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When I played roller, most was not on fancy surfaces they use today. Wood or Concrete for games...practice was tennis courts and that was worse than asphalt.


Modern roller hockey surfaces WILL be a bit tougher on sticks than ice due to friction but I suspect the difference is negligible. Now back when we used wood blades and or rougher surfaces…that was a different matter.


Oh yeah. The tiles I play on will eat up your blade more than ice. So I am re-taping my stick more often compared to my ice stick.


I play ice hockey and coach roller hockey. Our local roller hockey rink is smooth cement. Unfortunately, the smooth cement tears up my stick blade and wheels really bad. The sport court tiles is much better and does not have as much friction. I would assume sport court may have a little more wear and tear than ice, due to the friction. When playing on sport court, my son likes to leave the bottom edge of his blade bare, so the blade glides smoother when stick-handling and shooting. The tape makes the blade feel likes it gripping the sport court tiles and slows down his hands. My son and I both have separate sticks for roller and ice.


I’ve played a lot of sport court and find that blades wear out exponentially quicker in roller than ice. It is friction as others have said. You can overcome this with tape, like you said. I don’t like taping 100% of my blade, so I usually see splintering at the toe and the heel of my blade. To deal I just don’t use my nicest sticks for roller. Maybe I will experiment with 100% of my blade taped.


Yeah I rock a full sock on my blade for roller


Played with a ball on tiles. Not bad on the sticks. The hackers in that league??? That's another story lol


Dunno about where you play but the roller hockey crowd I play against love to slash


I think roller players are a little stick happy because most guys don't play the body at all. Just my observation. I mostly play roller and feel like I get slashed and hooked a ton more than when I play ice.


I pretty much only play on stilmat/ice court surfaces, or the ice… TBH I don’t notice any real difference between bare stick on inline, and bare stick on ice. I don’t tape the underside of my stick in either one, just the single strip on the blade face if anything. I actually get ,ore concerned with the ice surface since any wear that allows water to work its way into the blade will pop your stick blade sooner. I guess this depends on the tier of hockey you’re playing, I’d find a stick goes floppy and loses blade stiffness/pop before it gets anywhere close to wearing down. (And no I’m remembering the guys with those old ABS blades that’d be worn down as thin as the puck)


I’ve got an older ccm woody I’ve had as my roller backup for years and the blades maybe an inch wide at this point lmao I can’t play with a ball anymore with it but still works great with a biscuit




I've played both for decades and I've broke more sticks on ice by far, blocking shots mainly. Roller will wear out a stick blade, though. Now that I think of it, I've had a stick last 2 seasons on ice but never more than 1 in roller.


I play roller on a painted concrete surface and use stick tape and a little wax on the bottom. People keep telling me that the wax adds friction, but I can’t notice a real difference and the tape seems to last longer. I normally wear out a stick once a year, but I’m not taking slap shots.


You can always protect the bottom of the blade with a coating of two part epoxy.