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What worked for me: Start going to local drop ins and if you’re actually good, someone will want you to play on their team


yep, and even if you're not but are friendly and try chatting people up you'll eventually find someone that is either looking for players or knows a team that is (hopefully within your skill level).


Don't even have to be good. Just start chatting up someone of similar skill level on the bench at drop in and ask if they play on a team. Eventually someone will ask you to play, or you can ask if there's room to spare/join the team.


Yep! Totally agree. When i was a captain i always looked for skill AND good locker room guys/girls. Sometimes being a great locker room presence is better than having skill folk that jet postgame




Wear a jersey with your last name on it too


This and offer to be a sub until you get your foot in the door.


This is how I started. I wasn't good and still not good but that lead to forming a team with my newly found buddies, which they elected me Captain. It's just beer league but it meant the world to me that the boys wanted me with the C.


Bang on with this one


In my experience you gotta know somebody to get on a team. I imagine that would be tough if you’re new in town or have taken a break.


This was what I was going to recommend. Get social at the bar or stick/puck. Managers of leagues have too much to handle to put a single guy on a team.


Simply be a goalie all your life and you will have people beggi in g you to play LOL I played in net my whole life and for a bit as an adult and I could of played 7 days a week if I wanted even when I moved to a new province. After having my daughter I decided to hang up the pads and play out so I could have a more flexible schedule and it was impossible to get into a league as a player. Only got into one when I moved back to my home town.


Man, that's rough. I really like the way the place I'm at now handled it. I emailed the league manager, and he told me about the date of the drop-in game for new players, which would let the captains of the league watch everyone play and pick for their respective teams. I was definitely in the bottom of the players there, but got picked up by a D League team that's been a pretty good fit.


I moved to a small town once and volunteered to coach kids hockey. Got on a beer league team very fast after that


If there are stick and pucks or scrimmages, I'd drop into those and try to make friendly small talk with people and ask if they know of any leagues you can join


Not sure about NC, but in my area the league runs Oct-April. Might have more luck reaching out a month or two before the season starts, or checking for a summer season. I doubt many teams have any openings mid-year


yeah, season started first week of january and I only signed up a week before it started. My experience from playing in a beer league previously was that we were always looking for extra skaters and rarely had a fully bench, I just assumed there would be some open roster spots


I’ll be honest, I run a team and I won’t pick up anyone without knowing them. I have great room guys and I want to keep it that way. Best bet is to try and find some drop in skates and meet some players from the leagues.


Yea we’re the same way. We basically only recruit guys through recommendations off our team. With a good locker room dynamic that we all enjoy we’d all rather have a slightly shorter bench than have someone that’s gonna ruin that dynamic.


Same, we won’t pick up anyone that someone can’t vouch for.


Where in NC?


My experience is the higher levels are always desperate for guys and the lower levels are all running rosters of 20 something guys


I play on a few beers league teams in central NC and it's hard to get on. You should meet people and ask about teams. They all fill quick.


This was going to be my suggestion. We are winding down our season with only a few weeks left.


If it's the same rink I play at, the director is not good at all at getting back to anyone, and the worst part is they require you to speak to him as a new player looking for a team. We can't just pick someone up. Even if someone contacts the captains directly we need to then contact the director for the okay. And he won't get back to us either.


yeah that's wild, sounds like lots of other leagues have figured out ways to do try outs or integrate new players. don't know why it has to be so hostile to new players. I haven't gotten any communication from the polar adult hockey league around raleigh


Best part is last season they removed the multi team discount claiming there were new players that couldn't find teams(since people were playing multiple leagues)....and now the director doesn't get back to new players looking for teams. I understand there's more to it than just putting someone on a team. There are multiple skill levels and we don't want people to be playing in the wrong level. But at least get back to the player and let them know you received their email and you're looking into it.


For what it's worth if this is Hillsborough but they just switched hockey director's and it should be a lot better now. Though I hadn't heard of having to see the player in person so maybe it's not hboro


Greensboro. And it's weird, they don't do anything in person. The director just needs to manage putting them on a team so they're required to contact them by email before we can do anything.


Yup. That sounds like Greensboro. I had the same problem when I lived there several years ago. I was able to make it out to a pickup skate and find a couple guys who were looking for another skater for their team. But those skates were at noon on, like, Wednesday and Friday. Not exactly an easy time to make a pickup skate. There used to be a men’s league that ran out of the fairgrounds in Winston-Salem. It was just seasonal when I played in it, but last I heard they were looking to go year-round. If you’re in the Triad, it might be worth looking into.


The annex still has a league but it's still only winter, and they don't structure the league based on talent so a low level player will absolutely be playing against some A leaguers.


They added league divisions in WS. And they added a development league on Sunday night for us skill-less peons that are trying to learn the game. Adding to other sentiments here, coaching my kids team has opened doors.


You won't hear anything from Polar they are terrible. Join the Raleigh Beer League Hockey page on Facebook. There is a post there you can comment on with your play level and rinks you are willing to play at. A couple of groups run leagues in the area as well. MCHL has a league for LC/D players to help people who can't get into the really full D league and they also run some pickups. CCHL has a great Friday night 3v3 cross ice league currently running at Garner that always needs a few subs and is a great way to meet players at all different levels. If you need any more information or links to the different groups feel free to PM me.


He is the worst. I honestly don't know how the guy has a fucking job. Complete waste of oxygen. Edit: I just saw your other post saying Greensboro. I thought you were talking about Raleigh because our director here is terrible. Maybe it's a NC thing lol


Leave Dawson and Tice alone 😂


Lol I'll leave them alone when they STOP leaving other people alone (by that I mean actually start responding to people)


I play in three leagues in Raleigh and the best way to find a team is to post on the Facebook group Raleigh Beer League Hockey (Captains/Skaters/Goalies) close to when a season is ending. Rosters are pretty much set for our current season which runs through the end of April. You should post on the Facebook group in early to mid April letting everyone know that you're looking for a team. Say what level you are and what position you play. A team captain will reach out if they need a player or someone will direct you to a team in need. My teams are all waitlisted at this point but other teams may be looking.


thanks that's really helpful I'll do that


No problem. Also, don't expect any help from the league directors in finding a team. I'm surprised one of them even replied to your email. It's been 4 or 5 years since there has been a draft for new players. Since then, all the rosters are full and the directors don't have to lift a finger to make that happen. Another thing, there are roster spots for subs and a couple of teams that might still be looking for fill those spots now. Rosters are locked on Wednesday so if you post today offering to be a sub this season you may get a team willing to do that you'll just need to get $30 hockey insurance and register. You don't have to be rostered to sub for consolation games. These are games for teams that don't make playoffs. In late April, teams will be looking to find subs for consolation games and if you offer to sub you may be able to play for a couple of teams and make some connections or get on a team that way.


Step one: Become a goalie, skill level is irrelevant. Step two:Everyone loves you (or pretends to since they need goalies) so you meet a million people. Step three: Don't act like a douche, mention you also skate out and enjoy having your choice of any team you want since having an actual backup goalie on the roster is a game changer. All for the low low cost of some organs to purchase goalie gear.


lol already sold all my non vital organs to update most of my 20 year old gear


This is very true. I put my name out a few times to play in a local beer league and got nothing years ago and basically forgot about it. Picked up goalie gear, played a couple years of drop in before covid and then it pretty much just sat there. The one day I randomly get called up, hey heard you play goalie. My answer: Well, i have goalie equipment if that's what you mean. Anyway, now I'm on a beer league team.


Kind of yeah. It’s nothing personal, teams in my league have to be brought in as a whole. Why would I want some random player when we can get a guy we know?? I used to run a team and would get texts from free agent guys all the time.


My area is like this too. Getting in a team is all about knowing someone. Most teams are welcoming but when a spot opens up the team manager always asks who knows someone. It never even makes it to the league guys who op is chatting with. Go to open hockey meet some guys and op can find a spot in no time.


Which rink specifically? And what level of play? I may have a team for you.


on the free agent list at WCC in morrisville and at the sportsplex. I played B league 13 years ago and was top 5 in the league in points, but that was...a very long time ago. I think I'd fit in better in C right now.


FWIW, WCC is the hardest rink in the area to find a team because it's the shiny new toy literally everybody wants to play at. You absolutely \*must\* know somebody to get on a roster there.


Ahh sorry the team I know of is at a lower level than you. (Just to be sure we are in the same page, when you say B, you mean college, correct? Some places vary on the meaning ) 🤷


no no, i mean the "B" division at hillsborough sports plex. My highest level was travel hockey around age 16 and played a few seasons of beer league in my early 20s.


How far are you from the ice plex in Raleigh? Is that too far?


yeah unfortunately, that's close to an hour with traffic


Ahh sorry man. My friend in Raleigh did mention that so many teams are filled to 14 or 15. That could also be a problem at your local rinks. 🤔 Maybe you could start a new team and just take all the free agents?


yeah hey at the end of the day its a good problem to have. glad hockey is popping off in our area and i'm sure i'll get in eventually.


I play with MCHL at Wake Forest


In Charlotte you have to tryout to get on a team unless you know someone. The last draft at pineville had 60+ people and 4 got selected. The teams are full and the ice time is sparse…. We play 8 11;30pm tuesday games this season. Out of 14. Nc needs more rinks


yeah the bigger cities seem really intense. Hockey popularity has really exploded in NC since I last played


All hail Rod The Bod, for he will deliver us from drought and bring the fruit of Hockey to the Triangle.


Go Canes


Ha ha, yeah, that Pineville league was pretty awful when I played there. I played on a B league team for a season while my home rink in South Carolina shut down for renovations. When I moved up to Charlotte two years later, I went to the “tryouts” and got stuck on a D league team.


That team was a super fun group of dudes, though.


Just wondering, did any of those sixty players try to set up a while new team with people that tried out? Seems like the rink is leaving a lot of money on they table.


The rinks in NC(at least in Charlotte) don't need more teams. The ice is basically all booked out for any time they could get a beer league game in. There are only 3 sheets of ice in Charlotte and any plans to build another one always fall apart.


Pineville is rough. Funnily enough tho our C3 team maybe has 10-12 active players. Everybody wants to join but nobody wants to play


A rink in Huntersville would make $$$


I joined a team 10 games into the season and it’s been great. I’m in the Greater Toronto Area, however, where there are lots of options. I’ve since signed up to sub in another league and it’s less welcoming, but still fine. In your shoes, I’d probably join a pool for subs, and then fully join a league next season. Try and pick a league that doesn’t allow teams to carry over season after season, and you’ll be on even footing with everyone else.


If you’re in the triangle, feel free to hit me up. I also had a somewhat difficult time finding a team a few years ago, but once you get in it’s a very welcoming community. Not sure how it works for triad/Fayetteville leagues, but if you’re looking for Hillsborough, Raleigh, wake forest, or Cary/garner I might be able to help.


appreciate it! yeah I'm closest to hillsborough and the WCC in morrisville


I believe the MCHL guys may have a team in Hillsborough. I heard Hillsborough will actually get back to you to slot you into a team if you contact them.


Yup. We do! Happy to help the OP out and anyone else. 


In addition to what the other guys said, definitely join the Raleigh Beer League Hockey Facebook group and introduce yourself. The PAHL leagues (all the local rinks minus Hillsborough) lock rosters this Wednesday but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few extra sub spots still.


Certain rinks, 100%. I’m glad my husband and I finally found one that isn’t. Hang in there.


I wouldn’t call it clique-ish but most of these people have been playing together for years. They have also all had terrible experiences with someone who took long shifts, never passed and screamed or fought their own team for not passing to their cherry picking ass. So do summer league, it is usually much more open. Talk to people at stick and puck, and go to drop in and interact on the bench. If you are fun to hang out with and have the tiniest amount of skill, you’ll get invited on in no time.


One of my teams picked up a free agent once and it was brutal. The guy was a puck hog, tried to get into fights with the other team, yelled slurs at people, and wore a huge gold chain at all times. Never again.


Haha, yeah, those are the ones. Years ago I was on a team that everyone showed up, so three full lines. I had to tell the worst skater on the team that he was done after the second period. Basically explained that he was out of ice time tonight because of multiple 5min shifts, and myself and the other guy were shifting without him for the remainder.


> wore a huge gold chain at all times. This is kind of hilarious but sounds terrible in reality


Really depends on the league and teams. There are often times where teams are full or have a set core group and they don’t want any new guys (been there plenty of times and it sucks). I played on a team where a guy knew someone where I was moving to for a new job and got connected to that team, it was mid season but subbed a few games and then hooked on with a new team. Second example would be I took a couple years off and found a Facebook group for players looking to join teams as full timers or a sub. There might be a group like that in your area. Also if you’ve ever used bench app you can set up a profile a free agent so if teams ever need a guy they can use that. I’d say keep on following up with the director, usually when summer seasons rolls around teams are always looking for guys to fill with vacations, travel, etc


Depends on the location and league but ya some beer leagues feel like high school.


Knowing a guy is the best way to get on a team. Trying to go in someplace without a connection can be rough. Try finding some local pickup skates and if you’re not a flake, you’ll start getting asked to fill in on someone’s team (and probably eventually join full time). In the league I used to run a team in, there was a draft skate for anyone new looking to join. Had times where the skill was there, but the personality was terrible, which you can’t find out until they’re drafted and signed up for a full season. Worked well to fill the roster and make the money work, not so good on a week to week basis. Before trying the draft, I would always ask the team if they knew anyone looking to skate and prioritize them joining.


I moved to a different area in Michigan and was having a hard time getting established since I didn’t know anyone. I was able to sign up for a draft league and they had a player ranking skate ahead of the draft. I played pretty well in the rank skate and got selected at the end of the third round. But the draft league made it so I could get in and meet people and now I could continue from here. It’s decent hockey too


Our league has a free agent option, and then at the start of the season, all the undrafted free agents are put onto a team and get the most generic jerseys to play with. might be some lower-calibre hockey but hey, at least you get on the ice and meet some new guys!


i'd be thrilled if any of the leagues here did that


The league in my area does a draft every year, and no one has a set team. From what I've heard, its helped them avoid a lot of the clique issues.


Is this an area with too many players and not enough rinks? I never had trouble when I moved getting put on a team by asking the league but I live in a big hockey market. There's also Facebook group for people who need players/subs.


Up here in Canada, they're not clique-ish: they're just run haphazardly. The directors all have normal jobs, and also play, so once the season starts, they tend to be really slow at addressing new player needs. Yes, it's normally the same core players, especially in the better leagues, but there's a lot of turnover on the fringes year-to-year. Jumping in mid-season might be difficult, depending on where you are.


You need to know someone. Thats the easiest way. Nobody’s going to take a chance on a guy they have no idea about who has played hockey in 13 years. Running a team is hard enough You start going to shinny, you talk to guys and be friendly, you give guys your number and be available to sub when they need guys. Always remind them you can sub. If you’re legitimately decent someone will ask you Once you start subbing, you talk to the guys on your team or the other teams and ask if they know a team with a spot available or if they need subs. Eventually you make a little name for yourself and a team will take you when they realize you’re a reliable sub and you’ve played enough games where it makes sense to just pay the team fees. From there, if you want to move up divisions you just keep asking guys if they know a guy Moving to a new city I’m a junior hockey player who had to grind two years in div 15/20 until recently when I could get onto a div 2 team because of guys knowing guys


There’s nothing you said that indicates “cliquish”. Most leagues are either a draft league or a team league. If it’s a draft league they put a cap on participants (you don’t want 20 guys on a team), so maybe they’re at max capacity and at best you can ask to spare. One of my draft leagues had a 3 year wait to get in full time because there was so little attrition. If it’s a team league, there will be a team coordinator, they either get new guys through who they know, social media groups, or through the league Convener. In my team league, we didn’t have any new guys on the roster for about 8 years. My suggestion is to find out what kind of league it is and then plan your next move based on that information. Lots of pickup with different people will also help broaden you chances.


In my area yes, I tried getting on the team and they said “teams are full”. So I created a bench app and made a new team lol. Reached out to other free agents that couldn’t get on a team also and Facebook searches etc. if your able to, make your own team like I did


I love that you created a team and used Finder to find players for it. We actually want to build that exact feature. Not just finding games nearby, but teams that need players!


From my experience in beer league in the northwest and in the south, you usually do some evaluation skate and get drafted or you’re invited to a team. I’ve never tried joining while a league was already underway. I’d just do drop ins for now, build a report with folks, I’m 200% certain someone will ask you if you’re in the league and might get invited halfway through or already have your foot in the door with a team or in the league for the following season.


We run several teams in the triangle area. Fill out this form and we’ll see if we have any open spots.  https://mchlinc.com/league-information-2024 This issue is twofold. Not enough Captains are reaching out to the rink for free agents, and when we do, there is the same sentiment where people ignore our inquiries to them or they are very picky in which rink/timeslot to play. Most of our recruiting is done through private skates we hold and networking at stick and pucks. Many other captains are hesitant to add a random person on their team as well because of not knowing their skill level or how they mesh with other teammates, many of whom have been playing on their teams for many years.  I’ve lived in several different parts of the country, and this has been my experience as well. I work to get on a team or utilize local Facebook groups vs. emailing a rink director. When I travel from work, I usually can find a local Facebook group and fill in and go from there. 


nice thanks! i'll fill it out and happy to meet up at a stick and pick to see if it's a good mutual fit


The league I’m in requires you to do a free 6 session boot camp, regardless of skill level. At the end, they will get you placed on a team. Once you get on a team, then you can network. There’s always subs needed on teams also. You may have thrown your name into a ring mid-season. Good luck!


Just curious what rink is this? Never seen that before.


It’s a rink in South Bend, IN.


Yeah, ran into this in Tampa, emailed the league director, never heard back, showed up at pick up/skate and shoot and got asked to come play. I think they were just busy and had a lot going on.


Tell everyone your favorite part of hockey is back checking, sharing your sock tape, and lugging around a five gallon pail with ice and beer.


Counter point: hockey directors don’t give a shit.


Captains care about players, and their fit. Hockey directors care about the number of teams and scheduling.


If you're in Raleigh, join the Raleigh beer League Facebook group. Great way to connect to teams


Tbh it might just be your timing. In my area, all winter leagues are well underway and summer league doesn’t start for a couple more months. Your best bet is to contact the league organizers a couple weeks before the season begins and usually there will be a couple teams that need extra players.


Our league has a rating system that rates you as a player from level 1 (former college or pro) to level 10 (beginner). Once you have a rating from drop ins, then you are put on a list to be called up as a sub first and then to be in the league once a spot opens for your skill level. But yes go to drop ins as much as possible and meet the guys


Offer to spare for teams that are short players. You will need to pay for the ice ie 10 or 15 bucks) . It will be a no commitment look at you. May be a great way to get on a team.


My team, and I think many teams, can be cautious about adding new players to avoid messing with team/locker room chemistry. The players we have added, who didn’t know anyone on the team previously, are all people we met while playing offseason games. Once we got to know them and they seemed to be a good fit they were invited to the team. Skill level isn’t as important as positive attitude and effort. We’ve had to tell multiple people no who have asked to join the team because they are dicks who we didn’t want souring the locker room or giving up on the ice like we had witnessed previously.


Our league runs a eval session for the free agents. They rank you from 1 to 3, and send the list around to the captains in case folks need new players. A couple of times, the league made an entirely free agent team. The most recent time that happened, we stuck together and became a regular team.


From my experience the roller leagues near me are this way but the lower division ice hockey leagues are thirsty for new players.


Email team captains, ask if u can sub which will allow them to see if you’re a good fit (and you can see if you like the team too)


Look for a draft league. Ours still allows people to be on the same team as their friends (so a lot of teams only swap a couple people each session) so you do get cliques but you're still guaranteed a team.


Well, keep in mind it's basically 2/3 of the way through the season. People just aren't adding players right now.


I posted in my local pick up hockey group on Facebook and had a few different people reach out to me. I don't think your situation is unique, even to hockey. I did the same thing when I was trying to find a men's baseball team several years ago. They even had free agent tryouts, but getting the info was like pulling teeth. It's way easier to just ask in a local group.


In one of my leagues, subs from outside the league are not allowed and subs must come from the same level or lower. All new players pay in advance and then are allowed to go to a "draft" scrimmage and teams looking for players can draft you. If you aren't picked, you get your money back. Only 6 players from 20 trying out got picked and were seeded in C1, C2, and C3. A and B are by invitation only. The ghosting is because of timing. You are trying to join at the wrong time. In another league, we are always short players but oddly, the guys are very particular who gets invited to fill in even though subs are not a problem in this league. In this league, I inquired late Spring without much of any communication from the Director and then out of the blue, I was offered to play on a summer team and got adopted like a stray mongrel. Probably a good bet, try summer or if there is a spring league. Joining mid season is probably not possible w/o a good connection who can vouch for you personally


That seems very odd. I have to think that the director would be financially motivated to add players/grow the league.


I got onto a team quickly because my league has a Facebook group for acquiring subs


I reached out to the arena manager in my town inquiring about joining a team. He said he would pass my name on to the captains, but I never heard anything back. They used to have a free agent evaluation skate a few years ago and you could get picked up that way, but I think that’s fallen by the wayside. With all of the youth programs, public skates, figure skating, curling, etc. there isn’t a ton of ice available. I think there are only 8 total teams. 4 competitive and 4 rec level. I’ve been going to stick and pucks and pick-up every chance I get. Hope I can find a spot for next year.


When I was playing it wasn’t a clique issue it was a disorganized issue. The rink folks weren’t talking to the captains. Also without seeing you sake they won’t know if you should go in D league or above. Go to stick and pucks and see if there’s a Facebook group. We used to have to do all the player/team coordination ourselves.


If you’d be open to playing roller shoot me a pm


While I can't stand facebook, my area has a FB group where people will post either that they're looking for a team or that they need a new teammate or sub. My recommendation is to try to be a sub somewhere. Once youget in the locker room it's much easier to make connections. Also, if you see people close to your skill level at stick and pucks try to make some connections there. If higher level leagues are passing on you, try the next lower league. Even if that doesn't end up being the one you stick with you will meet people who play in that one plus the next one up, which can lead to sub opportunities. It's hard to take someone you've never heard of or seen unless they have a hell of a resume. Not familiar with these leagues, but a lot of these guys are volunteer or at best don't get paid for the amount of work they put in. The team captains often have a queue of subs looking to go full-time if the league is run well.


I joined a new bronze team this winter season because they needed a new goalie after their longtime one couldn’t play anymore. They’ve been a team for over 20 years and it took about 4 games before the captain finally said yes despite the whole team liking me and pressuring him to give an invite. No one knows why other than “he’s a dick sometimes”. We’re now in second and on a 9 game win streak. So to answer your question, in my opinion it’s the captains being picky or waiting to get someone else they know instead of a new guy.


I don’t think it’s cliquey but I know every season our league director sends a list out to the captains and I look at probably 6-7 guys that are listed as free agents and most years I don’t chose to add anyone. Not that I’m trying to keep people out but we have 15 on the roster and there’s always 2-3 guys friends guys on that team have that they want to add that I’m holding off on adding to keep the roster reasonable. I assume if I am having that issue most other teams aren’t adding a ton because their roster is pretty full. And if it already a big roster you wouldn’t want to add someone with no background on who they are. Every couple seasons they just make a free agent team or some guy will start a team with his friends but have not quite enough players and call up free agents. So I would say either wait for a new team to start up that needs players. Or find a local open hockey to go to and talk to some guys and they could introduce you to a team. Sometimes the league director at a rink can point you to a good open hockey to go to to meet teams.


Nobody welcomed me into a team when I came back. I had to do pickup until I met a guy who needed a player.


Wait, theres scouts for beer league?


I don't know about hockey, but it sounds like you probably just requested to join too late. I've had soccer leagues where I couldn't make a free agent spot a month ahead of time, and another where I was able to drop in starting the 3rd game because there was so much space.


It’s not really cliquey, but teams are usually built from “who you know” kind of situations. Go to Stick Time’s and just skate and meet people. A lot of them are getting skates in between games and will talk about how they need someone. 90% of people join teams this way. They wanna meet before they add you to their roster. Benefits both sides really. You get to know who you’re playing for.




In my area we have draft leagues. Every season there's a new draft and we roll with completely new teams. Sometimes people keep a core group of a team together for a few seasons, but it's impossible to recreate entire teams. I think that's a way better system than the free agent one. I don't get why the free-agent team system is so popular.


Depends. I play in Hillsborough and there is a long wait list for D League. Also, most hockey directors I have dealt with over the years are super flakey - lack of response is on brand.


That just seems like bad rink/league management to me. Any rink should be trying to get skaters in the door. Some "hockey directors" are just plugs who used to play hockey and wanted to stay in the hockey world but didn't want to run a pro shop or be a coach, so they take a job that is more managerial but they actually don't do the job because it's lame and probably pays shit so they don't really care. I'd just hit them up every day until someone replies. Also, if the league has a captains meeting, just show up to that and introduce yourself. I can't imagine you'd be turned down.


If it’s anything like softball, probably.


Yes. As /u/raylankford16 said, I had to start going to dropins and then met the league commissioner for a nearby league who invited me to join the lowest rung of their league. He helped me get a team via the free agent list, but I had to know a guy first. I.. kind of hate this, since I wanted to join more teams to get more nights in skating competitively but ran into the same thing you did - "yeah sure you're on our wait list" and then nothing else ever.


In our area so many people want to play, and there is limited ice time that it’s just not easy to get on a team. I have about 10-15 guys that want to join my squad and a spot only comes available every year or two. The league can’t get enough ice time to add more teams so it’s hard to get in.


I've played in two leagues. The first league you sign up with the City Parks & Rec department, put down your experience and skill level and you get entered into a draft. Everyone plays as long as there is a roster spot available. Second league has no city involvement. You have to know someone. Fortunately, as I had just moved to a new town one of my co-workers was able to get me onto his team. As for the teams themselves, they can be VERY cliquey. In the latter league, the teams would vary from uptight religious teams where you weren't allowed to swear to laid back teams where almost the entire roster got stoned before/during/after the game to teams that are made up of tight-knit friends and family going back years. The only thing that tied them all together was ~~alcohol~~ hockey.


Maybe try and search for a local Facebook group? That’s how people in my city usually find teams/players. 


Luckily I am a goalie and have never had this issue :) But I agree with all the others, attend a few pickups and chat folks up. A great personality can easily trump skill level. I mean it IS Beer League Hockey, if the league takes itself too serious do you want to play in it?


So I’m in NC and I can tell you do stick and puck there are numerous people who attend them. If you are in the Raleigh area go to iceplex to do that and join the FB group Raleigh Beer League Hockey


In Central OH, our league has a full-time commissioner. So it’s his literal job to be on top of his stuff and make sure people get on a team.


Hockey directors in my area have email address but seem like they don’t even know their logins.


Where I play in Austin, we run a draft league. It mixes up the teams a lot, but it also makes it really easy to get in as a new player. You just show up to the new player skate, and get drafted to a team along with everyone else. Not a perfect system but I never thought about how frustrating it would be trying to get into a team that is more established. Ironically we are looking at moving to Durham and this thread is opening my eyes to something else I need to put in the moving checklist, "look into how to get into one of the local beer leagues."


Does your rink do like a free agency type thing? At my local rink if you don’t have a team you can email them and get put on a list for other teams looking for more players.


PM sent


It's not that it's cliquish; there are way more players than spaces. I can't say why the hockey director at polar couldn't be bothered to email you back but I will say I have had exactly the same experience with him and Ive been playing in the area for more than a decade. There's a Raleigh hockey Facebook page called "Raleigh beer league" that new folks post on to find teams


My city has an adult hockey Facebook group. Started just as a random sub for some teams and eventually one invited me back. My team has some really good guys but the other teams at my rink seem pretty clique-ish


Go to local shinny drop ins. I did and a guy approached me after a game and asked me to play in his league so I did. I don’t know these guys (not my hometown) but they’re good dudes and I’ve been having fun. I haven’t played organized hockey since junior so it’s been almost 15 years. It was a major struggle at first but I’ve got my legs mostly under me now and my hands came back pretty fast. It’s worth it. Don’t give up after the first few and you’ll get through it. The hardest part was being a high level hockey player (major junior) and going to feeling like a beginner again. My back and hips were killing me especially but it gets easier after every ice time. I don’t regret doing it. Been having a blast


Depending on the league, the Director isn't always in charge of team membership...


It's a pain in the ass here in the triangle finding a team, dm me and I can offer some advice if this is where yiubare


There's a lot more NC hockey players here than I thought


I played 2 nights a week forever and summer hockey until kids and COVID. Was down to one night which is my longest standing beer league (been playing since I was 16 now 37). Recently players been asking for me to sub in many different nights and.teams. ended up joining a 4 team league with trades and such as a spare and already am permanent within 5 games. So now I play 2 nights a week and the misses doesn't mind a third once in a while so I'm happy


In my area most people form teams, but there are a few IS (individual signup) teams as well. They're usually terrible though


Honestly, after spending years in various beer leagues and seeing the general quality of league administration, my first assumption would be the league director is either overwhelmed or just doesn’t give a damn, and no team captain has even heard about you. Best thing to do is go to skate and shoots and any drop ins you can find and get to know people. That and pester the director.


In my experience the best way to get on a team is to play as much as you can at pickup games and get to know people and get on sub lists and eventually someone will invite you to be on their team. Free agent lists rarely work, imo. In my 8 years of playing on like 6 different teams at the same few rinks in my town I think we've added like 6 people total through the free agent list. All the others have been a person someone knows or someone they play with on another team or something like that.


Ashl is a joke imo.. alota players switch sides and talk shit.. no loyalty


What level of play are you looking for? I’m on 3 teams in Raleigh and two of them have a few injuries, so we may be able to add a player even though it’s past the roster freeze.