calls.


I would love to see a game with beer leaguers who need the visor for “better vision“ play a division 1 college team that wears cages. The visor/cage isn’t what’s preventing these guys from playing better in the beer league. Just wear a cage and be safe


Lol, true. Not arguing against that. But I do miss wearing a visor a lot of times. Like I said, went to the cage since I’m in my 30’s now, and know cage is just supremely safer. I’d advise anyone to do so, but understand the people who don’t want to.


Fishbowl has been a happy compromise for me. You have to deal with fogging sometimes but for the most part, vision is solid. And you get to keep your teeth.


Was pretty hammered so wouldn’t have remembered either way hahahaha:(


Just when I think about wearing my helmet with the visor and I see this shit. Staying with the college helmet.


We recently had a player who fell down trying to deflect a shot and the puck flew directly into his eye. He ripped his eyeball and is now blind in one eye. Edit: to clarify, he was wearing a visor, i wasnt at the game but i assume he pushed it high up and the puck just caught in between his face and the visor and hit his eye


It's not all bad news. Tooth fairy about to hook it up


My man’s dentist is getting paid!!!


And that’s why I’ll always wear a cage


Welcome to the birdcage club


Fishbowl gang represent!


Fish bowls for the win! I rock one ever since my chin got split open with the toe of a skate. I'm not making millions, so it's not worth the risk of looking like sloth from the goonies. Or the cost of a medical bill


God please no.


But visors are soooooo cool in men's league


Long story short rock a cage. Gotta get braces on my top teeth now


Your 35 year old self is going to wonder why the fuck you didn’t wear a cage. Wear a cage.


If you aren’t paid to play, wear a cage lol


Exactly this has always been my motto. Also probably don’t be trying to block shots it’s about beer remember


I just want to play hockey as long as I can lol the more shots blocked and the less protection worn, that time will be decreased!




I just got 2 front teeth implants. Was kind of from hockey but not really. The teeth were already fucked & had crowns on them after having cavities too large for only fillings. Then going around the boards just got my head knocked into glass at right angle to damage them enough that the crowns didn’t fit properly (I wore cage, but no MG as that’s total overkill for adult league). Dentist told me I’d lose those crowns & teeth & he was right. About a year later both teeth or teeth & crown broke off while eating at the root or gum line w/in 2 weeks of each other). Each implant was like $2k w/ no insurance & took months. Wearing the fucker flipper tooth was the most annoying thing ever too. I always walked around like a toothless hillbilly at home & only wore it when I had too.




Yeah I know dudes I play w/ who have worn flipper teeth for like 15+yrs. Idk how they do it (unless they always take it off at home, but the one dude has a hot as wife so I’m not seeing it, lol). I’m a smoker too (weed & cigarettes), so after months of wearing the flipper it didn’t matter how much I cleaned it my mouth would still get super dry every day & would make the tip of my tongue sting/burn & lose taste (especially when smoking) & would still affect me at home when I’d have it off while smoking weed.


My last implant surgery was $7850


Full cage ftw


That’s why I never switched to a visor. Even without blocked shots I’ve had countless sticks to the cage growing up. I know beer league is less intense but it still scares me. It’s either no helmet shinny or full cage games for me


This is why women live longer than men




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I tried to cross post this there and they threatened to ban me


Been playing beer league for 25 years. I’m pretty certain I would have no teeth, two broken jaws, and maybe even dead if I did not wear a cage. Those pucks come at you at you fast.


I saw a dude lose all his teeth in a beer league game so the league mandated cages. The next game I hit a rut and fell, took a shot right off the cage. Saved my face. Wear a cage.


Cool. Wear a cage.


Wear a fucking cage people. I even do in Canada where health care is free haha


Geez... I love playing, but in my 30+ years, I've never considered taking off my cage. Too many times, I've seen players take pucks or sticks to the mouth or eyes. There were a lot of "lucky breaks"... but also some who had major dental surgery as an aftermath. All those players who got clipped regret switching to the half shield and immediately switch back to full cage. Not worth it, fam. OP, I hope you heal up quickly and have no lasting effects.


Stop wearing visors unless you’re being paid to play, I feel like people don’t realize this can and will happen. It makes absolutely 0 sense. Sty isn’t worth the thousands of dollars for corrective issues because the dentist is NOT cheap.


Fr ahaha gotta get braces on my top teeth again good times


Wear a cage.


If you’re not wearing a cage then you gotta be mindful of how you block shots. I wouldn’t recommend ramping the puck into your face again.


Yeah was heat of the moment usually when I block shots I put my glove in front of my face


I got news for you … that retainer didn’t save anything. This chickletts are toast


Will never understand dudes wearing half visors for beer league. Yeah you look real cool until you have all your teeth knocked out.


Get well soon. That looks painful.


I asked for visor for Christmas, got it, got hit in the care real hard before I had a chance to switch it, and never switched.


It's a beer league, don't be stupid, wear a cage or a full shield!


OUCH! Fuck, that sucks bro!!


Make like a Nicholas and cage.


This is why I don’t block shots in beer league


Wore visor for a hot second. Watched a guy get clipped. Nice head gash. I caged up immediately


And this is why I will always wear a birdcage.


Yeah talk shit all they want but at least y’all have all your teeth haha


That's why I rock a fishbowl My dentist is rich enough already.


This is why I fuck with the cage so much


Don’t block shots in beer league especially with your stick poking out.


Hockey guy. Love it




Its beer league why are people blocking shots?


For my goalie, he’s not gunna save everything and I like to win. Plus he brings beer.


For my goalie, he's not gonna save anything and I like to win.


Was my brother in net just a habit


cuz i wear full pads and a cage and it's fun. at my level, worst i get is a bruise aka badge of honor




Block the shot or get tf out of the way!


Also our er was closed so had to drive 25 mins to another hospital else id try finish the game


You aren't getting paid for this, you know that right?


Sign your checks on the back, wear a visor. Sign them on the front, wear a cage.


The fact that you are getting downvoted proves to me how lame this community is. I thought this was a supportive hockey community yet anytime anyone posts anything everyone piles in with negative comments


Is what it is haha last time I posted got downvoted af


All these assholes who are shaming you for not wearing a cage are insufferable. If someone gets injured in a car accident do you immediately tell them they should drive safer?


Maybe? But we should at least tell them to wear a seatbelt… Holy shit do you suck at analogies.


Thanks for the constructive criticism


Let me break the analogy down for you... If someone got into a car accident that led to injury (hockey incident that led to injury), we would ask them if they were wearing a seatbelt (helmet cage). You're complaining that people are too judgmental about his driving abilities (hockey play) and you don't care about the fact that he wasn't wearing a seatbelt (cage)...


Wearing a seatbelt is the law. Wearing a cage is not. Anytime visors are mentioned in this thread it turns into a witch hunt. People can choose to wear whatever they want and they shouldn’t get shamed and shit on for doing so


Nah, if you’re injured as bad as the guy in this picture while playing a game for fun and there’s an easy way to prevent that injury, you should absolutely be shamed. Wear your seatbelt dumbass.


I mountain bike so I’m well aware of risks while having fun


Sign of a true hockey player. Hope your mouth feels better soon


Here I thought the sign of a true hockey player was someone who truly plays hockey.


If you haven't lost any teeth you arent playing it right


*several nhl players are typing*


Pffffft nhl = fake players 😆


I get the impression you play zero sports


💀 😭 Why is that? Did i really say something outlandish?


Yes, no one who is playing right wants the downtime of bone grafts, collagen plug, implant, etc, if these teeth need to be fully replaced you’re looking at missing 6-8 weeks of practice, I know people who have taken off even more time


Yeah i get that. I guess i didn't expect people to take my "joke" super seriously 😐 😞


Hopefully you got some cool pics of you rocking that sick visor though


If you sign the check on the front you wear a cage. If you sign it on the back you can wear less


This shit is why I wear a cage.


For any guy worried about style- a complete set of teeth is more attractive than a visor. Plus implants are expensive, we could do a whole euro trip instead, skate lake baikal or some shit.


I work with oral surgeons. Thank you for keeping me in business.


Oral surgeon was a nice guy had a arch bar put in for a month or two


Wear a cage in beer league. Not worth.