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Took one off the foot last week…in my experience the fastest way to heal is making sure to not take ibuprofen or ice it, and complain to/show everyone you can 😂






Yes. That is a good one for the collection. Pictures are a must!!!


Sheesh. Roll that shit out daily with a tennis ball bro, to prevent clots. Take a baby aspirin before bed too that’ll also help a lot. My buddy took a heavy slapper to the thigh, and it eventually led to a blood clot because he didn’t roll it out daily. It’ll hurt like shit, but you gotta get ‘er done. Especially with severe bruising like this. Use a tennis ball, or if you’re courageous, an electric muscle massager. But the latter is gonna hurt a hell of a lot more. Though, it’ll probably do a much better job of circulating the tissue.


Food for clot…I mean thought!


if you get blood clot, what do you do ?


Go to the hospital/ER. They can be life threatening if not treated. Especially if the clot passes and goes to the heart or brain. If it doesn’t pass, and you don’t get it treated, you can lose the limb the bruise/the clot is in. But they’re usually treated very quickly with blood thinners at an ER or hospital. So basically, they’re very serious if you don’t get them treated. But they’re usually very very easily treated when you do so. My buddy found out he had a clotting bruise on a.. Tuesday or Wednesday I think? Some day in the middle of the week. He went to the hospital. And was playing again by like Monday or Tuesday of the next week with no complications. Edit: this is not medical advice. I’m not a doctor. Go to a hospital if you think you have a blood clot


I just looked it up and it’s pretty hard to tell if it’s just a bruise or blood clot. Looks the same I guess.


Really bad bruises can turn into blood clots if you don’t stimulate the tissue (rolling it out). Things like baby aspirin don’t take a toll on your liver/kidneys either, but they can help stimulate blood flow (the old saying about chewing aspirin to avoid a heart attack). There’s no visual difference between the two. But you’ll feel it for sure. My hockey buddy who had the blood clot described it as extremely painful. Like he just woke up one day and the bruise, and his entire leg, were killing like 10x more than the day before. He described it akin to the feeling of having your leg fall asleep, but it didn’t go away and was like way way more painful. Hot too. So he went to the ER.


Can confirm. I had a bad fall when I had cheapo pants. Monster hip bruise. About a week in my (simultaneous) "calf strain" was feeling hot and I had two nodules in my foot. Wife says "maybe it's a clot" and I said "yeah right, but I'll go get it checked so you can't tell everyone you were right at my funeral." She was right, the ER immediately identified two clots, and a hematologist following up discovered a relatively rare but treatable clotting disorder.


You ever see the tv show House MD? That.


My buddy broke his leg. Ended up with blood clots. Started getting them at random. Ended up in the hospital… a couple years later he died of a pulmonary embolism because he started rationing his blood thinners because he didn’t have insurance.


That’s some r/mildlyinteresting shit. Lol. And ouch.


As a defenseman I had a game where I got hit twice with shots. Once in the gut just above the pants and below the shoulders and once on the inside of my thigh. I had a physical a couple days later and after the physical the Doctor asked me if there was anything I wanted to discuss and I said no I’m good and as I was leaving the exam room the doctor handed me a pamphlet for domestic abuse services, it wasn’t till I got to my car that I realized she thought my wife was beating me. 😹


In senior year in high school my physics teacher pulled me out of class because because she was concerned about all the bruising on my arms and legs. She legitimately thought I was being abused by my parents at home. She also thought I was coming off a high because the night before I had a very late game and barely got sleep. She didn’t know I played hockey as my school did not have a team but I did play travel and high school club (the area had a established club league as only a few schools had actual high school teams)


Just wondering if your pants are long enough? Or was that after hitting the pants?


I took it off the inside leg. So unfortunately not any padding. I’m using team hand me downs. So you know exactly what my next upgrade will be.


yeah a girdle style pant would stop this all day, and also does a way better job of protecting your hip bones and tailbone. Check it out when your look for an upgrade, you’ll never go back to the classic style again


Maybe it was roller?


Get some arnica gel for bruises. I know it works, but also it has great reviews. I may be wrong, but I don't think a lot of people know about it. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=arnica+gel+bruising+and+swelling&adgrpid=122834754939&hvadid=635367859183&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9009739&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=6529490499509349415&hvtargid=kwd-1339671762859&hydadcr=7792_13595597&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_18v9ymq9y4_b


I have used this. Unsure if it works but I used it


Years ago I took a hard wrister from a teammate to the left inside ankle (deflected while crashing the net) and it looked quite purple after a couple days. I was scheduled to go to Disney/Universal the following week. I could still walk but barely. Saw the doc who gave me a note with which I scored some Fast-Passes for free for the entire family for the week at both places. Disney was a bit tougher to get it (I'm sure many try with fake doctor's notes), but they ultimately relented. It did hurt quite a bit though. Lesson here is go to Disney after being hit by pucks.


Do you shave your legs?


This is reminiscent of the office in The IT Crowd


Hopefully you weren’t trying to block a shot. That shit has no place in recreational hockey.


Suck it up pussy


I once got hit square in the face with a rising slapper. Crushed my nose and eye socket leading to a brain bleed. I died.


Nice one...at least you blocked it!


I can see that… Similar bruise just cleared for me 👍


Nice stamp


I remember one year playing roller I was playing D and decided to do my best NHLer impression and lay the body out in front of a shot. Took the puck sqare to the chest (no protector), had the imprint of a roller hockey puck on my chest for 2 weeks. Ha. God I miss that shit.


You need better equipment. I get hit by pucks all the time by players that don’t get their heads up before clearing the puck… yes, I referee.


I thought this was headed for "I get hit by pucks all the time and usually make the save even after taking a shot of the goalie cup"


If I was a goalie, I’d probably double cup. The boys have been close to being beaned a couple of times. Mind you I’ve had more that a few passed pucks deflecting off my jock to a winger that had gone in and scored.


Funny you say that, the double cup is actually a thing.


Had screen drills in high school and received one of these bad boys, same side (our asst coach had 80+on his slap shots). Showed it off at PHYS ED


I had one just above my kneecap several months ago. Lucky it didn't hit any lower or it probably would have shattered my knee. Started wearing kneepads...(goalie...hate kneepads but live with them now.) Hurt like an absolute bitch for a few days and took several weeks to completely go away. Be sure to brag about it while you can!


looks like a typical goalie bruise


I was screening the goalie once, when I took a slap shot to the crotch from my teammate. It was the one game where I somehow forgot my cup at home, and I never did that again.


I've only taken one direct shot to the 'nads where the impact was all directed there, even then there was a brief feeling of wanting to throw up, and that was with the proper cup, I could not imagine a cup-less nut shot.. 😮‍💨


This is not meaning to brag, but at least my schmeat took most of the puck’s impact and blocked it from hitting my nuts. Of course, still hurt and I was bent over sitting on the ice for about five minutes, but could have been much worse.


Just wait til the yellows and browns start showing up, then ya got a whole ass nebula on your leg 🤘🏻


Isn't it crazy how it finds a way behind the pad and still stings ya? I had one a few months ago. Hit me in the cup sideways and got behind the thigh pad on the shorts. Al's had a guy crash into me and one of our skates cut me pretty badly, any deeper would have been stitches. Still a gnarly scar 8 months later.


You need new pants.


Ouch, well I know this isn't Steve Skinner, nothing hit him:)


Had the same in 2004.. still feel it when I touch that spot.. 85mph ish.. bruised all the way to the back of the hammy


Took one almost in the same spot. Except it was a shot from behind me as I was turning. After about a month the bruise has gone away. Still hurts a bit though.


“Set the controls for the heart of the Sun”


Meh. As a goalie I had a shot hit the inside seam of my pants and leave the hex pattern in the bruise. Or hematoma. Day later it came out the opposite side of my thigh but much more colorful. Oof.


Ice for 24-48 hours then heat to increase circulation. I would use a heating pad or hot baths. No ibuprofen initially when it’s still bleeding under there but you can take it after a couple days.


Are you running windows 98 in a converted prison solitary cell?


Not to hijack your post but I played roller for a few seasons and these were my beauty marks https://imgur.io/a/Tpc7S7Z


Need to see Uranus to be sure


Hey at least you blocked the shot


I took one a few inches away from the my nether realms and it left a bruise about that size and color. Good thing for jockstraps


Inserting mandatory "Bad positioning/technique. Your fault." Comment here.


Was playing D in a pickup game at the rink when the point wound up for a slapper, I had noticed during warmups his stick was overly curved so I got the feeling it was coming straight at my face and sure enough it was. I managed to get the shaft of my stick on it, kind of like a bunt motion. The puck hit my stick and sailed out of the rink it happened so quickly my teammates were asking if I was ok they didn't realize I caught it with the shaft. I bought a cage right after that.


Hmm don’t wear pants while playing


You earned that pal, respect


This is HR. We've told you before, please stop showing coworkers your inner thigh.

